steel industries
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2021 ◽  
Vol 304 ◽  
pp. 117644
Eid Gul ◽  
Lorenzo Riva ◽  
Henrik Kofoed Nielsen ◽  
Haiping Yang ◽  
Hewen Zhou ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Ahmed Mahdi Abdulkareem ◽  
Vasani Sureshbhai Vithalbhai

The main objective of this study is to assess the ability of the enterprise to generate cash and cash equivalents of the industry. The researcher has selected two companies on the basis of the judgemental sampling method and the researcher has used for the data analysis like mean, trend analysis, and pair “t” test. The researcher has found out the review of the cash flow statement of TATA Steel and SAIL shows the cash inflow and cashes outflow of both the companies, which represents similar solvency and liquidity of both the companies. Thus, investors can invest in both companies because both companies have a sound cash position. So, it should be easy to identify the best investment option for investors. The cash flow statements of the selected two industries of steel sectors have been analysed using different parameters. The selected steel industries are TATA Steel and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). The comparative evaluation of the cash flow statement describes the various variables of cash inflows and outflows of cash of both the industries and the similarity in inflows and outflows of cash. There are 12 variables that were very similar and the data of both the industries were available for the study period. From the analysis, it is concluded that both industries have more similarities in the cash inflow and cash outflow of cash flow statement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 5490-5504
Qi Huibo ◽  
Long Fei ◽  
Gao Xiaowei

Objectives: China is a large country of tobacco production and consumption. In the construction and development of carbon market, the tobacco industry is expected to realizing energy conservation and emission reduction by participating in carbon trading, especially focusing on the forest carbon sequestration demand based on emissions reduction. Compared with the tobacco industry, the heavy pollution industries participate in the carbon market more deeply and widely. Therefore, this paper takes thermal power and steel industries as the research object, in order to provide some implications for the emission reduction path of tobacco industry. It considers the CO2 emissions intensity and marginal abatement costs (MAC) between China’s thermal power and steel industries during 2005–2017, and quantifies the forest carbon sequestration (FCS) demand level of these two industries to account for the role and potential of the forests for China’s green and low-carbon development. Methods: It uses a logistic algorithm to reflect the relationship among FCS demand, MAC and other influencing factors, and the cloud model to simulate FCS demand in different scenarios. Results: It shows an average decline of 54.06% and 56.05% in the carbon intensity of the two industries over the period. The average annualMAC are 11.82–25.55 CNY/ton across pilots, while the annual FCS demand expectation is 35 and 45 million tons for the thermal power and steel industries, respectively. If the MAC increases by 10%, the annual FCS demand will increase to 90 and 50 million tons, respectively. Other factors such as the prices of carbon emissions rights, carbon emission quotas, and industry output show little effect on FCS demand. Conclusion: The economic and technological efficiency of emissions reduction in different industries should be considered comprehensively, and that the consumer to producer subsidy for FCS in the carbon market should be adjusted for resource distribution optimization. This would promote emissions reduction, stimulate FCS demand, and improve the carbon market mechanism.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 7205
Farid Karimi

According to EU goals and the Paris Agreement, an urgent need exists for reducing CO2 emissions while still securing energy supply. Thus, the timely deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is seemingly unavoidable, especially for the cement and steel industries. However, diverse perceptions of CCS among stakeholders such as experts, politicians, and laypeople exist that could hinder the deployment of the technology. Hence, it is worthwhile to recognise these diverse perceptions and their roots. In the studies on risk perceptions, the emphasis has been mostly on the public, as well as factors that influence the public, such as knowledge dissemination and trust. Although these are crucial elements, they are not enough to explain the complexity of risk perceptions. In contrast to the mainstream research, this paper hypothesises that both laypeople and experts are affected by common cultural denominators, therefore, might have similar patterns of risk perceptions. This research suggests a framework that explains the role of societal culture in risk governance, arguing that thrifty, uncertainty avoidant, hierarchical societies tend to have a higher risk perception of CCS. This study is based on a synthesis of the earlier research, an extensive literature review, and an analysis of interviews data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 882 (1) ◽  
pp. 012076
D Cahyaningtyas ◽  
T Suseno ◽  
S Rochani ◽  
B Yunianto ◽  
I Rodliyah ◽  

Abstract The iron and steel industries play a crucial role in supporting national development. The high dependence on imported raw materials causes Indonesia to suffer US $ 2.11 billion steel trade deficit per year. This study identifies the role of iron and nickel smelters in supporting the development of steel industries. The methodology used is descriptive statistics and regression models. Ferronickel and nickel pig iron as the primary raw materials for stainless steel have been produced in Indonesia, but only 23.05% and 47.77% are sold domestically. According to the linear regression models, it is expected that steel production and consumption will grow. Indonesia will become an independent steel producer and even export it by 2050. However, the supply chain is weak and poorly integrated as the local raw materials do not meet the domestic steel industry’s specifications. By 2050, 44 million tonnes of scrap, 19 million tonnes of sponge iron, 16 million tonnes of nickel, and 10 million tonnes of other raw materials will be needed annually. Hence, to reduce the national steel trade deficit, Indonesia must increase the smelters capacity and optimize local iron resources by increasing Fe content to meet the specifications of the national steel industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 722
Gilang Arnaldo ◽  
Kurniati W Andani

The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. Togo Steel Industries Tangerang. The data were collected using questionnaire. In total 85 respondents, then the data were analyzed by SmartPLS software. The result of this study indicate that work motivation and job satisfaction had positive effects on employee performance.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh dari motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Totalnya, terkumpul sebanyak 85 responden, kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan software SmartPLS. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan.

Bhavesh Chaudhari

These days, just like other industries mechanical industries are also shifting towards the automation by using various techniques like machine learning, nano technology, 3D printing, etc. From 19th century steel has been widely used for construction purposes especially TMT rod(thermo mechanically treated rod).In steel industries conventional methods have been widely used for predicting the quality of steel.These conventional methods are not so accurate as well as some times they are unable to identify the errors along with this they consume a large amount of time. we have proposed a machine learning technique by which microstructures of steel are compared from any dataset of images, in order to find the differences and from the obtained differences ,the component which have less amount of defects can be obtained.

Salehy S.M ◽  
Aimaq M.B ◽  
Sakaye A.Q

Considering the growth of iron and steel industry in the world, existence of iron ore rich resources, abundance of inputs required by the steel industries and higher demands for steel in Afghanistan, the idea of analyzing the strategy of iron and steel industries for codifying and defining of a development strategy in field of respective industries has been created in Afghanistan. Due to, the first strategy of iron and steel industries in the world and in selected countries (China, Iran, India and Pakistan) has been analyzed and evaluated. With the help of library studies, bylaw appraisal and interviews with experts, the effective internal and environmental factors for establishment of iron and steel industries in Afghanistan has been analyzed and determined. Based on the weaknesses and threats of selected countries regarding steel and iron industries and the current internal and environmental factors in Afghanistan, eight bold categories of strategy in respective of development projects in Afghanistan has been defined and codified by using SWOT technique. The Ranking of strategies have been done by using Shannon entropy and Promethee methods. As the result ST2 Strategy placed on first and SO2 Strategy placed on last position. KEYWORDS: Strategic Analysis, SWOT, Shannon entropy method and Promethee method.

Srinibash Dash, Et. al.

The purpose of this paper is to study the knowledge management practices of steel industries in India. The Indian economy is considered a mixed economy. Indian steel industry having the participation from both private and public sector enterprises is one of the fastest-growing industries in terms of steel production and is also increasingly looking towards export as driving the growth of the industry. Under this study both public and private steel industries are taken into consideration. The study was based on secondary data. This research brings a research report on the impact of Knowledge Management Practices (KMP) in the Indian steel industries. The analysis was made by taking the previous year's data regarding various matters relating to KMP and its pros and cons in the performance of the Indian steel industries. The comparison was done between these two i.e., both public and private steel companies of the country

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