hospital school
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2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
Priscila Brigolini Porfírio Ferreira ◽  
Isaura Sententa Porto ◽  
Fatima Helena do Espirito Santo ◽  
Nebia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo ◽  
Bertha Cruz Enders ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to define the concept of Health Education of Hospitalized Patient. Methods: the study used the conceptual analysis based on Walker and Avant strategies: Derivation, Synthesis, and Analysis of the concept. Researchers conducted 35 interviews with nurses who worked in direct care to patients admitted to a Hospital-School, and a bibliographic search on the CINAHL, Medline/PubMed®, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, and BDENF databases. Results: the study identified the antecedents, attributes, and consequences of the concept and defined the concept of Health Education of Hospitalized Patient as “the action of sharing knowledge about the promotion, prevention, recovery and rehabilitation concerning to health based on reciprocity between nurses and patients, family members and companions, in a systematized or unsystematic way”. Final Considerations: the identification of antecedents, attributes, consequences, and empirical references enabled the theoretical definition unprecedented of this concept and its applicability in practice, contributing to science and hospital nursing care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
pp. e2140902
Christopher S. Parshuram ◽  
Todd Cunningham

2021 ◽  
pp. 1942602X2110563
Mary Schatz ◽  
Martha Dewey Bergren

Teamwork and communication are critical to ensure safe and quality care for students. A huddle offers the team a daily dedicated time to connect with each other. Huddles are short, regular debriefings designed to engage clinical staff in discussions about existing or emerging safety issues. The huddle was already systematically and uniformly part of the daily practice at Akron Children’s Hospital’s School Health Services daily schedule prior to COVID-19. The pandemic increased the need for the daily huddle. The fluid and frequently changing guidelines, personal protective equipment, and mitigation considerations has increased nursing anxiety and has made regular communication and daily debriefing even more important. Akron Children’s Hospital School Health Services has used huddle for over 10 years with excellent quality, team building, and nurse satisfaction outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Chen Tang ◽  
Xueqin Zhang ◽  
Jingxian Xie ◽  
Lingyu Zeng ◽  
Yuntian Xin ◽  

Abstract Background: Caesarean delivery (CD) is associated with newborns’ health risks due to the blocking of microbiome transfer. To understand the vertical bacterial seeding and reduce CD disadvantages, microbiome transmissions via anal and genital routes were investigated, and the efficiency of vaginal fluid swabbing treatment was evaluated using 16s rDNA sequencing-based techniques.Results: Pregnant women were recruited in the Women and Children’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Xiamen University from June 1st to August 15th, 2017. Maternal faeces (n = 26), maternal vaginal fluids (n = 26), and neonatal transitional stools (n = 26) were collected, while the participants underwent natural delivery (ND) (n = 6), CD (n = 4) and CD with vaginal fluid swabbing (CS) on their newborns (n = 16). 26 mothers with the median age 26.50 (25.00-27.25) years showed no substantial clinical differences. The newborns’ gut microbiota altered among ND, CD and CS, and clustered into two groups (PERMANOVA P < 0.01) of swabbing and no-swabbing exposure. Gut colonization of ND babies majorly originated from maternal vaginal microbes (PERMANOVA P = 0.08), no vertical transmission was observed via anal route in any group. The vaginal transfer partially occurred by swabbing, in which the phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria and the genera Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, and Escherichia-Shigella in newborns were similar to their mothers. The recovered taxa predicted KEGG functions of biosynthesis, metabolism, and DNA replication and repair with benefits of low risks of digestive, cardiovascular, and immune diseases.Conclusions: The newborn’s gut microbiota is mainly shaped by maternal vaginal microbiota, and aberrant colonization initiated by CD is partly mitigated by the swabbing treatment.

M.B. Ovchinnikova ◽  

The article highlights the formation of the Moscow Hospital, founded by the Decree of Peter I in 1706 in Lefortovo, and its activities in the first half of the XVIII century as a clinical institution, where from the first days the treatment of patients took place together with the training of the first Russian doctors – students of the Moscow Medical and Surgical School. The article tells about the first chief doctor and director of the Hospital School — Nikolai Bidloo — the author of the national “Instructio de chirurgia in theatro anatomico”, and his followers who devoted their lives to preserving the health of the Russian army.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-102
I. F. Hendriks ◽  
G. B. Yastrebinskii ◽  
D. A. Zhuravlev ◽  
F. Boer ◽  
I. V. Gaivoronskii ◽  

The two Grand Embassies to Europe and his view on the world helped Peter the Great to start reforms.Already as a child, he had abroad interest in medicine. Peter often followed a two-track policy. One for immediate application in the current practice and one for the development of specialists in collaboration with science. Peter established a medico-surgical hospital school in Moscow to prepare the students to become doctor medicinae and learn to make their own medical instruments along the line of the Leiden medical school. In Saint Pe tersburg, he opened a navy and an army hospital, intended to train students as a barber-surgeon for the army and navy. Also in Saint Petersburg Peter built the first factory for "mass" production to provide the military with medical instruments.His successors followed his two-track policy. Catherine the Great started to merge the two tracks. During the reign of Tsar Aleksander I and his brother Nicholas I, the merger came together and was further developed. They understood that strong cooperation between a physician and a designer is essential to create and produce useful medical instruments. If correctly designed, medical instruments and devices increase safety for the patient. We will shed light on the development and manufacture of medical instruments and appliances in Imperial Russia, an underdeveloped subject in the world medical history.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 311
Agnieszka Małkowska-Szkutnik ◽  
Aleksandra Berkowska ◽  
Maja Gajda ◽  
Dorota Kleszczewska

The daily functioning of children who suffer from chronic conditions may be limited by the disease and by hospitalization. Hospital schools have an important role in counterbalancing those negative effects. The aim of the study was to define hospital schools’ teachers’ needs. The data from qualitative research conducted on 21 Polish hospital school teachers was included in the analysis. A semi-structured interview method was chosen. Researchers played an active role as moderators. Thirty-four descriptive codes were assigned to the main five areas of needs related to: work conditions, the character of work, psychological support, self-fulfillment, and social relations. The results showed that the teachers were concerned about hospital school marginalization, they received no mental health support, and felt that the extent of their role was underestimated by medical staff. The lack of recognition is likely to make teachers feel frustrated, and demotivated. By learning more about what hospital teachers think of their work, it is possible to create recommendations for changes. There seems to be a need to raise awareness of the importance of schools in health care institutions.

2021 ◽  
Yang Niu ◽  
Qingqing Wu ◽  
Ying Wang ◽  
Lina Lu ◽  
Wei Cai ◽  

Abstract Background: Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a rare congenital and digestive disease, which could present through a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, diagnostic and treatment management. The aim of this study was to introduce the diagnosis and nutrition treatment of children with IL through the twelve years of experience. Methods: The patients diagnosed with PIL admitted to the Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Xinhua Hospital from June, 2006 to September, 2017 were included in the study. Basic information and laboratory results were collected from the medical records. Results: Ten patients were found to have PIL. The mean age was 66 months at the time of diagnosis and 11 months at onset. The main clinical manifestations were diarrhea, edemas and abdominal distention. Marked dilatation of the intestinal lymphatic vessels was the characteristic of the endoscopic. All the patients presented with hypoproteinemia and hypoimmunoglobulinia. 6 of them were treated with parenteral nutrition, and 9 of them were treated with a low-LCT (long-chain triglycerides), high-protein diet supplemented with MCT(medium-chain triglycerides).The clinical symptoms of the patients have improved after the MCT diet therapy. Conclusion: PIL should be considered first when there are clinical manifestations of chronic diarrhea, edema and abdominal distention, and biochemical results indicated the hypoproteinemia and hypoimmunoglobulinia, and the general treatment is invalid. Gastroscopy and E-colonoscopy with biopsies are the preferred method of diagnosis. MCT diet is the cornerstone and longtime medical treatment, which can improve the nutritional status and promote the survival quality of patients with IL.Trial registration: This study was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Xinhua Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Setyo Adi Nugroho

ABSTRACT:Electrical energy is the essential things that we need in any aspect of the like industry, hospital, school, etc. Therefore, the transmission of electrical power has to be reliable and continuous. However, those ideal condition is hard to achieve in daily basis because if disruption like lightning impulse. Arrester is a device that prevents or stops overvoltage disruption. In this research, two kinds of arrester are compared and modeling substation devices using simulation software ATPDraw. The simulation result shows us that the Q150NA121A arrester has outstanding performance with an overvoltage value of 454 kV. In the other side, Q150NB121A arrester has overvoltage value at 579 kV.ABSTRAK:Energi listrik merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting pada setiap sektor seperti pendidikan, industri, rumah sakit, dan lain-lain. Oleh sebab itu penyaluran energi listrik diharapkan memiliki kontinyuitas dan kehandalan yang tinggi, namun dalam praktiknya hal tersebut sulit tercapai disebabkan karena berbagai macam gangguan salah satunya gangguan tegangan lebih impuls petir. Arester adalah peralatan yang saat ini banyak digunakan secara luas untuk mengurangi dan mencegah gangguan tegangan lebih. Pada penelitian ini dua tipe arester dibandingkan serta memodelkan peralatan yang ada pada gardu induk dengan menggunakan simulasi ATPDraw. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa arester tipe Q150NA121A mempunyai kinerja yang sangat baik dengan nilai tegangan lebih sebesar 454 kV. Sedangkan untuk arester tipe Q150NB121A nilai tegangan lebih sebesar 579 kV.

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