vlsi architectures
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-275
Hareesh B ◽  
John Moses C ◽  
MVV Prasad Kantipudi

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Lightweight cryptography offers significant security service in constrained environments such as wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things. The focus of this article is to construct lightweight SPN block cipher architectures with substitution box based on finite fields. The paper also details the FPGA implementation of the lightweight symmetric block cipher algorithm of SPN type with combinational S-box. Restructuring of traditional look-up-table Substitution Box (S-Box) sub-structure with a combinational logic S-box is attempted. Elementary architectures namely the basic round architecture and reduced datawidth architecture incorporating look-up-table and combinational S-Box substructure are compared in terms of area and throughput. Proposed restructure mechanism occupies less FPGA resources with no comprise in the latency and also demonstrates performance efficiency and low power consumption in Xilinx FPGAs. Robustness of the proposed method against various statistical attacks has been analyzed through comparison with other existing encryption mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 898-911
Patricia Ucker da Costa ◽  
Guilherme Paim ◽  
Leandro Mateus Giacomini Rocha ◽  
Eduardo Antonio Cesar da Costa ◽  
Sergio Jose Melo de Almeida ◽  

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (16) ◽  
pp. 1961
Walid Walid ◽  
Giorgio Armanno ◽  
Sandro Di Paola ◽  
Massimo Ruo Roch ◽  
Guido Masera ◽  

In the modern age, the use of video has become fundamental in communication and this has led to its use through an increasing number of devices. The higher resolution required for images and videos leads to more memory space and more efficient data compression, obtained by improving video coding techniques. For this reason, the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia) developed a new open-source and royalty-free codec, named AOMedia Video 1 (AV1). This work focuses on the Wiener filter, a specific loop restoration tool of the AV1 video coding format, which features a significant amount of computational complexity. A new hardware architecture implementing the separable symmetric normalized Wiener filter is presented. Furthermore, the paper details possible optimizations starting from the basic architecture. These optimizations allow the Wiener filter to achieve a 100× reduction in processing time, compared to existing works, and 5× improvement in megasamples per second.

2021 ◽  
Andrey Rashich ◽  
Aleksei Krylov ◽  
Dmitrii Fadeev ◽  
Kirill Sinjutin

<div>The VLSI architectures for stack or priority queue (PQ) are required in the implementation of stack or sequential decoders of polar codes. Such type of decoders provide good BER performance keeping complexity low. Extracting the best and the worst paths from PQ is the most complex operation in terms of both latency and complexity, because this operation requires full search along priority queue. In this work we propose a low latency and low complexity parallel hardware architecture for PQ, which is based on the systolic sorter and simplified sorting primitives. The simulation results show that just small BER degradation is introduced compared to ideal full sorting networks. Proposed PQ architecture is implemented in FPGA, the synthesis results are presented for all components of PQ.</div>

2021 ◽  
Andrey Rashich ◽  
Aleksei Krylov ◽  
Dmitrii Fadeev ◽  
Kirill Sinjutin

<div>The VLSI architectures for stack or priority queue (PQ) are required in the implementation of stack or sequential decoders of polar codes. Such type of decoders provide good BER performance keeping complexity low. Extracting the best and the worst paths from PQ is the most complex operation in terms of both latency and complexity, because this operation requires full search along priority queue. In this work we propose a low latency and low complexity parallel hardware architecture for PQ, which is based on the systolic sorter and simplified sorting primitives. The simulation results show that just small BER degradation is introduced compared to ideal full sorting networks. Proposed PQ architecture is implemented in FPGA, the synthesis results are presented for all components of PQ.</div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1804 (1) ◽  
pp. 012151
Y Sri Chakrapani ◽  
N Venkatewsara Rao ◽  
M Kamaraju

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