radiative acceleration
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2021 ◽  
Vol 910 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Aylecia S. Lattimer ◽  
Steven R. Cranmer

2020 ◽  
Vol 898 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Mao-Sheng Xiang ◽  
Hans-Walter Rix ◽  
Yuan-Sen Ting ◽  
Hans-Günter Ludwig ◽  
Johanna Coronado ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 633 ◽  
pp. A23 ◽  
M. Deal ◽  
M.-J. Goupil ◽  
J. P. Marques ◽  
D. R. Reese ◽  
Y. Lebreton

Context. When modelling stars with masses higher than 1.2 M⊙ with no observed chemical peculiarity, atomic diffusion is often neglected because, on its own, it causes unrealistic surface abundances compared with those observed. The reality is that atomic diffusion is in competition with other transport processes. Rotation is one of the processes able to prevent excessively strong surface abundance variations. Aims. The purpose of this study is to quantify the opposite or conjugated effects of atomic diffusion (including radiative acceleration) and rotationally induced mixing in stellar models of low mass stars, and to assess whether rotational mixing is able to prevent the strong abundance variations induced by atomic diffusion in F-type stars. Our second goal is to estimate the impact of neglecting both rotational mixing and atomic diffusion in stellar parameter inferences for stars with masses higher than 1.3 M⊙. Methods. Using the Asteroseismic Inference on a Massive Scale (AIMS) stellar parameter inference code, we infer the masses and ages of a set of representative artificial stars for which models were computed with the Code d’Evolution Stellaire Adaptatif et Modulaire (CESTAM; the T stands for Transport) evolution code, taking into account rotationally induced mixing and atomic diffusion, including radiative acceleration. The observed constraints are asteroseismic and classical properties. The grid of stellar models used for the optimization search include neither atomic diffusion nor rotationally induced mixing. The differences between real and retrieved parameters then provide an estimate of the errors made when neglecting transport processes in stellar parameter inference. Results. We show that for masses lower than 1.3 M⊙, rotation dominates the transport of chemical elements and strongly reduces the effect of atomic diffusion, with net surface abundance modifications similar to solar values. At higher mass, atomic diffusion and rotation are competing equally. Above 1.44 M⊙, atomic diffusion dominates in stellar models with initial rotation lower than 80 km s−1 producing a chemical peculiarity which is not observed in Kepler Legacy stars. This indicates that a transport process of chemical elements is missing, probably linked to the missing transport process of angular momentum needed to explain rotation profiles in solar-like stars. Importantly, neglecting rotation and atomic diffusion (including radiative acceleration) in the models, when inferring the parameters of F-type stars, may lead to respective errors of ≈5%, ≈2.5%, and ≈25% for stellar masses, radii, and ages. Conclusions. Atomic diffusion (including radiative acceleration) and rotational mixing should be taken into account in stellar models in order to determine accurate stellar parameters. When atomic diffusion and shellular rotation are both included, they enable stellar evolution codes to reproduce the observed metal and helium surface abundances for stars with masses up to 1.4 M⊙ at solar metallicity. However, if rotation is actually uniform for these stars (as observations seem to indicate), then an additional chemical mixing process is needed together with a revised formulation of rotational mixing. For higher masses, an additional mixing process is needed in any case.

2019 ◽  
Vol 625 ◽  
pp. A88 ◽  
D. Gagnier ◽  
M. Rieutord ◽  
C. Charbonnel ◽  
B. Putigny ◽  
F. Espinosa Lara

Context. The understanding of the evolution of early-type stars is tightly related to that of the effects of rapid rotation. For massive stars, rapid rotation combines with their strong radiation-driven wind. Aims. The aim of this paper is to investigate two questions that are prerequisite to the study of the evolution of massive rapidly rotating stars: (i) What is the critical angular velocity of a star when radiative acceleration is significant in its atmosphere? (ii) How do mass and angular momentum loss depend on the rotation rate? Methods. To investigate fast rotation, which makes stars oblate, we used the 2D ESTER models and a simplified approach, the ω-model, which gives the latitudinal dependence of the radiative flux in a centrifugally flattened radiative envelope. Results. We find that radiative acceleration only mildly influences the critical angular velocity, at least for stars with masses lower than 40 M⊙. For instance, a 15 M⊙ star on the zero-age main sequence would reach criticality at a rotation rate equal to 0.997 the Keplerian equatorial rotation rate. We explain this mild reduction of the critical angular velocity compared to the classical Keplerian angular velocity by the combined effects of gravity darkening and a reduced equatorial opacity that is due to the centrifugal acceleration. To answer the second question, we first devised a model of the local surface mass flux, which we calibrated with previously developed 1D models. The discontinuity (the so-called bi-stability jump) included in the Ṁ − Teff relation of 1D models means that the mass flux of a fast-rotating star is controlled by either a single wind or a two-wind regime. Mass and angular momentum losses are strong around the equator if the star is in the two-wind regime. We also show that the difficulty of selecting massive stars that are viewed pole-on makes detecting the discontinuity in the relation between mass loss and effective temperature also quite challenging.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S359) ◽  
pp. 318-322
D. Michael Crenshaw ◽  
C. L. Gnilka ◽  
T. C. Fischer ◽  
M. Revalski ◽  
B. Meena ◽  

AbstractWe investigate the processes of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feeding and feedback in the narrow line regions (NLRs) and host galaxies of nearby AGN through spatially resolved spectroscopy with the Gemini Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) and the Hubble Space Telescope’s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). We examine the connection between nuclear and galactic inflows and outflows by adding long-slit spectra of the host galaxies from Apache Point Observatory. We demonstrate that nearby AGN can be fueled by a variety of mechanisms. We find that the NLR kinematics can often be explained by in situ ionization and radiative acceleration of ambient gas, often in the form of dusty molecular spirals that may be the fueling flow to the AGN.

2016 ◽  
Vol 466 (3) ◽  
pp. 3544-3557 ◽  
A. Chhotray ◽  
F. Nappo ◽  
G. Ghisellini ◽  
O. S. Salafia ◽  
F. Tavecchio ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (S329) ◽  
pp. 435-435
Joachim Puls

AbstractFASTWIND is a unified NLTE atmosphere/spectrum synthesis code originally designed (and frequently used) for the optical/IR spectroscopic analysis of massive stars with winds. Until the previous version (v10), the line transfer for background elements (mostly from the iron-group) was performed in an approximate way, by calculating the individual line-transitions in a single-line Sobolev or comoving frame approach, and by adding up the individual opacities and source functions to quasi-continuum quantities that are used to determine the radiation field for the complete spectrum (see Puls et al. 2005, A&A 435, 669, and updates).We have now updated this approach (v11) and calculate, for all contributing lines (from elements H to Zn), the radiative transfer in the comoving frame, thus also accounting for line-overlap effects in an “exact” way. Related quantities such as temperature, radiative acceleration and formal integral have been improved in parallel. For a typical massive star atmospheric model, the computation times (from scratch, and for a modern desktop computer) are 1.5 h for the atmosphere/NLTE part, and 30 to 45 minutes (when not parallelized) for the formal integral (i.e., SED and normalized flux) in the ranges 900 to 2000 and 3800 to 7000 Å(Δλ = 0.03 Å).We compare our new with analogous results from the alternative code CMFGEN (Hillier & Miller 1998, ApJ 496, 407, and updates), for a grid consisting of 5 O-dwarf and 5 O-supergiant models of different spectral subtype. In most cases, the agreement is very good or even excellent (i.e., for the radiative acceleration), though also certain differences can be spotted. A comparison with results from the previous, approximate method shows equally good agreement, though also here some differences become obvious. Besides the possibility to calculate the (total) radiative acceleration, the new FASTWIND version will allow us to investigate the UV-part of the spectrum in parallel with the optical/IR domain.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (3-4) ◽  
L. Sapar ◽  
A. Sapar ◽  
R. Poolamäe ◽  
A. Aret

AbstractDiffusional separation of calcium isotopes in the atmospheres of hot chemically peculiar stars is studied. In addition to the usual radiative acceleration effect, the light-induced drift is taken into account. We propose that microturbulence in stable stellar atmospheres is generated by the interaction between plasma particles and radiative flux. Formulae for the microturbulent velocity and microturbulence diffusion coefficient are derived. Data on isotopic and hyperfine splitting of the calcium spectral lines have been collected as an input file. The equilibrium Ca isotope concentrations are found in model computations, iteratively correcting the radiative acceleration values. The general picture of Ca isotope stratification is found to be similar to our previous results obtained for Hg isotopes: dominating overabundance of the heaviest isotope. Diffusional stratification of Ca isotope concentrations in atmospheres of late B and early A spectral types are computed and visualized in figures. The isotope abundances on the inner boundary surface were fixed to be the solar ones. The computed Ca II infrared triplet line profiles are compared with the observed line profiles in a high-dispersion spectrum of HD 175640.

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