assessment requirements
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2022 ◽  
Vol 162 ◽  
pp. 128-129
Arnaud Bayle ◽  
Antoine Italiano ◽  
Christophe Massard ◽  
Jean-Yves Blay ◽  
Aurelien Marabelle

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 223
Romualdas Bausys ◽  
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas ◽  
Rokas Semenas

Path planning can be considered the most vital task of the autonomous robot. In this task, selecting an optimal route from the starting to the target position becomes an important problem that must be addressed when multiple competing optimization priorities are considered. Thus, a novel route assessment strategy based on a multi-criteria decision-making approach is proposed. The m-generalized q-neutrosophic PROMETHEE (PROMETHEE-mGqNS) method is applied to aggregate the competing route assessment requirements and choose an optimal route. A case study is investigated to explain the proposed strategy for path planning in a typical environment and indicates the method stability when incomplete input data characteristics are present.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Firdissa Aga

This study examined learning assessment practices in universities taking one Academic Unit in Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopian as a case. A qualitative approach was employed to generate data from 20 instructors who were attending a capacity building training at the Academic Unit. Supplementary data were secured by reviewing literatures and guidelines. The results have shown that students’ mastery of the learning outcomes (LOs), and achievement of the criterion-referenced assessment requirements were not to the required level. As a result, there were practices of manipulations and invalid subversions of marks bay raising scores without changing the phenomena and without enhancing learning and behavioral change to learners. Moreover, there were no modules designed around competencies with explicit, measurable, and transferable LOs to be assessed. Consequently, the quests and expeditions inherent within the criterion-referenced assessment guidelines were unmet - resulting in matchless upheavals. It has, therefore, been recommended that conscious efforts should be made to make alignments and /or linkages among the salient elements that enhance students’ learning with understanding.

Atef Mohammad Abd El-Bari Mabrouk, Mohammad Al-Mahdi Mustafa Atef Mohammad Abd El-Bari Mabrouk, Mohammad Al-Mahdi Mustafa

  The study aimed to shed light on the concepts of internal and external environmental analysis among Non-profit associations in Riyadh and determination of impact of environmental analysis variables on performance assessment requirements, and the strategic planning mechanism in these associations accordingly. The importance of the study stems from supporting officials in the practice of strategic planning, which helps organizations achieve their goals, and the application to a non-profit sector is characterized by being more sensitive to the needs of the masses and societies, in addition to what the study adds to the Arab library interested in strategic planning. The formulation of the main hypothesis was “There is a significant relationship between the environmental analysis variables and the performance evaluation requirements of Non-profit associations”. The questionnaire was developed to collect data, and the number of responses reached 391 employees of the applied societies. The most important results of the study include, among other things: The variables value of internal and external environmental analysis, and that of the variables of effectiveness, efficiency, suitability and performance continuity are both above medium; There is a significant impact of the variables of internal and external environmental analysis on both the effectiveness of the performance, and the adequacy of the performance for beneficiary's objectives; There is a significant effect of the external environmental analysis variables on the efficiency of performance and on the continuity of the performance of the associations, while there is no significant effect of the variables of internal environmental analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Jill Lawrence ◽  
Alice Brown ◽  
Petrea Redmond ◽  
Suzanne Maloney ◽  
Marita Basson ◽  

Low levels of online student engagement impact negatively on student success and adversely affect attrition. Course learning analytics data (CLAD), combined with nudging initiatives, have emerged as strategies for engaging online students. This paper presents a mixed method case study involving a staged intervention strategy focussing on the employment of timely, strategic communication interventions conducted across 19 courses and six disciplines. The research methodology utilised CLAD, online surveys, student interviews and student evaluations of teaching. The findings substantiate benefits for both academics and students. Academics benefitted from the provision of a relatively simple, accessible and proactive intervention for increasing students’ capacities to be more in control and engaged in their learning. Students benefitted as the intervention accentuated critical resources to assist them to better address assessment requirements, align their expectations more realistically with those of the course, and more readily demonstrate their learning obligations and responsibilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 2
Federico Facciolo ◽  
Joel Farley

In August 2020, pharmacists were authorized to prescribe contraceptives in Minnesota outside of a collaborative practice agreement. To practice under this new authorization, pharmacists must complete formal contraceptive prescribing training and follow guidelines which include restrictions on patient’s age and appropriate screening and assessment requirements. Allowing pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives has the potential to extend contraceptive access, decrease overall health care costs, and improve outcomes. However, barriers to the expansion of contraceptive prescribing by pharmacists may prevent widespread adoption of this practice in Minnesota. A key concern among pharmacists is a lack of reimbursement for providing this service.  Other states adopting contraceptive prescribing by pharmacists which have not paid for this service have reported limited implementation and discontinuation of this service. To improve contraceptive access to Minnesotans, policymakers should consider expanding provider status to pharmacists and providing reimbursement to pharmacists for contraceptive services.

М.И. Баширова ◽  
В.М. Гаськов ◽  
Н.Л. Шестакова

В статье обсуждается проблема применения профессиональных стандартов (ПС) при разработке программ профобразования на основе требований, предъявляемых к специалистам. Мировой опыт показал, что преподаватели профобразования не подготовлены к содержательной интерпретации ПС и применению их положений в процессе обучения. Имеющиеся в ряде стран национальные образовательные стандарты также не базируются на требованиях, сформулированных в профстандартах, что вносит дополнительные трудности при разработке адекватных программ профобразования. Статья описывает пилотную методологию формирования программ профобразования на основе профессиональных стандартов. Методология была разработана с учетом доступного мирового опыта и апробируется в настоящее время в Республике Кыргызстан в трех отраслях экономики применительно к квалификациям рабочих и техников. Методология привязана к формату профстандартов, применяемому в экономически развитых странах, что обусловило и характер процессов, предлагаемых для интерпретации требований ПС с целью обучения и оценки результатов обучения. Статья определяет формат и категории, используемые в зарубежных профстандартах (стандартах компетентности). Методология нацелена на использование преимуществ детального формата профессиональных стандартов, позволяющего трансформировать единицы стандарта в учебные модули и учитывать в дальнейшем требования ПС в качестве обязательных тем в содержании учебных планов по отдельным дисциплинам. Методология способствует разработке сложных программ профессионального образования, включающих преподавание нескольких или многих индивидуальных дисциплин. В этом смысле модульная учебная программа становится механизмом координации и синхронизации преподавания отдельных дисциплин на основе требований к содержанию и оценке результатов обучения, сформулированных в профстандартах. В статье также излагаются предварительные результаты продвижения новых программ в лицеях и колледжах Кыргызстана. The article focuses on the issue of developing competency-based vocational training programs on the basis of workplace requirements. International experience suggests that vocational education teachers lack capabilities for interpretation and application of occupational standards in training. Some countries which opted for developing national educational standards failed to base them on the requirements of occupational standards. This has brought additional dislocations to taking adequate account of the workplace requirements in the development of vocational education programs. This write-up describes a pilot methodology for developing programs of vocational education on the basis of occupational standards. The methodology has incorporated some elements of the world practice and is currently being piloted in Kyrgyzstan in three industries at the qualification levels of certified worker and technician Diploma. The methodology is bound by the template of occupational standards, applied in the economically advanced nations, what has determined the working processes applied for their interpretation for the purpose of skills training and assessment. The paper explains the format and the categories inherent to the advanced occupational standards, which in some countries are also named “the competency standards”. The methodology takes advantage of the detailed template of occupational standards, which lends itself to organic transformation of units of standards into training modules and, further down, to the individual subject-based courses within the modular program. The methodology permits developing complex vocational education programs, which involve teaching of a few or many individual disciplines. А modular program functions as a mechanism for integration and synchronisation of these individual disciplines on the basis of the skills assessment requirements drawn from the occupational standards. The article describes some preliminary results of piloting of the new programs in lyceums and colleges of Kyrgyzstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Sarah-Kate Millar ◽  
Kirsten Spencer ◽  
Tom Stewart ◽  
Meg Dong

In New Zealand, similar to the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented disruption to higher education, with a rapid transition to mass online teaching. The 1st year (and 1st semester in particular) of any University degree presents unique challenges for students. Literature suggests these students have significant learning concerns as they adjust to University teaching and assessment requirements. These challenges may be exacerbated with the rapid introduction of online learning environments as they are increasingly disconnected from their peers, and, at a greater risk of struggling with web-based learning technologies.

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