education training
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 042-047
鄭舒倖 鄭舒倖 ◽  
蕭宇涵 Shu-Hsing Cheng ◽  
李孟智 Yu-Han Hsiao

<p>目的:全人照護是對病人身體、心理、社會層面及靈性全面照護的態度與行為,需要醫療院所投注多專 業、跨領域且有效率又有品質的整合服務,才能滿足病人「一站式服務、一次購足」的需求。本文之目的在於詮釋全人照護之真諦、內涵、教育訓練與評值。</p> <p>方法:藉由闡釋全人照護的素養與能力,強調推廣全人照護需要多面向的教育訓練加以養成,並發展以能力為基礎的評值方法。</p> <p>結果:醫療人員需要終身持續學習有關全人照護的核心知識與技能、醫療專業照護、同理心與心理支持、就醫行為和家庭照護,以及生命關懷及和臨終照護,並佐以適合及一致性的評值標準,方能系統性的推廣全人照護。</p> <p>結論:本文探討全人照護的真諦、如何推動全人照護及如何實施全人照護之教育訓練與評值,作為醫療院所推動全人照護之參考。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Objective: Holistic care is an approach that involves consideration of the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing of a patient. It involves multidisciplinary, interprofessional integrated teams with members who educate, cooperate with, and respect each other to offer one-stop fulfillment of patient needs. This article explains the core values and intentions of holistic care and the relevant education, training, and assessments.</p> <p>Methods: By explaining the competencies of holistic care, this article argues that the promotion of holistic care necessitates multidimensional education, training, and competency-based assessments.</p> <p>Results: To systematically promote holistic care, accompanied by appropriate and consistent assessment standards, health care providers must continue to learn about the main components of holistic care, including its required knowledge and competencies, professional medical care empathy and psychological support, the praxeology of healthcare seeking, family care, and end-of-life and hospice care.</p> <p>Conclusion: This article discusses the core values of holistic care; how to promote holistic care; and how to implement education, training, and assessments in the field of holistic care and may therefore serve as a reference for holistic care training in medical settings.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

2022 ◽  
pp. 305-330
Saidi Mkomwa ◽  
Henry Mloza-Banda ◽  
Weldone Mutai

Abstract This chapter examines the role of formal education, training and skills development in Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in the context of the region's agricultural transformation systems. It explores nascent literature on potential reforms that include development of CA educational programmes and linkages that are more strategically attuned to national agriculture development aspirations. The chapter highlights theoretical grounds and practical examples for the multi-level strategies with complementary relationships aimed at facilitating systemic CA-related education, training and skills development to accelerate and expand its uptake in Africa. The chapter has advocated educational institutions and the university in particular to orchestrate the CA innovation value chain through 'internal' alignment of actors at institutional level (i.e. intra-organizational mainstreaming). The success of an innovation also depends on its 'external' viability. This was illustrated by proposing inter-organizational mainstreaming and a triple helix model where government and industry, respectively, are the principal actors towards increase in sociotechnical viability of the CA innovation system. There are obvious hurdles related to the interactions and coordination between stakeholders, as well as the integration of value complementarities across the value chain. Probable corrective strategies have been exhaustively interrogated and they are, for instance, manifested through technical and organizational adaptations as they summarize and compare systematically their contributions, arguments, assumptions and limitations in the process of creating and harnessing economies of scope in innovation. There may not be any ideal model for demand-led, CA-related education, training and skills development. A number of strategic options present themselves and, in a dynamic world, all strategies are relatively short-lived but must yield outcomes that contribute to longer-term goals. The educational institutions should find appropriate themes and avenues worthy of support in their own right, and projects that invite collaboration on their own terms.

2022 ◽  
pp. 151-165
Claudia Meier Magistretti ◽  
Beat Reichlin

AbstractIn this chapter, the authors discuss the topic of young adults not in education, employment, or training (NEETs). Although estimates of the number of NEETs vary, the problem seems to be global and growing. The many programs that try to support NEETs fail to reach them and guide them successfully into work, housing, and social participation. Helping systems regard NEETs as patients, cases, or not yet enabled adults and thereby fail to meet their needs as well as their potential. Confronting the limits of current approaches, the authors emphasise the need for a salutogenic orientation in research and practice with NEETs. They provide guidance and inspiration for novel approches and describe promising NEET initiatives. These initiatives are characterised by having a genuine health orientation, NEET participation, the centrality of learning processes, and flexible, adaptive models of individual and social development in combination with enhanced employment, education, training, and entrepreneurship opportunities.

2022 ◽  
pp. 196-210
Beatrix Boyens

This article provides an overview of discussions held at the Software and Supply Chain Assurance (SSCA) forum held May 1-2, 2018, in McLean, Virginia. The two-day event focused on education and training for software assurance (SwA) and Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM). Attendees discussed questions such as “What are some challenges facing industry, academia, and government organizations in this area?” “Who needs education or training?” “What needs to be taught?” and “What strategies do or do not work?” Discussions related to the current environment, hiring and retaining qualified employees, defining roles and responsibilities, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that are most in-demand.


The lack of awareness and ability in recording and managing the finances of farming and farmer households causes farmers can’t get a real of their welfare. Farmers are still oriented to production activities and have not led to a profitable business through professional financial management. Training is one of the activities carried out as an effort to provide financial literacy and education for farming and farmer households. This study aims to determine the value of benefits and the level of application of financial literacy and education training materials which consist of 2 core materials, namely farming finance management and household financial management. The research method uses purposive sampling with 29 respondents from the Tuban, Ngawi, Lamongan, Madiun and Jombang regencies of East Java Province as participants in financial literacy and education training in 2019 and 2020. The results showed that the two materials were considered useful about 4.35 and 4.27 and the level of application of the materials was still at 50% or about 3.23 and 3.07 from the specified learning outcome indicators. The value of benefits is positively correlated with the application of the two training materials.It is necessary to improve the training module to make it simpler, easier to understand and aplicable by participants as well as intensive assistance from local extention officer so the material can be applied more optimally in farmer daily activities. ABSTRAKRendahnya kesadaran dan kemampuan dalam pencatatan dan pengelolaan keuangan usahatani dan rumah tangga petani menyebabkan kesejahteraan kurang dirasakan oleh petani. Petani selama ini masih berorientasi pada kegiatan produksi dan belum mengarah pada bisnis yang menguntungkan melalui pengelolaan keuangan yang profesional. Pelatihan merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk memberikan literasi dan edukasi keuangan baik usahatani maupun rumah tangga petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai manfaat dan tingkat penerapan materi pelatihan literasi dan edukasi keuangan yang terdiri dari 2 materi inti yaitu pengelolaan keuangan usahatani dan pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga. Metode penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling dengan responden alumni peserta pelatihan literasi dan edukasi keuangan tahun 2019 dan 2020 yang berasal dari Kabupaten Tuban, Ngawi, Lamongan, Madiun dan Jombang Provinsi Jawa Timur sebanyak 29 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua materi dinilai bermanfaat yaitu sebesar 4,35 dan 4,27 serta tingkat penerapan materi sebesar 3,23 dan 3,07 atau masih 50% dari indikator hasil pembelajaran yang ditetapkan. Nilai manfaat berkorelasi secara positif terhadap penerapan kedua materi pelatihan. Perlu perbaikan modul pelatihan agar lebih sederhana, mudah dipahami dan diterapkan oleh peserta serta pendampingan yang intensif dari penyuluh pertanian setempat agar penerapan materi lebih optimal dan bermanfaat dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.


Kerjaya merupakan satu agenda penting dalam Islam dalam merealisasikan konsep dunia sebagai jambatan ke akhirat. Kerjaya yang baik perlu dirancang bagi memastikannya kongruen, halal dan menepati kehendak Islam walaupun dalam bidang teknikal yang penuh dengan amali dan kerja tangan. Penerapan nilai kerohanian Islam merupakan perkara yang perlu ada dalam perancangan kerjaya bagi memastikan pelan perancangan menepati kehendak syariat Islam. Justeru, kajian ini telah dilakukan untuk meneroka penerapan nilai kerohanian dalam perancangan kerjaya pelajar Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET). Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) sebagai kaedah kutipan data. Peserta kajian terdiri daripada 12 orang lulusan kolej komuniti dan politeknik telah berjaya dalam kerjaya yang digabungkan bersama tiga orang pensyarah teknikal yang berpengalaman bagi menguatkan hasil dapatan. Hasil analisis tema terhadap perbincangan FGD telah berjaya menemui enam tema utama dan sepuluh sub tema. Tema utama ialah (1) Niat, (2) Azam, (3) Sabar, (4) Istiqamah, (5) Doa dan Tawakal, dan (6) Jaga Hubungan. Hasil kajian ini dapat dijadikan panduan untuk pelajar TVET dalam merangka kerjaya mereka berpandukan syariat Allah SWT. Career is an important agenda in Islam towards the concept of the world as a bridge to after death. A good career needs to be planned to ensure that it is congruent, halal and meets the requirements of Islam even in a technical field that is full of practicals and manual labour. The application of spiritual values is a must in career planning to ensure that the planning meets the requirements of Islamic law. This is because, without the element of spirituality, an individual is empty in terms of manners to be a good employee. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the application of spiritual values in career planning required by Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) students to be a balanced workforce in terms of skills and manners. This qualitative study used Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as the data collection method. The study participants consisted of 12graduates of community colleges and polytechnics who have been successful in their careers, combined with three experienced technical lecturers to strengthen the findings. The results of the thematic analysis of the FGD discussion have successfully found six main themes and ten subthemes. The main themes are (1) Intention, (2) Determination, (3) Patience, (4) Istiqamah, (5) Prayer and Trust, and (6) Keeping Relationships. The results of this study can be used as a guide for TVET students in planning their careers based on the law of Allah SWT.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 403-425
Wanda Baranowska ◽  
Justyna Leszka

In inclusive education, teachers work with all students, including those exhibiting aggressive behaviors. Today, many teachers struggle with challenging student behavior. The study aims to examine (1) aggressive behaviors in students with SPE – a source of teacher frustration in inclusive education, (2) the consequences of these behaviors triggering fears in teachers, and (3) the relationship between teacher seniority and likely consequences as per objective 2. The survey was conducted among 188 teachers. The data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational approaches. We determined that (1) the main source of teacher frustration is the physical aggression displayed by students with ASD, ADHD, ODD and CD; (2) the fear students with SEN may hurt other students is prominent amongst teachers, with a linear correlation between predictable consequences, where the strongest links appear between prediction of conflict in a classroom and the accusation of incompetence levelled at teachers by parents of students with SEN and between the fear of losing self-control and disapproval by superiors; (3) no significant relationship exists between the seniority of teachers and their perception of the sources of frustrations and fears. Against the background of the results, we formulated recommendations on inclusive education training for teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-103
Siti Zahrotun Nisa ◽  
Dedy Riyadin Saputro

Garbage is a national problem and an important issue, especially in urban areas. In this case, the people of Kebonmanis took the initiative to reduce the impact caused by the accumulation of household waste by managing a waste bank. Household waste that was previously only disposed of in the landfill has now begun to be sorted and put to good use for activities in their respective environments, including in terms of increasing the income of the surrounding community. The activity begins with counseling, education, training and implementation. The purpose of this activity is to reduce the accumulation of household waste so that disasters do not occur and utilize waste with the creations and innovations of the surrounding community. In addition, to increase people's income by collecting and exchanging waste every week for basic food materials. The method used is observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that the management of the waste bank provides many benefits to the surrounding community, the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, green, and increases the economic income of the community. This activity received support from several parties such as the Cilacap government, the PKK driving team, LKM Makmur Kebonmanis, and PLN Peduli. The conclusion of this study is that household waste can bring benefits in terms of social, economic, and environmental positive impacts from the Waste Bank in Kebon Manis Village, Cilacap. The results show that the management of the waste bank provides many benefits to the surrounding community, the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, green, and increases the economic income of the community. This activity received support from several parties such as the Cilacap government, the PKK driving team, LKM Makmur Kebonmanis, and PLN Peduli. The conclusion of this study is that household waste can bring benefits in terms of social, economic, and environmental positive impacts from the Waste Bank in Kebon Manis Village, Cilacap. The results show that the management of the waste bank provides many benefits to the surrounding community, the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, green, and increases the economic income of the community. This activity received support from several parties such as the Cilacap government, the PKK driving team, LKM Makmur Kebonmanis, and PLN Peduli. The conclusion of this study is that household waste can bring benefits in terms of social, economic, and environmental positive impacts from the Waste Bank in Kebon Manis Village, Cilacap.

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