delivery style
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2022 ◽  
pp. 289-301
Jamie Mahoney ◽  
Kristina M. Buttrey

Students in the 21st century are learning by doing and playing. Teachers need to incorporate technology into everyday tasks. Games assist students in the learning process. Once students have learned a task through the playing process, they will remember this much easier and longer than simply doing a worksheet. Research shows students enjoy interactive and engaging activities and will choose these types of activities over pencil and paper types of activities. Teachers must prepare students for the future which involves more critical thinking and technological types of skills. Traditional teaching methods and styles have underused technology tools and pedagogical methods. The 2020 Covid pandemic and remote learning delivery style assisted teachers in developing new tools and methods to reach and teach all students with various and diverse needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-121
Teck Chew Saw ◽  
Emma Mohamad ◽  
Sabariah Mohamed Salleh ◽  

Social media does not only provide a space for individuals to communicate, but it also encourages individuals to find and share health information. This situation has led to a change in the patterns and functions of health opinion leaders that exist on social media. Health opinion leaders influence media users by sharing and delivering health information and are capable of fostering parasocial relationships with media users. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the process by which parasocial opinion leaders shape health messages on social media. In correspondence, this study sought to understand the level of acceptance of health messages among Twitter users of the information tweeted by parasocial opinion leaders. In-depth interviews were conducted on 25 followers of parasocial health opinion leaders on Twitter. This study found that the formation of health messages and information conveyed by parasocial health opinion leaders could influence their followers. Four forms of message reception were identified in this study: 1) information and complexity reduction (a description, information delivery style, information sharing, information, and health literacy, and correction of information and mythical perceptions), 2) health orientation, 3) stimulation of interest, and 4) strengthening of the image and ethics of professionalism. Additionally, this study also discovered that media users perceived health opinion leaders as mentors, family members, friends, and idols. Keywords: Health communication, opinion leader, parasocial opinion leaders, parasocial relationship, social media.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 265
Shelley Roberts ◽  
Zara Howard ◽  
Kelly A. Weir ◽  
Jennifer Nucifora ◽  
Nadine Baker ◽  

Urinary incontinence (UI) affects many women and impacts quality of life. Group-based interventions may be an effective and efficient method for providing UI care; however, interventions must be acceptable to patients to have an impact. This study aimed to explore patients’ perceptions of an exercise training and healthy eating group program (ATHENA) for overweight and obese women with UI. This qualitative descriptive study involved semi-structured interviews with a subset of participants sampled from a feasibility study of ATHENA. The ATHENA intervention was co-developed with end-users and implemented in Women’s Health Physiotherapy services at an Australian hospital. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically. Eleven female patients participated (mean ± SD age 54.2 ± 9.9 years; body mass index 30.5 ± 3.25 kg/m2). Participants found ATHENA highly acceptable, with three themes emerging from interviews: (1) Participants’ journey of change through ATHENA, describing the shifts in knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and symptoms participants experienced; (2) High satisfaction with ATHENA, including educational content, exercise components and delivery style; and (3) Group setting integral to ATHENA’s success, with participants providing support, building friendships, and facilitating each other’s learning. Overall, ATHENA was acceptable to participants, who provided each other with peer support; an unexpected moderator to ATHENA’s success.

Mutar Sabeeh Naser ◽  
Dr. Haider Hussein Katea ◽  
Majid Dakhil Hammadi

The effect(s) of delivery style may be in the form of punctuation and accentuation of speech, or they may be of subtler nature like adding emotion and force to utterance(s). This article then, investigates the position of paralinguistic factors: pace of delivery, pitch, intensity and pause pattern in King Martin Luther’s speech “Have a Dream” in political context. These factors carry attitude, psychological condition and emotional state of the speaker to the audience and affect their attitudes and emotions. These factors have been called the factors of delivery style because they can be used only in spoken language. These factors are the physical properties of speech and thus they are observable. These factors, thenwill be analyzed and studied with the help of van Dijk Model of CDA to answer To what extent the ideology of Martin Luther King Jr is reflected through the paralinguistic choices “I Have Dream”. In terms of the findings, the analysis found that persuasion is not the result of the use of the persuasive strategies in words and syntax alone as delivery style also plays an important role in persuasion. Pace of delivery along with pitch intensity and pause pattern are the main components of political speech delivery style for persuasive end. Moreover, the delivery style adds certain effect to other rhetorical strategies. Martin Luther King Jr. is a master of speech delivery style as he makes the best persuasive use of pace, pause, pitch and intensity in his speech.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-166
Mochammad Usman Wafa ◽  
Neli Purwani ◽  
Abdul Malik

The purpose of the study is to describe an analysis of children’s song characteristics Titounis. This study used a musicological approach to recognize songs’ characteristics. The data collection were document study and, listen and take note. This study used a content analysis technique. The analysis cover three aspects:  (1) songs’ analysis, (2) instruments’ analysis, (3) Onomatopoeia.  The songs that were analyzed were (1) Petit Escargot, (2) Le Roues de l Autobus, (3) Les Chiffres, (4) Un kilometer en Roulant. In the song analysis, the patterns used were general patterns, using fun and cheerful vocals, strong tonal stress, relatively limited variations in tones, slow, fast, and gradual tempo. The delivery style invites singing as well as dialogue or interaction. Then in musical instruments, the melody variations of each instrument form harmonization, the use of non-musical instruments emphasizes the theme of the song and provides the experience of hearing about the environment. The onomatopoeic analysis shows sound vroom (car), pataboum (jumping passengers), bip-bip-bip (serine), suisse-suisse (wiper). The onomatopoeia of Titounis songs serves to strengthen the song’s theme.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 395
A. M. M. Navaz

This study focuses on developing a framework to identify dialogic interaction in English-medium science lectures in a small faculty of a Sri Lankan university. In Sri Lanka, English-medium instruction was introduced with an objective of developing language proficiency of students along with the content delivery. It is asserted that teacher-student interaction in ESL content classes would help develop language proficiency of students. However, generally, lectures in English-medium undergraduate courses in Sri Lanka tend to be monologic, leaving the language development a question. The lecture delivery style, along with other reasons, affects students’ language development in English-medium classes. Although increased dialogic interaction could help change this situation, few studies have examined the occurrence of dialogic interaction in tertiary-level ESL science classes. The main objective of this study is to develop a framework by analysing the lectures given at the faculty in a method that contextually suits the lecture delivery style in the Asian countries. Data were collected from transcribed recordings of 12 hours of lectures, involving four lecturers. The interactional episodes in the lectures were the basis of developing the analytical framework, which refines and extends the MICASE corpus interactivity rating in a contextually-focused way, was especially designed to categorise the lecture discourse along a monologic-interactive/dialogic continuum. This paper also suggests how this framework could be adopted to analyse the lecture deliveries from a practitioner’s point of view. Within the scope of this paper it is explained how this framework was designed focusing attention to interactional episodes. It can be envisaged that the proposed framework can make a concrete contribution to teaching and learning in higher education, mainly to the concept of developing language through dialogic lecture delivery at tertiary level ESL content classes.


Lirik lagu merupakan salah satu manifestasi sastera yang mencerminkan ketinggian nilai budaya masyarakat pendukungnya. Lirik dan irama lagu semestinya nusa yang berpisah tiada dan menjadi hiburan dalam kehidupan manusia. Menerusi lirik lagu ia bukan hanya sekadar mengulit halwa telinga dan memberi hiburan semata-mata, malah dalam seni kata lagu juga terkandung dengan nilai, moral dan pengajaran yang mampu memberi didikan dalam membentuk keperibadian seseorang. Kepelbagaian genre dan bait lagu yang terhasil menunjukkan variasi kebudayaan daripada pengkarya yang menunjukkan kreadiliti keunggulan dalam sesuatu penciptaan karya. Kajian ini dilaksanakan sebagai merungkai persoalan tentang peranan lirik lagu terpilih dalam mengembleng unsur positif terhadap masyarakat pendengar. Selain itu, kajian ini juga meneliti bait-bait lirik lagu Tolong Ingatkan Aku, yang dihasil dan dinyanyikan oleh Ana Raffali sehingga diangkat mempunyai nilai komersial kerana telah dijulang sebagai juara lagu dalam Anugerah Juara Lagu Ke-25. Kaedah kajian ini dijalankan secara kualitatif atau kepustakaan melalui penelitian bahan seperti artikel, buku, majalah dan tesis. Teori resepsi dijadikan sebagai sandaran untuk meneliti dan merungkaikan setiap bait lirik lagu ini yang merangkumi aspek gaya bahasa, teknik penulisan, unsur kesamaran, bauran kiasan dan perlambangan atau semiotik bagi membuktikan falsafah gaya penyampaian pengkarya. Hasil kajian mendapati lagu Tolong Ingatkan Aku merupakan sebuah karya berbentuk lagu puisi yang terhasil dalam penyampaian implisit sebagai memberi pesanan, sindiran halus dan nasihat terhadap kehidupan manusia agar tidak alpa tatkala berada di kemuncak kegemilangan.   The lyrics of the song are one of the literary manifestations that reflect the high cultural values of its supporters. The lyrics and the rhythm of the song should not be separated tomb and become an entertainment in human life. Through the lyrics of the song it is not just about listening to the ears and providing entertainment, but also in the art of the word, the song also contains the values, morals and teachings that can provide education in shaping one's personality. The variety of genres and bytes of the resulting song reflects the cultural variation of the work that exemplifies the mastery of excellence in the creation of a work. This study was conducted to address the question of the role of selected song lyrics in shaping positive elements in the listening community. In addition, this study also examines the lyrics of the song Tolong Ingatkan Aku, which was produced and sung by Ana Raffali until it was commercially recognized for being nominated for a song of the year in the 25th Anugerah Juara Lagu. This research method is conducted qualitatively or literature review through the study of materials such as articles, books, magazines and theses. The reception theory was used as a guideline to examine and interpret every verse of the lyrics of this song, which included aspects of language style, writing techniques, ambiguity, metaphorical and symbolic or semiotic elements to prove the artist's delivery style philosophy. The result of the study found the song Tolong Ingatkan Aku is a work of poetic form that results in implicit delivery as giving orders, delicate satire and advice to human life to avoid the harp while at its peak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 332
Amanda Gillis-Furutaka

The purpose of this paper is to describe the process of changing the delivery style of a teacher-led, English-medium university lecture course (Culture and Literature of English-Speaking Areas) into a student-centered, active-learning course. This process began as a collaborative action research project (Burns, 1999, 2009a). In this paper, the original course and the reasons for making changes are discussed, and then the measures taken to make the course student-centered are presented and examined. These measures include the addition of pre-class activities, such as the viewing of video recordings of short lectures, that are subsequently used in a wide range of in-class activities. The underpinning theory supporting the changes introduced is derived from findings in the fields of educational psychology and neuroscience. Finally, student feedback regarding outcomes and ongoing issues, such as in-class and out-of-class study and the composition of groups for in-class activities, is summarized and evaluated. 本稿では、教師主導の英語を媒介とする大学の講義(英語圏の文化と文学)を、コンテンツに基づき受講生中心のアクティブラーニングコースに変更した過程について説明する。このプロセスは、共同アクションリサーチプロジェクト(Burns, 1999, 2009a)の一環として始まった。最初に、元々どのような授業内容だったのかと変更が必要だった理由について述べる。次に、いかに講義を学生中心にしたかについて述べる。その方法の一つとして、学生に予習(講義前に授業内容の短い動画を視聴させるなど)をさせ、そのコンテンツを応用した様々なアクティビティーに講義中に取り組ませたことが挙げられる。これらの変更に至った理論は、教育心理学および神経科学に裏付けられている。最後に、学生によるこの授業の評価と学生の著しい成績向上など改善が見られた点、授業外で求められる講師の役割と受講生の予習など現在直面している問題について触れる。

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-115
Miftakhul Fadli ◽  
Chatib Saefullah ◽  
Heny Gunstini Nuraeni

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan materi dakwah Zainal Abidin, mengetahui gaya penyampaian materi dakwah Zainal Abidin berdasarkan uraian kualitatif deskriptif. Metode ini lebih mengutamakan untuk mengamati permasalahan secara sistematik dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta dan sifat-sifat objek tertentu. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan informasi secara detail mengenai materi dakwah Zainal Abidin lebih ke pembinaan sosial kemasyarakatan yang terkait dengan trend masyarakat modern lalu mengenai gaya penyampaian dakwah Zainal Abidin adalah sosok da’i yang dapat memadukan ilmu yang diperoleh dengan anugerah bakat sebagai seorang yang pandai berbicara. Dalam berdakwah Zainal Abidin menggunakan bahasa yang berkualitas, mudah dipahami dan mudah diterima oleh jamaah. Dalam pemilihan kata, memilih kata-kata yang sederhana yang dapat dipahami oleh jamaahnya. Kata yang lugas dan mudah dipahami akan membuat jamaah mengerti dengan isi cermah. , menyanyi dan musik adalah gaya penyampaian khas dari Zainal Abidin. This study aims to determine the propensity of the propaganda material of Zainal Abidin, to find out the delivery style of Zainal Abidin's da'wah material based on descriptive qualitative descriptions. This method prioritizes to observe problems systematically and accurately regarding the facts and characteristics of certain objects. The findings of this study provide detailed information about the material of Zainal Abidin's da'wah to social community development which is related to the trend of modern society regarding the style of delivery of da'wah Zainal Abidin is a figure of da'i who can combine knowledge obtained with gifted talent as an intelligent person. In preaching Zainal Abidin used quality language, easy to understand and easily accepted by worshipers. In choosing words, choose simple words that can be understood by the congregation. A straightforward and easy-to-understand word will make the congregation understand the contents carefully. , singing and music are the typical delivery styles of Zainal Abidin.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Ayu Wulanadary ◽  
Sudarman Sudarman ◽  
Ikhsan Ikhsan

This paper discusses service innovations carried out by BPJS Health through the JKN Mobile Application. Jkn mobile application is the latest innovation from BPJS Health in improving services to the community, especially in the field of health, but many people who have not used this application because many people do not know about this application. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of service innovations provided through the mobile application jkn. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach to the determination of purposive sampling informant techniques. Measurement of effectiveness through three indicators namely: time factor, accuracy factor, and service delivery style factor. Based on the results of the study showed that the services and information provided through the application have been effective when viewed from the time needed to provide services, carefulness in service delivery and service delivery style that is not discriminatory because it is systemized with the mobile application.

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