This paper is based on ongoing participatory action research in Latvia since 2016. The research was initially developed within the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network SUSPLACE and is further advanced by the Latvian Council of Science funded project ‘Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources (RFC)’. By using this approach, the researchers aim to, firstly, synthesise natural, climate science and economic systems evidence of the immense transformations required towards regeneration and, secondly, engage in active knowledge brokerage and societal change advancement. Authors encourage to limit the application of the abused term ‘sustainable’ as it has rather meant to ‘sustain the unsustainable’ across the last decades and to follow the logic of ‘regeneration’ instead. The bridging of practices with the permaculture movement can be summarised in three broad groups of regenerative transformations to develop resilience against environmental breakdown – firstly, organic growing or gardening, secondly, ecological building, and thirdly, ecological lifestyle practices. These examples are arising both from particular collaborations with the selected permaculture homesteads as well as from the general environmental and social activism in Latvia. A common expression claims that ‘everything new is well forgotten old’. It resonates very well with the permaculture ethics and movement emphasising not forgetting yet critically assessing the long-developed skills and practices. This paper demonstrates that in addition to the challenging global aims, on the local level the success of permaculture depends on its ability to be deeply embedded in localities and revive cultural, local practices that people feel a connection to.