ray class field
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2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1727-1741
Yoonjin Lee ◽  
Yoon Kyung Park

Abstract We study the modularity of Ramanujan’s function k ( τ ) = r ( τ ) r 2 ( 2 τ ) k(\tau )=r(\tau ){r}^{2}(2\tau ) , where r ( τ ) r(\tau ) is the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction. We first find the modular equation of k ( τ ) k(\tau ) of “an” level, and we obtain some symmetry relations and some congruence relations which are satisfied by the modular equations; these relations are quite useful for reduction of the computation cost for finding the modular equations. We also show that for some τ \tau in an imaginary quadratic field, the value k ( τ ) k(\tau ) generates the ray class field over an imaginary quadratic field modulo 10; this is because the function k is a generator of the field of the modular function on Γ 1 ( 10 ) {{\mathrm{\Gamma}}}_{1}(10) . Furthermore, we suggest a rather optimal way of evaluating the singular values of k ( τ ) k(\tau ) using the modular equations in the following two ways: one is that if j ( τ ) j(\tau ) is the elliptic modular function, then one can explicitly evaluate the value k ( τ ) k(\tau ) , and the other is that once the value k ( τ ) k(\tau ) is given, we can obtain the value k ( r τ ) k(r\tau ) for any positive rational number r immediately.

Tonghai Yang ◽  
Hongbo Yin ◽  
Peng Yu

Abstract In this paper, we show that $\lambda (z_1) -\lambda (z_2)$, $\lambda (z_1)$, and $1-\lambda (z_1)$ are all Borcherds products on $X(2) \times X(2)$. We then use the big CM value formula of Bruinier, Kudla, and Yang to give explicit factorization formulas for the norms of $\lambda (\frac{d+\sqrt d}2)$, $1-\lambda (\frac{d+\sqrt d}2)$, and $\lambda (\frac{d_1+\sqrt{d_1}}2) -\lambda (\frac{d_2+\sqrt{d_2}}2)$, with the latter under the condition $(d_1, d_2)=1$. Finally, we use these results to show that $\lambda (\frac{d+\sqrt d}2)$ is always an algebraic integer and can be easily used to construct units in the ray class field of ${\mathbb{Q}}(\sqrt{d})$ of modulus $2$. In the process, we also give explicit formulas for a whole family of local Whittaker functions, which are of independent interest.

Gene S Kopp

Abstract The existence of $d^2$ pairwise equiangular complex lines [equivalently, a symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measure (SIC-POVM)] in $d$-dimensional Hilbert space is known only for finitely many dimensions $d$. We prove that, if there exists a set of real units in a certain ray class field (depending on $d$) satisfying certain algebraic properties, a SIC-POVM exists, when $d$ is an odd prime congruent to 2 modulo 3. We give an explicit analytic formula that we expect to yield such a set of units. Our construction uses values of derivatives of zeta functions at $s=0$ and is closely connected to the Stark conjectures over real quadratic fields. We verify numerically that our construction yields SIC-POVMs in dimensions 5, 11, 17, and 23, and we give the first exact SIC-POVM in dimension 23.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-219
Yoonjin Lee ◽  
Yoon Kyung Park

Abstract We study a continued fraction X(τ) of order six by using the modular function theory. We first prove the modularity of X(τ), and then we obtain the modular equation of X(τ) of level n for any positive integer n; this includes the result of Vasuki et al. for n = 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. As examples, we present the explicit modular equation of level p for all primes p less than 19. We also prove that the ray class field modulo 6 over an imaginary quadratic field K can be obtained by the value X2 (τ). Furthermore, we show that the value 1/X(τ) is an algebraic integer, and we present an explicit procedure for evaluating the values of X(τ) for infinitely many τ’s in K.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Ja Kyung Koo ◽  
Dong Hwa Shin ◽  
Dong Sung Yoon

Abstract Let K be an imaginary quadratic field, and let 𝔣 be a nontrivial integral ideal of K. Hasse and Ramachandra asked whether the ray class field of K modulo 𝔣 can be generated by a single value of the Weber function. We completely resolve this question when 𝔣 = (N) for any positive integer N excluding 2, 3, 4 and 6.

2019 ◽  
Vol 150 (2) ◽  
pp. 695-720 ◽  
Ick Sun Eum ◽  
Ja Kyung Koo ◽  
Dong Hwa Shin

AbstractLet K be an imaginary quadratic field different from $\open{Q}(\sqrt {-1})$ and $\open{Q}(\sqrt {-3})$. For a positive integer N, let KN be the ray class field of K modulo $N {\cal O}_K$. By using the congruence subgroup ± Γ1(N) of SL2(ℤ), we construct an extended form class group whose operation is basically the Dirichlet composition, and explicitly show that this group is isomorphic to the Galois group Gal(KN/K). We also present an algorithm to find all distinct form classes and show how to multiply two form classes. As an application, we describe Gal(KNab/K) in terms of these extended form class groups for which KNab is the maximal abelian extension of K unramified outside prime ideals dividing $N{\cal O}_K$.

2010 ◽  
Vol 06 (05) ◽  
pp. 1169-1182

This paper studies Galois extensions over real quadratic number fields or cyclotomic number fields ramified only at one prime. In both cases, the ray class groups are computed, and they give restrictions on the finite groups that can occur as such Galois groups. Let [Formula: see text] be a real quadratic number field with a prime P lying above p in ℚ. If p splits in K/ℚ and p does not divide the big class number of K, then any pro-p extension of K ramified only at P is finite cyclic. If p is inert in K/ℚ, then there exist infinite extensions of K ramified only at P. Furthermore, for big enough integer k, the ray class field (mod Pk+1) is obtained from the ray class field (mod Pk) by adjoining ζpk+1. In the case of a regular cyclotomic number field K = ℚ(ζp), the explicit structure of ray class groups (mod Pk) is given for any positive integer k, where P is the unique prime in K above p.

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