rasch modelling
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-31
Katherine L. Robershaw ◽  
Kelly D. Bradley ◽  
R. Joseph Waddington

2021 ◽  
Ιωάννα Μυλωνά

Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν η διακρίβωση της θετικής επίπτωσης χειρουργικής αποκατάστασης καταρράκτη στην ποιότητα ζωής του ασθενή καθώς και η εύρεση του καταλληλότερου συνδυασμού ερευνητικών εργαλείων για αυτόν το σκοπό. Παράλληλα διεξήχθη η μεταφορά και στάθμιση στην Ελληνική ερευνητικών εργαλείων εξειδικευμένων ως προς την αποτίμηση της ποιότητας ζωής. Πρόκειται για μία διαχρονική μελέτη κοόρτης ασθενών που περιλαμβάνει δύο κοόρτεις ασθενών οι οποίοι παρακολουθήθηκαν για διάστημα ενός μηνός από την πρώτη εκτίμηση, με μία επανεκτίμηση. Η πρώτη κοόρτη περιλαμβάνει 150 ασθενείς με διαγνωσμένο γεροντικό καταρράκτη στους οποίους χορηγήθηκαν τα ερευνητικά εργαλεία προ επέμβασης διόρθωσης καταρράκτη και ένα μήνα μετά, στη προγραμματισμένη επανεξέταση. Συγκρίνεται η γενική ποιότητα ζωής καθώς και η ποιότητα ζωής σχετιζόμενη με την όραση, προ και μετά επέμβασης. Συγκρίνεται η υποομάδα ατόμων που προβαίνουν στη διόρθωση δεύτερου ματιού με καταρράκτη με τα υπόλοιπα άτομα. Παράλληλα δόθηκαν τα ερευνητικά εργαλεία σε 150 ασθενείς δεύτερης κοόρτης, οι οποίοι προσέρχονται για άλλα οφθαλμιατρικά προβλήματα και για τα οποία λαμβάνουν θεραπευτική παρέμβαση, ούτως ώστε να ολοκληρωθεί η εκτίμηση της εγκυρότητας των ερωτηματολογίων VF-14 και LVQOL στον Ελληνικό πληθυσμό. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν επίσης τα ερωτηματολόγια Επισκόπηση Υγείας SF-36 και το ερωτηματολόγιο Beck’s Depression Index-II (BDI-II). Η στάθμιση των VF-14 και LVQOL κατέδειξε ότι αυτά είναι αξιόπιστα και έγκυρα μετά από ανάλυση με τη μέθοδο Rasch modelling. Τα αποτελέσματά μας έδειξαν ότι η βελτίωση της όρασης μετά από χειρουργική επέμβαση καταρράκτη ωφέλησε τον ασθενή όχι μόνο σε εργασίες που αφορούν την όραση που μπορούν να αξιολογηθούν με κλίμακες οπτικής λειτουργικότητας, αλλά ωφέλησαν επιπλέον και σε ένα σημαντικό βαθμό που προσδιορίστηκε μόνο με τη βοήθεια της κλίμακας γενικής υγείας και ποιότητας ζωής.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000494412110447
Max Stephens ◽  
Lorraine Day ◽  
Marj Horne

Generalisation is a key feature of learning algebra, requiring all four proficiency strands of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (AC:M): Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. From a review of the literature, we propose a learning progression for algebraic generalisation consisting of five levels. Our learning progression is then elaborated and validated by reference to a large range of assessment tasks acquired from a previous project Reframing Mathematical Futures II (RMFII). In the RMFII project, Rasch modelling of the responses of over 5000 high school students (Years 7–10) to algebra tasks led to the development of a Learning Progression for Algebraic Reasoning (LPAR). Our learning progression in generalisation is more specific than the LPAR, more coherent regarding algebraic generalisation, and enabling teachers to locate students’ performances within the progression and to target their teaching. In addition, a selection of appropriate teaching resources and marking rubrics used in the RMFII project is provided for each level of the learning progression.

Melanie Farlie ◽  
Christina Johnson ◽  
Tim Wilkinson ◽  
Jennifer Keating

Educators want to assess learners using assessment processes that provide valid measures of learner ability. An ideal assessment tool would include items that are appropriate for assessing the target attributes. Ideal assessment results would accurately differentiate learners across the spectrum of ability, determine which learners satisfied the required standard and enable comparison between learner cohorts (e.g., across different years). Similar considerations are relevant to researchers who are designing or revising methods used to gather other kinds of assessment data, such as participant responses to surveys or clinical measurements of performance. Analysing assessment scores using Rasch analysis provides information about scores and the nature of each assessment item, and analysis output guides refinement of assessment. However, few health professional educators have published research that includes Rasch modelling methods. It may be that health professional educators find the language used to describe Rasch analysis to be somewhat impenetrable and that this has, to date, limited engagement in exploring applications for Rasch. In this paper, we lay out an overview of the potential benefits of Rasch analysis in health professional education and research.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Eis Nurzakiyah ◽  
Ghina Aghnia Nur Assyifaa ◽  
Ida Kaniawati ◽  
Irma Rahma Suwarma

This study aims to prove empirically the validity and reliability of Questionnaire on Students' Perceptions of STEM and Problem-solving (SPSP) in learning physics using Rasch model. The questionnaire was disseminated to 59 (N=59) students class XI MIPA in one of Senior High School in Kuningan Regency. Development of SPSP Questionnaire using procedure of product development model 4-D. The stages that will be used consists of four stages, namely: a) define, b) design, c) development, and disseminate. The data obtained were analyzed by means of the Rasch Model. Based on the result of the study, it shows that the SPSP questionnaire had high reliability that 0.90. So, it can be concluded that SPSP questionnaire is reliable and acceptable. While the item validity analysis shows that there are 8 valid items and 1 item does not match the MNSQ benchmark. Outfit value lies between 0.5 <MNSQ <1.5 and also does not meet the ZSTD Outfit criteria (-2.0 <ZSTD <2, 0). Meanwhile, the students' responses indicate that learning in school has not supported STEM activities and problem solving. So it is necessary to develop learning in schools that can support STEM activities and students' problem solving abilities

2021 ◽  
Marilou Lamourette ◽  
Fabienne Ligier ◽  
Francis Guillemin ◽  
Jonathan Epstein

Abstract Background: The Inventory of Parental Representations (IPR), a self-administered questionnaire, was developed primarily to identify styles of attachment in adolescence. However, it did not present stable psychometric properties in the various American studies carried out. The aim of this study was to adapt the IPR in French and to provide a shorter version with improved psychometric properties and a sound content.Methods: The content validity was carried out by an expert committee and 10 adolescents. The study of the metric properties of the French version of the IPR was realized in a sample of 275 responses. In case of mediocre results in the CFA of the existing structures, the development of a new IPR structure was planned (Classical Test Theory and Rasch Modelling).Results: Out of 62 items translated, 13 needed adaptation. The analysis of its metric properties produced mediocre results. In a group of 275 adolescent’s responses, a step-by-step process was implemented. Content and psychometric property analyses generated a paternal Short-IPRF (15 items) and a maternal Short-IPRM (16 items) scale with sound content and good psychometric properties confirmed in an independent sample of 795 responses (Short-IPRF: Comparative Fit Index (CFI)=0.987, Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)=0.982, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)=0.027; Short-IPRM: CFI=0.953, TLI=0.927, RMSEA=0.068). Using Rasch modelling, the attachment was correctly measured overall especially for insecure attachment. Conclusions: A step-by-step process involving both content analysis and psychometric property analysis led to the generation of two questionnaires, a paternal scale, the Short-IPRF, and a maternal scale, the Short-IPRM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Rabia Hidayanti Arnan ◽  
Evi Suryawati ◽  
Imam Mahadi

This research is a descriptive study that aims to produce a test instrument for the knowledge of candidates for Biology Education undergraduate candidates for the Technologhy Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Indonesian National Qualifications Framework. The study was a development with plomp models conducted at the stage of development. Data collection was done by validation and testing. Validation aims to look at the alignment of experts' opinions, while testing serves to see the handling of the problem by analyzing the test results. Data obtained from test results analysis using rasch modelling with the help of the winstep software. The results of the analysis are in the form of the value of reliability, unidimensionality, level of difficulty, distinguishing power, distractor and person - item map. The results showed that the number of valid questions was 63 items, the number of questions that were invalid or not accepted was 17 items. Invalid questions must be followed up in order to produce a good knowledge test instrument so that it can be used in measuring the mastery of TPACK for prospective teachers and biology teachers.

Nur Khayati

This research study aimed to analyse the characteristics of integrated assessment instruments to measure critical thinking and chemical literacy skills in salt hydrolysis material by meeting the criteria of validity, reliability, and level of difficulty. This research utilised the 4-D approach, i.e. define, design, develop, and disseminate. An experimental test was conducted on 175 students. Data analysis was done by analysing the results of item validation, assumption test analysis with Rasch modelling and analysis of an instrument test result. The results of this study showed that there were 30 multiple choice items in the instrument that had been vetted by two experts and four practitioners of education and which yielded 28 valid questions. Based on the result of Rasch modelling assumption, it was found that from 28 items, i.e. 14 questions of code A and 14 questions of code B, only 9 items from code A and 11 items from code B were found to be fit with Partial Credit Model 1-Parameter Logistic (PCM 1-PL). The cronbach alpha reliability coefficients were also computed and were found to be high. . The difficulty level of the items included in code A and code B were also established.

Suzanne M. Skevington ◽  
Christine Rowland ◽  
Maria Panagioti ◽  
Peter Bower ◽  
Christian Krägeloh

Abstract Introduction We revisited the global concept of subjective quality of life (QoL) as assessed by the WHOQOL-BREF to investigate whether it could be elaborated into a conceptually more comprehensive instrument with good psychometric properties. Responding to a growing need for shorter QoL measures with broader social, spiritual and environmental contents, facets from WHOQOL international modules were examined for potential integration into the new WHOQOL-Combi. Method Adults over 65 years, diagnosed with one or more chronic diseases (n = 2833), completed 41 WHOQOL items during the CLASSIC survey; each item represented a WHOQOL facet. This pool of specific QoL facets contained 24 from the WHOQOL-BREF (excluding general items), and 17 from recent international WHOQOL short-form modules, selected for their generic properties. Rasch modelling reduced the final item pool when assessing the WHOQOL-Combi’s conceptual structure. Comparisons are made with the WHOQOL-BREF. Results Modelling confirmed the tenability of a 36-item solution scored as a five-domain profile, comprised of 24 WHOQOL-BREF facets and 12 new facets from modules. Social and psychological domains were strengthened by three facets, spiritual QoL by five, and physical QoL by one. The WHOQOL-Combi showed sound model fit, excellent internal consistency (α = .95), and scores discriminated between socio-demographic categories. Concurrent validity with the EQ-5D-5L was confirmed for physical and psychological domains. Performance was similar to the WHOQOL-BREF. Conclusion The WHOQOL-Combi offers a contemporary, comprehensive, integrated, multi-dimensional subjective QoL instrument with enhanced evaluations of social, spiritual, psychological and physical QoL. Acceptable to older people, future research should evaluate younger age groups and other cultures.

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