strategic studies
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2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 141-153
Markéta Licková

Increasing pressure on the quality of the educational content brings the need to address the issue of hidden mechanisms in the educational process that have impacts on the quality of knowledge and skills. This article discusses the existence of the hidden curriculum in lifelong learning and puts it into the context of the lifelong Professional Military Education as it is provided at the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies at the University of Defence. The uncovering of the hidden content in education may not be a welcome process, in extreme it may become unacceptable. However, hidden content can affect the achieved learning outcomes, as well as their deliberate disclosure and appropriate processing. The aim of the article is to describe whether and with what benefit can the concept of the hidden curriculum be applied to professional military education in the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. xvii-xxxii
Bernard F.W. Loo

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Jeffrey Hughes ◽  
Martin Kornberger ◽  
Brad MacKay ◽  
Phillips O’Brien ◽  
Sneha Reddy

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-69
Julien Theron

The rapidly changing global security environment requires to constantly adapt our understanding of threats. The findings of this paper confirm that threats interact with each other on three levels. Security, conflict, war, and strategic studies converge to build a new qualitative theoretical framework for threat analysis. Shaping the global security environment, threats communicate on three levels. Firstly, the interconnection of agents with similar ideological and/or strategic motivations connects threats. Secondly, interaction exacerbates incidental threats through cooperation, competition, and convergence. Thirdly, intermediation occurs between antagonistic threats trying to achieve common intermediary objectives. These networks are driven by agents maximizing their impact and reveals the autonomization and socialization of threats. Tackling these networks requires a global approach and the mobilization of collective security.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-54
Sharath Srinivasan

This chapter introduces the study’s orientation to understanding peacemaking in civil wars and different attempts to explain failed peacemaking in the Sudans. The chapter critiques mainstream peacemaking scholarship – from bargain approaches in realist and strategic studies to liberal democratic constitutionalism and reformist statebuilding – as well as prominent alternatives from political economy and conflict and peace studies, highlighting that they share in common problematic conceptions of politics as amenable to logics of ‘making’. This clears ground for the book’s novel theoretical critique of peacemaking drawing on Hannah Arendt’s political thought. Contemporary peacemaking risks undervaluing the political component in civil wars, risks emphasizing making an edifice for politics over civil political action itself, and risks producing means that violently overrun the sought after ends of peace. The chapter calls for a tragic understanding of peacemaking that compels, first of all, a need to carefully rethink what peacemaking is doing in attempts to make or build peace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (112) ◽  
pp. 46-64
Buyantsogtoo Tsogtsaikhan ◽  
Urjin Odkhuu

The Indo-Pacific Strategy to contain China has started officially in Trump era since 2018. It is now even more accelerated during the Biden administration. This research work has done an analysis on a change of US and Russia`s relations within the strategy based on theory of realism, geopolitics, and strategic studies. The researcher has concluded that to make alliance with the Russian Federation to conduct the strategy successfully is an inevitable choice for the US, and now some positive signs of the cooperation between two great powers are already being observed. Investigating these major events which have a potential to change world order and predicting possible scenarios are important for Mongolia in shaping the right direction for the country’s grand strategy.   Энэтхэг-Номхон далайн стратегийн хүрээнд Америк-Оросын харилцаанд гарч болзошгүй өөрчлөлтийг шинжлэх нь Хураангуй: Хятадыг “хайрцаглах” зорилготой Энэтхэг-Номхон далайн стратеги нь Д.Трампын үед 2018 оноос албан ёсоор зарлагдсан бөгөөд Ж.Байдены засаглалын үед улам идэвхжин хэрэгжиж байна. Энэхүү судалгаагаар мөнхүү стратегийн хүрээнд Америк-Оросын харилцаанд орж болзошгүй өөрчлөлтийн талаар олон улсын харилцааны реализмын онол, геополитик, стратеги судлалын онолд тулгуурлан шинжилгээ хийлээ. Энэтхэг-Номхон далайн стратегийг амжилттай хэрэгжүүлэхийн тулд АНУ-ын хувьд Оростой холбоотны харилцаа үүсгэх нь гарцаагүй сонголт байх ба сүүлийн үед хоёр улсын хамтын ажиллагаанд зарим нааштай шинж тэмдэг илэрч байна гэж дүгнэлээ. Дэлхийн дэг журамд өөрчлөлт оруулахуйц томоохон цараатай энэ үйл явцад зөв дүн шинжилгээ хийж, зохих хувилбаруудыг тооцоолж байх нь Монгол улсын төрийн стратегийн чиг баримжааг зөв гаргахад зохистой нөлөө үзүүлэх ач холбогдолтой юм. Түлхүүр үгс: Энэтхэг-Номхон далайн стратеги, АНУ ба Хятадын харилцаа, АНУ ба Оросын харилцаа, Орос ба Хятадын харилцаа, “Хайрцаглах”, Дөрвөл

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Amos Fox

Proxy wars dominate modern war fighting. Despite the frequency of proxy wars on today's battle field, the strategic studies community lacks sufficient models and strategic theories to frame proxy wars from the strategic level. This works seeks to build on the limited amount of preexisting theoretical work on proxy war by introducing five models of proxy relation - coerced, transactional, cultural, exploitative, and contractual. This models help policymakers, strategists, and practitioners understand and navigate through the strategic workings of today's proxy wars.

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