gm food
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Chen Shen ◽  
Xiang-Chang Yin ◽  
Bo-Yang Jiao ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Peng Jia ◽  

Abstract Objective A systematic review of animal and human studies was conducted on genetically modified (GM) food consumption to assess its safety in terms of adverse effects/events to inform public concerns and future research. Methods Seven electronic databases were searched from January 1st 1983 till July 11th 2020 for in vivo, animal and human studies on the incidence of adverse effects/events of GM products consumption. Two authors independently identified eligible studies, assessed the study quality, and extracted data on the name of the periodical, author and affiliation, literature type, the theme of the study, publication year, funding, sample size, target population characteristics, type of the intervention/exposure, outcomes and outcome measures, and details of adverse effects/events. We used the Chi-square test to compare the adverse event reporting rates in articles funded by industry funding, government funding or unfunded articles. Results One crossover trial in humans and 203 animal studies from 179 articles met the inclusion criteria. The study quality was all assessed as being unclear or having a high risk of bias. Minor illnesses were reported in the human trial. Among the 204 studies, 59.46% of adverse events (22 of 37) were serious adverse events from 16 animal studies (7.84%). No significant differences were found in the adverse event reporting rates either between industry and government funding (χ2 = 2.286, P = 0.131), industry and non-industry funding (χ2 = 1.761, P = 0.185) or funded and non-funded articles (χ2 = 0.491, P = 0.483). We finally identified 21 GM food-related adverse events involving 7 GM events (NK603 × MON810 maize, GTS 40-3-2 soybean, NK603 maize, MON863 maize, MON810 maize, MON863 × MON810 × NK603 maize and GM Shanyou 63 rice), which had all been on regulatory approval in some countries/regions. Conclusion Serious adverse events of GM consumption include mortality, tumour or cancer, significant low fertility, decreased learning and reaction abilities, and some organ abnormalities. Further clinical trials and long-term cohort studies in human populations, especially on GM food-related adverse events and the corresponding GM events, are still warranted. It suggests the necessity of labelling GM food so that consumers can make their own choice.

Environmentalist are sceptical towards the burgeoning interests of consumers in GM crops and the products are under careful observation of the scientific researchers and policymakers present all around the globe. The objective of the paper is to examine the Developing Nation consumers intention towards GM Food as a purchase choice. To elucidate the role played by determinant factors such as Environmentalism and Emotional Involvement followed by factors from TPB was used to determine the consumer intentions. The study has exploited the hypermarket trends of Indian city, Chandigarh, which is capital to states of Haryana and Punjab, by using a cross-sectional survey comprising of 744 number of consumers. Result shows that among the five determinant factors, Attitude, Environmentalism and Perceived Behavioral Control are the key determinants that play a substantial role in influencing consumers to purchase GM Food. The findings of the study will prove beneficial in augmenting the adoption of GM Food by increasing social desirability and meeting the food security demand of India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-66
Ramilya G. Novikova

One of the most relevant issues, which todays society face is the use of advanced technologies in the field of GMO and GM-food. Taking a look at the world map of law we can see diverse legal regulation of GMO turnover, especially in the context of regulation and control of genomic studies and their practical application, risk assessment of uncontrollable GMO spreading and technologies of genetic editing of organisms including at the level of research planning. The comparative legal analysis of foreign regulation (including in dominant jurisdictions), provided in this article allows revealing those distinctions, determining the basic tendencies in GMO legal development and connected products with GMO components, including the matters of control with regard to GMO turnover. The analysis allowed drawing several recommendations on borrowing foreign experience for the sake of revising Russian regulation, i.e., taking regulatory measures to develop the relevant sphere of social relationships - legal acts, governmental decrees, etc. oriented towards the development of biotechnologies, raising confidence of citizens in genetics, stimulation of GMO production efficiency, and innovative development. Russia is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU); therefore, the article discusses the national laws of these countries concerning GMO and contains recommendations for harmonizing the legal framework of the supranational level in the field of GMO turnover.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (07) ◽  
pp. A05
Sedona Chinn ◽  
Ariel Hasell

Despite scientific consensus that genetically modified (GM) food is safe to eat, the American public remains skeptical. This study (N=73) investigates the proposed role of disgust in driving opposition to GM food, which is debated in extant literature. Using physiological measures of disgust, alongside self-report measures, this study suggests that disgust plays a role in driving skepticism toward GM food, but not other food and health technologies. We further discuss the possible influence of risk sensitivity and perceptions of unnaturalness on attitudes toward novel science.

2021 ◽  
pp. 129-132
M.S. Swaminathan

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 791
Paulina Kubisz ◽  
Graham Dalton ◽  
Edward Majewski ◽  
Kinga Pogodzińska

The importance of biotechnology for the global economy is growing, including developments in the field of genetically modified organisms (GMO), which have revolutionized the cultivation of several major food crops. Despite the many benefits from introducing genetic modifications to crops, the Polish society shows a strong distrust towards GMO-based food. The negative attitude of the society towards genetically modified (GM) food could be considered irrational. It is not supported by adequate knowledge and is based on fears, despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence of threats of GM products towards the environment, health, or human life. Details of these perceptions were revealed within Polish society from surveys of three groups of respondents: consumers, students, farmers. Data from the surveys have been compared with the answers to the same questions by five biotechnology experts from Polish academic institutions. A general observation from the analysis of the survey results and past studies quoted in the literature review is that the level of understanding and acceptance of GMO technologies is still low in Polish society, and, to a large extent, is based on stereotypes rather than on scientific knowledge. They show broad support for the general benefits of GMOs, which does not vary between the three groups of respondents surveyed, but noticeably differs with the experts’ views. GMOs have allies, but also opponents who have their own beliefs shaped largely by unreliable information disseminated through the Internet and social media. Providing more reliable targeted information on GMOs based on scientific evidence can have an important role in changing polarized attitudes towards GM food.

2021 ◽  
R. Sendhil ◽  
Joan Nyika ◽  
Sheel Yadav ◽  
Joby Mackolil ◽  
Prashat G. Rama Prashat ◽  

Abstract Background: Genetically modified (GM) foods could be a promising option to reduce the dependence of the agri-food system on conventional means of crop improvement. However, the safety of GM food remains a concern, in addition to the perceived and real risks to environment. The opinion about scientific evidence among researchers, policymakers and government regulators on promotion of GM foods for consumers differ. This study presents the trends emerging from research outputs on consumer perception and preference for GM foods and policy prescriptions for enabling the consumption. Scope and Approach: The study mainly focused on (1) exploring the publication trends, geographic focus of research and a comprehensive review on the consumers' perception of and preference to GM foods, (2) identifying research hotspots and emerging genetically modified organisms (GMO) research themes, (3) assessing the integrated nature of GMO research, and (4) suggesting policy prescriptions on challenges and way forward. Bibliometric analyses have been performed using the Web of Science (WOS) database sourcing literature from 1981 to 2021 and analyzed the final sample of 543 publications using BibExcel and VOSviewer visualization software tools. The search strategy utilized the topic basis search of phrases related to GM food preference and perception. Key Findings and Conclusions: The search query retrieving 543 journal articles showed an increasing trend in publications on consumer's response towards GM foods. Thematic analysis revealed a strong interlinkage of GMOs research with 'agriculture' and 'food science technology'. Consumers' positive response is largely influenced by the decision of the governments to ban or approve the GM crops cultivation. Similarly, the public support increases when the potential benefits of the technology are well articulated, consumption increases with a price discount, people's trust on the government and belief in science increases with a positive influence by the media. Mapping of the retrieved articles showed the top four recurrent keywords: GMOs, biotechnology, attitudes and acceptance. Europe and the USA are the first region and country, respectively, in terms of the number of active institutions per research output, per capita GDP publication and citations per article. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, followed by the National University of Malaysia are the top fundraisers for research on GM food consumption, perceptions and attitudes. Although research outputs on GM food consumer's acceptance and preferences are increasing, a majority of publications came from developed nations. Thus, intensive research is yet to be carried out in developing countries to produce a genetically modified food product with superior properties and substantial equivalence with no significant side-effects. We suggest research-, agri-food industries-, and society-oriented policies needed to be implemented by the stakeholders to ensure the safety of GM food products, encourage consumer-based studies, and increase public awareness towards these food products.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107554702110220
Yuan Wang

Focusing on debunking misinformation about genetically modified (GM) food safety in a social media context, this study examines whether source cues and social endorsement cues interact with individuals’ preexisting beliefs about GM food safety in influencing misinformation correction effectiveness. Using an experimental design, this study finds that providing corrective messages can effectively counteract the influence of misinformation, especially when the message is from an expert source and receives high social endorsements. Participants evaluate misinformation and corrective messages in a biased way that confirms their preexisting beliefs about GM food safety. However, their initial misperceptions can be reduced when receiving corrective messages.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. e0252580
Ashkan Pakseresht ◽  
Anna Kristina Edenbrandt ◽  
Carl Johan Lagerkvist

The use of agro-biotechnology has raised consumer concerns about environmental, health, socio-economic and ethical risks. This study examines how regulatory policies regarding genetically modified (GM) food production affect consumers’ cognitive information processing, in terms of perceived risk, self-control, and risk responsibility. There is further analysis of whether the effect of policy design is moderated by risk type. Data was generated in a field experiment (n = 547), including four different policy scenario treatments (banned, research and development, import, and full commercialization). The results reveal that policy scenarios where GM food is available on the market are associated with higher levels of perceived risk and lower levels of self-control compared with policies where GM food is banned. There was no evidence of policy scenarios affecting consumer willingness to assign personal risk responsibility. However, among participants who indicated health risks as their main concern, there was an effect from the policy scenario on self-risk responsibility as mediated through perceived risk and self-control. The results suggest that health-conscious consumers tend to attribute less responsibility to themselves in situations where a genetically modified product was commercialized. These findings indicate a need to clarify guideline recommendations for health-related risks associated with foods derived from biotechnology.

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