communication policies
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Peter A. Bamberger

Pay transparency refers to the degree to which pay communication policies and practices governing employee pay knowledge facilitate or restrict the sharing of pay-related information. While relatively few enterprises have adopted transparent pay-communication practices, a variety of institutional factors, such as government regulations and social norms, are driving employers to provide their employees with greater pay knowledge. Consensus has emerged around the existence of three main dimensions or forms of pay transparency, namely pay-outcome transparency, pay-process transparency, and pay-communication transparency. Research findings indicate that pay-outcome transparency, which relates to the degree to which pay rate information is disclosed by the employer, has both beneficial and problematic consequences, depending on the outcome. For example, while pay-outcome transparency has been consistently found to be associated with enhanced individual task performance and reduced gender-based pay discrepancies, it has also been associated with higher levels of envy, diminished helping, heightened levels of counterproductive work behavior, and pay compression (which could elicit negative sorting effects). In contrast, pay-process transparency, which relates to the degree to which employees are informed about the parameters underlying reward-related decisions, has been found to have largely beneficial consequences and few unintended negative consequences. Finally, while it is least studied, pay-communication transparency, capturing the degree to which restrictions are placed on employees’ ability to share pay knowledge with others, is positively associated with employee perceptions of employer fairness and trustworthiness and can have significant implications for employee retention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Anton Purwadi ◽  
Kismartini Kismartini ◽  
Retno Sunu Astuti ◽  
Teuku Afrizal

This article focuses on citizen engagement analysis on local government twitter through data mining analysis. Based on the concept of measuring citizen engagement from Haro-de-Rosario in 2018, this article analyzes three official twitter accounts of the Central Java provincial government, East Java province and West Java province. Data were collected by data mining with Scrape Storm software with measurement dimensions consisting of love, reply, retweet, tweet, and followers. The measurement results reveal that the level of citizen engagement varies widely, the highest value of citizen engagement is the account of the province of East Java (0.00068), and the second rank is the province of Central Java with a value of 0.00031 and the third rank is the province of West Java with a value of 0.00023. The design of public communication policies on social media should consider aspects of the level of citizen engagement as a benchmark for government efforts to increase public participation interest in managing local government.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0258492
Tássia Galvão ◽  
Priscilla Rayanne e Silva Noll ◽  
Matias Noll

Communicating Brazilian science still seems to be a challenge for journalists and researchers of public institutions of education and science. In this sense, this research aims to identify and analyze scientists’ perceptions regarding the work of journalists, the relationship between these groups, the expectations, and the challenges of science communication in two Federal Institutes of Education in Brazil. We conducted a mixed study in the qualitative stage with the participation of 30 interviewees, and in the quantitative stage, journalists and researchers answered a questionnaire (n = 242). Our results indicated that the work of science communication is not carried out properly in both Institutes and that there is a lack of articulated work among both journalists, communicators, and researchers. The relationship between these groups needs to be built jointly. In this respect, the biggest challenges are to institutionalize science communication, establish a science communication plan, and overcome internal relationship barriers. Our results may underpin science communication policies and policies for scientific dissemination both institutional or even national levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol IX (Issue 4) ◽  
pp. 77-97
Alexandros Koliopoulos ◽  
Sotiria Triantari ◽  
Eirini Stavropoulou ◽  
Konstantinos Spinthiropoulos ◽  
Garefalakis Alexandros

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Alexandre de Figueiredo ◽  
Heidi J. Larson

Abstract Background As the world begins the rollout of multiple COVID-19 vaccines, pandemic exit strategies hinge on widespread acceptance of these vaccines. In this study, we perform a large-scale global exploratory study to examine the levels of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and explore sociodemographic determinants of acceptance. Methods Between October 31, 2020 and December 15, 2020, 26,759 individuals were surveyed across 32 countries via nationally representative survey designs. Bayesian methods are used to estimate COVID-19 vaccination acceptance and explore the sociodemographic determinants of uptake, as well as the link between self-reported health and faith in the government’s handling of the pandemic and acceptance. Results Here we show that intent to accept a COVID-19 vaccine is low in Lebanon, France, Croatia, and Serbia and there is population-level polarisation in acceptance in Poland and Pakistan. Averaged across all countries, being male, over 65, having a high level of education, and believing that the government is handling the pandemic well are associated with increased stated acceptance, but there are country-specific deviations. A belief that the government is handling the pandemic well in Brazil and the United States is associated with lower vaccination intent. In the United Kingdom, we find that approval of the first COVID-19 vaccine in December 2020 did not appear to have an impact on the UK’s vaccine acceptance, though as rollout has continued into 2021, the UK’s uptake exceeds stated intent in large-scale surveys conducted before rollout. Conclusions Identifying factors that may modulate uptake of novel COVID-19 vaccines can inform effective immunisation programmes and policies. Differential stated intent to accept vaccines between socio-demographic groups may yield insights into the specific causes of low confidence and may suggest and inform targeted communication policies to boost confidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 194-201
Thommy Sebatana Molala ◽  
Jabulani Calvin Makhubele

Purpose of the study: This paper aims to ascertain the nexus between the digital divide and social exclusion (inequalities) - directly and indirectly, as digital technology enables people to socialise, communicate, work, study, and conduct business. Methodology: To do this, the literature review is employed as a methodology. Specifically, the narrative or semi-systematic literature review was conducted on all sources germane to the topic under investigation. Main findings: The paper has found that the digital divide has adverse effects on the employment, education, health, social services, and socio-economic development of digitally excluded people. In addition, it has emerged that the digital divide exacerbates social exclusion. Applications of this study: To this end, Social Workers and associated professionals are empowered with knowledge about the role of the digital divide in social exclusion, thus they are expected to play active assume advocacy roles as far as Information Communication Policies are concerned. Novelty/Originality of this study: Digitalisation has embedded factors inducing poverty, inequity, and discrimination unintentionally; thereby this paper replenishes literature in Social Science to enable Social Scientists to utilise relevant information –in their research, intervention, and commentary.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 94
Leire Guerenabarrena-Cortazar ◽  
Jon Olaskoaga-Larrauri ◽  
Ernesto Cilleruelo-Carrasco

A growing concern for sustainability has extended to the higher education sector resulting in institutional statements, specific actions with the goal of reducing the environmental impact, or communication policies aimed at lecturers and students. However, the slow pace by which the institutions operating in this sector are adapting their curricula is frustrating, even more so, when considering the hope towards education and its ability for sensitizing and educating the future leaders of our society. The obstacles hindering the introduction of sustainability in the university curricula have thus become a matter of research. This article presents an investigation on: a) obstacles to curricular sustainability perceived by teachers and b) relationship between teacher training and awareness (attitudes and self-perception of competence for sustainability).

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (42) ◽  
pp. 12
Nelson Toledo Ferreira

A proposta deste artigo é refletir sobre os espaços ocupados pelas candidaturas transexuais nas últimas eleições municipais de 2020, no Brasil, correlacionando folkcomunicação, representação política e minorias. Apesar do êxito eleitoral de uma parcela ainda pequena desse segmento em todo o país, com destaque maior nas grandes metrópoles, os (as) transexuais reforçam suas políticas de gênero e abrem novos campos de disputas políticas, como nunca vistos na sociedade brasileira. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho aponta como a visibilidade midiática potencializa as políticas de comunicação afirmativas da identidade transexual, o que vem possibilitando leituras plurais da sociedade, abrindo novos espaços e democratizando a representação política. Folkcomunicação; Representação política; Minoria; Transexuais. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the spaces occupied by transsexual candidates in the last municipal elections of 2020, in Brazil, correlating folk communication, political representation and minorities. Despite the electoral success of a still small portion of this segment across the country, with greater prominence in large cities, transsexuals reinforce their gender policies and open up new fields of political disputes, as never before seen in Brazilian society. In this perspective, the work points out how media visibility enhances affirmative communication policies for transsexual identity, which have enabled plural readings of society, opening new spaces and democratizing political representation. Folkcommunication; Political Representation; Minorities; Transsexuals. El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre los espacios ocupados por los candidatos transexuales en las últimas elecciones municipales de 2020, en Brasil, correlacionando folkcomunicación, representación política y minorías. A pesar del éxito electoral de una porción aún pequeña de este segmento en todo el país, con mayor protagonismo en las grandes ciudades, los transexuales refuerzan sus políticas de género y abren nuevos campos de disputa política, como nunca antes se había visto en la sociedad brasileña. En esta perspectiva, el trabajo señala cómo la visibilidad mediática potencia las políticas de comunicación afirmativa para la identidad transexual, que han permitido lecturas plurales de la sociedad, abriendo nuevos espacios y democratizando la representación política. Folkcomunicación; Representación Política; Minorías; Transexuales.

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