tank farm
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Nikolay P. Aleshin ◽  
Leonid Yu. Mogilner ◽  
Sergey V. Skrynnikov

The urgent task is improvement of the accuracy of diagnosing the linear part of pipelines, structures and equipment of pumping and compressor stations, tank batteries, tank farm complexes. Therewith, it is required not only to identify a defect with a given probability, but also to ensure measurement of its shape and dimensions with accuracy to be sufficient to perform analysis of structures for strength and durability. The article deals with certain possibilities for increasing the detectability of volumetric defects, such as knots, through improvement of the methods for setting parameters of ultrasound pulse-echo testing. The results of research in the field of improvement of the technology for setting advanced ultrasonic systems using phased array antennas are presented. Cylinder-shaped drilled holes of different orientations have been reviewed as artificial defects for setting sensitivity and time base of the flaw-detecting instrument. Following on the earlier published works, the expediency of using vertical cylindrical drilling for setting the equipment is additionally justified: such target is the easiest to manufacture, its parameters are verified much easier than, for example, the parameters of flatbottomed holes. Examples are given of the practical use of drills of various orientations for adjusting sensitivity of monitoring and determination of the indication length of local bulk defects of the base metal and welds. Актуальной является задача повышения точности диагностирования линейной части трубопроводов, сооружений и оборудования перекачивающих и компрессорных станций, резервуарных парков, нефтебаз. При этом требуется не просто выявить дефект с заданной вероятностью, но и обеспечить измерение его формы и размеров с точностью, достаточной для выполнения расчетов конструкций на прочность и долговечность. В статье рассмотрены некоторые возможности повышения выявляемости объемных дефектов типа свищей за счет совершенствования способов настройки параметров ультразвукового контроля эхо-методом. Представлены результаты исследований в области совершенствования технологии настройки современных ультразвуковых систем, использующих фазированные антенные решетки. В качестве искусственных дефектов для настройки чувствительности и временной развертки дефектоскопа рассмотрены цилиндрические сверления разной ориентации. В развитие ранее опубликованных работ обоснована целесообразность применения для настройки оборудования вертикального цилиндрического сверления: такая мишень наиболее проста в изготовлении, ее параметры поверяются значительно проще, чем, например, параметры плоскодонных отверстий. Приведены примеры практического использования сверлений различной ориентации для настройки чувствительности контроля и определения условной протяженности локальных объемных дефектов основного металла и сварных швов.

2021 ◽  
Rob Bruns

<p>Urban tank farms, technically known as bulk fuel storage facilities, have been a feature of the urban industrial landscape for close to 100 years. Often established in prime waterfront locations near city centres, their future in these locations is uncertain. The toxic and volatile nature of their operations pose a threat to the environment and public safety, while many of the sites they occupy are being vacated as the oil industry consolidates and their activities are moved elsewhere. City waterfronts and industrial areas are also undergoing regeneration as urban centres increase in residential density and change in use from industrial and commercial activities to those based more on leisure and lifestyle. Tank farms and similar industrial ‘non-buildings’ have only relatively recently been recognised as having significant industrial heritage and cultural value, often only attained after a period of abandonment. Adaptive reuse of industrial buildings has long been applied to factories and warehouses but industrial non-buildings present greater challenges for a reuse project. Built with a singular purpose unintended for human inhabitation, the uncompromising nature of this type of structure and the difficulties in reusing them means few have been retained for reuse. The poisonous legacy of contamination further reduces the opportunities for retention of this heritage and reuse of the structures. Such sites and structures often face conflicting notions of site rehabilitation, industrial heritage retention, urban redevelopment and adaptive reuse. The design exercise of this thesis attempts to reconcile these notions by combining strategies of existing models and precedents with the necessities and aims of a continually evolving urban environment. Alongside these strategies, a step further than the typical landscape park and industrial sculpture of earlier examples is taken, proposing a new multi-use solution for an existing tank farm on Sydney Harbour. An architectural intervention for several of the largest tanks is presented, together with other elements of urban infill, environmental regeneration and public access and recreation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rob Bruns

<p>Urban tank farms, technically known as bulk fuel storage facilities, have been a feature of the urban industrial landscape for close to 100 years. Often established in prime waterfront locations near city centres, their future in these locations is uncertain. The toxic and volatile nature of their operations pose a threat to the environment and public safety, while many of the sites they occupy are being vacated as the oil industry consolidates and their activities are moved elsewhere. City waterfronts and industrial areas are also undergoing regeneration as urban centres increase in residential density and change in use from industrial and commercial activities to those based more on leisure and lifestyle. Tank farms and similar industrial ‘non-buildings’ have only relatively recently been recognised as having significant industrial heritage and cultural value, often only attained after a period of abandonment. Adaptive reuse of industrial buildings has long been applied to factories and warehouses but industrial non-buildings present greater challenges for a reuse project. Built with a singular purpose unintended for human inhabitation, the uncompromising nature of this type of structure and the difficulties in reusing them means few have been retained for reuse. The poisonous legacy of contamination further reduces the opportunities for retention of this heritage and reuse of the structures. Such sites and structures often face conflicting notions of site rehabilitation, industrial heritage retention, urban redevelopment and adaptive reuse. The design exercise of this thesis attempts to reconcile these notions by combining strategies of existing models and precedents with the necessities and aims of a continually evolving urban environment. Alongside these strategies, a step further than the typical landscape park and industrial sculpture of earlier examples is taken, proposing a new multi-use solution for an existing tank farm on Sydney Harbour. An architectural intervention for several of the largest tanks is presented, together with other elements of urban infill, environmental regeneration and public access and recreation.</p>

Сергей Николаевич Морозов ◽  
Вадим Вячеславович Таганов ◽  
Дмитрий Викторович Калачинский ◽  
Дмитрий Анатольевич Иванченко

Установки водяного охлаждения резервуаров являются частью системы автоматического пожаротушения резервуарного парка и представляют собой комплекс устройств, оборудования и трубопроводов. Непосредственное охлаждение стенки резервуара осуществляется через верхнее горизонтальное кольцо орошения, выполненное в виде перфорированного трубопровода или трубопровода с оросителями. При этом до настоящего времени не была определена зависимость фактически защищаемой площади стенки от расходов воды, подаваемой через отверстия и/или оросители при их различном положении по отношению к стенке и верхней кромке резервуара. Цель исследования - экспериментальное определение оптимальных конструктивных и технологических решений элементов установок водяного охлаждения резервуара. Для изучения процессов теплового нагрева и охлаждения боковой поверхности резервуара проведены гидравлические и огневые испытания моделей секции установки водяного охлаждения - горизонтального кольца орошения. По результатам испытаний определена эффективность различных конструкций в зависимости от изменяемых технологических параметров (давления и расхода воды в кольце орошения), диаметра отверстий перфорированного трубопровода и шага между ними, угла расположения устройств подачи воды относительно горизонтальной поверхности сечения резервуара, расстояния от кольца орошения до стенки резервуара и его верхней кромки. Water cooling units for tanks are a part of automatic fire extinguishing system of the tank farm and represent a complex of units, equipment and pipelines. Tank wall is cooled down directly through upper horizontal spray distribution ring, made in the form of a perforated pipeline or a pipeline with sprinklers. With this, correlation between actually protected area of the wall and flow rate of water supplied through the holes and/or sprinklers at their different positions in relation to the wall and the upper edge of the tank, has not been determined so far. The purpose of the study is to experimentally determine the optimal design and technological solutions of the elements of tank water cooling units. To study the processes of thermal heating and cooling of the side surface of the tank, hydraulic and fire tests of models of the section of the water cooling unit (the horizontal spray distribution ring) were carried out. According to the test results, the efficiency of various structures was determined depending on the technological parameters being changed (pressure and water flow in the spray distribution ring), diameter of the holes of the perforated pipeline and pitch between them, angle of the water supply units relative to the horizontal surface of the tank section, distance from the spray distribution ring to the tank wall and its upper edge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Vitaliy Matlakhov ◽  
Viktor Khandozhko

The aim of the work is to develop a general structure of the stand that simulates the operation of systems and means of automation of equipment for tank farms of oil products using modern hardware and software, for researching the operation of algorithms for protection and interlocks, alarms and automatic control in accordance with the current regulatory documentation based on modern micro- processor systems. The method of system analysis, the theory of automatic control, structural solutions of human-machine systems intended for the automation of production and intelligent support of control processes and the necessary data processing in organizational, technological and distributed control systems were used. The concept of the stand, the block diagram of the control system and the hydraulic diagram of the stand have been developed. The novelty of the work lies in the creation of a compact model of a tank farm with a complex distributed control system for researching its operation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 074823372199655
Debra Cherry ◽  
Elizabeth Friedman ◽  
Melissa Vincent ◽  
Andrew Maier

The extent and etiology of health effects in workers who maintain underground storage tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (Hanford) have been subjects of controversy and concern for several decades. Hanford is a decommissioned nuclear production complex managed by the US Department of Energy in southeast Washington State. This integration-of-evidence review evaluates the relationship between exposure to vapors from mixed chemical and radioactive waste stored in underground storage tanks at Hanford and worker health. Hanford workers’ health information was gathered from technical reports, media reports, and published literature, including the systematic search of seven databases. This review describes the health status and health concerns of Hanford tank farm workers based on the integration of the available health effects data from disparate sources. In interviews with external groups, Hanford workers reported both irritant-type symptoms and diseases that they believe are attributable to tank farm vapors. However, the results of this integration-of-evidence review indicated that no pervasive pattern of occupational disease was identified that can be associated with exposure to tank farm vapors. Inhalation exposure to asbestos and beryllium is associated with lung disease from various types of nuclear industry work but not from work on tank farms. This review concluded that while irritant-type symptoms and isolated cases of occupational disease are plausible under certain conditions, the currently available data do not support a pervasive pattern of occupational disease associated with vapor exposure.

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