morphological transformations
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Chase Wesley Raymond

Abstract This paper offers some reflections on the study of morphology – broadly speaking, ‘word formation’ – as a participants’ resource in social interaction. I begin by calling attention to morphology as a comparatively underexamined component of linguistic structure by conversation analysts and interactional linguists, in that it has yet to receive the same dedicated consideration as have, e.g., phonetics and syntax. I then present an ongoing study of suffixes/suffixation in Spanish – focusing on diminutives (e.g., –ito), augmentatives (e.g., –ote), and superlatives (i.e., –ísimo) – and describe how the sequentiality of interaction can offer analysts profound insight into participants’ orientations to morphological resources. With what I refer to as ‘morphological transformations’ – exemplified here in both same-turn and next-turn positions – interactants sequentially construct and expose morphological complexity as such, locally instantiating its relevance in the service of action. It is argued that a focus on transformations therefore provides analysts with a means to ‘break into’ morphology-based collections. A range of cases are presented to illustrate this methodological approach, before a concluding discussion in which I describe how morphology-focused investigations may intersect with explorations of other interactional phenomena.

Development ◽  
2022 ◽  
Jorge de-Carvalho ◽  
Sham Tlili ◽  
Lars Hufnagel ◽  
Timothy E. Saunders ◽  
Ivo A. Telley

Biological systems are highly complex, yet notably ordered structures can emerge. During syncytial stage development of the Drosophila melanogaster embryo, nuclei synchronously divide for nine cycles within a single cell, after which most of the nuclei reach the cell cortex. The arrival of nuclei to the cortex occurs with remarkable positional order, which is important for subsequent cellularisation and morphological transformations. Yet, the mechanical principles underlying this lattice-like positional order of nuclei remain untested. Here, utilising quantification of nuclei position and division orientation together with embryo explants we show that short-ranged repulsive interactions between microtubule asters ensure the regular distribution and maintenance of nuclear positions in the embryo. Such ordered nuclear positioning still occurs with the loss of actin caps and even the loss of the nuclei themselves; the asters can self-organise with similar distribution to nuclei in the wild-type embryo. The explant assay enabled us to deduce the nature of the mechanical interaction between pairs of nuclei. We used this to predict how the nuclear division axis orientation changes upon nucleus removal from the embryo cortex, which we confirmed in vivo with laser ablation. Overall, we show that short-ranged microtubule-mediated repulsive interactions between asters are important for ordering in the early Drosophila embryo and minimising positional irregularity.

2022 ◽  
pp. 2-2
Stefan Slavić

Belgrade Fairground, built in the 1930s, was the first urban complex designed according to modern principles and the first physical structure built in Belgrade on the left bank of the Sava. During its existence, the complex has undergone radical changes - from a fairground, through a concentration camp during World War II, an art colony in the post-war period, to its current state as a marginalized urban segment inhabited by the homeless, with uncontrolled commercial development . These transformations over time have resulted in the creation of numerous layers of identity, which, from a contemporary point of view, the space itself should testify to. The paper examines the transformations that have taken place in the space, and refers to the mutually opposed events that to some extent have hindered the recovery and development of the former Belgrade Fairground. The paper, in the form of a case study, analyzes the space by exploring the application of dissonance in preserving and revitalizing the architectural heritage, since the concept of dissonance is important for articulating opposing meanings and emphasizing the plurality of values. In order to shed light upon all the characteristic phases of the complex's existence, its morphological transformations and then its functional transformations were analyzed, followed by a presentation of how its social relationship with the Belgrade Fairground has been transformed. Accordingly, the ultimate goal was to find a way to manifest the diversity of the fairground's value and its re-perception as belonging to the urban space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Beata Ziajka

New Linguistic Behaviors in the Eldest Generation of Village InhabitantsThe objective of the paper is analysis of the eldest village inhabitants’ linguistic behaviors which result from the universalizing influence of general culture on folk language. The contemporary globalizing tendencies which are strongly reflected in rural environments result in the fact that the eldest generation is forced to include new words in their own dialectal vocabulary that refer to modern realities that often do not fall within the scope of the cultural, social and customary sphere of rural communities. The materials, which include verbal behaviors collected in 2015–2020 in the rural commune of Babice in Chrzanów district, indicate the villagers’ lack of linguistic competence in terms of knowledge of the newest layer of general Polish. This is because, in the verbal behaviors of the members of the eldest age group, we can find numerous forms of deviation, and new words are often pronounced using traditional dialectal phonetics. Morphological transformations also occur. The reasons for these transformations include articulation difficulties combined with etymological unclearness. New words are sometimes unclear to elder people, which is why semantic shifts often occur when transferring general Polish units into the dialectal code. Nowe zachowania językowe u najstarszego pokolenia mieszkańców wsiCelem artykułu jest analiza tych zachowań językowych najstarszych mieszkańców wsi, które wynikają z uniwersalizującego oddziaływania na język ludowy kultury ogólnej. Współczesne tendencje globalizacyjne, w sposób szczególny zaznaczające się w środowiskach wiejskich, powodują, że najstarsze pokolenie zmuszone jest włączać do własnego, gwarowego repertuaru językowego nowe słownictwo odnoszące się do współczesnych realiów, częstokroć niemieszczących się w sferze kulturowej, społecznej i obyczajowej wiejskich wspólnot. Egzemplifikacja materiałowa, którą stanowią zachowania werbalne zebrane w latach 2015–2020 na terenie wiejskiej gminy Babice w powiecie chrzanowskim, wskazuje jednakże na brak kompetencji językowej mieszkańców wsi w zakresie znajomości najnowszej warstwy polszczyzny ogólnej. W zachowaniach werbalnych najstarszej grupy wiekowej pojawiają się bowiem liczne formy dewiacyjne, słownictwo nowe często jest wymawiane z zachowaniem tradycyjnej fonetyki gwarowej. Dochodzi także do przekształceń na płaszczyźnie morfologicznej. Przyczyną tych modyfikacji bywają trudności artykulacyjne połączone z brakiem wiedzy o ich etymologii. Nowe wyrazy nie zawsze są w pełni zrozumiałe dla starszego pokolenia, dlatego też przenoszeniu jednostek ogólnopolskich do kodu gwarowego często towarzyszą przesunięcia semantyczne.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1529
Tao Zhang ◽  
Yuguo Deng ◽  
Bo Zhou ◽  
Jiayu Liu ◽  
Yufeng Su ◽  

Swarming robotic systems, which stem from insect swarms in nature, exhibit a high level of environmental adaptability and enhanced tasking capabilities for targeted delivery and micromanipulation. Here, we present a strategy that reconfigures paramagnetic nanoparticles into microswarms energized by a sawtooth magnetic field. A rotary-stepping magnetic-chain mechanism is proposed to address the forming principle of disk-like swarms. Based on programming the sawtooth field, the microswarm can perform reversible transformations between a disk, an ellipse and a ribbon, as well as splitting and merging. In addition, the swarms can be steered in any direction with excellent maneuverability and a high level of pattern stability. Under accurate manipulation of a magnetic microswarm, multiple microparts with complicated shapes were successfully combined into a complete assembly. This reconfigurable swarming microrobot may shed light on the understanding of complex morphological transformations in living systems and provide future practical applications of microfabrication and micromanipulation.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 3001
Oana-Constantina Margin ◽  
Eva-Henrietta Dulf ◽  
Teodora Mocan ◽  
Lucian Mocan

Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide, behind heart diseases, accounting for 10 million deaths each year. This study focusses on adenocarcinoma, which is a target of a number of anticancer therapies presently being tested in medical and pharmaceutical studies. The innovative study for a therapeutic vaccine comprises the investigation of gold nanoparticles and their influence on the immune response for the annihilation of cancer cells. The model is intended to be realized using Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) methods, explicitly artificial neural networks combined with fuzzy rules, to enhance automated properties of neural nets with human perception characteristics. Image processing techniques such as morphological transformations and watershed segmentation are used to extract and calculate certain molecular characteristics from hyperspectral images. The quantification of single-cell properties is one of the key resolutions, representing the treatment efficiency in therapy of colon and rectum cancerous conditions. This was accomplished by using manually counted cells as a reference point for comparing segmentation results. The early findings acquired are conclusive for further study; thus, the extracted features will be used in the feature optimization process first, followed by neural network building of the required model.

Heritage ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 4184-4206
Sanja Gašparović ◽  
Tihomir Jukić ◽  
Ana Mrđa

The paper explores the possibilities of the structural and functional transformation of blocks in the historical center of Zagreb as a part of modernization after many years of neglect as well as earthquakes in 2020. The research aims to determine how the existing block tissue corresponds with the needs of today’s residents and the possibility of its improvement. The historical circumstances in which the blocks were formed and underwent the most significant changes and modern processes that affect the state and value are determined. There is a special focus on the interior of the block (courtyards), as well as on the spaces on the ground floors of street facades, where numerous, unexplored changes can be observed. The findings provide starting points for desirable structural–functional transformations of blocks and stem from the synthesis and interpretation of knowledge from four interrelated parts of the research. The characteristics of blocks have changed during city development stages, as depicted by an analysis and graphic interpretation of historical maps and urban plans (1864–2021). Influences of modern processes on changes of the city are determined on the basis of the synthesis of previous research from different interdisciplinary points of view; a detailed analysis of the structural–functional changes is conducted on the example of three selected blocks. Transformation models for three selected blocks are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2064 (1) ◽  
pp. 012057
E A Kazantseva ◽  
E G Komarova

Abstract The effect of the magnitude of the US (ultrasound) power applied during the MAO (micro arc oxidation) process on the morphology, elemental and phase composition of the CaP coatings was studied. The US at different power (50-200 W) applying during the MAO process led to the local destruction of the structure elements (spheres and pores) and local filling the pore spaces on the coating surface, and to the formation of local macro-pores inside the coatings near the substrate. Such morphological transformations led to the surface and structure heterogeneity of the coatings, increasing of the surface roughness from 3.0 to 4.5 μm and of the thickness from 50 to 60 μm. The US application at different power did not affect significantly the elemental composition of the coatings. At the same time, under applied US with power more than 100 W, the state of the coatings transformed from X-ray amorphous to the quasiamorphous with the small incorporation of crystalline phases of CaHPO4 and β-Ca2P2O7.

Nataliya Shwartz ◽  
Anna Spirina

In this work, simulation of high-temperature annealing of GaAs (111) substrates has been carried out. The dependences of the substrate morphological transformations on the temperature and the presence of surface defects are analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-169
I. S. Makarov ◽  
L. K. Golova ◽  
M. I. Vinogradov ◽  
M. V. Mironova ◽  
N. A. Arkharova ◽  

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