wage increases
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Henry Dee

Between 1919 and 1929, Clements Musa Kadalie rose to worldwide fame as secretary of the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union of Africa (ICU). Under his leadership, the ICU transformed Southern Africa’s labor movement. Organizing black railway, dock and factory workers, miners, domestic servants, and farm laborers across South Africa, South West Africa (modern-day Namibia), Basutoland (Lesotho), and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) into “One Big Union,” the ICU led a number of strikes, challenged pass laws and unionized anywhere between 100,000 and 250,000 members. Over six foot tall and always dressed in an immaculate suit, Kadalie regularly addressed mass meetings of thousands of people across rural and urban South Africa. Kadalie was born in Chifira, Tongaland, British Central Africa Protectorate (modern-day Malawi) around 1895. After being expelled from the local mission school, he migrated via Southern Rhodesia to South Africa. He was elected as the ICU’s secretary at its first meeting. The ICU took a leading role in the 1919 Cape Town dock strike and won wage increases for dock workers in 1920. By 1925, the trade union had over 50 branches across Southern Africa and a widely circulating newspaper, The Workers’ Herald. In 1927, Kadalie toured Europe, calling on the international labor movement to campaign against a raft of repressive legislation. Amid fractious internal disputes, however, Kadalie’s “czarlike” character, frivolous expenditure and “foreign” birth were publicly denounced by rivals, and the financial contributions of ICU members collapsed. Kadalie led a breakaway Independent ICU from February 1929 and called a general strike in East London in January 1930. He passed away on November 28, 1951, leaving a complicated legacy. The ICU’s radical rhetoric and mass mobilization, nevertheless, demonstrated both the possibility and necessity of organizing black workers and inspired black leaders across the world for decades to come.

Significance As in 2020 and 2021, this projected growth will be driven by the ongoing expansion of the oil and gas sector, and related investment and state revenues. These rising revenues will support the government’s ambitious national development plans, which include both increased social and infrastructure spending. Impacts The government will prioritise enhancing the oil and gas investment framework. Investment into joint oil and gas infrastructure with Suriname will benefit the growing oil industry in both countries. The expansionary fiscal policy may lead to a rise in inflation, leading to further calls for wage increases. In the medium term, strong growth in the oil and gas sector could lead to increased climate change activism in the country.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052110567
Melvin D. Livingston ◽  
Briana Woods-Jaeger ◽  
Rachael A. Spencer ◽  
Emily Lemon ◽  
Andrew Walker ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 103421
Sumit Agarwal ◽  
Brent W. Ambrose ◽  
Moussa Diop

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (10) ◽  
pp. 625-630
Helen M Haydon ◽  
Centaine L Snoswell ◽  
Emma E Thomas ◽  
Andrew Broadbent ◽  
Liam J Caffery ◽  

Telepalliative care services enable clinicians to provide essential palliation services to people with a life-limiting illness in or closer to home. This study aims to explore the costs, service activity and staff experiences resulting from the introduction of telehealth in a community palliative care service in Queensland, Australia. Pre- and post-activity and cost data from the 2016–2017 and 2019–2020 financial years were examined and staff members interviewed. Accounting for inflation and standard wage increases, the labour costs before and after the addition of telehealth were approximately equal. There were small variations in non-labour costs, but these were not directly attributable to the expansion of the telehealth services. Overall, the service activity increased by 189% for standard doctor and nurse consultations, due to the increased efficiency of telehealth compared to the previous outreach (travel) model. Thematic analysis of the staff interview data generated an overarching theme of Increased Job Satisfaction which staff attributed to the patient-centred nature of the telepalliative care service, the increased peer support and increased professional development. Compared with the traditional in-person service, the new telehealth-supported model resulted in equivalent costs, greater efficiency by allowing palliative care to reach more patients and improved staff job satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (10) ◽  
pp. 315-318
Melissa Worrell ◽  
Les Hagen

Abstract The association between pricing and cigarette consumption is long-established. However, the effects of taxation alone can be diminished if relative income increases. Therefore, affordability is seen as a key determinant of demand for cigarettes, as it combines the impact of changing prices with economic growth or wage increases. This brief analysis employs methods used by the World Health Organization in examining cigarette affordability, and explores the trend in affordability across Canadian provinces over a 10-year period, from 2009 to 2019. The discussion illustrates how monitoring affordability over time can help policy makers in Canadian provinces design tobacco taxation for maximum impact.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Xi Xi ◽  
Yuanyuan Gong ◽  
Runze Yuan

In the model setting of multiregional macroeconomic research, the constant return on scale of all production functions and the free flow of all production factors cannot be combined. Otherwise, the potential theoretical conflict, that is, the problem of contradiction equations, may arise. If there is a unified capital interest rate in the market and the return on scale of production in all regions remains unchanged, it is necessary to set restrictions on the flow of labor force in order to realize the differential wages among regions. When the interest rate is not too high, the regional wage increases with the larger output capital elasticity.

Obiter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Julien Hofman

The article looks at across-the-board increases in collective agreements extended to employers who were not party to the negotiations that produced them. It asks whether having to pay such increases can be unfair to these employers. The article explains the safeguards in section 32 of the Labour Relations Act. It concludes that, although these safeguards are not as clear as they might be, they should protect employers from having to pay unfair across-the-board increases. The article ends by looking at how to simplify the safeguards in section 32.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (99) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Oliver Ehrentraut ◽  
Philipp Kreuzer ◽  
Stefan Moog ◽  
Heidrun Weinelt ◽  
Oliver Bruttel

Der Beitrag untersucht auf Basis eines Simulationsmodells und empirischer Daten die Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf die Rentenversicherung. Dabei werden sowohl die Wirkungen auf das Rentensystem insgesamt als auch die individuellen Rentenansprüche von Beschäftigten analysiert. Auf das Rentensystem insgesamt hat der Mindestlohn praktisch keine Auswirkungen, weil der Impuls des Mindestlohns auf die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lohnsumme letztlich zu gering ist. Auf individueller Ebene können sich die Rentenanwartschaften der Versicherten je nachdem, wie deutlich ihr Verdienst aufgrund der Mindestlohneinführung gestiegen ist, erhöhen. Die Rentenanwartschaften bleiben aber bei einem Verdienst in Höhe des Mindestlohns selbst bei durchgängiger Vollzeitbeschäftigung unter dem Niveau der Grundsicherung im Alter. Abstract: The Effects of Minimum Wage on the Statutory Pension Insurance in Germany In 2015, Germany introduced a national minimum wage. Based on a simulation model and empirical data we analyse its effects on the statutory pension insurance. We will consider aggregate effects on the pension insurance system in total as well as on individual pension entitlements of employees. Our results show that the minimum wage has only negligible effects on the pension system as a whole because the minimum wage induced wage effects on the economy’s total wage bill are rather small. On the individual level, the minimum wage can help to increase individual pension entitlements. The magnitude depends on individual wage increases resulting from the minimum wage introduction. However, even continuous full-time employment at the minimum wage level will not be enough to lift individual pension entitlements above the guaranteed minimum pension level.

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