ulex europaeus
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Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Mateo V. Torres ◽  
Irene Ortiz-Leal ◽  
Andrea Ferreiro ◽  
José Luis Rois ◽  
Pablo Sanchez-Quinteiro

We approached the study of the main (MOB) and accessory olfactory bulbs (AOB) of the meerkat (Suricata suricatta) aiming to fill important gaps in knowledge regarding the neuroanatomical basis of olfactory and pheromonal signal processing in this iconic species. Microdissection techniques were used to extract the olfactory bulbs. The samples were subjected to hematoxylin-eosin and Nissl stains, histochemical (Ulex europaeus agglutinin, Lycopersicon esculentum agglutinin) and immunohistochemical labelling (Gαo, Gαi2, calretinin, calbindin, olfactory marker protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein, microtubule-associated protein 2, SMI-32, growth-associated protein 43). Microscopically, the meerkat AOB lamination pattern is more defined than the dog’s, approaching that described in cats, with well-defined glomeruli and a wide mitral-plexiform layer, with scattered main cells and granular cells organized in clusters. The degree of lamination and development of the meerkat MOB suggests a macrosmatic mammalian species. Calcium-binding proteins allow for the discrimination of atypical glomerular subpopulations in the olfactory limbus between the MOB and AOB. Our observations support AOB functionality in the meerkat, indicating chemosensory specialization for the detection of pheromones, as identified by the characterization of the V1R vomeronasal receptor family and the apparent deterioration of the V2R receptor family.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Weijun Wang ◽  
Shuxin Tian ◽  
Xin Jiang ◽  
Suya Pang ◽  
Huiying Shi ◽  

Background and Study AimsPrevious studies have identified that colorectal cancer has different fucosylation levels compared to the normal colon. Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I), which specifically combines with α1-2 fucose glycan, is usually used to detect fucosylation levels. Therefore, we used confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) to investigate fluorescently labeled UEA-Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) for detecting colonic cancer.Patients and MethodsWe stained frozen mouse colon tissue sections of normal, adenoma, and adenocarcinoma species with UEA-FITC to detect fucosylation levels in different groups. White light endoscopy and endocytoscopy were first used to detect the lesions. The UEA-FITC was then stained in the mice and human colon tissues in vitro. The CLE was used to detect the UEA-FITC levels of the corresponding lesions, and videos were recorded for quantitation analysis. The diagnostic accuracy of UEA-FITC using CLE was evaluated in terms of sensitivity and specificity.ResultsThe UEA expression level in colorectal cancer was lower than that in normal intestinal epithelium. The fluorescence intensity ratio of UEA-FITC in colorectal cancer was significantly lower than that in normal tissue detected by CLE in both mice and humans. The combination of UEA-FITC and CLE presented a good diagnostic accuracy with a sensitivity of 95.6% and a specificity of 97.7% for detecting colorectal cancer. The positive and negative predictive values were 91.6% and 95.6%, respectively. Overall, 95.6% of the sites were correctly classified by CLE.ConclusionsWe developed a new imaging strategy to improve the diagnostic efficacy of CLE by using UEA-FITC.

Silvia Medina-Villar ◽  
Beatriz R. Vázquez de Aldana ◽  
Asier Herrero ◽  
M. Esther Pérez-Corona ◽  
Ernesto Gianoli

Mateo V. Torres ◽  
Irene Ortiz-Leal ◽  
Paula R. Villamayor ◽  
Andrea Ferreiro ◽  
José Luis Rois ◽  

AbstractThe study of the α-subunit of Gi2 and Go proteins in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) was crucial for the identification of the two main families of vomeronasal receptors, V1R and V2R. Both families are expressed in the rodent and lagomorph AOBs, according to a segregated model characterized by topographical anteroposterior zonation. Many mammal species have suffered from the deterioration of the Gαo pathway and are categorized as belonging to the uniform model. This scenario has been complicated by characterization of the AOB in the tammar wallaby, Notamacropus eugenii, which appears to follow a third model of vomeronasal organization featuring exclusive Gαo protein expression, referred to as the intermediate model, which has not yet been replicated in any other species. Our morphofunctional study of the vomeronasal system (VNS) in Bennett’s wallaby, Notamacropus rufogriseus, provides further information regarding this third model of vomeronasal transduction. A comprehensive histological, lectin, and immunohistochemical study of the Bennett’s wallaby VNS was performed. Anti-Gαo and anti-Gαi2 antibodies were particularly useful because they labeled the transduction cascade of V2R and V1R receptors, respectively. Both G proteins showed canonical immunohistochemical labeling in the vomeronasal organ and the AOB, consistent with the anterior–posterior zonation of the segregated model. The lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin selectively labeled the anterior AOB, providing additional evidence for the segregation of vomeronasal information in the wallaby. Overall, the VNS of the Bennett’s wallaby shows a degree of differentiation and histochemical and neurochemical diversity comparable to species with greater VNS development. The existence of the third intermediate type in vomeronasal information processing reported in Notamacropus eugenii is not supported by our lectin-histochemical and immunohistochemical findings in Notamacropus rufogriseus.

Silvia Medina-Villar ◽  
Beatriz R. Vázquez de Aldana ◽  
Asier Herrero Méndez ◽  
M. Esther Pérez-Corona ◽  
Ernesto Gianoli

Saeromi Chung ◽  
Lars Bode ◽  
Drew A. Hall

AbstractWe present an electrochemical impedimetric-based biosensor for monitoring the variation in human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) composition. 2′-Fucosyllactose (2’FL) is an HMO associated with infant growth, cognitive development, and protection from infectious diarrhea, one of the major causes of infant death worldwide. Due to genetic variation, the milk of some women (non-secretors) contains no or very little 2′FL with potential implications for infant health and development. However, there is currently no technology to analyze the presence and concentration of HMOs in human milk at the point-of-care (POC). The lack of such technology represents a major impediment to advancing human milk research and improving maternal-infant health. Towards this unmet need, we report an impedimetric assay for HMOs with an α-1,2 linkage, the most abundant of which is 2′FL. The sensor uses a lectin for affinity, specifically Ulex europaeusagglutininI (UEA), with electrochemical readout. In spiked studies, the sensor exhibited a high degree of linearity (R2 = 0.991) over 0.5 to 3.0 μM with a 330-nM detection limit. The sensor performance was clinically validated using banked human milk samples and correctly identified all secretor vs. non-secretor samples. Furthermore, despite the short 35-min assay time and low sample volume (25 μL), the assay was highly correlated with HPLC measurements. This bedside human milk testing assay enables POC, “sample-to-answer” quantitative HMO measurement, and will be a valuable tool to assess milk composition. Graphical abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-116
Javier Enrique Santana ◽  
Astrid Lili Puerta-Monsalve ◽  
Valery Tatiana González

Introducción: El Ulex europaeus es un arbusto leñoso perteneciente a la familia FABACEAE de las leguminosas, conocida en idioma inglés como Gorse y en Colombia con el nombre de retamo espinoso. Esta planta perenne, oportunista y de espinosa ramificación, presenta un alto potencial invasivo que se adapta muy bien a ecosistemas modificados (Beltrán y Barrera, 2014), ocasionando graves impactos ambientales y desequilibrio ecosistémico (Amaya-Villarreal y Rengifo, 2010). Objetivo: Evaluar el Ulex europaeus como alternativa de coagulante natural para el tratamiento del agua. Materiales y Métodos: Metodológicamente se preparó una solución con Ulex europaeus al 1 %, suministrada en dosificaciones de 3, 6, 9, 12 y 15 mL y 3 (tres) niveles pH 5, 7 y 9 , siguiendo la técnica de coagulación-floculación mediante la prueba de test de jarras con un nivel de confianza del 95 % (α=0.05). Resultados: Como resultado, se obtuvo que esta planta posee propiedades coagulantes y que, a diferentes dosificaciones y niveles de pH, se logran alcanzar eficiencias de remoción de turbidez del 40 % (pH 3 y dosificación de solución coagulante de 6 mL). Conclusiones: De esta manera, se concluye que hay una relación directa entre el pH inicial de la muestra y el volumen de dosificación de la solución coagulante los cuales inciden en las eficiencias de remoción de turbidez.

2021 ◽  
Mateo V. TORRES ◽  
Irene ORTIZ-LEAL ◽  
Andrea FERREIRO ◽  
José Luis ROIS ◽  

Abstract The study of the α-subunit of Gi2 and Go proteins in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) was crucial for the identification of the two main families of vomeronasal receptors, V1R and V2R. Both families are expressed in the rodent and lagomorph AOBs, according to a segregated model characterized by topographical anteroposterior zonation. Many mammal species have suffered from the deterioration of the Gαo pathway and are categorized as belonging to the uniform model. This scenario has been complicated by characterization of the AOB in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, which appears to follow a third model of vomeronasal organization featuring exclusive Gαo protein expression, referred to as the intermediate model, which has not yet been replicated in any other species. Our morphofunctional study of the vomeronasal system (VNS) in Bennett’s wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus, provides further information regarding this third model of vomeronasal transduction.A comprehensive histological, lectin, and immunohistochemical study of the Bennett’s wallaby VNS was performed. Anti-Gαo and anti-Gαi2 antibodies were particularly useful because they labeled the transduction cascade of V2R and V1R receptors, respectively. Both G proteins showed canonical immunohistochemical labeling in the vomeronasal organ and the AOB, consistent with the anterior-posterior zonation of the segregated model. The lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin selectively labeled the anterior AOB, providing additional evidence for the segregation of vomeronasal information in the wallaby.Overall, the VNS of the Bennett’s wallaby shows a degree of differentiation and histochemical and neurochemical diversity comparable to species with greater VNS development, which does not support the existence of a third “intermediate” type of vomeronasal information processing.

2021 ◽  
Hector Herrera ◽  
Alejandra Fuentes ◽  
Javier Ortiz ◽  
Javiera Soto ◽  
Rafael Vorges Da-Silva Valadares ◽  

Abstract Background and aimsUlex europaeus L. (Fabaceae), commonly known as gorse, is an invasive woody shrub that easily grows in several locations across the world. However, little is known about the interactions of this invasive species with soil microorganisms and how these microbes can promote reaching rapid grow-rates at early stages of development. We aim at characterizing the endophytic fungal and bacterial microbiota associated with roots of early growth stage U. europaeus colonizing native ecosystems in south-central Chile.MethodsRoot-associated microorganisms were isolated and identified using standard molecular techniques. Furthermore, plant growth-promoting traits were studied and biocontrol activity was assessed to characterize the early growth stage root-associated taxa. ResultsFour endophytic fungi belonging to Sordariomycetes and twelve bacteria assigned to Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were identified as the principal early growth stage root-endophytic taxa. Plant growth-promoting traits were detected in several isolates such as Fusarium acuminatum and Rhodococcus sp. Besides, some of the isolates such as Rhodococcus sp. and Purpureocillium lilacinum showed biocontrol potential against phytopathogenic fungi. ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that early growth stage root endophytic taxa associated with U. europaeus have beneficial plant growth-promoting traits that can contribute with the rapid growth-rates of the shrub. The interaction with a set of beneficial microorganisms is an additional mechanism to explain the ability of U. europaeus for colonizing in various ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (01) ◽  
Laura Andrea Rodriguez Medrano ◽  
Leidy Gabriela Ariza ◽  
Leydy Zoraya Merchan ◽  
Jeisson Fabian Zoque

El presente proyecto de aula se construye para la compresión de la educación ambiental a partir del diálogo de saberes y el territorio. Esta propuesta didáctica se consolida a través del curso, Énfasis Didáctico para Licenciados en Química de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia) y es construido a partir de la problemática ambiental generada por el retamo espinoso en la vereda Santa Rosa, ubicada en ciudad Bolívar en el sur de la ciudad de Bogotá, en donde la población se dedica a la agricultura y ganadería. Los habitantes de la vereda son los principales afectados, demostrando la necesidad de buscar una solución al daño que genera la expansión del Ulex Europaeus en los cultivos. Se realiza un proyecto de aula a partir de diferentes actividades, como una propuesta para promover la alfabetización científica en los habitantes de la vereda, desarrollando una extracción acuosa para la identificación de los metabolitos secundarios presentes en la planta invasora. En ese sentido, a partir de los diferentes talleres que se proponen, se induce a la participación de la comunidad para el reconocimiento y uso del extracto de la planta, teniendo en cuenta características químicas previamente identificadas en laboratorio. Finalmente, se establece la propuesta del proyecto de aula, en donde se articula el conocimiento didáctico del contenido con el propósito de generar alfabetización científica, teniendo en cuenta el objetivo de desarrollo sostenible; “vida de ecosistemas terrestres” y las implicaciones que tienen las plantas invasoras en el territorio, para las comunidades afectadas tanto económica como socialmente.  

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