uniform model
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Xiaoyue Cui ◽  
Maureen Stolzer ◽  
Dannie Durand

The exon shuffling theory posits that intronic recombination creates new domain combinations, facilitating the evolution of novel protein function. This theory predicts that introns will be preferentially situated near domain boundaries. Many studies have sought evidence for exon shuffling by testing the correspondence between introns and domain boundaries against chance intron positioning. Here, we present an empirical investigation of how the choice of null model influences significance. Although genome-wide studies have used a uniform null model, exclusively, more realistic null models have been proposed for single gene studies. We extended these models for genome-wide analyses and applied them to 21 metazoan and fungal genomes. Our results show that compared with the other two models, the uniform model does not recapitulate genuine exon lengths, dramatically underestimates the probability of chance agreement, and overestimates the significance of intron-domain correspondence by as much as 100 orders of magnitude. Model choice had much greater impact on the assessment of exon shuffling in fungal genomes than in metazoa, leading to different evolutionary conclusions in seven of the 16 fungal genomes tested. Genome-wide studies that use this overly permissive null model may exaggerate the importance of exon shuffling as a general mechanism of multidomain evolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2081 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
G N Izmaïlov

Abstract In this paper, outlined some of the most important concepts about Dark Matter and methods of their registration, in particular by using SQUIDs, a toy uniform model for Dark Matter and Dark Energy is analyzed. In the frame of the model Dark Matter particles is interpreted as excitations of Dark Energy field. Some constrains are considered. The devices based on SQUID, in particular the SQUID-paramagnetic absorber and the SQUID-magnetostrictor systems, both suitable for investigations of above problems, are considered. Estimates, are carried out within this model, indicate the possibility of experimental detection of the “ether wind” pressure, created by the non-corpuscular incoming flow, corresponding to the galactic orbital motion of the Earth.

2021 ◽  
Dalia Nashat ◽  
S. Khairy

2021 ◽  
Mateo V. TORRES ◽  
Irene ORTIZ-LEAL ◽  
Andrea FERREIRO ◽  
José Luis ROIS ◽  

Abstract The study of the α-subunit of Gi2 and Go proteins in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) was crucial for the identification of the two main families of vomeronasal receptors, V1R and V2R. Both families are expressed in the rodent and lagomorph AOBs, according to a segregated model characterized by topographical anteroposterior zonation. Many mammal species have suffered from the deterioration of the Gαo pathway and are categorized as belonging to the uniform model. This scenario has been complicated by characterization of the AOB in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, which appears to follow a third model of vomeronasal organization featuring exclusive Gαo protein expression, referred to as the intermediate model, which has not yet been replicated in any other species. Our morphofunctional study of the vomeronasal system (VNS) in Bennett’s wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus, provides further information regarding this third model of vomeronasal transduction.A comprehensive histological, lectin, and immunohistochemical study of the Bennett’s wallaby VNS was performed. Anti-Gαo and anti-Gαi2 antibodies were particularly useful because they labeled the transduction cascade of V2R and V1R receptors, respectively. Both G proteins showed canonical immunohistochemical labeling in the vomeronasal organ and the AOB, consistent with the anterior-posterior zonation of the segregated model. The lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin selectively labeled the anterior AOB, providing additional evidence for the segregation of vomeronasal information in the wallaby.Overall, the VNS of the Bennett’s wallaby shows a degree of differentiation and histochemical and neurochemical diversity comparable to species with greater VNS development, which does not support the existence of a third “intermediate” type of vomeronasal information processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Hong Loan Truong Thi ◽  
Ngoc Ba Vu ◽  
Quoc Dan Le Hung ◽  
Ngan Thy Truong Huu ◽  
Yen Hong Huynh Thi

In this work, the influences of the soil densities and the radionuclide depth distributions(RDD) on the Full Energy Peak Efficiency (FEPE) calculation of the in-situ gamma rayspectrometer using the In Situ Object Counting Systems (ISOCS) software were studied. The data of the RDDs at the sites were investigated by using laboratory HPGe gamma spectrometer. Six different RDDs of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th were found at four studied sites with radionuclide deposition moving from surface to deeper positions. The results show that FEPE values vary strongly for the different RDDs, especially for the low gamma ray energies. Use of the uniform model for calculating FEPEs can result in noticeable errors from 29% to 101% for the realistic RDD of the exponential form (surfaceradionuclide deposition), negative variations from 14% to 30% for the realistic RDD of having a radionuclide deposition at the 30 cm depth, and negligible variations of less than 5 % for the realistic RDD of quasi uniform form in the range of gamma ray energies of interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ali Nawab ◽  
Kerry Bissaker ◽  
Al Karim Datoo

PurposeWhereas the achievement of students has closely been linked with the quality of teachers and there is a bulk of literature supporting the need of teachers' preparation in enhancing their quality, professional development (PD) of teachers has been a central focus of reform initiatives in education across the globe. This paper aims at analysing the existing literature on PD of teachers to reflect on the models and characteristics of effective PD, and to highlight the importance of context in PD of teachers.Design/methodology/approachTo respond to the aim of the paper, a search in the field of pedagogy in Education Resource Information Centre (ERIC) was undertaken. The search strings used were “models of teachers' professional development”, “characteristics of teachers professional development” and “context in professional development” restricted to time period from 2000 to 2020.FindingsThe major argument this paper presents is that the models and characteristics of PD are relative and there is no uniform model to be implemented across contexts. Instead of debating the models and characteristics of effective PD, academics and practitioners have to be watchful to the context and the real needs of teachers in a particular context.Originality/valueThe paper critiques the generalisation of Western generated PD models to the developing world especially Pakistan which the existing research and literature is silent about.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-262
Bayrta Ubushaeva ◽  
Tamara Tsatkhlanova ◽  
Namina Burkutbaeva

Objective changes in the national economy provide sufficient grounds for state authorities to realize the importance of not only professional training of employees but also their retraining and further education. Thus, the widespread introduction of information and electronic technologies in all branches of the national economy systematically requires the availability of specialists with a high level of knowledge, experience, and new competencies in the labour market. Long-term neglect in the development of a uniform model in the training system of the studied categories of individuals has led to the fact that the labour market of regions, including municipalities, has experienced difficulties of a chronic nature. Therefore, the system of training unemployed citizens and socially vulnerable categories of people (parents who are on maternity leave, disabled people, people of pre-retirement age) should have new methods, technologies, and tools that are more effective than those that were

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 70-83
A. V. Yefimov

Currently, the legal regulation of public relations varies significantly depending on their participants. In particular, legal regulation is influenced by the consumer. However, there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of a “consumer” in legal acts, which gives rise to theoretical discussions and problems in enforcement. The purpose of the paper is to draw theoretical conclusions concerning the impact of a differentiated approach to legal regulation of the content of the legal status of consumers. Objectives of the study include: determination of validity of differentiating legal regulation of public relations, including legally binding relations; development of an approach to the identification of the general legal concept of the consumer; formation of a uniform model of the consumer’s legal status. In writing the paper, the author applied general scientific methods (system and functional methods, a group of logical methods such as deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis) and special legal methods (the formal legal method, the legal modeling method). The study concludes that the legal status of persons may vary according to such criteria as professionalism, association with business activity, connection with consumption. These criteria form a three-dimensional system, within which the legal status of a particular person is determined. In this sense, the qualification of a person as a consumer is possible due to the differentiation of legal regulation of relations according to one of the criteria (connection with consumption). It is substantiated that consumers are not only individuals who do not carry out business activities, but also individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, public legal entities, regardless of their professionalism and connection with business activities. The article proposes an approach according to which the process of consumption should equally influence the legal status of consuming persons due to a single criterion of differentiation with the preservation of the possibility of further differentiation by other criteria of legal significance. On the basis of the selection of the consumption criterion, the paper proposes a uniform model of the legal status of the consumer.

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