agricultural and life sciences
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Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1620
Henrique Da Ros Carvalho ◽  
Kevin J. McInnes ◽  
James L. Heilman

Even though energy balance concepts are fundamental to solutions of problems in a number of disciplines in the agricultural and life sciences, they are seldom demonstrated in a laboratory activity. Here, we introduce a simple domeless net radiometer to demonstrate how the surface temperature of an object aboveground is regulated by the properties of the surfaces and environmental conditions. The device is based on the early designs of all-wave net radiometers and is composed of a foam disc with its opposing surfaces coated with either white or black paint. Temperatures of the disc’s surfaces are monitored using thermocouple temperature sensors. Using a combination of solar irradiance, albedo of the ground surface, air temperature, and wind speed measurements, the temperatures of the disc’s surfaces can be calculated by means of an energy balance model. We found good agreement between calculated and measured temperatures. In addition to demonstrate important physical concepts under natural outdoor conditions, we believe that the proposed laboratory activity will benefit students by allowing them to gain some experience and practical skills in working with environmental sensors, programming data acquisition systems, and analyzing data. Stimulating students’ creativity as well as developing their analytical and problem-solving skills is another goal of the proposed activity.


Constant and rapid global economic and social developments and environmental processes create considerable new challenges, but also new opportunities for bio-economy. Entrepreneurs have a crucial role harnessing the new opportunities and addressing the challenges through innovation. The aim of the present paper is to study the entrepreneurship activities and entrepreneurial competencies of Estonian university graduates in the fields connected with bio-economy. The paper studies the data from a survey of three Estonian universities carried out in 2016 in the program “Systemic Development of Entrepreneurship education throughout all educational levels”. The analysis focuses on the share of entrepreneurs, assessments of the entrepreneurship competencies among the alumni, who graduated university in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries; life-sciences, and veterinary medicine, and on their comparison with alumni of the other curricula. Chi-square test, ANOVA are used the compare the entrepreneurship activities, competencies of alumni of different curricula. The results show that the graduates’ field of study had significant impact on their entrepreneurship activities after the graduation, and on the attainment of entrepreneurship competencies. A quarter of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and a fifth of veterinary alumni were entrepreneurs, although a significantly smaller share of them in comparison with graduates of other fields had received entrepreneurship education during their studies. The share of entrepreneurs was lowest among all the fields of study in case of life-sciences alumni. The study demonstrates the need to integrate entrepreneurship education into the agricultural and life-sciences education and to address the attainment of key competencies in university’s curricula.

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