conceptual systems
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Sena Bozdag ◽  
Matteo De Benedetto

AbstractThagard (1992) presented a framework for conceptual change in science based on conceptual systems. Thagard challenged belief revision theorists, claiming that traditional belief-revision systems are able to model only the two most conservative types of changes in his framework, but not the more radical ones. The main aim of this work is to take up Thagard’s challenge, presenting a belief-revision-like system able to mirror radical types of conceptual change. We will do that with a conceptual revision system, i.e. a belief-revision-like system that takes conceptual structures as units of revisions. We will show how our conceptual revision and contraction operations satisfy analogous of the AGM postulates at the conceptual level and are able to mimic Thagard’s radical types of conceptual change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 243
Alwin Suryono

Abstract: Revealing the conservation of Balinese culture forms in the architecture of Site and Aruna Restaurant of Tejaprana resort uses architectural phenomenological approach. The Balinese Culture’s physical-social system is expressed through sensory presence, conceptual systems through goal awareness, and the philosophy through essence awareness. The setting extends from the North-South direction, the Aruna restaurant surrounded by garden in the middle of the site and a temple in the North, preserving the principles of the Balinese Traditional Village setting. The essence of the site order is harmony with the local natural philosophy. Social activities surrounded by gardens in the middle of the site and temple in North form a harmonious-balanced human-nature-God relationship philosophy. The openness of Aruna restaurant is similar to Wantilan's architecture, but with different shape. The pool at the center of the floor and the eight columns around it symbolizes the "natural balance" of the Nawa Sanga concept. The essence of Aruna restaurant is local natural harmony philosophy and spiritual relations, forming a harmonious-balanced human-nature-God relationship philosophy. The principles of traditional village arrangements, Balinese cultural social system, concept of natural balance, bale Wantilan principle, Nawa Sanga concept, Tri Hita Karana philosophy are preserved in the site and Aruna restaurant.).Abstrak: Pengungkapan wujud-wujud Budaya Bali dalam arsitektur Tatanan Tapak dan Restoran Aruna resort Tejaprana dan pelestariannya menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis arsitektur. Sistem fisik-sosial Budaya Bali diungkap melalui kehadiran inderawi, sistem konsep melalui kesadaran tujuan, dan filosofi melalui kesadaran esensi. Tatanan tapak memanjang arah Utara-Selatan, restoran Aruna dikelilingi taman di tengah tapak dan Pura di Utaranya, melestarikan prinsip tatanan tapak Desa Tradisional Bali, berikut sistem sosial Budaya Bali. Tatanan tapak membentuk Keseimbangan Alam konsep Catur Lokapala. Esensi tatanan tapak adalah keharmonisan-keselarasan dengan alam setempat filosofi Manik Ring Cucupu. Aktivitas sosial dikelilingi taman di tengah tapak dan ibadah di Utaranya membentuk relasi harmonis-seimbang manusia-alam-Tuhan filosofi Tri Hita Karana. Restoran Aruna bersosok terbuka, atapnya bersusun mirip arsitektur Wantilan, namun bentuknya kerucut berlantai dua. Kolam di pusat lantai dan delapan kolom sekelilingnya searah mata angin simbol ‘keseimbangan alam’ konsep Nawa Sanga, memperlihatkan sistem sosial Budaya Bali. Esensi restoran Aruna adalah keharmonisan-keselarasan alam setempat (filosofi Manik Ring Cucupu) dan relasi spiritual, sehingga membentuk relasi harmonis-seimbang manusia-alam-Tuhan (filosofi Tri Hita Karana). Prinsip tatanan desa tradisional, sistem sosial Budaya Bali, konsep keseimbangan alam, prinsip bale Wantilan, konsep Nawa Sanga, filosofi Tri Hita Karana dilestarikan pada tapak dan restoran Aruna.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-19
I.N. Dyachenko

I.N. Dyachenko. Phonetic Level of the Text as the Interpretation Determinant. The article deals with modern paradigms of the text analysis. The text is considered the result of speech activity. The speech activity is an indispensable part of any individual’s activity. Recently, linguistics emphasizes that language is the way of representation of an individual’s mentality and consciousness. The text understanding is based on the system of concepts. As a result, the perception of the author’s idea is possible. The following approach is topical in the original text analysis. The interpreter is reconstructing the original text content within the frameworks of his/her own conceptual system. We have to mention that the absolute identity of the conceptual systems of the author and the interpreter is impossible because of their uniqueness. In cross-cultural translation the interpreter has to get the dominant meaning, emotive and phonosemantic content of the original text.

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-135
Óscar Frederic Teixidó-Durán

ResumenEn este texto se intenta resumir la teoría axiológica y ética, así como su relación con los derechos humanos –DDHH– que se desarrolla desde la flosofía científca: una flosofía que busca construir sistemas conceptuales generales, que sean claros y exactos, y pretende ajustar tales sistemas a las ciencias de su tiempo, retroalimentarse con ellas. De esta forma, se indaga en la flosofía práctica encarada con el máximo rigor posible y centrada en lograr cierta objetividad; una flosofía técnica. A lo largo del trabajo se desarrollarán los conceptos, hipótesis y prescripciones centrales de la flosofía práctica sobre el sustrato científco disponible. También se proponen algunas ideas críticas con los ‘derechos humanos’ que pueden ser de interés para juristas y teóricos del derecho. El fn de tales críticas no es la refutación o supresiónde los DDHH, sino todo lo contrario: su reafrmación contundente con las mejoras y reajustes que se necesiten Palabras clave: Valores, necesidades, normas, derechos, deberes, flosofía científca. AbstractIn this text we try to summarize the axiological and ethical theories, as well as its relation with human rights -HR- that is developed from scientifc philosophy: a philosophy that seeks to construct general conceptual systems that are clear and exact, and tries to adjust itself to the sciences of its time, to feed back with them. In this way, it is investigated in the practical philosophy faced with the maximum possible rigor and focused on achieving certain objectivity; a technical philosophy. All along this work we develop the central concepts, hypothesisand prescriptions of the practical philosophy on the scientifc substrate available. It also proposes some ideas critical of ‘human rights’ that may be of interest to jurists and legal theorists. The fnal objective of these critics it is not the refutation or suppression of HR, but just the opposed: their strength reafrmation with the improvements and readjustments required. Keywords: Values, needs, norms, rights, duties, scientifc philosophy.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 240-251
Dmitriy A. Primakov ◽  
Stanislav O. Shevchuk ◽  
Elena S. Cheremisina

In the article the current problems and the perspectives of compound monitoring and positioning systems based on domestic Russian GNSS receivers are considered. Modernized concepts of those systems are proposed for the issues solving by the perspective GNSS receivers and geodetic net software. The systems based on those technologies are also overviewed. The conclusions on specifications, form-factors and the features of potential receivers are made. Four models of potential GNSS receivers are given based on earlier research and experimental design developments of Russian Institute of Radio-navigation and Time (RIRT). The perspective software modifications for various-purpose GNSS networks are also overviewed. The propositions are summarized with conceptual systems of local automatized geodetic network and the system of plan-height position control. The structure and features of the systems are overviewed. The conclusions of the works were made and the future continuation of the works are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Canan Kocak Altundaay

This study aimed to determine teacher candidates’ perception about ‘chemistry’ through metaphors. In this study, 60 teacher candidates training at different programmes of Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, participated. The metaphors of teacher candidates about chemistry were collected through a diagram prepared according to the Lotus Flower Technique. After the 3,754 metaphors were defined and 8 imaginary categories to represent these metaphors were developed, the number of metaphors and its percentage were calculated for each category. As a result, it appears that, the images of the teacher candidates regarding the metaphorical perceptions of the chemistry of daily life and general chemistry are significantly different from each other. Metaphors are able to change conceptual systems and the perspectives of individuals towards the world. Therefore, this study catered to the introduction of metaphorical images, which bring new perspectives to teacher candidates about the chemistry of daily life.   Keywords: Lotus flower, model, metaphors, daily life, chemistry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46
V. O. Kuznetsov

Concepts are an integral part of a forensic activity forming a specific terminological system, determining forensic science’s metalanguage, distinguishing it from the related legal sciences: criminalistics and procedural law. The article aims to review the conceptual system of forensic science. The authors point out the heterogeneity of its terminological and conceptual systems, which results from the synthetic nature of this science. Based on the existing classifications of concepts and terms of the general theory of forensic science, a new classification is proposed, including not only traditionally recognized terms such as general and specific scientific, legal notions and special concepts of forensic expertology language, but also the so-called expert concepts: interdisciplinary, intermediate notions, obtained as a result of the transformation of basic sciences’s data. Interdisciplinary notions form the theoretical and conceptual framework for some kinds of forensic examinations, first of all, complex forensic psychological and psychiatric and forensic psychological examinations, which traditionally refer to them as ‘’expert’’. When used in quotation marks, the word ‘’expert’’ indicates the terms’ conditional character, indicating the scope of application and functioning of the concepts, contrasting them to the legal concepts of the same name and basic sciences’ categories.

2021 ◽  
Amelia Thomley ◽  
Adam Safron

This paper offers an introduction to conceptual metaphor theory (CMT), rooted in the cognitive linguistics field of study, and its application to art therapy theory and practice. Utilizing comics as a form of further elaboration and explanation, this manuscript is divided into five main sections: 1) an overview of current theories of conceptual metaphor, 2) a review of metaphor in art therapy, 3) an introduction to metaphor in comics, 4) a discussion of how CMT applies to art therapy practice, and 5) an encapsulation of these ideas in comic form. CMT proposes that metaphor is one of the main ways that humans are able to have abstract thought, and argues that metaphors often 1) work from the concrete to the abstract, 2) are based in bodily experience, and 3) build on each other over time, forming interconnected conceptual systems. Simultaneously, the field of art therapy utilizes metaphor in the understanding of both the process and product of art-making. The author puts forth that the work being done in cognitive linguistics can enhance and support the work being done in art therapy, and that CMT will further our understanding of art therapy pedagogy and practice.

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