International Journal of Learning and Teaching
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Published By Sciencepark Research Organization And Counseling


2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 204-223
Maricel Sacramento ◽  
Gina Ibanezr ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted educational leaders to restructure the curriculum and modify the instructional set-up to accommodate remote learning of which using technology is the most viable solution to the existing problem. This study explores how teachers adapt and utilise technology-based teaching, and what makes students learn under blended learning modalities in Taytay Senior High School. Quantitatively, using the validated survey questionnaire anchored on the technology adaptation model and the adaptive learning environment model, this study revealed that teachers' age is the factor in all aspects of the model (performance and effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions). When comparing the adaptation levels of students and teachers, it showed that teachers were slightly higher than the students, and that there is a negligible correlation. The findings of this study will serve as baseline data for immediate actions for items that surfaced concerns as hindrance or factors that can hamper students’ academic performance. Keywords: Technology adaptation, online classes, remote learning, Senior High School, Philippines.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 241-259
Afsaneh Heydari Gujani ◽  
Ali Jahangard

Computer-supported Collaborative Learning has been the focus of investigation in the field of foreign language learning for many years. This study aimed to investigate the impact of learning through blogging on the students’ essay writing skill and attitude. A total of 96 students from a Technological university were assigned to the study and were divided into 2 groups of experimental (bloggers) and control (regular) groups. They were instructed in two different methods by using different teaching methodologies. The bloggers, the experimental group students, did not receive any direct teaching; in fact, they received the lessons through weblogs. The findings showed that blogging had a significantly better effect on the learners’ writing skill improvement than the regular class. Also, a semi-structured interview was conducted to investigate the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, actual use of web and the students' attitude toward blogging, whose results demonstrated that the students’ attitudes and feelings can be reshaped as a result of exposure to e-learning. Keywords: Computer-supported, collaborative learning, blogging, e-learning, essay writing

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 224-240
Laya Heidari ◽  
Shiva Parvaresh

Language learners’ achievement relies to a great extent on what goes on inside the classroom. The teachers’ personality types and their classroom management orientations play a role in such achievement. The present study intended to explore Iranian EFL teachers’ major personality types and classroom management orientations. Moreover, the relationship between their personality types and classroom management orientations were probed. Sixty EFL teachers were chosen through the convenience sampling method from foreign language institutes in Isfahan, Iran. The results showed that extroverted–sensing–thinking–judging type was the most frequent personality type and the interactionalist approach was the major classroom management orientation among Iranian EFL teachers teaching at language institutes. The findings of this study enhance EFL teachers’, as well as directors, of language institutes’ understanding of the personality type as one crucial factor related to EFL teachers’ behaviour management approaches. More implications of the results and future research directions are also discussed. Keywords: Classroom, management orientations, effective teaching, Iranian EFL teachers, personality types

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 260-275
Reynaldo Saccuan ◽  
Aileen Carbonell

The landscape of education is changing amidst the coronavirus pandemic, especially in public schools of which students are not used to remote learning. According to the goal theory, there is a relationship between goal difficulty, level of performance and effort. For this reason, this study surfaced the level of expectation, performance and stance of action of students amidst the pandemic. Data were gathered through a survey questionnaire via online using Google Forms. The survey questionnaire composed of the profile of the respondents, rating scale on the level of expectation and perceived performance of the students. The findings reflected the expectation, performance and action plan of the students of which these data can be used as baseline data for planning of programme and activities to help students not feel the difficulty of learning in distance learning. Keywords: Expectation, performance, distance learning, senior high school, sentiments.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 184-203
Emine Begecarslan ◽  
Fatma Azahin ◽  
Beril Azenel ◽  
Elif Kazmaz ◽  
Zabeyde Burasin Garbey

Children curiously and instinctively ask questions about how, what and why about their environment. The aim of the study is to examine the effect of early childhood water games on the development of STEM skills. The study group consisted of 21 students of fifth grade of a primary school in İstanbul, Maltepe. In the research, water games related to swimming and stinging were played from salvation from desert island, and answers from the children such as let us do submarine, rainbow sherbet and let us carry the water. After the evaluation of the research data, the effect of the water games on the development of STEM skills was determined. In a study related to swimming and stinging in early childhood, children expressed that they found the swimming and stinging experience enjoyable. This paper recommends other researchers to work on different topics and in different age groups within the scope of the contribution of the games to the development of STEM skills. Keywords: STEM, games, early childhood, Skills, water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 106-124
Yoones Tavoosy

With the increase in international exchange of information, language policies of countries have focused especially on the teaching and learning of English, the universal language of communication. The aim of the study is to evaluate the intensive English language teaching programme for the fifth grade according to the teachers’ views. The research is conducted in the phenomenological pattern, one of the qualitative research methods. In the 2018–2019 academic year, data were collected by interviewing with 26 volunteer English teachers in 7 different districts of İstanbul. Descriptive and content analysis methods were used for analysing the data. From the results, most of the teachers generally have expressed positive opinions about the intensive English language course for the fifth grade and its curriculum. This paper recommends that the content should be eased by reducing the number of unit numbers and grammar subjects in the curriculum.   Keywords: Intensive course, English language, teaching programme, programme evaluation, teachers’ views, the fifth grade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-132
Oana Iucu

The very rapid transition to the online teaching and learning system, without sufficient training and not proper adapted to the educational needs of students (already migrated to virtual environments and digital tools), has produced some visible dysfunctions, especially in informal interactions with students. Dimensions investigated using a methodology based on the survey’s technique aimed at types of academic activities carried out during the period dedicated to online activities, participation in online activities of ‘synchronous’ type – face to face – categories of online applications used, types of platforms for asynchronous activities and classical teaching strategies most commonly used in association with online educational techniques. The population was represented by students and teachers from the fields of study administrative studies and academic categories that will provide a serious input for formulating conclusions. We propose to launch a practical module for the training of university professors on the innovative pedagogies applied to the administrative sciences and law academic fields.   Keywords: Teaching and learning, administrative studies, digitalisation / digitisation, innovative pedagogies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-145
Muhammad Hafeez

The challenges in the 21st century have made learning a complex process. In this age, new and conceptual learning strategies are being used to compete with the challenges. The concept map learning strategy has shown positive influences on students’ academic achievements and quality of education. This learning strategy has also showed a significant effect on students’ critical thinking skills. A research study has been conducted to assess the students’ academic achievements and memorisation power by concept map learning strategy and traditional learning approach. The students of a primary school studying in fifth grade in general course for section A (concept map learning strategy) and section B (Traditional lecture learning strategy) were assessed. The descriptive statistics and t-test analysis were also carried out on the results obtained from the students by concept map and traditional learning strategies. Statistical analysis showed that concept map learning strategy improved the students’ academic achievements and memorisation power significantly.   Keywords: Critical thinking skills, learning skills, microbiology, strategies, primary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-183
Nazim Kasot ◽  
Mehmet Guneyli

In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the teaching of English in North Cyprus on the basis of educational administration. The scope of education management was determined according to the opinions concerning school management and school administrators. Qualitative research approach and case study model were used as basis in the research. Participants were selected in accordance with the purposeful sampling, maximum diversity and easily accessible case sampling. Accordingly, 23 English teachers from 6 districts working in secondary education of Norhern Cyprus Ministry of National Education  were selected. The data were obtained through interviews and analyzed by content analysis. It is an important result of this research that school administrators have positive perspectives towards English teaching. It has been revealed that school administrators do not expect different tasks from English teachers when compared to other course teachers. It was noteworthy that the building of English language classrooms was one of the striking expectations of English teachers from school administrators. Keywords: Foreign language education, English teaching, school management, school administrators, North Cyprus;

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-76
Muhammad Hafeez

From the beginning of 21st century, the leaning stratigies have been changed from traditional to information and communication based. A critical review of published articles about blended and traditional leaning stratigies has been conducted to highlight the importance and significance of both learning stratigies. Thirty-six (36) research articles published in various databases in various disciplines have been selected for review.  The review of literature showed that in most of the studies, the blended learning strategy proved to be more effective learning strategy against the traditional lecture method. From thirty-six published articles reviewed, twenty-five studies showed a statistically more significance value in blended learning approach for academic achievement, critical and creative skills in various disciplines. So, on the basis of this study, it is strongly recommended that blended learning strategy must be applied to achieve high academic and professional results.    

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