sn 1987a
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2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Roger Wesson ◽  
Antonia Bevan

Abstract In recent years, dust masses of a few tenths of a solar mass have been found in the expanding ejecta of a number of core-collapse supernovae. How dust forms in such quantities remains poorly understood; theories of dust formation predict lower total masses and much faster formation rates than observations imply. One suggestion to reconcile observations and theory was made by Dwek et al., who proposed that the dust forms very rapidly, and because of its optical depth, is not initially observationally detectable, only being gradually revealed as the ejecta expand. Observational dust masses at early times would then only be lower limits. Using a large grid of radiative transfer models covering dust masses from 10−4 to 1 M ⊙ to calculate both the spectral energy distribution and the emission line profiles from clumpy dust shells, we show that this cannot be the case. Some clump distributions allow dust masses of ∼0.01 M ⊙ to be concealed in clumps and still predict an SED consistent with the observations. However, these geometries predict emission line profiles that are inconsistent with the observations. Similarly, clump geometries that reproduce the observed emission line profiles with dust masses >0.01 M ⊙ do not reproduce the SED. However, models with ∼10−3 M ⊙ of amorphous carbon can reproduce both the SED and the emission line profiles. We conclude that no large masses of dust can be hidden from view in the ejecta of SN 1987A at early epochs, and that the majority of dust must thus have formed at epochs >1000 days.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Aravind P. Ravi ◽  
Sangwook Park ◽  
Svetozar A. Zhekov ◽  
Marco Miceli ◽  
Salvatore Orlando ◽  

Abstract Based on observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we present the latest spectral evolution of the X-ray remnant of SN 1987A (SNR 1987A). We present a high-resolution spectroscopic analysis using our new deep (∼312 ks) Chandra HETG observation taken in 2018 March as well as archival Chandra grating spectroscopic data taken in 2004, 2007, and 2011 with similarly deep exposures (∼170–350 ks). We perform detailed spectral model fits to quantify changing plasma conditions over the last 14 yr. Recent changes in electron temperatures and volume-emission measures suggest that the shocks moving through the inner ring have started interacting with less dense circumstellar material, probably beyond the inner ring. We find significant changes in the X-ray line-flux ratios (among H- and He-like Si and Mg ions) in 2018, consistent with changes in the thermal conditions of the X-ray-emitting plasma that we infer based on the broadband spectral analysis. Post-shock electron temperatures suggested by line-flux ratios are in the range ∼0.8–2.5 keV as of 2018. We do not yet observe any evidence of substantial abundance enhancement, suggesting that the X-ray emission component from the reverse-shocked metal-rich ejecta is not yet significant in the observed X-ray spectrum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
pp. 036
A.P. Gautham ◽  
Francesca Calore ◽  
Pierluca Carenza ◽  
Maurizio Giannotti ◽  
Dieter Horns ◽  

Abstract It has been recently claimed by two different groups that the spectral modulation observed in gamma rays from Galactic pulsars and supernova remnants can be due to conversion of photons into ultra-light axion-like-particles (ALPs) in large-scale Galactic magnetic fields. While we show the required best-fit photon-ALP coupling, gaγ  ∼ 2 × 10-10 GeV-1, to be consistent with constraints from observations of photon-ALPs mixing in vacuum, this is in conflict with other bounds, specifically from the CAST solar axion limit, from the helium-burning lifetime in globular clusters, and from the non-observations of gamma rays in coincidence with SN 1987A. In order to reconcile these different results, we propose that environmental effects in matter would suppress the ALP production in dense astrophysical plasma, allowing to relax previous bounds and make them compatible with photon-ALP conversions in the low-density Galactic medium. If this explanation is correct, the claimed ALP signal would be on the reach of next-generations laboratory experiments such as ALPS II.

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Jiachen Ding ◽  
Lifan Wang ◽  
Peter Brown ◽  
Ping Yang

2021 ◽  
Robert Brose ◽  
Jonathan Mackey ◽  
Sean Kelly ◽  
Nathan Grin ◽  
Luca Grassitelli

New Astronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
pp. 101548
Noam Soker

2021 ◽  
Vol 908 (2) ◽  
pp. L45
Emanuele Greco ◽  
Marco Miceli ◽  
Salvatore Orlando ◽  
Barbara Olmi ◽  
Fabrizio Bocchino ◽  
X Ray ◽  
Sn 1987A ◽  

Masamitsu Mori ◽  
Yudai Suwa ◽  
Ken’ichiro Nakazato ◽  
Kohsuke Sumiyoshi ◽  
Masayuki Harada ◽  

Abstract Massive stars can explode as supernovae at the end of their life cycle, releasing neutrinos whose total energy reaches 1053erg. Moreover, neutrinos play key roles in supernovae, heating and reviving the shock wave as well as cooling the resulting proto-neutron star. Therefore, neutrino detectors are waiting to observe the next galactic supernova and several theoretical simulations of supernova neutrinos are underway. While these simulation concentrate mainly on only the first one second after the supernova bounce, the only observation of a supernova with neutrinos, SN 1987A, revealed that neutrino emission lasts for more than 10 seconds. For this reason, long-time simulation and analysis tools are needed to compare theories with the next observation. Our study is to develop an integrated supernova analysis framework to prepare an analysis pipeline for treating galactic supernovae observations in the near future. This framework deals with the core-collapse, bounce and proto-neutron star cooling processes, as well as with neutrino detection on earth in a consistent manner. We have developed a new long-time supernova simulation in one dimension that explodes successfully and computes the neutrino emission for up to 20 seconds. Using this model we estimate the resulting neutrino signal in the Super-Kamiokande detector to be about 1,800 events for an explosion at 10 kpc and discuss its implications in this paper. We compare this result with the SN 1987A observation to test its reliability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-145 ◽  
C. Kato ◽  
K. Ishidoshiro ◽  
T. Yoshida

More than 30 years have passed since the successful detection of supernova (SN) neutrinos from SN 1987A. In the last few decades, remarkable progress has been made in neutrino detection techniques, through which it may be possible to detect neutrinos from a new source, presupernova (pre-SN) neutrinos. They are emitted from a massive star prior to core bounce. Because neutrinos escape from the core freely, they carry information about the stellar physics directly. Pre-SN neutrinos may play an important role in verifying our understanding of stellar evolution for massive stars. Observation of pre-SN neutrinos, moreover, may serve as an alarm regarding an SN explosion a few days in advance if the progenitor is located in our vicinity, enabling us to observe the next galactic SN. In this review, we summarize the current status of pre-SN neutrino studies from both the theoretical and observational points of view.

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