land usage
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Ashok Brahma ◽  
Jhanin Mushahary

Inequitable land access and land disputes are commonly mentioned as major causes of instability in the Bodoland region. Land problems are frequently invoked as a more potent debating tactic in conflict. For tribals in the region, land reform, ownership, registry, legal pluralism, boundary difficulties, landlessness, insecure land usage, and other associated issues are all major concerns. Major land legislation has failed to significantly reduce the number of major land disputes in the region. The British Colonial rule in India created substantial disruptions to land practises and possessions, which are still felt today in various regions of the country and in Northeast India, notably Assam. It's clear that the land issue is still relevant and active.

Banjo Aderemi ◽  
Thomas Otieno Olwal ◽  
Julius Musyoka Ndambuki ◽  
Sophia Sudi Rwanga

Globally, groundwater is the largest distributed storage of freshwater and plays an important role in an ecosystem’s sustainability in addition to aiding human adaptation to both climatic change and variability. However, groundwater resources are dynamic and often change as a result of land usage, abstraction, as well as variation in climate. To solve these challenges, many conventional solutions, such as certain numerical techniques, have been proffered for groundwater modelling. The global evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enhanced the culture of data gathering for the management of groundwater resources. In addition, efficient data-driven groundwater resource management relies hugely on information relating to changes in groundwater resources as well as their availability. At the moment, some studies in the literature reveal that groundwater managers lack an efficient and real-time groundwater management system that is needed to gather the required data. Additionally, the literature reveals that the existing methods of collecting data lack the required efficiency to meet computational model requirements and meet management objectives. Unlike previous surveys, which solely focussed on particular groundwater issues related to simulation and optimisation management methods, this paper seeks to highlight the current groundwater management models as well as the IoT contributions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 148
Banjo Ayoade Aderemi ◽  
Thomas Otieno Olwal ◽  
Julius Musyoka Ndambuki ◽  
Sophia Sudi Rwanga

Globally, groundwater is the largest distributed storage of freshwater and plays an important role in an ecosystem’s sustainability in addition to aiding human adaptation to both climatic change and variability. However, groundwater resources are dynamic and often change as a result of land usage, abstraction, as well as variation in climate. To solve these challenges, many conventional solutions, such as certain numerical techniques, have been proffered for groundwater modelling. The global evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enhanced the culture of data gathering for the management of groundwater resources. In addition, efficient data-driven groundwater resource management relies hugely on information relating to changes in groundwater resources as well as their availability. At the moment, some studies in the literature reveal that groundwater managers lack an efficient and real-time groundwater management system which is needed to gather the required data. Additionally, the literature reveals that the existing methods of collecting data lack the required efficiency to meet computational model requirements and meet management objectives. Unlike previous surveys, which solely focussed on particular groundwater issues related to simulation and optimisation management methods, this paper seeks to highlight the current groundwater management models as well as the IoT contributions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Iskandar Zulkarnain ◽  
Pangemananan Handrie Dunand

Background: The total area of the village is 600 hectares and the largest part of the land usage is coconut farming which is 497 hectares, while the rest are roads and rivers.Research purposes: The purpose of the study is to determine whether the wage of labors, the term of payment of wages , and the social prestige affect the job shiffting of agricultural workers to servive sector workers.Research methods: The research method used in this research is a quantitative approach. Research results: The result shows that the changing profession from coconut farm workers to the service workers is determined by 3 (three) factors, that are the wage of labors, the term of payment wages, and social prestige. These are proved by a signigicant level ( α)=0.05, with the result obtained in table with dk=98 is 1.984, it means that the regression coefficient is significant between variable x and variable y , where the value of b=0,92, which means that every increase of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y.Conclusion: The influence of changing profession of coconut farmers to service workers determined by three factors that are is the wages factor, the term of paymenet wages, and the social prestige. These are proved by the result of significant level (α) + 0,05, result obtained is(α) = 0,05, so the table with dk= 98 is 1.984, this result means that the null hypothesis is rejected. Means that from the calculation between variable X and Y, where the value of b = 0,92, which means that every increase of 100 units will cause the incracement 0,92 of Y. Furthermore the corelation coefficient of 0,86 which is significant, indicates that there is a relationship or linkage between the wage factor , the term of payment wages , and social prestige towards the changing profession of farm workers, as well as in the regression analysis. The square of correlation coeficient (π ) which is the coeficient of determination amounted to 0,73 =73%. This implies that the effect of the jobshifting of farmer workers to service workers can be explained by wage factors, the length of payment day, and and social prestige , amounted to 73%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (17) ◽  
Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah ◽  
Azni Mohd Dian ◽  
Ramzyzan Ramly

Contrary to many short-term accommodation operators (STAs), short-term accommodations in Malaysia are subjected to laws relating to land and town planning. In the light of the ignorance of the STA operators about the legal aspects of STAs and complaints received by both the industry players (registered hoteliers) and the general community at large, this paper addresses the elements of an express condition of the land, usage of the property and licensing of the STAs in Malaysia. This paper uses the library-based approach, where the analysis of relevant legislation, newspaper report, decided cases, and journal articles are made. A comparative study with selected states in the U.S.A is made concerning the legal status of the short-term rentals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 41-50
Horst Kopp

J. O. Sule ◽  
L.M. Ojigi ◽  
T.O. Adewuyi ◽  
S. Azua ◽  
A.O. Aliyu ◽  

Human variables such as population increase and distribution, as well as economic expansion, have a strong impact on land usage. Zaria and Sabon Gari local government areas are endowed with various types of institutions that attract people from far and near to its space for studies and employments. This in turn leads to increase in population growth and the expansion of residential land use (LU). Thus, this study assessed the Land Consumption Rate (LCR) and Land Absorption Coefficient (LAC) of the residential and educational LUs using geospatial technique. The study analyzed Landsat imagery of 1987, 1999, 2006, and 2018. The study utilized a combination of quantitative (pixel-based) and qualitative (digitizing) methods of image classification for classifying the residential and educational LUs and biophysical covers. Quantitative assessment of the LU dynamics was achieved by the post-classification computation of LU dynamics, LCR, and LAC. The results revealed that residential LU occupied an area of 2594.25ha in 1987, 2815.15ha in 1999, 4042.54ha in 2006, and 8033.19ha in 2018. In the same vein, the educational LU occupied area of 2623.41ha in 1987, 2991.87ha in 1999, 3021.10ha in 2006, and 3093.75ha in 2018. The LCR values for residential LU were 0.555%, 0.468%, 0.579%, and 0.803% for the years 1987, 1999, 2006, and 2018 respectively. The LCR reduced from 1987 to 1999 and then increased from 1999 to 2018. The LAC values for the residential LU increased across the period of the study. The study concluded that the exploitation of the new lands for residential and educational LUs could be as a result of the demographic and institutional drivers of LU. The study suggested that the urban planning authority should develop planning measures that will regulate the already crowded residential LU in the study area.was transformation of rocky surface and waterbody into urban area, which was caused by population growth, human and agricultural activities in Zuru metropolis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 99-105
Gabriel Constantin Benga ◽  
Danut Savu ◽  
Sorin Vasile Savu ◽  
Adrian Bebe Olei ◽  
Iulian Ştefan

Significant industrial settlements along the main Europe inland waterways are going to be analysed based on NACE codes per port (maritime and inland) in ports and along the waterway. The industrial areas around ports have been analysed and different KPIs were developed, like distance from industrial areas for handling infrastructure, throughput or industrial segments. Furthermore, an analysys concerning the link between the length of the waterways and the land usage areas has been performed as well as the influnce of the population density on the land usage area ratio.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 31-41
Olena Bevz

This article aims to determine the system of the state bodies of executive power in terms of their competence in cultural and historical land usage and protection, taking into account the latest changes in Ukrainian legislation. The author emphasizes that the administration of lands designated for historical and cultural use and protection should take place within a framework of executive bodies specifically authorized as regards cultural heritage protection. Special attention is drawn to the powers of such state bodies like the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the State Service for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Ukraine, and the State Inspection for Cultural Heritage of Ukraine. The article includes a historical and contemporary overview of central executive bodies that ensure the formation and implementation of state policy in the sphere of cultural heritage protection. This scientific study focuses on the constant changes that occur in the system of executive power. The results of the investigation show that these changes in Ukraine take place irregularly today and are not conducive to the efficient use and protection of lands of historical and cultural significance.

Ms. Jayshree B. Aher

Abstract: In the past era the towns were formed by settlements of people around their place of work. The workers used to construct temporary residences as close to their workplace such as factories and industries to reduce travelling distances. These temporary residences eventually converted into permanent residences and in the same way entire towns were established. Due to lack of planning and haphazard uncontrolled land usage various problems started to grow in these towns. This project focuses on one such town named Malegaon in Nashik district in Maharashtra. This town was formed by accumulation of handloom workers around handloom industries which have been in this city for many decades. Improper distribution of land and lack of planning of development have given rise to problems such as traffic congestions, poverty, riots between multiple communities, lack of employment opportunities other than looms and overall deprivation of standard of living. This project focuses on solving a few of these problems by implementation of principles of new urbanism on the Malegaon city. The principles upon implementation will help to improve transportation efficiency, easier access to public facilities and utilities, elevation of standard of living of the citizens and overall development of the area. Keywords: New Urbanism, Malegaon, Nashik, Walkability, Connectivity, Diversity, Housing, Transportation, Sustainability, neighborhood, Density, Architecture

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