psychological feature
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InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 144-149
Viktoria Predko

The psychological content of the phenomenon of hardiness, its main structural components, predictors and mechanisms of its formation are revealed. The main functions of hardiness are determined, its importance in the development of a teenage personality is analyzed. Hardiness is presented as an important factor of self-determination, adaptation and internal balance. It is emphasized that the main psychological feature of hardiness is that it helps to minimize the negative consequences of unfavorable external influences and turn them into new opportunities, to gain autonomy in their life. The problem of the need to transform the educational system, rethink the entire content of education and improve the educational process is raised. The emphasis is made on the fact that the implementation of new educational reforms should be based on taking into account the psychological component - the development of the hardiness of the individual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Mingchao Li

Contemporary classroom teaching requires the combination of students’ classroom behavior and their psychological activities and appropriately changes the teaching mode according to students’ psychological characteristics. This paper analyzes the traditional characteristic recognition algorithm, and after improving its deficiencies, an improved characteristic extraction algorithm is proposed, based on the actual situation of classroom learning. This new algorithm can effectively improve the students’ psychological feature prediction; with the support of this algorithm, a comprehensive analysis model with classroom behavior recognition and psychological feature recognition is constructed; also, the functional structure of the system is built up. Through experimental research, the model proposed in this paper is analyzed, and the experimental data has approved that the systemic model could play an important role in classroom teaching.

Mr. Tanmay J. Sancheti

To develop a voice primarily based email system that will facilitate visually impaired individuals to access email in a problem free manner. Together with providing usage of mail services simply and with efficiency, the system also will cut back the psychological feature work that must be unremarkably taken by the visually impaired to recollect and sort characters using the normal Braille keyboards, which are accessible to them. The graphical user interface of this method has been evaluated against the interface of the traditionally accessible mail system. Not only for visually impaired, but also for people who are illiterate might have the benefit of this technique. The foremost crucial facet which will be thought of developing this technique is that the users of this technique does not have any basic information regarding the keyboard shortcuts used or wherever the keys are used for. All functions to be utilized in this technique are supposed to be easy mouse click operations creating the system very user friendly. This application proposes an android application, designed specifically for visually impaired individuals. This application provides a voice primarily based mailing service which provides them to browse and send mail on their own, without any guidance. The users ought to use certain keywords which can perform certain actions for e.g. Read, Send, and Compose Mail, Address Book etc. This EMAIL system is utilized by a visually handicapped person to access mails easily and with efficiency. Therefore reliance of visually impaired on others for his or her own activities associated with mail are often reduced.

2020 ◽  
pp. 027623742095141
Leonardo Bonetti ◽  
Elvira Brattico ◽  
Peter Vuust ◽  
Marina Kliuchko ◽  
Suvi Saarikallio

Intelligence is a key psychological feature associated to emotion and perception. Listening to music is often linked to emotional experience and sensation seeking (SS), traits that have been shown overall negatively correlated with intelligence. In a sample of 53 musicians and 54 non-musicians, we assessed the use of music for experiencing strong emotions through the Music in Mood Regulation (MMR) and the intelligence quotient (IQ) by using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III (WAIS-III). We found a negative correlation between the full IQ score and the use of music for SS in both musician and non-musician groups. Furthermore, the use of music for SS was negatively correlated with Verbal IQ in musicians, and with Performance IQ in non-musicians. Our findings indicate that less intelligent individuals make a higher use of music for experiencing strong sensations than more intelligent ones. Furthermore, this association is modulated by the individual musical expertise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Аслям Халиков

The psychology of the category of interest has a multifaceted character, which is the semantic line of human life. At the same time, interest begins with individual’s psychology, then there is a transition to interests in social and legal relations, and then the interest again turns into personal motivation, but already in a social environment. The main psychological feature of interest is its emotional component, without which the interest loses its subjective meaning. It is reflected in legal relations between the state and society. Purpose: to consider the concept and characteristics of interest in social and legal relations. Methods: empirical methods of comparison, description, interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Results: the author comes to the conclusion that the construction of a person's interest at the present time does not come from two components - individual and social, but from three, which will certainly include the third component as interests at the level of international relations.

Джээнбүбү Бегеева

Аннотация. В статье анализируется качество переводов рассказов В.Шукшина, осуществленных в середине 70-х годов С. Наматбаевым. Переводоведческий анализ вывил многочисленные стилевые расхождения между оригиналом и переводом. При переводе одного из лучших рассказов Шукшина «Чудик» искажения стиля не передали психологические тонкости рассказа. При переводе рассказа «Дядя Ермолай» философский аспект рассказа выпал, так как переводчик исказил жанровую специфику. Перевод рассказа «Два письма» оказался более качественным по сравнению с предыдущими. Переводчик рассказа «Два письма» сумел приблизиться к оригиналу, расшифровать его основную тональность, воспроизвести атмосферу напряженных поисков истины героем рассказа Николаем Иванычем. Этот перевод оказался более качественно выполненным по сравнению с предыдущим рассказом «Дядя Ермолай». Причину переводческого успеха можно объяснить, прежде всего, доступностью содержания рассказа, да и сам герой не столь сложная и глубокая личность, как повествователь в рассказе о дяде Ермолае. В целом, переводы С.Наматбаева являются своеобраз- ным этапом в переводческом деле. В настоящее время необходимо более полное и глубокое восприятие творчества В.Шукшина и создания новых адекватных переводов. Ключевые слова: качество переводов, стилевые расхождения, психологические тонкости, философский аспект, этапом. Аннотация. Макалада В.Шукшиндин аңгемелеринин кыргыз тилине которуудагы сапаты каралат, котормолор 1970-жылдары котормочу С.Наматбаев аркылуу жаралган. Котормонун сапатына талдоо жүргүзгөндө көпчүлүк каталар табылган, алардын эң олуттуусу стилдердин айырмасы, негизги чыгарма менен котормонун ортосунда. Мисалы, “Чудик” деген аңгеменин психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү жоголуп кеткен. “Ермолай байке” деген аңгемеде жанрдын туура эмес берилишинен жазуучунун негизги ою жоголуп кеткен. “Эки кат” деген аңгеме беркилерге караганда сапаттуу которулган. Котормочу " Эки кат" деген аңгемени оригиналга жакындатып которгон. Башкы каарман Николай Иванычтын изденүүлөрүн, ойлорун, чындыкты табууга аракеттерин Шукшинден кем эмес окуучуларга жеткирген. Котормочунун жетишкендиги аңгеменин түшүнүктүү мазмуну менен түшүндүрсө болот, жана Николай Ивановичтин жөнөкөйлүгү менен. С.Наматбаевдын котормолору каталарына карабастан котормочулук иште алдыга жылуу болгон. Бирок, азыркы заманда сапаттуу котормо жаратууда мезгил келди. Түйүндүү сөздөр: которуудагы сапаты, стилдердин айырмасы, психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү, негизги ою жоголуп. Annotation. The quality of translation of the Shukshins stories is analyzed in the Middle 70- years. By S.Namatbaev. The translation analysis had idenh hed numerous style discrepancies between the original and the translation. The psychological feature of the compasihion were not be hansfered by the translation one the bestand famous story by. V.Shukshin due to distorhion of the style. By the translation of the story “The uncle Ermolai” had full a phisichal aspect of the story, because the translator had distorted the genre specifics. The translation of the stories “Two letters” was wade more qualitative comparated with another stories. Generally, the Namatbaevs translation are a sui generis stage in the translatiobs. We need currently more total and profound perception of the creation by V.Shukshin. The create of the new adeavate translation is the main task. The head of the theory and history of Russian literature department. V. Shukshin’s stories and problems of translation them into Kyrgyz language. This article is analysed the quality of translation of V. Shukshin’s stories, which were written in 70 th with S. Namatbaev. Translation analyse deduced many stylistic variations between translated version and original. There is a misrepresentation, was not transmitted psychological subtleties of the story in translation of one of the best V. Shuk- shin’s story “Wierdo”. Metaphysical dimension is disappeared in translation of the story “Uncle Ermolai”, since translator destort the genre specificity. The translation of the story “Two letters” has been more qualitative in comparison with previous translations. In common, S. Namatbaev’s translation is a genius stage in translation. It needs more full and deep comprehension of S. Shukshin’s work and to establish new suitable translation. Key words: Quality of translation, stylistic variation, psychological subtleties, metaphysical dimension, stage.

Globus ◽  
2020 ◽  
I. Bagandova ◽  

This study is devoted to the study of the features of the archetype of the Dargins, the formation of which dates back to the times of paganism and, which was imprinted by both religious ideas and historical events that had a significant impact on the worldview and worldview of the people. This work is the first attempt to analyze the archetype of the Dargins from the point of view of its inherent fatalism on the basis of proverbs, sayings and legends of the Dargin people, which represent the wealth of oral folk art and reflect the specifics of the psychological formation of the people that have been taking shape for millennia

Miroslav I. Yasin

In this article a theoretical investigation of the concept of cognitive closure including the historical involvement of research on this issue and an analysis of the relevant notions is presented. The concept of cognitive closure is considered from a historical point of view – concepts and theories that logically lead to the issue of studying cognitive styles and cognitive closure in particular are given. Such notions as ambiguity intolerance, certainty orientation, desire for a simple cognitive structure, dogmatism, fundamentalism and rigidity of thought are presented to be closely related to the cognitive closure. The most extended and developed construct of cognitive closure is found in the Lay Epistemic Theory. The specifi city of the cognitive closure construct is that in the Lay Epistemic Theory, the emphasis was shifted from the tendency to get rid of information as a psychological feature for an active dynamic (motivational) moment. Cognitive research is one of the promising areas of research in psychology, as it has great explanatory potential, which makes it possible to conduct applied research on various topics. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of modern scientifi c periodicals, the most demanded lines of research are presented and it is concluded that the relevance of the topic is currently increasing.

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