growth centre
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2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1955) ◽  
pp. 20211166
Pia J. Schucht ◽  
Nicole Klein ◽  
Markus Lambertz

Histology-based skeletochronology is a widely used approach to determine the age of an individual, and is based on the assumption that temporal cessations or decelerations of bone growth lead to incremental growth marks (GM), reflecting annual cycles. We studied the reliability of histology-based skeletochronology in a variety of extant tetrapods by comparing two different approaches: petrographic ground sections versus stained microtomized sections. Each bone was cut into two corresponding halves at its growth centre in order to apply both approaches to one and the same sample. None of the samples unequivocally revealed the actual age of the specimens, but truly concerning is the fact that the majority of samples even led to conflicting age estimates between the two approaches. Although the microtomized sections tended to yield more GM and thus indicated an older age than the ground sections, the contrary also occurred. Such a pronounced ambiguity in skeletochronological data strongly challenges the value of the respective age determinations for both extant and extinct animals. We conclude that much more research on the fundamental methodological side of skeletochronology—especially regarding the general nature and microscopic recognition of GM—is required.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-8
Ben Hur Godolphim ◽  
Cleber Bidegain Pereira ◽  
Bernardo Froes Godolphim ◽  
Sandra Vargas Hüning

A longitudinal study of growth statistically was performed by superimposition on the tracings of 41 individuals, at 6, 9, 12 and 20 years of age from the sample of the Burlington Growth Centre, University of Toronto, Canadá. With a new approach in cefalometrics, named Circular Cephalogram. The Basion is it registration point and the centre of a circle that inscribes the face and the skull where lines like radii are joining the Basion to more external anatomic points. The Circular Cephalogram with origin in the basion point was proposed mainly because most classics cephalograms show by superimposition the cranial base displaced backwards and downwards which doesn't correspond to reality as the cranial base cannot grow against the cervical column that grows in the oposite direction that is upwards. The superimposition in the Basion point is assumed that shows better the actual direction of the face growth, as the unfolded growth of any part of the body goes in a radial way, where the inner part is always smaller than the external one. Angular measures were effected; in the angles created by the tines of junction of the anatomic or virtual points to the Basion in all cephalograms of the sample and averages obtained. The "t" test has been used for the comparison of the averages. It was not found any significant variation at the level of alpha=0.05 and 0.01. It was also found, by the Pearson's coeficient of the variation, that the averages represent the sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Sri Ayu Agustina Naiborhu ◽  
Wan Arfiani Barus ◽  
Efrida Lubis

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pertumbuhan dan hasil Kailan dalam beberapa kombinasi jenis dan dosis pemberian bokashi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Growth Centre LLDIKTI-1 dengan ketinggian tempat± 25 mdpl pada bulan Nopember 2017 hingga Januari 2018 dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok non faktorial yang terdiri dari 16 taraf perlakuan. Masing-masing perlakuan adalah B0: kontrol, B1: 150 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B2: 200 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B3: 250 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B4: 150 gram bokashi kotoran sapi/polibeg, B5: 150 gram bokashi kotoran sapi + 150 gram bokashi jerami/polybag, B6: 150 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+200 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B7: 150 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+250 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B8:300 gram bokashi kotoran sapi/polibeg, B9: 300 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+150 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B10: 300 gram bokashi kotoran sapi +200 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B11: 300 gram bokashi kotoran sapi + 250 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B12: 450 gram bokashi kotoran sapi/polibeg, B13: 450 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+150 gram bokashi jerami 150/ polibeg, B14: 450 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+200 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg, B15: 450 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+250 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg. Parameter pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah klorofil, luas daun, diameter batang dan bobot basah tumbuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian bokashi kotoran sapi dan bokashi jerami padi mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan hasil Kailan. Kombinasi terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan B5 (150 gram bokashi kotoran sapi+150 gram bokashi jerami/polibeg) dengan bobot basah (hasil) Kailan tertinggi yaitu 34,91 gram/tanaman.

Md. Ziaul Haq

Rural growth center can play a vital role in developing the economic condition of the rural people by acting as a prime stage for buying and selling agricultural products. This study analyzes the existing scenario and also reveal the problems of the growth center. The study market meets a great demand of the people of the surrounding area. This helps to create a various opportunity for the residence and also makes a great change to the lifestyle of the residence. For these reasons, this study also focuses on potential of the growth center. But there are also some problems. If all these problems can solve systematically, then it will be more effective for the people. To enhance the drawbacks of existing growth center management, the study attempts to recommend some measurements and guidelines for solving the problems of the growth center.

Zohaib Roshan ◽  
Ghulam Sarwar Hashmi ◽  
Sajjad Abdur Rahman ◽  
Syed S ahmed ◽  
Tabishur Rahman ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-157
Albi Paramasatya ◽  
Iwan Rudiarto

Regional development in Indonesia has rapid progress along with the central government's policies in equitable development. Global phenomenon to encourage equitable regional development, each country takes the initiative to develop industrial cluster policies. This study aims to analyze implications of determination a growth centre of industrial region to land use changes. Output of this study expected identify how many area implicated to land use changes and land conversion that occur. This study is located in Majalengka Regency as one of  growth centre of industrial region . The method used in this study is the LULC Method (Land Use Land Changes) and Overlay (Georeferencing) Method. The result shows determination  growth centre of industrial region have implications in land use changes. The implication in the form of considerable land conversion. This implication occurs in locations that are designated as industrial growth centers and around these locations. In addition, the implications of  determination  growth centre of industrial region  are in the form of expansion of land to surrounding industrial areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 06025
Hadi Wahyono ◽  
Sariffuddin Sariffuddin

The local government centre is an area that accommodates various local government activities, both administrative activities and services that meet the needs of the community. In Indonesia, form of the area is usually an office complex of executive institutions which is led by the head of the local government along with the local government apparatus, and the local legislative assembly. Besides having office facilities, the area is equipped with various public service facilities, such as commercials; trade and services; as well as education and health facilities. As a result, the area is not only a local government centre but also centres of service and local development growth. At this time, the government centre of the Brebes Regency has been able to become an important growth centre for the regency. Unfortunately, the area is only able to support development growth of the northern region of the regency, but it has not been able to encourage equitable development throughout all of the regency area. This study aims to determine a new location for the government centre of Brebes Regency. In contrast to other relocating of the local government centre aiming to resolve existing problems of the centre, the relocating centre of the Brebes Regency aims to increase the equitable distribution of local development. Taking into account the criteria of geographical conditions; conformity with spatial planning; land availability; social, cultural, and historical conditions; politics and security; facilities and infrastructure; and accessibility, as well as using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, the selected area is in the Bulakamba District, out of the 6 alternative districts assessed. This district has some advantages of its location in the middle region of the Brebes Regency, adequate spacious area, proper land ownership status and accessibility.

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