perceptual mapping
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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-166
Dewi Sahara ◽  
Chanifah Chanifah ◽  
Elly Kurniyati ◽  
Budi Hartoyo

Perluasan tanam padi saat ini di lahan sawah non irigasi dengan varietas unggul baru (VUB) padi gogo. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi petani terhadap karakter tanaman, karakter beras dan karakter nasi, serta mengetahui preferensi petani terhadap karakter nasi VUB padi gogo. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Tegalgiri, Kecamatan Nogosari, Kabupaten Boyolali pada bulan April–Juli 2020 dengan metode survei kepada petani yang menanam padi gogo varietas Rindang 1, Rindang 2, Inpago 10, Inpago 12 dan Ciherang. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan nilai rata-rata, teknik skoring dengan Perceptual Mapping dan nilai persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan petani memiliki persepsi yang baik terhadap karakter tanaman pada varietas Inpago 12 karena mempunyai produktivitas tertinggi (5,81 ton/ha GKG), terhadap karakter beras pada varietas Rindang 1 dan Inpago 12, terhadap karakter nasi pada varietas Rindang 2, Inpago 10 dan Ciherang. Preferensi petani terhadap karakter nasi VUB padi gogo tertinggi diperoleh pada varietas Rindang 2 (96,7 persen) karena memiliki rasa nasi yang lebih manis dan tekstur nasi pulen. Oleh karena itu untuk mengembangkan varietas padi gogo perlu memerhatikan produktivitas tanaman, warna dan ukuran beras serta rasa dan tekstur nasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e22527-e22527
Michael J. Hall ◽  
Paul D'Avanzo ◽  
Yana Chertock ◽  
Jesse A Brajuha ◽  
Sarah Bauerle Bass

e22527 Background: TGP is widely used to identify targetable mutations for precision cancer treatment and clinical trials. Many patients have poor understanding of TGP and are unaware of possible secondary hereditary risks. Lack of clarity regarding the relevance of informed consent and genetic counseling further magnify risks for patients. AA patients have lower genetic knowledge and health literacy and higher MM than Caucasian patients, making them especially vulnerable in the clinical setting. Perceptions of TGP in AA cancer patients have not been well-characterized. Methods: 120 AA pts from 1 suburban and 1 urban site (Fox Chase Cancer Center[FCCC] and Temple University Hospital[TUH]) were surveyed. A k-means cluster analysis using a modified MM scale was conducted; chi-square analysis assessed demographic differences. Perceptual mapping (PM)/multidimensional scaling and vector modeling was used to create 3-dimensional maps to study how TGP barriers/facilitators differed by MM group and how message strategies for communicating about TGP may also differ. Results: Data from 112 analyzable patients from FCCC (55%) and TUH (45%) were parsed into less MM (MM-L, n = 42, 37.5%) and more MM (MM-H, n = 70, 72.5%) clusters. MM-L and MM-H clusters were demographically indistinct with no significant associations by sex (p = 0.49), education (p = 0.3), income (p = 0.65), or location (p = 0.43); only age was significant (older = higher MM, p = 0.006). Patients in the MM-H cluster reported higher concerns about TGP, including cost (p < 0.001), insurance discrimination (p < 0.001), privacy breaches (p = 0.001), test performance/accuracy (p = 0.001), secondary gain by providers (p < 0.001) and provider ability to explain results (p = 0.04). Perceptual mapping identified both shared and contrasting barriers between MM clusters (Table). Conclusions: More than 2/3 of AA patients comprised a MM-H cluster. Communication strategies should focus on concerns about family and how to discuss TGP with an oncologist. PM can identify distinct and shared information needs of vulnerable populations undergoing TGP. [Table: see text]

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-345
R. Senthilkumar ◽  
B. RubanRaja ◽  

A huge corpus of valuable information on customer experience is available as unstructured form in customer reviews on e-commerce websites. Multivariate data analysis techniques are effective in uncovering hidden patterns and segments in structured data. A major challenge is to convert the unstructured data into a structured form for applying multivariate techniques. In this article, we have provided a text analysis based approach coupled with multivariate techniques to uncover the sentiment of various features associated with different brands and to determine the brand positions and segments through perceptual mapping and cluster analysis.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Melindee Hastie ◽  
Hollis Ashman ◽  
Dale Lyman ◽  
Leonie Lockstone-Binney ◽  
Robin Jacob ◽  

The global sheepmeat industry aspires to increase consumer liking for cull ewe meat and thereby increase its value; dry ageing application can increase the consumer appeal of this meat. In order to develop novel consumer-liked dry aged sheepmeat products, an innovation process aligned with design thinking principles was initiated. The objective was to understand optimal dry aged sheepmeat product formats from chef, butcher, producer and consumer perspectives, and use these findings to develop “highly liked” and “premium” dry aged cull ewe meat dishes. The methodology used and the results of stakeholder engagement, perceptual mapping, and quantitative consumer assessments are reported. Stakeholder engagement showed the importance of how novel products are introduced to the consumer and to the chef. Perceptual mapping highlighted that chef-perceived product “premiumness” was driven by eating quality and complexity of the dish. Consumer assessment validated these findings with increases in dish liking associated with increased premiumness and complexity in dish presentation. Overall, the described approach was successful; eight highly liked dry aged cull ewe meat dishes were developed (all scored > 7.69 on a 9-point hedonic scale for liking), and four of the eight dishes were rated “at the level of a very premium food”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Richa Kalpesh Saxena ◽  
Shobha Menon

2021 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 03005
Jaka Sumarno ◽  
Ammini Amrina Saragih ◽  
Erny Rossanti Maruapey ◽  
Aryandi Kurnia Rahman

Increasing production and income of chili farmers requires technological innovation that is both technically and economically efficient. The aims of the study were: 1) to determine the agronomic and financial performance of Chili Double Fold Production (Proliga) technology, 2) to determine the attitudes and perceptions of farmers towards the Chili Proliga technology and the other introduced varieties. The study was conducted in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia in 2020. The chili varieties planted were cayenne pepper varieties Prima Agrihorti, and varieties Dewata, large chili varieties Ciko, Tanjung 2 and Inata Agrihorti hybrid. Farming financial was analyzed descriptively by calculating revenue, cost, profit and R/C. Farmers’ attitudes towards Proliga technology used Fishbein’s Multi-attribute Model analysis, and farmer perceptions used Perceptual Mapping. The results showed that the application of chili Proliga technology increased productivity of chili peppers. The results of farm financial analysis showed that chili farming with Proliga technology has an RC ratio of more than 1 which means it was feasible and efficient to implement. The attitude of farmers towards chili Proliga technology was superior when compared to the existing technology, particularly in the attributes of crop performance, productivity, and farming profits compared to the existing technology of farmers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-66
Sanjay Kumar Gupta ◽  
Sudeep Gorai ◽  
M. S. Nain

In the agriculture the focus was more on the production of commodity than marketing of it. In the wake of the focus on doubling the income of farmers one of the strategies can be the direct marketing of the produce. It may be possible through the market research, which previously had been in use at very nominal rate, but at present we have systematic market research technique and methodology for market positioning and for the formulation of suitable strategies for the farmers. One of the suitable and systematic marketing research techniques is perceptual mapping. Perceptual maps are often used in marketing to visually study relations between two or more attributes the process of making perceptual map is perceptual mapping. However, in many perceptual maps published in the recent literature it remains unclear what is being shown and how the relations between the points in the map can be interpreted or even what a point represents. The term perceptual map refers to plots obtained by a series of different techniques, such as principal component analysis, (multiple) correspondence analysis, and multidimensional scaling, each needing specific requirements for producing the map and interpreting it. Some of the major flaws of published perceptual maps are omission of reference to the techniques that produced the map, non-unit shape parameters for the map, and unclear labelling of the points. To facilitate this, a small set of simple icons that indicate the rules for correctly interpreting the map. We present several examples, point out flaws and show how to produce better maps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 205031212199328
Sarah Handayani ◽  
Rita Damayanti ◽  
Iwan Ariawan ◽  
Fitra Yelda ◽  
Sarah Harlan ◽  

Objectives: Contraceptive methods vary in effectiveness, actions required of users, and side effects. This article aims to analyze the perceptions about contraceptive methods among family planning clients of the East Java and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) provinces in Indonesia. Methods: The data were obtained from the operational research of the Improving Contraceptive Method Mix Project in Indonesia, conducted in 2015–2016 in six districts in East Java and West Nusa Tenggara. The total sample size was 12,190 women aged 15–49 years. The perceptual mapping method uses cross-sectional surveys that require the respondent to rate the level to which they associate specific elements with each other, based on similarities and differences of perceived association. The correlation matrices for six contraceptive methods and five attributes were subjected to a multidimensional scaling analysis. Results: The results showed injectable to be the most preferred method, which was positioned closest to the attributes ‘easy to use’ and ‘easy to get’, followed by pills. Implants ranked higher than other long-acting and permanent method. Conclusion: Injectables and pills were the most preferred because people believe that they were ‘easy to use’ and ‘easy to get’. The least preferred methods were tubectomy and vasectomy because the respondents thought those were not close to any attributes at all. To increase the demand for the long-acting and permanent method choice in the provinces of East Java and West Nusa Tenggara, the attributes ‘easy to use’ and ‘easy to get’ should be emphasized in the long-acting and permanent method Information Education and Communication messages.

OALib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 08 (12) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Jennilyn C. Mina ◽  
Romeo B. Campos

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