paired comparison
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Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 370
May M. Cheung ◽  
Matthew Kramer ◽  
Gary K. Beauchamp ◽  
Sari Puputti ◽  
Paul M. Wise

Sweetness drives the consumption of added sugars, so understanding how to best measure sweet hedonics is important for developing strategies to lower sugar intake. However, methods to assess hedonic response to sweetness vary, making results across studies difficult to integrate. We compared methods to measure optimal sucrose concentration in 21 healthy adults (1) using paired-comparison preference tracking vs. ratings of liking, (2) with participants in the laboratory vs. at home, and (3) using aqueous solutions vs. vanilla milk. Tests were replicated on separate days to assess test-retest reliability. Test-retest reliability was similar between laboratory and home testing, but tended to be better for vanilla milk and preference tracking. Optimal sucrose concentration was virtually identical between laboratory and home, slightly lower when estimated via preference tracking, and about 50% lower in vanilla milk. However, optimal sucrose concentration correlated strongly between methods, locations, and stimuli. More than 50% of the variability in optimal sucrose concentration could be attributed to consistent differences among individuals, while much less variability was attributable to differences between methods. These results demonstrate convergent validity between methods, support testing at home, and suggest that aqueous solutions can be useful proxies for some commonly consumed beverages for measuring individual differences.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lichang Yao ◽  
Qi Dai ◽  
Qiong Wu ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Yiyang Yu ◽  

Researchers have suggested that infants exhibiting baby schema are considered cute. These similar studies have mainly focused on changes in overall baby schema facial features. However, whether a change in only eye size affects the perception of cuteness across different facial expressions and ages has not been explicitly evaluated until now. In the present study, a paired comparison method and 7-point scale were used to investigate the effects of eye size on perceived cuteness across facial expressions (positive, neutral, and negative) and ages (adults and infants). The results show that stimuli with large eyes were perceived to be cuter than both unmanipulated eyes and small eyes across all facial expressions and age groups. This suggests not only that the effect of baby schema on cuteness is based on changes in a set of features but also that eye size as an individual feature can affect the perception of cuteness.

2022 ◽  
pp. 001316442110699
Hung-Yu Huang

The forced-choice (FC) item formats used for noncognitive tests typically develop a set of response options that measure different traits and instruct respondents to make judgments among these options in terms of their preference to control the response biases that are commonly observed in normative tests. Diagnostic classification models (DCMs) can provide information regarding the mastery status of test takers on latent discrete variables and are more commonly used for cognitive tests employed in educational settings than for noncognitive tests. The purpose of this study is to develop a new class of DCM for FC items under the higher-order DCM framework to meet the practical demands of simultaneously controlling for response biases and providing diagnostic classification information. By conducting a series of simulations and calibrating the model parameters with a Bayesian estimation, the study shows that, in general, the model parameters can be recovered satisfactorily with the use of long tests and large samples. More attributes improve the precision of the second-order latent trait estimation in a long test, but decrease the classification accuracy and the estimation quality of the structural parameters. When statements are allowed to load on two distinct attributes in paired comparison items, the specific-attribute condition produces better a parameter estimation than the overlap-attribute condition. Finally, an empirical analysis related to work-motivation measures is presented to demonstrate the applications and implications of the new model.

2022 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Yuliya Piatkova ◽  
Pierre Payoux ◽  
Caroline Boursier ◽  
Manon Bordonne ◽  
Veronique Roch ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Maria Krisna ◽  
Miftakhul Arifin ◽  
Endah Puspitojati

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran online produk olahan pangan yang mengalami penurunan penjualan secara offline selama masa pandemi. Kajian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2020 sampai Juni 2021 yang berlokasi di Kelurahan Sendangtirto Kapanewon Berbah Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed method concurrent triangulation strategy dengan teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, kuesioner serta analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity and Treath). Penentuan responden dilakukan dengan sampel jenuh bersyarat. Analisis strategi pemasaran online produk olahan pangan diperoleh faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang kemudian dibobotkan menggunakan metode paired comparison scale. Hasil analisis matriks internal eksternal, berada pada kuadran I, yaitu Strategi Pertumbuhan dan hasil analisis matrik SWOT didapatkan sembilan alternatif strategi. Strategi yang diprioritaskan,yaitu dengan meningkatkan kegiatan pemasaran secara online melalui media sosial dan marketplace memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi dan jaringan internet yang lancar, diharapkan produk olahan pangan milik KWT di Kelurahan Sendangtirto dapat dijangkau oleh semua kalangan baik yang ada di daerah Yogyakarta maupun yang berada di luar kota, sehingga dapat memperluas pangsa pasar. Hal inilah yang menjadi prioritas penting dalam strategi pemasaran online produk olahan pangan pada beberapa KWT di Kelurahan Sendangtirto. Kegiatan penyuluhan tentang Pemasaran secara online melalui marketplace Shopee dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi dan praktik meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan sebesar 17%.

May Cheung ◽  
Matthew Kramer ◽  
Gary Beauchamp ◽  
Paul Wise

Sweetness drives consumption of added sugars, so understanding how individuals differ is important for developing strategies to lower sugar intake. However, methods to assess hedonic response to sweetness vary, making results across studies difficult to integrate. We compared methods to measure optimal sucrose concentration in 21 healthy adults (1) using paired-comparison preference tracking vs. ratings of liking, (2) with participants in the laboratory vs. at home, and (3) using aqueous solutions vs. vanilla milk. Tests were replicated on separate days to assess test-retest reliability. Test-retest reliability was similar between laboratory and home testing, but tended to be better for vanilla milk and preference tracking. Optimal sucrose concentration was virtually identical between laboratory and home, slightly lower when estimated via preference tracking, and about 50% lower in vanilla milk. However, individual optimal sucrose concentration correlated strongly between Methods, test Locations, and Stimuli. More than 50% of the variability in optimal sucrose concentration could be attributed to consistent differences among individuals while much less variability was attributable to differences in Methods, test Locations or Stimuli. These results demonstrate convergent validity between measures of preference and liking, support testing at home to lower participant burden, and suggest that aqueous solutions can be useful proxies for some commonly consumed beverages for measuring individual differences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 879-879
Michelle Gray ◽  
Sally Paulson ◽  
Joshua Gills ◽  
Erica Madero ◽  
Jennifer Myers ◽  

Abstract In the US, it is not recommended to perform routine screening assessments for cognitive function or impairment among older adults, due to the lack of effective pharmacological treatments. These common practices result in delayed identification and treatments for slowing cognitive decline progression. Thus, the purpose of the present investigation was to determine the ability to predict cognition from common measures of physical function. Seventy-five community-dwelling older adults (80.7±5.4 years) completed physical function and cognitive assessments. Physical function was assessed using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), peak velocity during a power sit-to-stand task, and dual-task walking test. Cognition (declarative memory) was assessed using a validated Visual Paired Comparison test. 38% of the variance in cognition was accounted for by the predictor variables (age, sex, education, SPPB, dual-task, peak velocity). Significant predictors included dual-task walking (p = .03), SPPB (p = .02), and education (p = .02). For each 1 second faster during the dual-task performance, cognition increased by 4 percentile units. Likewise, each 1 unit increase in SPPB resulted in an increase of 4 percentile points in cognition. The results indicate more than a third of the variance in declarative memory can be predicted by commonly assessed measures of physical function. This information is useful when identifying older adults that may have cognitive impairment before overt signs are realized. With the lack of recommended cognitive testing, using physical function declines to identify possible cognitive decline is promising. These results are preliminary in nature and longitudinal determination is warranted.

Waad Farhat ◽  
Houssem Ammar ◽  
Arib Rguez ◽  
Fathia Harrabi ◽  
Mohamed Amine Said ◽  

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