intensity scale
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 721-729
Maratus Sholikhah ◽  
Windha Widyastuti

AbstractAdolescents often experience dysmenorrhea during menstruation. One of the non- pharmacological methods implemented to reduce dysmenorrhea is Abdominal Stretching Exercise accompanied by classical music. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of Abdominal Stretching Exercise accompanied by classical music in reducing dysmenorrhea. This research was a case study with two adolescents experiencing dysmenorrhea as the participants. The instrument being used was a pain measurement observation sheet with the Numerical Pain Intensity Scale. The intervention given to the participants was the implementation of Abdominal Stretching Exercise accompanied by classical music for 10-15 minutes on the first and second days of dysmenorrhea. The result showed that the pain scale before and after the intervention in case 1 decreased from 5 to 0, and in case 2, it decreased from 7 to 1. In conclusion, the implementation of Abdominal Stretching Exercise accompanied by classical: music could reduce dysmenorrhea in adolescents. It is recommended that health workers can teach and implement Abdominal Stretching Exercises accompanied by classical music in reducing dysmenorrhea in adolescents.Keywords: Dysmenorrhea; Abdominal Stretching Exercise; classical music; teenagers AbstrakRemaja seringkali mengalami dismenore saat menstruasi. Cara non farmakologis yang dilakukan untuk menurunkan nyeri dismenore salah satunya adalah terapi abdominal stretching exercise yang diiringi musik klasik. Tujuan karya tulis ilmiah ini untuk menggambarkan penerapan abdominal stretching exercise yang diiringi musik klasik dalam menurunkan dismenore. Desain karya tulis ilmiah ini berupa studi kasus pada dua remaja yang mengalami dismenore. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi pengukuran nyeri menggunakan Numerik Pain Intensity Scale. Intervensi dengan menerapkan abdominal stretching exercise yang diiringi musik klasik selama 10-15 menit dilakukankan saat dismenore pada hari pertama dan kedua. Hasil menunjukkan sebelum intervensi skala nyeri pada kasus 1 yaitu 5 pada kasus 2 yaitu 7. Setelah intervensi skala nyeri pada kasus 1 yaitu 0 pada kasus 2 yaitu 1. Simpulan studi kasus adalah penerapan abdominal stretching exercise yang diiringi musik klasik dapat menurunkan dismenore pada remaja. Bagi petugas kesehatan disarankan dapat mengajarkan dan menerapkan abdominal stretching exercise yang diiringi musik klasik dalam menurunkan dismenore pada remaja. Kata kunci: Dismenore; Abdominal stretching exercise; Musik klasik; Remaja

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. e048241
Surapon Nochaiwong ◽  
Chidchanok Ruengorn ◽  
Ratanaporn Awiphan ◽  
Penkarn Kanjanarat ◽  
Yongyuth Ruanta ◽  

ObjectiveAmid the COVID-19 pandemic, social stigma towards COVID-19 infection has become a major component of public discourse and social phenomena. As such, we aimed to develop and validate the COVID-19 Public Stigma Scale (COVID-PSS).Design and settingNational-based survey cross-sectional study during the lockdown in Thailand.ParticipantsWe invited the 4004 adult public to complete a set of measurement tools, including the COVID-PSS, global fear of COVID-19, perceived risk of COVID-19 infection, Bogardus Social Distance Scale, Pain Intensity Scale and Insomnia Severity Index.MethodsFactor structure dimensionality was constructed and reaffirmed with model fit by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and non-parametric item response theory (IRT) analysis. Psychometric properties for validity and reliability were tested. An anchor-based approach was performed for classifying the proper cut-off scores.ResultsAfter factor analysis, IRT analysis and test for model fit, we created the final 10-item COVID-PSS with a three-factor structure: stereotype, prejudice and fear. Face and content validity were established through the public and experts’ perspectives. The COVID-PSS was significantly correlated (Spearman rank, 95% CI) with the global fear of COVID-19 (0.68, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.70), perceived risk of COVID-19 infection (0.79, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.80) and the Bogardus Social Distance Scale (0.50, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.53), indicating good convergent validity. The correlation statistics between the COVID-PSS and the Pain Intensity Scale and Insomnia Severity Index were <0.2, supporting the discriminant validity. The reliability of the COVID-PSS was satisfactory, with good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α of 0.85, 95% CI 0.84 to 0.86) and test–retest reproducibility (intraclass correlation of 0.94, 95% CI 0.86 to 0.96). The proposed cut-off scores were as follows: no/minimal (≤18), moderate (19–25) and high (≥26) public stigma towards COVID-19 infection.ConclusionsThe COVID-PSS is practical and suitable for measuring stigma towards COVID-19 in a public health survey. However, cross-cultural adaptation may be needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
Fabiana Rosa Neves Smiderle ◽  
Valmin Ramos-Silva ◽  
Stela Maris de Jezus Castro ◽  
Delphine Sophie Courvoisier ◽  
Rita Mattiello

Objective. The aim of the study was to adapt and validate the Regret Intensity Scale-10 (RIS-10) for Brazilian health professionals. Methods. The validation study took place in two phases, in which the first was the translation of the instruments and the second, the field validation using psychometric properties validity and reliability of the scale with 341 professionals (doctors, nurses and physiotherapists) linked to hospitals. Validity was assessed using content validities (six judges evaluation), criteria (correlation with the Life Satisfaction Scale - SWLS and Self-Reporting Questionnaire 20 -SRQ-20) and construct (exploratory analysis using the rotation method Promax, based on the slope graph and the Kaiser criterion and confirmatory using the structural equation model) after applying the questionnaire to professionals.Reliability was measured by Cronbach's α coefficient and retest test over a maximum period of 30 days. Reproducibility was calculated by intraclass correlation. Results. A total of 341 professionals participated, with an average age of 38.6 ± 9.2 years. The content validity index (CVI) was 1.00, for all items of the scale in the proportion of agreement of the judges. Exploratory factor analysis showed a satisfactory correlation (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.88), suggesting a two-factor model, which comprises the main components of the emotion of regret (Factor I – emoticons, Factor II - feelings), accounting for 64% of the total variation of the first factor. In the confirmation, the index standardized root mean squared residual = 0.063 was close to the acceptable and other values were below. The scale correlated positively with SRQ-20 (p < 0.001) and negatively with SLWS (p = 0.003). Reliability showed (Cronbach’s α = 0.863) and test–retest reliability showed lower values ​​than expected. The Bland-Altman graph showed a mean bias of -1.5 with lower and upper limits of 15.8 to 12.8 respectively. Conclusion. The RIS-10 adapted for the population performed adequately in the psychometric properties evaluated for the assessment of the intensity of regret related to the provision of health care.

Wewet Savitri ◽  
Nispi Yulyana ◽  
Anisah Tifani Maulidyanti

Pain in labor is a manifestation of uterine contractions in the first stage of labor that can cause fatigue so that it causes a decrease in uterine contractions. Many methods are offered to reduce pain during labor, non pharmacologically including endorphine massage has been proven to increase the ability of mothers to tolerate pain during childbirth. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of endorphine massage on pain intensity scale in first-time normal mothers in PMB Bengkulu City in 2020. This study used quasi-experimental designs with the pretest-posttest Non Equivalent Control Group. The intervention group the endorphine massage was given to first stage mothers, while the control group was given deep breath relaxation techniques. Total sample are 30 people, divided into 2 groups, each each of which amounted to 15 people. The statistical analysis used was the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney Test. The results of thetest Wilcoxon showed that the average value of pain intensity in the first stage before and after the intervention was 7.53 and it became 6.00 with a p-value = 0.000 (<0.05). whereas in the control group the average value was 7.20 and after being treated it became 6.00 with a p-value = 0.001 (<0.05) which means that there was an influence of endorphine massage on the intensity scale of pain in first-time normal primipara delivery mothers in PMB Bengkulu City. It is expected that midwives can pay more attention to maternal needs for comfort by applying endorphine massage in the control of labor pain. Keywords:Labor, Labor Pain, Endorphine Massage

2021 ◽  
Vol 126 (5) ◽  
pp. 361-376
Mayumi Hagiwara ◽  
Graham G. Rifenbark ◽  
Karrie A. Shogren ◽  
James R. Thompson

Abstract This secondary analysis examined the impact of respondent-level factors on scores on the Supports Intensity Scale–Adult Version (SIS-A) to determine if there were patterns of differences in SIS-A scores based on the number of respondents and the pairings of respondents that were included in SIS-A interviews. Results indicated that having fewer respondents led to a greater variability in SIS-A scores whereas having more respondents led to higher mean, overall support need scores. When respondents included an adult with intellectual disability (ID) the mean score was significantly lower. However, there were complex influences of pairing an adult with ID with either a professional or family member on SIS-A scores. Implications for administering and using the SIS-A are discussed.

Hatlin Sugi M.

Statement of the Problem: A study to assess the effectiveness of Lamaze breathing technique on reduction of labour pain among primigravida mothers at primary health centres kovilpalayam Coimbatore. Study Objectives: (a) To assess the pain among primigravida mothers. (b) To assess the effectiveness of Lamaze breathing technique among primigravida mothers. (c) To reassess the pain among primigravida mothers. (d) To associate the effectiveness of Lamaze breathing technique with selected demographic and obstetrical variables among primigravida mothers. Methodology: one group pretest post test design was adopted. The samples for this study consist of 30 samples selected by non probability convenient sampling technique. A numerical pain intensity scale was used to assess the pain level among primigravida others in first stage of labour. Results: The pretest mean score of pain level among primigravida mothers was 7. The post test mean score of pain level among primigravida mothers was 3.1 the paired‘t’ value of experimental group was 12.806. Conclusion: The study shows that the pain during first stage of labour was reduced after performing Lamaze breathing technique.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Iswahyudi Iswahyudi ◽  
Emmy Darmawati

ABSTRAK Jambu air camplong (Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston) merupakan buah unggulan Madura yang bernilai ekonomis, dibutuhkan dalam bentuk segar namun mudah rusak. Kesegaran produk akan terjaga jika dilakukan pengemasan dan transportasi yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan transportasi sesungguhnya jambu air camplong dan memperkenalkan cara baru mengukur getaran berbasis Android. Skala pengukuran getaran di lapangan adalah MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pengukuran getaran menggunakan Android menggambarkan langsung pengaruh getaran saat transportasi terhadap kemasan, getaran yang ditimbulkan sebesar 7-8 MMI dan gaya yang ditimbulkan sebesar 0,8 – 1,2 kgf sehingga tidak berpengaruh terhadap kemasan yang digunakan. Persentase kerusakan mekanis jambu air camplong pasca transportasi sebesar 20.87 % pada kemasan petani dan 7.70 % pada kemasan RSC. ABSTRACT The camplong water apple (Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston) is a superior fruit of Madura which has economic value. It is needed in fresh form but is easily damaged. Product freshness will be maintained if proper packaging and transportation are carried out. The purpose of this research was to carry out the actual transportation of guava water and introduced a new way of measuring vibrations based on Android. The scale for measuring vibrations in the field was based on MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale). The results showed that the measurement of vibration using Android directly illustrated the effect of vibration during transportation on the packaging, the vibration generated was 7-8 MMI and the resulting force was 0.8 - 1.2 kgf so that it did not affect the packaging used. The percentage of mechanical damage to guava air camplong after transportation was 20.87% on farmer packaging and 7.70% on RSC packaging.

2021 ◽  
Marilia Gogou ◽  
Ioanna Triantafyllou ◽  
Spyridon Mavroulis ◽  
Efthimis Lekkas ◽  
Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos

&lt;p&gt;On October 30, 2020, an Mw=7.0 earthquake occurred offshore northern Samos Island (Eastern Aegean, Greece). It was felt over a large area extending from Samos to Peloponnese in Greece and from Izmir to Istanbul in Turkey. It triggered many earthquake environmental effects and damage to buildings resulting in 119 fatalities in both countries. Among the triggered phenomena, tsunami waves with maximum height ~3.35 m struck mainly the northern coastal part of Samos Island and then other islands in the Aegean Sea including Chios, Andros, Ikaria Islands, and the western coast of Turkey.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In order to assess the tsunami intensity in Samos Island, the Integrated Tsunami Intensity Scale (ITIS 2012) was applied. ITIS 2012 is a recently introduced 12-grade scale ranging from I (not felt) to XII (completely devastating) and it is based on the assessment of a large number of objective criteria, grouped in six categories (physical quantities, impact on humans, impact on mobile objects, impacts on infrastructure, environmental effects and impact on structures).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In this context, the above information and data were used for the October 30, 2020 tsunami in Samos. Observations and measurements during a field survey conducted in Samos shortly after the event by the authors were mainly used for assigning intensities. Moreover, other sources included eyewitness, photos and videos from locals capturing the type and the extent of the tsunami impact as well as reports on the qualitative and quantitative tsunami properties and impact on the natural and built coastal environment were also used. Based on the recorded data and information and the guidelines for applying ITIS 2012, tsunami quantities and impact on humans, mobile objects, coastal infrastructure, the natural environment and buildings were taken into account. All available data were added and edited in a database in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment, specially designed for the purpose of the study. Then, the respective tsunami intensities were assigned in the studied sites. Moreover, interpolation methods have been also used in order to obtain zones of different intensity in the inundated coastal areas. The results included an ITIS 2012 intensity map of Samos Island.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Based on the assigned intensities, the October 30, 2020 tsunami is characterized as a moderate to strong event with considerable impact on all ITIS 2012 categories. The spatial distribution and the amount of the tsunami effects along the coastal area of Samos enabled the compilation of an intensity map with high resolution indicating that this scale works well for modern events with large amounts of effects and related information. Moreover, the individual criteria of the ITIS 2012 successfully complemented each other resulting in a detailed, concise and precise intensity map.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is the first time that the ITIS 2012 is applied for a modern tsunami with large amounts of effects in the Mediterranean Region and especially the Aegean Sea. The results could be used for a more effective disaster risk management and risk mitigation strategies for tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea.&lt;/p&gt;

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