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Salsabilla Gina Rania ◽  
Lynda Hariani ◽  
Helmia Hasan ◽  
Iswinarno Doso Saputro

Introduction: Inhalation injury is one of burns impact. Airway burns due to inhalation injury is a non-specific term which refer to all respiratory tract injuries occurred due to irritative chemicals, including heat and smoke during inspiration. Inhalation injury increases the risk of death in burns. Pneumonia is one of burns-related inhalation injury complications.Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective study aiming to determine the incidence of pneumonia in burn patients with inhalation injury using secondary data at Burn Center Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya in the period of January 2015 - December 2018.Results: There were 5 cases of pneumonia in 14 burn cases with inhalation injury (35.71%). Respectively, 2 and 3 cases were found in 2017 and 2018. There were 2 female (40%) and 3 male (60%) patients, with age varied within 28-73 years old. The burn area of burn patients with inhalation injury and pneumonia were found by 15%, 20%, 24%, 32% and 71%, or within the classification of 11-20% burn area, and most complication found was hypoalbuminemia, as much as 3 cases (60%).\Conclusion: Most pneumonia in burn cases with inhalation injury was occurred in 2018, dominated by male patients. The age of the patient were ranging from early adulthood to elderly. Most burns were in the range of 11-20% burn area with the most complication found was hypoalbuminemia.

Legal Concept ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 72-76
Alexander Goncharov ◽  
Irina Zemlyanskaya ◽  
Galina Baryshnikova ◽  

Introduction: Russian and French tax legislation presupposes the presence of special terms reflecting taxation processes, therefore, the article raises the question of the initial definition of all terms with the meaning of “tax” and characteristics that determine its economic essence. Everything mentioned above determined the relevance of scientific work and the authors set the aim of conducting a comparative analysis of the terminology of tax law in Russia and France. Methods: the methodological basis of this research is a set of methods of scientific knowledge, among which the main place is occupied by the methods of consistency, analysis, comparative legal and descriptive. Results: the author’s position substantiated in the work is based on the tax legislation of Russia and France. Based on a comparative analysis of the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Tax Code of France, a study of the types of tax payments is carried out. The question of the term “tax and collection” is raised. Conclusions: as a result of the study, it was determined that the term “taxes and fees” is used as a generic one, while the preference for establishing various types of taxes and fees applied in Russia and France is given to such a specific term designation as “tax”. It was revealed that, despite the use in the tax legislation of France in the name “taxe”, “la taxe foncière” is a tax. It has been established that in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Tax Code of France, the terms of taxation are used as a means of formalizing the language for special purposes and contribute to the establishment and development of legal discourse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
John McCarthy

The lexeme Erscheinung/Erscheinen (manifestation) is related to the formative process of Werden (becoming) that fascinated Goethe throughout his life and which, in turn, is part and parcel of his understanding of morphology in all its manifestations, from the most elementary chemical processes to the highest products of the human mind. Because he was convinced that every existent thing necessitates interpretation to be grasped in its changefulness, he employed a range of surrogates to express the meanings of Erscheinung/Erscheinen. Thus, the lexeme can be translated in different ways: foremost as manifestation, phenomenon, appearance, or illusion. Moreover, Goethe believed that each manifestation is the result of an unrecognized law in the appearing object that corresponds to an unknown regulating principle in the observing subject and that nothing in living nature is static or occurs in isolation; everything is interconnected. Thus, Goethe’s method of inquiry consisted of close empirical observation that included reflection on the observing subjects themselves—a form of phenomenology. Consequently, Anschauen and Gegenstand also enter into the semantic field. Finally, the following examination highlights a lesser-known signification of Erscheinung in Goethe’s usage, one for which he did not have a specific term: that of emergence. Emergence seems most apt to express Goethe’s “lebendiger Begriff” (living concept), which can be seen as the counterpart to nature’s “lebendiges Fließen” (living flow), which he repeatedly expressed in his literary and scientific writing.

Alberto Barbado ◽  
Víctor Fresno ◽  
Ángeles Manjarrés Riesco ◽  
Salvador Ros

AbstractNowadays, there are many applications of text mining over corpora from different languages. However, most of them are based on texts in prose, lacking applications that work with poetry texts. An example of an application of text mining in poetry is the usage of features derived from their individual words in order to capture the lexical, sublexical and interlexical meaning, and infer the General Affective Meaning (GAM) of the text. However, even though this proposal has been proved as useful for poetry in some languages, there is a lack of studies for both Spanish poetry and for highly-structured poetic compositions such as sonnets. This article presents a study over an annotated corpus of Spanish sonnets, in order to analyse if it is possible to build features from their individual words for predicting their GAM. The purpose of this is to model sonnets at an affective level. The article also analyses the relationship between the GAM of the sonnets and the content itself. For this, we consider the content from a psychological perspective, identifying with tags when a sonnet is related to a specific term. Then, we study how GAM changes according to each of those psychological terms. The corpus used contains 274 Spanish sonnets from authors of different centuries, from fifteenth to nineteenth. This corpus was annotated by different domain experts. The experts annotated the poems with affective and lexico-semantic features, as well as with domain concepts that belong to psychology. Thanks to this, the corpus of sonnets can be used in different applications, such as poetry recommender systems, personality text mining studies of the authors, or the usage of poetry for therapeutic purposes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4
Derek Cabrera

Although new historical discoveries can be made, as of this writing, the answer is 1938 in a book entitled, "Interpretations and Misinterpretations of Modern Physics" by Philipp Frank. There are many misconceptions and an abundance of misinformation on Google search of when the term "Systems Thinking" (or "System Thinking") was first used. This publication identifies the first documented use of the term. Note that the first use of the term is not the same as the first discussion of systems, systems, sciences, thinking about systems, complexity, etc. In this article, we are simply looking for the first documented use of the specific term.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Mathilde Josserand ◽  
Emma Meeussen ◽  
Asifa Majid ◽  
Dan Dediu

AbstractMany languages express ‘blue’ and ‘green’ under an umbrella term ‘grue’. To explain this variation, it has been suggested that changes in eye physiology, due to UV-light incidence, can lead to abnormalities in blue-green color perception which causes the color lexicon to adapt. Here, we apply advanced statistics on a set of 142 populations to model how different factors shape the presence of a specific term for blue. In addition, we examined if the ontogenetic effect of UV-light on color perception generates a negative selection pressure against inherited abnormal red-green perception. We found the presence of a specific term for blue was influenced by UV incidence as well as several additional factors, including cultural complexity. Moreover, there was evidence that UV incidence was negatively related to abnormal red-green color perception. These results demonstrate that variation in languages can only be understood in the context of their cultural, biological, and physical environments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-35
Mariola Walczak-Mikołajczakowa

Bulgarian works of a non-religious nature began to be written in the 19th century. They popularized a specific vision of a new literary language and contained suggestions of terms from various fields. Sophronius, bishop of Vratsa belonged to the group of writers who significantly influenced the shape of New Bulgarian literary language. By translating Aesop’s fables into a language understandable to Bulgarians, he laid the foundations of Bulgarian animalistic terminology. The author analyses 66 names of animals contained in the fables translated by Sophronius, indicates their origin and the reasons for using a specific term. She further examines which of these terms are still used, and which have become archaisms or have survived only in folk dialects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-36
Liqma amir, Herdy Juniawan, Tika Sari Dewy

Background : Communication is a general term that refers to a more specific term, A group of individuals to communicate various ideas and information. Flashcard media is a media card with picture that are useful for increasing vocabulary and learning words every day by using flashcard games. He flashcard have benefits for children, including learning as early as possible, developing memory, practicing concentration skill and improving vocabulary. Purpose : The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of flashcard media (picture cards) on the ability communication for autistic children. Method : The study method was pre-experimental with one group pretest and posttest without control designs. The number of samples in this study were 12 autistic children. Result : The results of the study by using the Paired T-Test, the average increase value obtained with a P-Value of 0.000 <0.05. Conclution: The conclusion of this study, that there was an influence of flashcard media (picture cards) on the communication skills of autistic children. It was recommended for further researchers that this flashcard media (picture card) can be used as an alternative for health promotion media for children with special needs autism.

2021 ◽  
Harald Hammarström ◽  
One-Soon Her ◽  
Marc Tang

Starting from a large collection of digitized raw-text descriptions of languages of the world, we address the problem of extracting information of interest to linguists from these. We describe a general technique to extract properties of the described languages associated with a specific term. The technique is simple to implement, simple to explain, requires no training data or annotation, and requires no manual tuning of thresholds. The results are evaluated on a large gold standard database on classifiers with accuracy results that match or supersede human inter-coder agreement on similar tasks. Although accuracy is competitive, the method may still be enhanced by a more rigorous probabilistic background theory and usage of extant NLP tools for morphological variants, collocations and vector-space semantics.

2021 ◽  
Chuanxiao Li ◽  
Wenqiang Li ◽  
Zhong Tang ◽  
Song Li ◽  
Hai Xiang

Abstract As a vital step of text classification (TC) task, the assignment of term weight has a great influence on the performance of TC. Currently, masses of term weighting schemes can be utilized, such as term frequency-inverse documents frequency (TF-IDF) and term frequency-relevance frequency (TF-RF), and they are all consisted of local part (TF) and global part (e.g., IDF, RF). However, most of these schemes adopt the logarithmic processing on their respective global parts, and it is natural to consider whether the logarithmic processing apply to all these schemes or not. Actually, for a specific term weighting scheme, due to its different ratio of local weight and global weight resulting from logarithmic processing, it usually shows diverse text clasification results on different text sets, which presents poor robustness. To explore the influence of logarithmic processing imposed on the global weight on the classification result of term weighting schemes, TF-RF is selected as the representative because it can achieve a better performance among these schemes adopting logarithmic processing. Then, two propositions along with corresponding methods about the relation between TF part and RF part are proposed based on TF-RF. In addition, two groups of experiments are conducted on the two methods. The first group of experiments proves that one method (denoted as TF-ERF) is more helpful to the improvement than the other one (denoted as ETF-RF). The second group of experiments shows that TF-ERF not only ourperforms TF-RF but also obtains better performance than other existing term weighting schemes.

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