persuasive message
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2022 ◽  
pp. 163-188
Célia Belim

This chapter focuses on cancer prevention media campaigns, concretely on the construction of the persuasive message. Methodologically, semiotic analysis is used, exploring the verbal and visual dimension of 19 international ads linked to the five most deadly cancers, in order to understand and deconstruct the message and the communication tactics used. The results reveal the diversity of resources and tactics. In the verbal dimension, it presents the use of rhetorical tactics (e.g., statistical and factual evidence and stimulation of emotions), the popular vocabulary, cues to action/motivational content, the phatic, poetic, and appealing functions, stylistic resources, credibility of the source, evocation of good causes, originality and distinction, anecdotal approach. In the visual dimension, it observes the use of three languages' functions, isotopy, stylistic resources, personalization, symbolical approach, polychrome, diversity of phenotypes, the credibility of the source, a pedagogical component.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-23
Chairun Nisa Dwi Putri ◽  
Alvin Gus Abdurrahman Wahid ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

The number of smokers among Indonesian teenagers continues to increase every year. Public service advertisements (PSA) for smoking prevention must be delivered with the right approach to be accepted in the minds of the audience. This study aims to expand on previous research on smoking prevention PSAs by testing the concept of the Elaboration Likelihood Model theory. The research method applied is exploratory qualitative which is complemented by the results of in-depth interviews with 4 participants of postgraduate students of communication science at the University of Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that attitudes towards issues and personal relevance are the factors that most influence the acceptance of persuasive messages on PSAs that prohibit smoking #SuaraTanpaRokok. Repetition can be used to increase the effectiveness of a given persuasive message.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2 (24)) ◽  
pp. 116-128
Gayane Gasparyan ◽  
Hasmik Karapetyan

The article focuses on transformations which occur in Russian and Armenian translations of G. Orwell’s allegorical novella Animal Farm with special reference to pragma-stylistic analysis of both the source and the target texts. The aim of the analysis is to reveal the so-called Orwellian identity in style and to determine the means of its manifestation in both translations. Viewed from the perspective of pragmatic analysis of the original and the target texts, the Russian translation can be characterized by unnecessary additions to the plain text and tends to be pompous in some cases while the Armenian translation is closer to the style of the source text and tends to remain faithful to its intent. At large, both the Armenian and Russian versions of the fable have retained the chief pragmatic orientation and have almost the same impact on the target reader as the original one: persuasive message, rhetorical narration, manipulative nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (25) ◽  
pp. 15-34
Michał Kuran

[“Quo vadis?” Two sermons by Rev. Sebastian Piskorski on the occasion of ordination, vesture and taking vows of Franciszek Szembek’s children – the structure and main issues] This study is devoted to two sermons by Rev. Sebastian Piskorski delivered during the ceremonies of the first mass of Michał Szembek and taking the veil and religious vows by Teresa Franciszka Szembekówna, Nun of the Visitation – both children of Franciszek Szembek. The paper analyzes the roles of particular elements of the sermons in creating a persuasive message whose aim is to accompany the young in their rites of passage. The preacher shows them what the way they have chosen will look like. He makes them realize the significance of the mission they undertake as well as possible difficulties; he introduces them into the special nature of the clergy, showing them what they give up and what they let themselves in for. Those deliberations, referring to the motifs of mystical meal and mystical way, are supposed to assist them in making a free and conscious decision. What is remarkable is the exceptional skill of the preacher, who has based his discussion on Gospel pericopes devoted to certain days of the liturgical calendar. The invention base for the sermons is the Bible and the writings of the Church Fathers. What is also important is estate-related factors: the significance and consequences of the vows taken and the mission Michał and Teresa Franciszka are to undertake once they become part of the clergy. Time showed that it was particularly Teresa Szembekówna that fulfilled her task, as a promoter of the worship of the Heart of Jesus in Poland; her zeal contributed to Pope Clement XIII sanctioning the worship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1031
Dedi Efendi

This research is about figure of speech analysis on “I am Human Too” poem by Godsplan K. Ugwuja. The purposes of this research are; 1) To describe the types of figure of speech that found on “I am Human Too” poem by Godsplan K. Ugwuja. 2) To describe how do the figure of speech convey the messages through the poem “I am Human Too” poem by Godsplan K. Ugwuja. The datum of the research is taken from words, phrases, lines or stanza of the I am Human Too poem that contain the figure of speeches. The method of this research is uses desciptive qualitative method and figure of speech theory proposed by Perrine (1992). Data are explained by find the meaning and described them based on the kinds of figure of speech through four procedure, they are: identifying, classiying, analyzing and making the conclusion from the data. The result of this research are the writer found about 9 data of figure of speech of the poem, they are; 6 data for figure of speech of hyperbole, 2 data for figure of speech of simile and 1 data for figure of speech of symbol. Hyperbole is the dominant kind of figure of speech in the poem, because hyperbole is the appropriate of figure of speech by the author to express his feeling about soldier’s lamentation. Beside, figure of speech also convey some messages through the poem, they are; 1) Informative message, it mean that we often don’t remember that our soldiers put their live on the line to protect us but we still criticize, vilify and attack them without keeping in mind that they are human too. 2) Persuasive message, it mean that let’s support them not only by good weapons but also by moral.

Agnès Helme-Guizon ◽  
Marie-Laure Gavard-Perret ◽  
Rebecca Shankland ◽  
Valentin Flaudias

Background: In the context of social marketing, the effectiveness of prevention messages is a major issue. The main objective of the present study was to assess the effect of prevention messages framing on self-efficacy reinforcement in order to improve intentions to reach or maintain sufficient weight in a non-clinical sample. It thus focuses on testing the mediating role of self-efficacy. Methods: Two hundred and thirty-three university student women were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions (gain-framed versus loss-framed message). They were exposed to a short persuasive message and surveyed on self-efficacy and intention to maintain sufficient weight. Results: Loss-framed messages elicited higher levels of self-efficacy than gain-framed messages, which led to higher intentions to reach or maintain sufficient weight. This study sheds light on the mediating role of self-efficacy. Conclusions: The results suggest ways to improve the persuasiveness of prevention campaigns, thereby opening up further research avenues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 499
Dwinita Laksmidewi

Implementing health protocols, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distance in the service facilities are necessary during this Covid-19 pandemic. So, we need a health appeal message in the service industry to discipline consumer behavior. This study examines the effects of anthropomorphic persuasive appeal on consumer protective behavior. This study consists of two studies and used an experimental method. The results showed that the anthropomorphic persuasive message made consumers feel more fear, understand the message more easily, and perceive that the object had more power. The effect of messages on protective behavior is significantly mediated by fear. Meanwhile, ease of understanding and power are not significant mediations. Study 2 which focuses on the application in service facilities also shows that anthropomorphic appeal can influence protective behavior. These results indicate that the emotional aspect, in this case, the fear of consumers, has more influence on protective behavior.

2021 ◽  
Ryan S Paquin ◽  
Vanessa Boudewyns ◽  
Kevin R Betts ◽  
Mihaela Johnson ◽  
Amie C O’Donoghue ◽  

Abstract Although misleading health information is not a new phenomenon, no standards exist to assess consumers’ ability to detect and subsequently reject misinformation. Part of this deficit reflects theoretical and measurement challenges. After drawing novel connections among legal, regulatory, and philosophical perspectives on false, misleading or deceptive advertising and cognitive-process models of persuasive communication, we define deception and misinformation rejection. Recognizing that individuals can hold beliefs that align with a persuasive message without those beliefs having been influenced by it, we derive empirical criteria to test for evidence of these constructs that center on yielding or not yielding to misinformation in mediated contexts. We present data from an experimental study to illustrate the proposed test procedure and provide evidence for two theoretically derived patterns indicative of misinformation rejection. The resulting definitions and empirical procedure set the stage for additional theorizing and empirical studies on misinformation in the marketplace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 623-645
Daniel J O’Keefe

Abstract Persuasive message designers would like to be able to pretest messages to see which will be more effective in influencing behavioral outcomes, but pretesting using behavioral measures is commonly not practical. Examination of within-study effect size comparisons from 317 studies of 22 message variations suggests that persuasive messages’ relative effectiveness is strikingly similar across attitudinal, intention, and behavioral outcomes—with messages’ relative persuasiveness with respect to intention outcomes especially indicative of relative persuasiveness with respect to behavioral outcomes. Intention measures thus provide a convenient and accurate means of persuasive message pretesting.

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