institutional approach
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Olga Glushakova

The article describes the content and features of the state cultural policy during the Great Patriotic War. In the pre-war period and in the first years of the war, the state budget cut on cultural expenditures, and all Soviet cultural institutions aimed their activities at achieving the main strategic goal, i.e. victory. The research was based on an institutional approach, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. The author studied various regulatory documents and defined the main features of cultural activities in wartime conditions. Advantages of the socio-political system made it possible to mobilize all types of resources in the shortest time possible. Institutions of culture were responsible for propaganda and recruiting campaign, thus performing the function of ideological and political inspirer of Soviet citizens.

Gregory J. Wong ◽  
Katherine Douglas ◽  
Stephen Fuest ◽  
Peter J. McDonnell ◽  
Nickole Forget

Валентина В. Яценко

A special research focus is put on the critical need to adapt performance of higher education institutions to the specifics of global-institutional transformations associated in the first place with modern economic development trends. The core of any higher education institution activities relies upon the readiness of society to develop this kind of activity. To gain strong public support, universities should perform certain social activities (community project funding, provide social protection for employees, caring for the environment, etc.), along with informing society about such activities, thus emphasizing their importance. The research hypothesis is represented by a statement that institutionalization of social responsibility of higher education institutions should be transformed into a process of formalization of socioeconomic relationships which are characterized by a gradual transition from informal links and chaotic (unorganized) interactions between universities to formalized relationship patterns with a clearly organized structure, hierarchy and a regulatory framework. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of social responsibility of higher education institutions as a powerful driver in boosting structural innovative transformations. To attain the objectives set, the following research methods have been employed: an evolutionary method, historical and systemic approach, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction techniques – to render explicit concept definitions; an institutional approach – to enhance the hierarchical structure and content of the elements of social responsibility of higher educational institutions. The findings have revealed the nature of the institutional approach and the specifics of its application to explore social responsibility of higher education institutions. In addition, an improved hierarchy and the content of social responsibility structural elements have been suggested for higher education institutions. It is argued that the developed principles of the hierarchical structure of social responsibility of higher education institutions will contribute to shaping robust behavioural patterns within the innovative educational paradigm that meet the demands of all stakeholders in the higher education system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 614
Janina Harasim

While there is a fast-growing number of studies on FinTech, the relationships between technology companies and banks have received only limited attention in the research literature. Most of the studies on FinTech-bank interactions conducted so far address the questions: why banks collaborate with FinTechs (reasons) and how they do it (forms of cooperation), whereas this paper aims at clarifying when the most likely form of their interaction is cooperation and when competition. To cover this cognitive gap, the conceptual framework to help explain which factors affect the type of interactions between technology companies and banks is presented in this paper. Based on extensive literature review and using the market-based approach, the external factors of the market position of banks and technology companies were examined. It was found that this position and therefore the basic type of interaction depends on the adoption level of FinTechs and BigTechs in individual countries/regions. The adoption of FinTechs and BigTechs turned out to be higher in EMDEs and lower in AEs, which makes it more likely that in the first group of countries tech companies would tend to serve as banks’ competitors, whereas in the second group they would rather collaborate with banks or choose the coopetition strategy. When analyzing internal factors, the resource-based approach and a slightly modified IO theory were applied. In this part, the strategic tool which enables the assessment of the extent to which assets, skills, and features of FinTechs, BigTechs and banks are complementary (which gives the rationale for cooperation) or substitutable (which gives the rationale for competition) was proposed. This study is a critical analysis based on desk research, that contributes to the existing literature by (1) providing a narrow definition of FinTech representing the subjective/institutional approach, (2) considering separately FinTechs and BigTechs, and (3) proposing the strategic tool which helps to assess comparative advantages of banks, FinTechs and BigTechs, and thus makes it easier to choose the most appropriate type of their interaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-140
Anna Vladimirovna Shentyakova

Modern megalopolis concentrates all groups of resources including economic, political, cultural, information, human resources, etc. The high population density, economic and geographic situation, complex multiethnic and multicultural structure of large cities contribute to certain types of values and behavioral models in the younger generation. The neo-institutional approach and social capital theory were chosen as a methodological basis. The article examines a number of methodological works devoted to various aspects of the social capital and explores the opportunity for this concept application for analysis of the protest behavior motivation and assessment of the protest potential of young people. Combination of the economic model of multilevel analysis for measuring social capital by S.А. Sysoev and socio-political parameters for the empirical part allowed to clearly defining the main categories and indicators of analysis. Measuring the levels of social capital of a megalopolis with the inclusion a network component expands the range of opportunities for assessing and identifying the protest potential of large Russian cities residents.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-10
А.Г. Горшенков ◽  
Г.Н. Горшенков

В статье рассматривается явление коррупции как неформальной, криминализированной структуры, обладающей высоким потенциалом деструктивного воздействия на общественные отношения и заключающей в себе системную угрозу национальной безопасности. Через призму институциональной модели выделяются ее существенные признаки, выражающие противоречивую функциональность, и высказывается идея приоритета деинституционализации в противодействии коррупции. The institutional approach is used to examine the phenomenon of corruption as an informal, criminalized structure with high potential of destructive impact on social relations and comprising the systemic threat to the national security. Through the prism of institutional model its essential features expressing contradictory functionality are highlighted and the idea of priority of deinstitutionalization in counteracting corruption is expressed.

Teisė ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 158-165
Hanna Shafalovich

This article reveals misconceptions in the study of the theory of legal facts in Roman law studies . The use of an institutional approach in Roman law studies led to the conclusion that there are no elements of the legal facts theory in Roman jurisprudence. Using a historical and theoretical approach, the author concluded that there was a developed system of legal facts in Ancient Rome and a system of logical and stable concepts of the legal facts theory formed at the level of the concept, which was accepted and developed by the subsequent legal science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-326
Anastasiya Andreevna Zaytseva

The present article examines the specificity of social behavior of students of two regions – the Rostov Region and the Republic of Crimea. The notions of education as a terminal and instrumental value, attitudes towards academic mobility practices, the implementation of such practices, and motives are studied as the foundations of differences between the regions. The methodological construct is developed based on the theoretical approaches of A.V. Lubskii on mental programs, the value approach of M. Rokeach, the neo-institutional approach of D. North, and the activity approach in the study of social practices. The comparative analysis of two questionnaires allows concluding that the specificity of social behavior of the citizens of Crimea lies in a lesser focus on high financial income as a result of obtaining education, lower attitudes towards intra-Russian mobility, the awareness of the peninsula’s closedness to international mobility due to the lack of financial capabilities, and high support for classical versus online learning. The number of educational practices realized by students is much lower in Crimea compared to the Rostov Region. This finding shows the need to introduce such opportunities for students in the peninsula’s system of higher education.

Rick Vogel ◽  
Markus Göbel ◽  
Marit Grewe‐Salfeld ◽  
Barbara Herbert ◽  
Yuka Matsuo ◽  

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