enzymatic action
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2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 216-230
K. Madhanasundareswari ◽  
Reshmi Gopalakrishnan ◽  
K. Gayathri ◽  

The problems linked to plastic wastes have led to the development of biodegradable plastics. More specifically, biodegradable bioplastics are the polymers that are mineralized into carbon dioxide, methane, water, inorganic compounds, or biomass through the enzymatic action of specific microorganisms. They could, therefore, be a suitable and environmentally friendly substitute to conventional petrochemical plastics. The physico-chemical structure of the biopolymers, the environmental conditions, as well as the microbial populations to which the bioplastics are exposed to are the most influential factors to biodegradation. The Borassus flabellifer is a tall and erect palm, with large, fan-shaped leaves which are quite unlike the pinnate leaves of other palms. Borassus is from a Greek word describing the leathery covering of the fruit and flabellifer means “fan bearer”. In recent years, India stands first in the world in terms of its wealth of Palmyra (Borassus flabellifer population nearly 122 million palms. In this study overall purpose was to investigate the utilization of food industry wastes in order for the bioplastic production. To achieve this objective the production of bioplastic from palmyra sprout investigated. In addition, some properties of produced bioplastic such as water, absorption capacity, solubility and biodegradability, characterisation studies were analysed. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ISSN: 1007-6735 Volume

K. Mircheva ◽  
N. Grozev ◽  
S.D. Petrova ◽  
Tz. Ivanova ◽  
I. Panaiotov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Gagandeep Kaur ◽  
Shaiesh Yogeswaran ◽  
Thivanka Muthumalage ◽  
Irfan Rahman

Background: Tobacco smoking is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of several cardiopulmonary diseases. Additionally, smokers are highly susceptible to infectious agents due to weakened immunity. However, the progression of lung injury based on SARS-CoV-2-mediated COVID-19 pathogenesis amongst smokers and those with pre-existing pulmonary diseases is not known. We determined the systemic levels and activity of COVID-19 associated proteins, cytokine/chemokines, and lipid mediators (lipidomics) amongst COVID-19 patients with and without a history of smoking to understand the underlying susceptible factor in the pathogenesis of COVID-19.Methods: We obtained serum from healthy (CoV−), COVID-19 positive (CoV+), and COVID-19 recovered (CoV Rec) subjects with and without a history of smoking. We conducted a Luminex multiplex assay (cytokine levels), LC/MS (eicosanoids or oxylipin panel), and ACE2 enzymatic activity assays on the serum samples to determine the systemic changes in COVID-19 patients.Results: On comparing the levels of serum ACE2 amongst COVID-19 (positive and recovered) patients and healthy controls, we found a pronounced increase in serum ACE2 levels in patients with COVID-19 infection. Furthermore, ACE2 enzyme activity was significantly increased amongst COVID-19 patients with a smoking history. Also, we analyzed the levels of Angiotensin 1–7 (Ang1–7) peptide, the product of enzymatic action of ACE2, in the serum samples. We found significantly high levels of Ang1–7 in the serum of both CoV+ and CoV Rec patients. Our data further demonstrated a smoking-induced increase in serum furin and inflammatory cytokine [IFNγ(p = 0.0836), Eotaxin (p < 0.05), MCP-1 (p < 0.05), and IL-9 (p = 0.0991)] levels in COVID-19 patients as compared to non-smoking controls. Overall, our results show that smoking adversely affects the levels of systemic inflammatory markers and COVID-19 associated proteins, thus suggesting that COVID-19 infection may have severe outcomes amongst smokers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Kayeen Vadakkan ◽  
Meena K Cheruvathur ◽  
Anu S Chulliparambil ◽  
Famy Francis ◽  
Anu P Abimannue

Abstract Background There have been several studies carried out to irradiate Helminthiasis however very little research have been carried out where in the enzymatic activity of plants are exploited to antagonize infections. Here we are analyzing the anthelmintic activity of Cinnamomum cappara leaf extract against Pheretima posthuma complimented by proteolytic action. Results The fresh leaves of Cinnamomum cappara was collected from local areas of Thrissur during December 2019. Plants were identified and authenticated by morphological and molecular characterization. The enzymatic action was analyzed by plotting Lineweaver–Burk plot which suggested that the extract possess the Km 185.77 μM for casein as substrate and obeyed Michaelis–Menten kinetics with typical hyperbolic relation with enzyme and increasing concentration of substrate. The effect of extract upon study subject was in directly proportional with concentration of antagonist where higher activities were obtained in high concentrations. The anatomical and histological studies suggested that the activity of extract was due to the degradation of muscular bundle of subject that resulted in the leakage of ceolomic fluid. Conclusions Cinnamomum cappara leaf extract possessed high degree of protease intervened anthelmintic activity against Pheretima posthuma. As the study subject show immense morphological and physiological resemblance with all other helminthic parasites, this results shall be adopted to further clinical and pharmacological applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Snigdha Guha ◽  
Heena Sharma ◽  
Gaurav Kr Deshwal ◽  
Priyanka Singh Rao

Abstract Milk from different species has been exploited for the isolation of various functional ingredients for decades. Irrespective of the source, milk is considered as a complete food, as it provides essential nutrients required by the human body. Proteins and their fractions are valuable sources of bioactive peptides that might exert a health beneficial role in the human body such as immune-modulation, antioxidant activity, ACE-inhibitory activity, anti-neoplastic, anti-microbial, etc. In milk, bioactive peptides may either be present in their natural form or released from their parental proteins due to enzymatic action. The increasing interest in bioactive peptides among researchers has lately augmented the exploration of minor dairy species such as sheep, goat, camel, mithun, mare, and donkey. Alternative to cow, milk from minor dairy species have also been proven to be healthier from infancy to older age owing to their higher digestibility and other nutritive components. Therefore, realizing the significance of milk from such species and incentivized interest towards the derivatization of bioactive peptides, the present review highlights the significant research achievements on bioactive peptides from milk and milk products of minor dairy species. Graphical abstract

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. e0244858
Marshall Hampton ◽  
Miranda Galey ◽  
Clara Smoniewski ◽  
Sara L. Zimmer

In this study, hierarchies of probabilistic models are evaluated for their ability to characterize the untemplated addition of adenine and uracil to the 3’ ends of mitochondrial mRNAs of the human pathogen Trypanosoma brucei, and for their generative abilities to reproduce populations of these untemplated adenine/uridine “tails”. We determined the most ideal Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for this biological system. While our HMMs were not able to generatively reproduce the length distribution of the tails, they fared better in reproducing nucleotide composition aspects of the tail populations. The HMMs robustly identified distinct states of nucleotide addition that correlate to experimentally verified tail nucleotide composition differences. However they also identified a surprising subclass of tails among the ND1 gene transcript populations that is unexpected given the current idea of sequential enzymatic action of untemplated tail addition in this system. Therefore, these models can not only be utilized to reflect biological states that we already know about, they can also identify hypotheses to be experimentally tested. Finally, our HMMs supplied a way to correct a portion of the sequencing errors present in our data. Importantly, these models constitute rare simple pedagogical examples of applied bioinformatic HMMs, due to their binary emissions.

2021 ◽  
Wonmin Choi ◽  
Claudia Battistella ◽  
Nathan C. Gianneschi

High efficiency encapsulation is coupled with drug release via a light switch followed by particle disassembly via enzymatic action.

2021 ◽  
Ka-Chung Tong ◽  
Pui-Ki Wan ◽  
Chun-Nam Lok ◽  
Chi-Ming Che

Self-assembly of platinum(ii) glycosylated arylacetylide gave transformable superstructures upon enzymatic action in cellulo, leading to perturbation of an autophagy-lysosomal system and cancer cell death.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-243
Ikechukwu Iloh Udema

The formation of enzyme-substrate complex, often in connection with the adsorption of the enzyme leading to either partial immobilisation in which the enzymes are adsorbed on a colloid or total immobilisation in which the enzyme is adsorbed on a rigid immobile phase is the concern of some researchers. The interest in immobilised substrate common in biological system is not very common. The objectives of this theoretical research are the rederivation of the equations of association and dissociation of reactants in the presence of adsorbents, insoluble larger macro-or supra-molecule and elucidation of why such equations are important and generalisable. The derivations produced two different equations that describe mathematically the net flux of either the substrate where the enzyme is adsorbed or the net flux of the enzyme where the substrate is adsorbed. The derivation also produced equations of translational velocities, given the probabilities that reactions occur following complex formation or that an escape of bullet molecules or dissociation reactions occur. In conclusion two different equations need separate derivation for association and dissociation of reactants. The needs for the flux of reactants have both biological and industrial relevance, respectively due to importance of time-dependent digestive processes and for the optimisation of the production of desired products of enzymatic action. The equations describing net flux seem generalisable in that information about the physicochemical properties of both crowding agent and immobilisers may not be needed for calculations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (20) ◽  
pp. 7519
Claus Krogh Madsen ◽  
Henrik Brinch-Pedersen

Phytate and phytases in seeds are the subjects of numerous studies, dating back as far as the early 20th century. Most of these studies concern the anti-nutritional properties of phytate, and the prospect of alleviating the effects of phytate with phytase. As reasonable as this may be, it has led to a fragmentation of knowledge, which hampers the appreciation of the physiological system at hand. In this review, we integrate the existing knowledge on the chemistry and biosynthesis of phytate, the globoid cellular structure, and recent advances on plant phytases. We highlight that these components make up a system that serves to store and—in due time—release the seed’s reserves of the mineral nutrients phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, and others, as well as inositol and protein. The central component of the system, the phytate anion, is inherently rich in phosphorous and inositol. The chemical properties of phytate enable it to sequester additional cationic nutrients. Compartmentalization and membrane transport processes regulate the buildup of phytate and its associated nutrients, resulting in globoid storage structures. We suggest, based on the current evidence, that the degradation of the globoid and the mobilization of the nutrients also depend on membrane transport processes, as well as the enzymatic action of phytase.

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