control language
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-237
Nita Handayani Hasan

This study aims to review the phenomenon foreign terms using on sign boards at airports and ports in Ambon City. In order to describe this phenomenon, this study will use two ways. Frist, measuring  the level of control language use with the results of language assessment; and second, describing  the reason as the background of chosing the language in public spaces at ports and airports in Ambon City. It is a qualitative descriptive research. This research using photographs signboards and interviews result as the data. Photos analysis using a research instrument made by the Agency for Language Development. The results of photos analysis then supported by the results of interviews. This study found that ports and airports in Ambon City gets category B in control rating. This category shows that the use of Indonesian language in the port and airport areas in Ambon City is quite controlled. Based on the results of interviews, it is known that the effect of less socialization the existence of Law Number 24 of 2009 to ports and airports in Ambon City is signboards which wrote by foregn languages. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengulas fenomena penggunaan istilah asing pada papan-papan petunjuk yang berada di bandara dan pelabuhan di Kota Ambon. Agar dapat mendeskripsikan fenomena tersebut,  penelitian ini mengukur tingkat keterkendalian penggunaan bahasa menggunakan hasil penilaian bahasa; serta mendeskripsikan latar belakang penyusunan dan penggunaan bahasa ruang publik di pelabuhan dan bandara di Kota Ambon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskripsi kualitatif. Data yang digunakan yaitu berupa foto-foto papan petunjuk dan hasil wawancara. Foto-foto yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan instrumen  penelitian yang dibuat oleh Badan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. Hasil dari analisis foto-foto tersebut kemudian ditunjang dengan hasil wawancara. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penggunaan bahasa pada pelabuhan dan bandara di Kota Ambon masuk pada kategori peringkat  terkendali B. Kategori ini menunjukkan penggunaan bahasa Indoenesia di wilayah pelabuhan dan bandara di Kota Ambon cukup terkendali. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa minimnya sosialisasi mengenai keberadaan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 tahun 2009 pada pihak bandara dan pelabuhan menjadi pemicu penggunaan istilah asing di ruang publik pelabuhan dan bandara di Kota Ambon. Manfaat dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk memberikan masukan kepada pihak bandara dan pelabuhan di Kota Ambon untuk lebih mengutamakan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di ruang publik. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (08) ◽  
pp. 26-42
Yamina NEGRI ◽  

Aristotle founded the science of logic in order to control language source of fallacies and sophistry. He built his syllogistic on two basic principles: non-contradiction and the excluded middle. He distinguished between different types of statements: declarative and non-declarative, only the first type was used in syllogism’s theory, because it is a tool of demonstrative science. He divided them, declarative statement, into two categories: Assertorics, and modals (necessary, possible, contingent, impossible) which he encountered difficulties in his logical analysis, because it is out of frame two valued according to the two principles, such as propositions that occur in the future whose cannot be determined now. This kind of statement was also treated by the Muslims logicians, especially Ibn Sīnā who expanded the modal concept to other field like Temporal modalities (always, sometimes, never), but he could not get out the Aristotelian context. The concept expended in contemporary logic system to include other sort of modality like: epistemological, deontic, tense … This resulted the emergence of contemporary logical systems, (epistemic logic, deontic logic, tense logic), whose approach differs from the traditional one. The propose of the article is to show the difference between the approaches Keywords: Logic; Modality; Epistemological; Deontic, Temporal; Truth; False.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109258722110429
Matthew J. Minarchek ◽  
Jeffrey C. Skibins ◽  
Jerry F. Luebke

Zoos are increasingly turning to ambassador animal programs to address animal welfare issues and visitors’ empathic responses. However, little is known, if or how, animal handling practices and interpretation impact attendees’ perceptions of animal welfare and/or empathy. To evaluate these effects, eight ambassador animal program videos were created employing varying combinations of animal handling (traditional/free choice), interpretive messaging (traditional/empathy-based), and choice and control language (present/absent). Online questionnaires ( N = 1,185) were used to assess participants’ environmental and empathic predispositions before viewing and perceptions of animal welfare and empathic reactions immediately after viewing a video. Results revealed that empathic reactions were moderately correlated with perceptions of animal welfare ( r = .53, p < .001) and mean empathic responses were higher for free choice handling and empathic messaging videos versus traditional handling and messaging. Programming recommendations are discussed that can improve visitors’ perceptions of animal care and elicit strong empathic reactions.

2021 ◽  
Chiara Gambi ◽  
Fan Zhang

Noisy and uncertain estimation of the state of the world, coupled with feedback delays, are the two major challenges faced by any artificial or biological system. These challenges also apply to the processes of language generation and comprehension and there are well-understood solutions to these challenges in models of the perception and production of speech sounds. Specifically, Bayesian inference can solve the problem of recovering phonological representations when the auditory signal is noisy or degraded, while coupled forward and inverse internal models can overcome delays inherent in executing speech motor commands and monitoring one’s own speech via the auditory system. But while Bayesian inference has also been applied to comprehension at higher linguistic levels (i.e., lexicon, syntax, and semantics), the need for coupled forward-inverse model pairs at these higher levels in production is debated. In fact, we argue, the control architectures embedded in current models of language generation tend to be much less sophisticated than those embedded in models of speech production. While these simple architectures have been considerably successful in explaining how speakers control language production in monologic contexts, we argue that more sophisticated architectures are likely to be needed to account for language use in dialogic contexts. Specifically, we identify three challenges for models of language generation that arise from the nature of dialogue: (1) The need to distinguish between self- and other-generated utterances; (2) The need to adjust the amount of advance planning (i.e., the degree to which planning precedes articulation) flexibly to achieve timely turn-taking; (3) The need to track changing conversational goals. For each of these challenges, we discuss the type(s) of control architecture(s) that could be implemented, drawing on analogy to mechanical or biological systems whenever possible. In sum, we propose that considering more sophisticated control architectures is necessary to build language generation models that deal with conversation, and can meet the challenge of real-time, flexible language generation in NLG systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-112
Randhir Kumar ◽  
Rakesh Tripathi

Provenance provides information about how data came to be in its present state. Recently, many critical applications are working with data provenance and provenance security. However, the main challenges in provenance-based applications are storage representation, provenance security, and centralized approach. In this paper, the authors propose a secure trading framework which is based on the techniques of blockchain that includes various features like decentralization, immutability, and integrity in order to solve the trust crisis in centralized provenance-based system. To overcome the storage representation of data provenance, they propose JavaScript object notation (JSON) structure. To improve the provenance security, they propose the access control language (ACL) rule. To implement the JSON structure and ACL rules, permissioned blockchain based tool “Hyperledger Composer” has been used. They demonstrate that their framework minimizes the execution time when the number of transaction increases in terms of storage representation of data provenance and security.

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