traditional sector
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Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Félix Calle ◽  
Inmaculada Carrasco ◽  
Ángela González-Moreno ◽  
Carmen Córcoles

In a changing socio-economic and ecological context, the agri-food industry, where the use of natural resources is very important, must pay more and more attention to green and eco-innovation. Public decision-makers have started to implement measures to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices by companies, which are also pressured by supply and demand factors. This article aims to determine the factors that drive eco-innovation in the wine sector in Spain, a mature and traditional sector characterized by its high fragmentation. In particular, we sought to determine the role environmental regulations play in promoting eco-innovation in the sector. To this end, an empirical study was developed using a structural equation model established using a partial least squares technique for a sample of 251 wineries from all over the country. The study shows that the current regulatory framework inhibits eco-innovation in Spanish wineries, who are more encouraged by positioning and external motivation factors.

2021 ◽  
Karen Sichibalo ◽  
Katendi Changula ◽  
Chisoni Mumba ◽  
Natasha Mwila ◽  
Kennedy Chibesa ◽  

Abstract Acaricide resistance in ticks poses a great threat to livestock production in many parts of the world where ticks are a problem. The objectives of this study were to screen for acaricide resistance in Rhipicephalus and Amblyomma ticks using phenotypic and molecular assays, and to assess current tick control practices used by cattle farmers in the traditional sector of Namwala District. The larval packet test was used to screen for acaricide resistance in ticks covering concentrations up to twice the discriminatory dose for amitraz, diazinon and cypermethrin. Genetic mutations associated with resistance to amitraz (A22C-T8P and T65C-L22S), and organophosphates/ pyrethroids (G1120A) were screened using polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Information on tick control practices at the household level was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Intermediate resistance (21-50%) to amitraz and cypermethrin was detected in both Rhipicephalus and Amblyomma ticks, with both tick genera showing susceptibility to diazinon (<10%). None of the ticks in this study had the reported acaricide resistance-conferring molecular markers that were screened for. The findings suggest that the resistance detected in the studied tick population may be due to other mechanisms that are yet to be identified. Tick control practices observed amongst the farmers, such as incorrect use of acaricide concentrations and rotations could be fuelling the development of acaricide resistance. It is critical to comprehensively unravel the factors that could be contributing to acaricide treatment failure as this would allow for application of appropriate remedial actions for effective tick control in Zambia.

2021 ◽  
Karen Sichibalo ◽  
Katendi Changula ◽  
Chisoni Mumba ◽  
Natasha Mwila ◽  
Benjamin Mubemba ◽  

Abstract Acaricide resistance in ticks poses a great threat to livestock production in many parts of the world where ticks are a problem. The objectives of this study were to screen for acaricide resistance in Rhipicephalus and Amblyomma ticks using phenotypic and molecular assays, and to assess current tick control practices used by cattle farmers in the traditional sector of Namwala District. The larval packet test was used to screen for acaricide resistance in ticks covering concentrations up to twice the discriminatory dose for amitraz, diazinon and cypermethrin. Genetic mutations associated with resistance to amitraz (A22C-T8P and T65C-L22S), and organophosphates/ pyrethroids (G1120A) were screened using polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Information on tick control practices at the household level was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Intermediate resistance (21-50%) to amitraz and cypermethrin was detected in both Rhipicephalus and Amblyomma ticks, with both tick genera showing susceptibility to diazinon (<10%). None of the ticks in this study had the reported acaricide resistance-conferring molecular markers that were screened for. The findings suggest that the resistance detected in the studied tick population may be due to other mechanisms that are yet to be identified. Tick control practices observed amongst the farmers, such as incorrect use of acaricide concentrations and rotations could be fuelling the development of acaricide resistance. It is critical to comprehensively unravel the factors that could be contributing to acaricide treatment failure as this would allow for application of appropriate remedial actions for effective tick control in Zambia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009539972110411
Julie Langer

While sector distinction debates often re-emerge during periods of cultural and institutional upheaval, none have considered an identity-orientation perspective. Identity orientation is a natural domain in which to address these debates as it considers the individualistic, relational, and collectivistic foundations of organizations. This study explores whether organizational members across sectors view their organization’s identity orientation differently. Findings suggest that member perceptions of identity orientation are significantly different across sectors and align with traditional sector values and motivations. However, no one sector can be defined solely as individualistic, relational, or collectivistic. These findings are discussed and future research paths laid out.

2021 ◽  
Kjell Grip ◽  
Sven Blomqvist

AbstractGlobally, ecosystem-based marine spatial planning has become a useful instrument to coordinate the planning of different authorities. This, for balancing different requirements when managing marine areas and space. In the planning process, ecology is setting limits to which human activities are acceptable to the society. The use of the marine environment can be planned similarly as the land environment. We argue that there are several aspects which must be taken into consideration. Marine activities have traditionally been planned and managed in a sectoral way. Today, it has become obvious that a more holistic, multi-sectoral and coordinated approach is needed in future successful marine planning and management. The increased awareness of the importance of the oceans and seas challenges the traditional sector division and geographical limits in marine policy and calls for better coordinated and coherent marine policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 ◽  
pp. 03008
Gergana Dimitrova

The wine industry is traditional sector in the Bulgarian economy. However, at the end of the XX century it faced various challenges. Later, it has started to restore and has developed in number of areas. Nowadays it has new characteristics, based on its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to identify the competitive advantages of the wine sector in Bulgaria. The object of the research are Bulgarian wine producers, who are small and middle size enterprises (SMEs). The focus of the study is a selection of indicators, which contribute for the identification of their competitive advantages. The data used is of own survey, performed among Bulgarian wine producers. The results show that the main advantages are targeted at qualitative wines from authentic local sorts. This justifies the obligatory direction for differentiation and validation of the Bulgarian wine producers by promoting the wines of local varieties and establishing the identity of the wine regions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 102-121
Abigail Hunt ◽  
Emma Samman

Based on innovative, mixed-methods research, this article examines the entry of on-demand platform models into the domestic work sector in South Africa. This sector has long been characterised by high levels of informality, precarity, and exploitation, though recent regulatory advances have provided labour and social protections to some domestic workers. We locate the rise of the on-demand economy within the longer-term trajectory of domestic work in South Africa, identifying the ‘traditional’ sector as a key site of undervalued labour. On-demand domestic work platforms create much-needed economic opportunities in a context of pervasive un(der)-employment, opportunities that come with some incremental improvements over traditional working arrangements. Yet we contend that platform models maintain the patterns of everyday abuse found elsewhere in the domestic work sector. These models are premised on an ability to navigate regulatory contexts to provide clients with readily available, flexible labour without longer-term commitment, therefore sidestepping employer obligations to provide labour rights and protections. As a result, on-demand companies reinforce the undervalued and largely unprotected labour of marginalised women domestic workers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
L Miligi ◽  
S Massari ◽  
R I Paredes Alpaca ◽  
S Piro ◽  
C Airoldi ◽  

Abstract Background The International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluated formaldehyde (F) as carcinogenic for human in association with Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC). Occupational exposure to F occurs in many industrial sectors also in those non-traditional. For example in Tuscany F was detected in a bakery where a NPC case had ever worked. Methods In this study a) A case control approach (OCCAM) was used for monitoring occupational risks based on current information sources. Three Italian Regional Operating Centres, collected NPC cases from cancer registries and/or hospital discharge records. Controls were randomly sampled from the regional health service population data. Occupational histories were available through record linkage with the social security pension database (INPS). Study results were reported by industrial sectors, area and gender. b) A specific study on F exposure was conducted in bakeries and pastry industry carrying out measurements to determine the concentration of F in specific tasks and positions. Results 717 cases linked with INPS database. Increased ORs for several industrial sectors such as iron and steel, wood and plastic were observed. In two regions also health and veterinary services and hairdressers were at increased risk, but based on few cases of exposed workers. In the non traditional sector of bakeries and pastry industries, where workplaces were monitored, high levels of F in personal air samplings were found, in particular in processes that involve a strong leavening. Conclusions Many productive sectors, in which F exposure could occurred, were observed to be at higher risk. The measurements performed in the non traditional sector monitored, confirmed the F exposure in some phases of the work process. With this study we contributed to increased knowledge on the risk of NPC within the monitoring system of occupational risks, and to deepen exposure to F in a non traditional productive sector such as bakeries and pastry industries. Key messages The epidemiological method used (OCCAM) in this study provides further information on the role of occupational exposure in the development of nasopharyngeal cancer. The measurements performed in the bakeries and pastry industries provide new additional information on the exposure to formaldehyde in some work process phases of a non-traditional productive sector.

2020 ◽  
pp. 65-68
H. G. Huseynov ◽  
I. G. Jafarov ◽  
Mink Vermeer ◽  
F. B. Musaev

Relevance. Vegetable growing is a traditional sector of agriculture in Azerbaijan. The republic has all the conditions for its development, both natural and socio-economic. Materials and methods. The aim of the research was to analyze the current state of vegetable growing in the republic, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industry, to determine the terms of support for producers from the state and branch science. Results. The gross harvest of vegetables has been steadily growing in the last decades, and by 2019 amounted to 1715 thousand tons. The yield of vegetables also increased during this period from 14, 7 to 21.9 t / ha. In door production area is approximately 4800 ha. The production of greenhouse vegetables is focused on the Russian market. The bottleneck in the industry is vegetable seed production, a market with a capacity of almost 20 million euros is occupied by foreign companies. At the same time, the agricultural producers get state support in the form of subsidies and soft loans and a full tax exemption. Industry science is also developing: the Research Institute of Vegetable Production has been reconstructed and fully equipped, special training organized for vegetable growers in the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University. Further development of the industry continues through the intensification and biologization of production, expanding the range and improving product quality. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 145-153
Ionel Bostan ◽  
Costica Roman ◽  
Costel Boariu

This paper is dedicated to investigating the situation and the evolution of a traditional sector of the national economy � the Romanian Chemical Production Sector (SRPC). The authors take on macrostatistical approaches regarding the evolution of the respective sector in the recent period, given the integration of the Romanian economy into that of the European Union. In a very synthetic way, we also refer to the development of this sector, which it experienced during the centralized economy of Romania (before 1989), contrary to those that followed after 1990, as a result of erroneous decisions at the macroeconomic level. Also, using highly accurate/credible data and information (NIS, CEFIC, etc.), we outline an image of the current European chemical industry, in terms of economy and international trade � which ranks second in total world sales (by about 17%), while the USA contributes 14%; even though it is globally competitive, China`s trade pressure is exacerbating innovation processes in this important EU sector. Finally, given that this approach also includes the indication of critical elements/difficulties, we present some proposals to improve the situation, proposals that we consider as relevant as possible.

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