linguistic ability
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M. Sánchez Puig

The specific national characteristics of stimulus Homeland in Russian and Spanish verbal associative network are described in this article. The contrastive analysis of one of the basic word-model-points, inherent to the Russian and Spanish native speakers, is being investigated for the first time. The qualitative indicators of the performed analysis constitute a kind of thesaurus of the associative norms of the Russian and Spanish languages and, together with the quantitative ones, can be the subject of linguo-psychological comparative analysis and provide additional information about the associative norms, structure, linguistic ability and national character of the speakers of the given language and culture.The theme may be interesting for specialists not only in philology, but also in psychology, sociology, culturology, mass media, commercial advertizing and other spheres connected with human activity.

Aengus Bridgman ◽  
Rosalie Nadeau ◽  
Dietlind Stolle

Abstract Following public debates on the topic of trust in Quebec, this article examines the alleged social capital differential between Quebec and the rest of Canada. The literature has found lower levels of generalized trust in Quebec, but explanations offered are diverse and conjectural, with historical, sociological and political factors all in contention. We test contextual and compositional influences, including cohort differences, language and linguistic ability, religion, ethnicity, and neighbourhood-level measures of diversity, using pooled cross-sectional data from the Canadian General Social Survey (2003, 2008 and 2013) linked with precise measures of neighbourhood-level ethnic and linguistic diversity drawn from the Canadian census. We identify those Quebecers who have low levels of trust and those who more closely resemble their counterparts in the rest of Canada. We find that individual linguistic ability and linguistic heterogeneity of the neighbourhood are important correlates of trust and that among francophone populations, social distrust is found most in unilingual homogenous communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (28) ◽  
pp. 101-115
Serpil SAMUR

Besides being an art, cinema also reveals the existence of a linguistic ability. In this way, with a flexible and dynamic narrative structure that turns changed so as to maintain its coherence, which can create endless imaginative narratives and present these narratives that provide a structure which allows the viewer. Cinema is quite close to the appearance in life, and the illusion of reality is an inalienable attribute of it. Reality is sometimes used as a whole, sometimes a part of it is reflected on the screens. At the core of the language of cinema lies the visual perception of the world in which people live. The concept of aesthetics is essential to understanding the ways in which contemporary and popular culture interacts with cinema. Light, sound, color and movement elements are involved in providing visual communication. Color, one of the most important elements of visual design in the cinema industry, is at the heart of the narrative world created by cinema. Basically there is no color, there is light. The element of color can be said to be an aesthetic transformation of reality or a directed, interpreted sense of reality. Every image in the cinema is accepted as a sign as the carrier of the filmic image. In addition to this, cinema is a visual art, as well as an auditory art. Cinema, which was considered as an art before sound, has undergone a structural change with the introduction of sound. Cinema aesthetics is a special aesthetic area established with cinematography and dealing with beauty. For this reason, the aim of the study is to reveal the importance of aesthetic elements for the art of cinema. In addition, the basic aesthetic elements in the art of cinema are discussed in detail and it is tried to explain why aesthetic elements are important for the art of cinema. Keywords: Cinema Art, Aesthetics, Lighting, Color, Image, Sound.

Naoki Inoue ◽  
Junya Morita

AbstractThis research proposes a behavioral task to demonstrate the process of evolution of human communication systems based on the Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis, claiming that human sophisticated social intelligence such as linguistic ability has been formed through behaviors that maximize self-interest in a competitive social situation. The proposed task was designed as a dilemma game involving messaging to establish Machiavellian communication. The game was developed based on experimental semiotics, a method that generates novel artificial language and examines language functions. Through the proposed task, pairs of participants attach meanings to arbitral graphic symbols forming novel communication systems. In case studies using this task, participants modified or ambiguated the communication system by means of a dilemma between sharing and monopolizing rewards. The result suggests that the proposed game causes ambiguation of the communication system that functions equivocally.

Abdelatif ABAIL ◽  

Given its mechanisms that can help the learner develop the strategy of analyzing the morphological structure of words, Morphological Awareness plays a vital role in the process of acquiring lexical items and organizing lexical memory. Furthermore, it not only renders the representation of linguistic units less confusing but also enables us to apprehend how it functions and how it is organized within the lexicon as well. Thus, this will eventually triggers the mental mechanism responsible for building the linguistic ability of learners. That is to say, cognizing about how the mental lexicon works can inevitably help us answer various questions regarding the organizational engineering of the linguistic levels of the word in the mind as well as the mechanisms involved in the process of comprehension and production. Thus, it can be said that morphological awareness plays a significant role in building lexical competence, particularly that is related to the morphological characteristics which characterize the Arabic language through the perception of its modes of operation and its organization in the mental lexicon.

Michał Janowski

Polish legal regulations protecting animals are inconsistent. The Act of 21 August 1997 on Animal Protection and the Act of 15 January 2015 on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific or Educational Purposes accord protection to different categories of animals. These regulations should be harmonized due to the underlying values. In addition, the current model of animal protection in Poland requires consideration. Polish regulations protecting animals have not been preceded by a reflection on the special features of some groups of animals. In particular, Polish law does not take account of the fact that some animals have higher cognitive functions, including non-linguistic ability to recognize themselves – awareness of self. The article characterizes the phenomenon of animal self-awareness, which should be relevant in discussions on the legal status of some animals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
I Dewa Putu Wijana

In the pursuit of life comfort, human beings will never stop to do various ways with everything close to their surrounding, and language as the primary means of communication is one of tools used to realize this purpose. For the sake of fulfilling, their aesthetic need, human beings often exploit their linguistic ability to produce aesthetic discourses. This paper will try to analyse the poetic functions truck container signs passed over roads in Indonesia. In order to create aesthetic signs, the creators massively exploit various types of rhyming formulas, metaphors, similes, contradictions, hyperboles, literary style diction.    AbstrakDalam upaya menemukan kenyamanan hidupnya, manusia tidak akan pernah berhenti melakukan berbagai hal terhadap segala sesuatu yang dekat dengan lingkungan hidupnya, termasuk terhadap bahasa yang merupakan alat komunikasi verbal yang paling utama. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan estetis ini, mereka sering memanfaatkan kemampuan berbahasanya untuk memproduksi wacana-wacana yang estetis. Makalah ini akan berusaha menganalisis fungsi poetik wacana tulisan di bak-bak truk yang melintas di jalan raya seluruh Indonesia. Dalam usaha menciptakan wacana yang estetis, para penciptanya secara masif memanfaatkan formula-formula berirama, metafora, simile, kontradiksi, hiperbola, kata-kata ragam sastra.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1227
Xin Yang

This study is to empirically investigate the effect of the learning-oriented assessment on Chinese learners’ development of English writing competency. This experiment was implemented in the writing classroom among 74 English majors from a local Chinese university within one term, and the findings from the analysis of 68 pairs of qualified essays indicate a significant difference between the scores in the pretest and the posttest. Based on the fact that the participants displayed a better performance on the lexical and syntactic level in the posttest, it can be inferred that the participants have shown a tendency of being better at exerting their linguistic ability together with their topic knowledge, cognitive and metacognitive strategies to achieve the communicative goal through the learning-oriented assessment model.

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