reactor test
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2021 ◽  
Nicolas Woolstenhulme

Constructed in the late 1950s, the Transient Reactor Test facility (TREAT) provided numerous transient irradiations until operation was suspended in 1994. It was later refurbished, and resumed operations in 2017 to meet the data needs of a new era of nuclear fuel safety research. TREAT uses uranium oxide dispersed in graphite blocks to yield a core that affords strong negative temperature feedback. Automatically controlled, fast-acting transient control rods enable TREAT to safely perform extreme power maneuvers—ranging from prompt bursts to longer power ramps—to broadly support research on postulated accidents for many reactor types. TREAT’s experiment devices work in concert with the reactor to contain specimens, support in situ diagnostics, and provide desired test environments, thus yielding a uniquely versatile facility. This chapter summarizes TREAT’s design, history, current efforts, and future endeavors in the field of nuclear-heated fuel safety research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Ding She ◽  
Fubing Chen ◽  
Bing Xia ◽  
Lei Shi

The 10 MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor-Test Module (HTR-10) is the first High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) in China, which was operated from January 2003 to May 2007. The HTR-10 operation history provides very important data for the validation of HTGR codes. In this paper, the HTR-10 operation history is simulated with the PANGU code, which has been recently developed for HTGR reactor physics analysis and design. Models and parameters are constructed based on the measured data of the actual conditions. The simulation results agree well with the measurements in all steady-state power periods. The discrepancy of keff is generally below 0.5%, and the discrepancy of coolant outlet temperature is generally below 5°C. It is also figured out that the burnup of graphite impurities has considerable influence on the keff at the end of the operation history, which can cause over 1.5% discrepancy when neglecting the burnup of graphite impurities. By this work, the PANGU code’s applicability in actual HTGR fuel cycle simulations is demonstrated.

Aaron S. Epiney ◽  
Nicolas Woolstenhulme

Abstract The Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) Facility at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) started testing new fuels and reactor technologies once again in 2018 and new experiments and tests are currently being designed like for example the water loop “TREAT Water Environment Recirculating Loop” (TWERL). During the design of such experiments, the designer must assess how close the experiment reproduces the physics (and other important phenomena) happening during a transient of interest compared to the full-size reactor the experiment attempts representing. Traditionally, to assess this “representativity” of the experiment, scaling theory involving expert judgment is needed. This paper presents a step towards a systematic modeling and simulation (M&S) informed methodology for experiment design. The new methodology compares a model of the full system and a model of the mock-up facility that are subject to the same perturbations. In this way, the “overlap” of the perturbed experiment and full-size facility model outputs can be analyzed and the “representativity” of the experiment determined. The paper presents a RELAP5-3D analysis, where TWERL LOCA calculations are compared to prototypic PWR LOCA calculations with respect to representativity. To inform the design of the TWERL experiments, i.e. to find the most “representative” configuration for the TWERL loop, different design parameters for TWERL have been optimized in the study.

Seokbin Seo ◽  
Nicholas R. Brown ◽  
Robert J. Armstrong ◽  
Charles P. Folsom ◽  
Colby B. Jensen

Abstract Reactivity-initiated accidents (RIAs) are one of the postulated incidents that can threaten the operational safety of a nuclear reactor. During a RIA, a rapid increase of energy deposition in the fuel can lead to a departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) occurrence which refers to the point where a drastic decrease in heat transfer capabilities occurs and the surface heat flux exceeds the critical heat flux (CHF). Aiming to understand the fundamentals beneath CHF and to predict it, the Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) facility at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is a unique facility that will be used to experimentally investigate the transient CHF under in-pile pool boiling condition. As part of a comprehensive effort to utilize TREAT for this project, this study analyzed the expected uncertainties in the experimental data by identifying the key inputs for the uncertainty in the temperature measurements and quantifying their priorities. The sensitivities of key inputs from neutronics modeling, the clad-to-coolant heat transfer, thermophysical properties of the tube, and coolant conditions were quantified using Sobol sensitivity analysis methods, and the significant effect of the occurrence of the CHF on the sensitivity of input was found.

Connor Woolum ◽  
D. Devin Imholte ◽  
Austin Fleming ◽  
David Kamerman ◽  
Korbin Tritthart

Abstract Following the tragic events at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in 2011, priority was given to increasing the accident tolerance of fuel systems for the current fleet of nuclear reactors. These enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) concepts include a wide variety of fuel and cladding materials, both as variants of the current Zircaloy-UO2 system and also as novel fuel and cladding concepts. In addition to testing at steady-state, prototypic, conditions within a nuclear reactor, performance of these ATF concepts in off-normal and transient conditions must be evaluated. The Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) facility at Idaho National Laboratory’s (INLs) Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) was restarted in the Fall of 2017 and is well-suited to serve this purpose. September of 2018 marked the first fueled specimen to be tested in TREAT since its restart; testing of fuel specimens has been ongoing since then. Initial fuel tests focused on the traditional Zircaloy-UO2 fuel system in order to gain a more thorough understanding of operating characteristics of both the test vehicle system and also the interactions between the reactor and the experiment itself. These tests also served to commission new test vehicles using the well-characterized Zircaloy-UO2 system. The Separate Effects Test Holder, SETH Capsule, is a modular capsule designed such that it can support a wide variety of specimen geometries ranging from prototypic pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel samples, heat sink based experiments, and more. The capsule itself is an additively manufactured titanium capsule, within which the experimental specimen is loaded. The SETH Phase I series of tests included five individual SETH capsules, each with a single fuel rodlet and instrumentation to measure temperature during irradiation in TREAT. Each fuel rodlet is representative of a fuel rod in a PWR, with UO2 in Zircaloy-4 cladding. In August of 2019, TREAT irradiated the first ATF candidate fuel, U3Si2. This marked the first transient test of an ATF concept and is part of a larger campaign that will irradiate a total of four capsules containing ATF concepts. This test campaign, SETH Phase II, built upon the previous SETH Phase I campaign with a nearly identical design except for the fuel rodlet itself. Two of the four SETH capsules contained U3Si2 fuel within Zircaloy-4 cladding, and the other two capsules contained U3Si2 fuel within SiC cladding. This paper reviews the design, fabrication, and assembly efforts resulting in the four qualified SETH capsules for TREAT irradiation of these ATF concepts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 206 (sup1) ◽  
pp. 31-42 ◽  
Marc A. Gibson ◽  
David I. Poston ◽  
Patrick R. McClure ◽  
James L. Sanzi ◽  
Thomas J. Godfroy ◽  

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