human labour
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E. V. Ryabova

The article is devoted to the structure of taxes in the context of robotization and artificial intelligence within the production and service sectors. The increase of robots and artificial intelligence systems will entail the replacement of human labour, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in budgetary revenues. The article discusses possible options for the future design of robot tax to compensate for budget losses. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-408
Sunil Kumar ◽  
Manjeet Singh ◽  
K.K. Yadav ◽  
P.K. Singh

Hydroponic crops can be grown using a variety of media and production systems (NFT system, wick system, drip system, ebb flow system etc.). EC and pH management are required to successfully handle these hydroponic systems (water quality and nutrient solution maintenance). These hydroponics systems have gained rapid adoption due to disciplined management of their resources and food production. Although the hydroponic system was developed in a closed-loop system, and substrate nutrition increases production, it is not cost-effective to develop this system on big scale. It is critical to design a low-cost hydroponic structure that decreases reliance on human labour and lowers overall startup cost in order to increase the commercialization of hydroponic farms. We need more research to develop more productive and cost-effective organic nutrient solutions and improve hydroponic crop production systems. In this review paper, we will discuss the opportunity and challenges in hydroponic crop production systems. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (5) ◽  
pp. 203-213

The automation of business processes and operations is a global trend. Automation is software or mechanical self-fulfilling process without or with a minimal human intervention and control. In specific processes and parts of the energy transport the automation is already happening. It can replace significant part of human labour or just to take and reduce the routine physical or repeating mental efforts of the jobs. Automation tools and systems in the energy transport are strongly dominated by open-source software automation tools. Therefore, a part of professional skills required before automation will not be useful in the future, but to handle automation trend, many new skills and knowledge will be needed by the human jobs of the future.

Nandhaanaa Nallusamy Ilango ◽  
R. Parimalarangan ◽  
M. Kalpana

Farmer producer companies normally carry out the activities such as production, harvesting, processing, procurement, grading, handling, marketing, selling, export of primary produce of the members or import of goods or services for their benefit. The present study was conducted in Theni District of Tamil Nadu. Primary as well as secondary data on black gram were collected for this present study. Simple statistical analysis such as arithmetic mean and percentage analysis and Compound growth rate analysis was worked out. Among operational costs, the cost of human labour accounted the highest share (36.03 per cent) in Black gram cultivation. Total cost of cultivation of black gram among the sample farmers of FPO in the study area was Rs. 46477.26/ha. The net return realised from Black gram cultivation was Rs. 21722.74/ha.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0260115
Eilidh M. Wood ◽  
Kylie K. Hornaday ◽  
Donna M. Slater

Prostaglandins are thought to be important mediators in the initiation of human labour, however the evidence supporting this is not entirely clear. Determining how, and which, prostaglandins change during pregnancy and labour may provide insight into mechanisms governing labour initiation and the potential to predict timing of labour onset. The current study systematically searched the existing scientific literature to determine how biofluid levels of prostaglandins change throughout pregnancy before and during labour, and whether prostaglandins and/or their metabolites may be useful for prediction of labour. The databases EMBASE and MEDLINE were searched for English-language articles on prostaglandins measured in plasma, serum, amniotic fluid, or urine during pregnancy and/or spontaneous labour. Studies were assessed for quality and risk of bias and a qualitative summary of included studies was generated. Our review identified 83 studies published between 1968–2021 that met the inclusion criteria. As measured in amniotic fluid, levels of PGE2, along with PGF2α and its metabolite 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2α were reported higher in labour compared to non-labour. In blood, only 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2α was reported higher in labour. Additionally, PGF2α, PGF1α, and PGE2 were reported to increase in amniotic fluid as pregnancy progressed, though this pattern was not consistent in plasma. Overall, the evidence supporting changes in prostaglandin levels in these biofluids remains unclear. An important limitation is the lack of data on the complexity of the prostaglandin pathway outside of the PGE and PGF families. Future studies using new methodologies capable of co-assessing multiple prostaglandins and metabolites, in large, well-defined populations, will help provide more insight as to the identification of exactly which prostaglandins and/or metabolites consistently change with labour. Revisiting and revising our understanding of the prostaglandins may provide better targets for clinical monitoring of pregnancies. This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Mr. Almaas Zafar

Abstract: Coming from a flourishing nation like India, Farming and Agriculture is the main source of income the recent stats shows it is about still IOT and application of automation and handheld devices engages an imperative role towards greatness and amelioration of the country. During these present times there have been some previous old methods being used in farming which have many limitations and also very demanding in terms of human labour and have to go out for supervision and check for any intruders or alerts or even to spray water. These conventional process have recurring costs and more demanding sometimes false human alarms or even a false crop information as a result substantial damages are foreseen hence it increases the costs and burden over the farmer. It has been observed that in some cases where farmers are cooperating with the technological advancements which are available in the present era have benefited from its fruitful outcome. The aim of this paper is to develop a smart farm supervision and protection system which comes in handy for getting regular farm alerts on a smart phone the alerts can be changed in the form of a text message or even an automated phone call hence the additional feature of this model is the improvement of crop growth according to different seasons and weather. Keywords: Arduino, IOT, Soil Sensor, Gas Sensor, PIR Sensor.

Devendra Kumar Verma ◽  
Hari Singh ◽  
Girdhari lal Meena ◽  
Jitendra Suman ◽  
Sharad Sachan

Background: Pulses are one of the most important food crops grown globally owed to their higher protein content. It also accounts for larger financial gains of the agricultural sector by amounting for a large part of the exports. The present study was carried out to determine the factors affecting production of pulse crops in Rajasthan. Methods: This paper based on secondary data collected over the years i.e. from 2000-01 to 2017-18. The Cobb-douglas production function was used to the observation for the estimation of elasticity of selected variables contributing to the production of pulses in Rajasthan state, Cobb douglas type production function was employed to assess the effects of seed, fertilizer, manure, human labour, irrigation, bullock labour and plant protection measures on pulses production. Result: The results from the study have shown that fertilizer and plant protection measures were positively significant while the variable corresponding to irrigation water was negatively significantly affecting the gram production. The variables such as seed and irrigation water were found positive and significant, while plant protection measures had significant negative effect on black gram production. Only two variables namely, fertilizer and irrigation water were found positively significant out of estimating production function of green gram.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2960
Julio Martínez-Burnes ◽  
Ramon Muns ◽  
Hugo Barrios-García ◽  
Dina Villanueva-García ◽  
Adriana Domínguez-Oliva ◽  

Parturition is a complex physiological process and involves many hormonal, morphological, physiological, and behavioural changes. Labour is a crucial moment for numerous species and is usually the most painful experience in females. Contrary to the extensive research in humans, there are limited pain studies associated with the birth process in domestic animals. Nonetheless, awareness of parturition has increased among the public, owners, and the scientific community during recent years. Dystocia is a significant factor that increases the level of parturition pain. It is considered less common in polytocous species because newborns’ number and small size might lead to the belief that the parturition process is less painful than in monotocous animal species and humans. This review aims to provide elements of the current knowledge about human labour pain (monotocous species), the relevant contribution of the rat model to human labour pain, and the current clinical and experimental knowledge of parturition pain mechanisms in domestic animals that support the fact that domestic polytocous species also experience pain. Moreover, both for women and domestic animal species, parturition’s pain represents a potential welfare concern, and information on pain indicators and the appropriate analgesic therapy are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Mohammad Azis Mahardika ◽  
Muhammad Pramuda Sirodz ◽  
Mohammad Iqbal Ismawan

Abstrak Dari berbagai cara pengaplikasian pestisida, penyemprotan merupakan aplikasi pestisida yang paling umum. Di Indonesia sendiri penyemprotan dilakukan secara manual. Penyemprotan manual memiliki kendala yaitu membutuhkan tenaga manusia. Penyemprotan secara manual mengakibatkan petani akan mudah terpapar oleh pestisida sehingga diperlukan adanya penyemprot hama otomatis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang bangun rangka kendaraan penyemprot hama otomatis untuk tanaman hortikultura. Rangka didesain menggunakan software Solidworks 2016 untuk mensimulasikan kekuatan rangka. Dari simulasi rangka dengan bahan yang digunakan baja ASTM A36 diketahui nilai yield strength bahan ASTM A36 2,5 X 108 N/m2 didapat nilai tegangan tertinggi 3,461 x 107 N/m2. Rangka ini menggunakan baja siku berukuran 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm. Jenis rangka yang jadi acuan yaitu jenis rangka ladder frame, yaitu jenis rangka menyerupai tangga, dengan jenis rangka ini memiliki kelebihan kekuatan yang tinggi. Roda yang digunakan adalah roda sepeda dengan diameter 19 cm dan tebal 4 cm. Motor penggerak yang digunakan yaitu tipe gearbox. Dimensi kendaraan, panjang = 320 cm, lebar = 80 mm, dan tinggi 150 mm. jenis transmisi yang digunakan yaitu transmisi roda gigi lurus dengan perbandingan gigi 16 : 32. Hasil pengujian pembebanan pada kondisi kendaraan diam dan bergerak, bahwa rangka mampu menahan semua beban komponen – komponen yang ada seperti box elektrikal, tangki pestisida, dan pompa.  Kata kunci:  pestisida, ASTM A36, Kendaraan Penyemprot Hama, Ladder Frame. Abstract Of the various ways of application of pesticides, spraying is the most common application of pesticides. In Indonesia, the spraying is done manually. Manual spraying has a problem. Namely, it requires human labour. Spraying manually causes farmers to be easily exposed to pesticides, so an automatic pest sprayer is needed. The purpose of this study was to design an automatic pest spraying vehicle frame for horticultural crops. The frame is designed using Solidworks 2016 software to simulate the strength of the frame. From the simulation of the frame with the material used by ASTM A36 steel, it is known that the yield strength value of ASTM A36 material is 2.5 X 108 N / m2, the highest stress value is 3.461 x 107 N / m2. This frame uses steel angles measuring 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm. The type of frame that is the reference is the type of ladder frame, a type of frame that resembles a ladder, with this type of frame having a high strength advantage. The wheels used are bicycle wheels with a diameter of 19 cm and a thickness of 4 cm. The driving motor used is the gearbox type. Vehicle dimensions, length = 320 cm, width = 80 mm, and height 150 mm. The type of transmission used is a straight gear transmission with a gear ratio of 16: 32. The results of loading tests on stationary and moving vehicle conditions show that the frame can withstand all the load of existing components such as electrical boxes, pesticide tanks, and pumps. Keyword : pesticide, ASTM A36, Pest Spraying Vehicles, Ladder Frame

Harshil Piyushbhai Sojitra N. J. Ardeshna

The present investigation was undertaken with a view to study the cost & returns and resource use efficiency of garlic in Saurashtra region of Gujarat as it has the largest share in garlic cultivation with a random sample of 128 respondents. The results indicated that the average total cost of cultivation per hectare of garlic farms was Rs. 134523 which was the highest on large farms and the lowest on marginal farms. On an average, Cost-A (paid out cost) formed 68.23 percent of total cost, while Cost-B accounted for 84.75 percent of total cost. The average yield of garlic per hectare was 77.79 quintal on sample farms which gave Rs. 149960, Rs. 58177, Rs. 35950 and Rs. 49898 as gross income, farm business income, family labour income and farm investment income, respectively to selected garlic growers. The average cost of production (Cost-C2) was Rs. 1729.34 per quintal which was the highest on small farms, followed by large, marginal and medium category of farms. The variables of manures & cakes, human labour and fertilizers found to have significant influence on the gross income. The sum of the elasticity’s was less than one indicating diminishing returns to scale. The ratio of MVP to factor cost in case of all farms found to be greater than one for manures & cakes, human labour and seed indicating that still there exists a scope for higher utilization of these inputs in order to increase the gross income. There is need to put more efforts to train the farmers regarding the use of pest and disease resistant varieties and creating awareness among the farmers regarding the efficient utilization of underutilized resources are some of the suggestions emerge from the study.

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