pain mechanisms
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-39
Timothy H. Wideman ◽  
Peter Stilwell

Too often, pain is reduced to a simple symptom of illness or injury – a puzzle piece to fit into the differential diagnostic jigsaw. Pain reports that fit the emerging pathoanatomical picture are validated and treated accordingly. But many reports don’t fit this picture, and the widespread stigma associated with persistent pain is most commonly directed toward these individuals, whose symptoms aren’t well explained by known pain mechanisms. A root problem is not seeing the person in pain or the suffering they experience. This presentation aims to help participants develop a more comprehensive perspective on pain that better integrates its complexities within clinical practice. Participants will be introduced to the Multi-modal Assessment model of Pain (MAP; Wideman et al, Clinical Journal of Pain 2019; 35(3): 212). MAP offers a novel framework to understand the fundamentally subjective natures of pain and suffering and how they can be best addressed within clinical practice. MAP aims to help clinicians view pain, first and foremost, as an experience (like sadness), which may or may not correspond to specific pathology or diagnostic criteria (like clinical depression). MAP aims to facilitate a more compassionate approach to pain management by providing a rationale for why all reported pain should be validated, even when poorly understood. Viewing pain in this manner helps highlight the central importance of listening to patients’ narrative reports, trying to understand the meaning and context for their experiences of pain and using this understanding to help alleviate suffering.

Aida Hejlskov Poulsen ◽  
Boudewijn van den Berg ◽  
Federico G Arguissain ◽  
Jenny Tigerholm ◽  
Jan R Buitenweg ◽  

Abstract Objective Small area electrodes enable preferential activation of nociceptive fibers. It is debated, however, whether co-activation of large fibers still occurs for the existing electrode designs. Moreover, existing electrodes are limited to low stimulation intensities, for which behavioral and physiological responses may be considered less reliable. A recent optimization study showed that there is a potential for improving electrode performance and increase the range of possible stimulation intensities. Based on those results, the present study introduces and tests a novel planar concentric array electrode design for small fiber activation in healthy volunteers. Approach Volunteers received electrical stimulation with the planar concentric array electrode and a regular patch electrode. Perception thresholds were estimated at the beginning and the end of the experiment. Evoked cortical potentials were recorded in blocks of 30 stimuli. For the patch, stimulation intensity was set to two times perception threshold (PT), while three intensities, 2, 5, and 10 times PT, were applied with the planar concentric array electrode. Sensation quality, numerical-rating scores, and reaction times were obtained for each PT estimation and during each block of evoked potential recordings. Main results Stimulation with the patch electrode was characterized as dull, while stimulation with the planar concentric array electrode was characterized as sharp, with increased sharpness for increasing stimulus intensity. Likewise, NRS scores were higher for the planar concentric array electrode compared to the patch and increased with increasing stimulation intensity. Reaction times and ERP latencies were longer for the planar concentric array electrode compared to the patch. Significance The presented novel planar concentric array electrode is a small, non-invasive, and single-use electrode that has the potential to investigate small fiber neuropathy and pain mechanisms, as it is small fiber preferential for a wide range of stimulation intensities.

Subha Subramanian ◽  
Simon Haroutounian ◽  
Ben Palanca ◽  
Eric J. Lenze

2022 ◽  
pp. 291-301
Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo ◽  
Pascal Madeleine ◽  
Grace P.Y. Szeto

2021 ◽  
Subbulakshmi Sundaram ◽  
Ashok Swaminathan Govindarajan

Chronic pain is one of the leading causes of years lost to disability, as most of the time it is refractory to conventional treatment. Recent advances in understanding the pain mechanisms have favored the use of ketamine as a rescue agent in refractory chronic pain conditions, as it has potential modulating effect on both sensory-discriminative and affective motivational components of pain. Preclinical studies also suggested the antinociceptive effect of sub anesthetic dose of ketamine against central and peripheral neuropathic pain conditions and non-neuropathic pain conditions such as inflammatory and nociceptive pain states. Subanesthetic infusion of ketamine along with adjuvants such as midazolam and clonidine is found to reduce the psychomimetic and cardiovascular side effects of ketamine. Even though the consensus guidelines for intravenous use of ketamine for chronic pain advocate the use of ketamine only for complex regional pain syndrome, various other clinical studies suggested its role in other refractory painful conditions. Hence the present topic focuses specifically on the effect of ketamine on non-neuropathic pain conditions such as complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, headache, ischemic limb pain, etc. Many studies had shown that ketamine not only reduces the pain scores but also the analgesic medications, which further improves the well-being and quality of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Qimin An ◽  
Gengyu Yue ◽  
Xiaoxu Yang ◽  
Jun Lou ◽  
Weixi Shan ◽  

P2X receptors (P2XRs) are trimeric, non-selective cation channels activated by extracellular ATP and widely distributed in the digestive system. P2XRs have an important role in the physiological function of the digestive system, such as neurotransmission, ion transports, proliferation and apoptosis, muscle contraction, and relaxation. P2XRs can be involved in pain mechanisms both centrally and in the periphery and confirmed the association of P2XRs with visceral pain. In the periphery, ATP can be released as a result of tissue injury, visceral distension, or sympathetic activation and can excite nociceptive primary afferents by acting at homomeric P2X(3)R or heteromeric P2X(2/3)R. Thus, peripheral P2XRs, and homomeric P2X(3) and/or heteromeric P2X(2/3)R in particular, constitute attractive targets for analgesic drugs. Recently studies have shown that P2XRs have made significant advances in inflammation and cancer. P2X7R mediates NLRP3 inflammasome activation, cytokine and chemokine release, T lymphocyte survival and differentiation, transcription factor activation, and cell death. The P2X7R is a potent stimulant of inflammation and immunity and a promoter of cancer cell growth. This makes P2X7R an appealing target for anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer therapy. It is believed that with the further study of P2XRs and its subtypes, P2XRs and its specific antagonists will be expected to be widely used in the treatment of human digestive diseases in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-113
Zakir Uddin ◽  
Joy C. MacDermid ◽  
Fatma A. Hegazy ◽  
Tara L. Packham

Introduction: Chronic pain has multiple aetiological factors and complexity. Pain theory helps us to guide and organize our thinking to deal with this complexity. The objective of this paper is to critically review the most influential theory in pain science history (the gate control theory of pain) and focus on its implications in chronic pain rehabilitation to minimize disability. Methods: In this narrative review, all the published studies that focused upon pain theory were retrieved from Ovoid Medline (from 1946 till present), EMBAS, AMED and PsycINFO data bases. Results: Chronic pain is considered a disease or dysfunction of the nervous system. In chronic pain conditions, hypersensitivity is thought to develop from changes to the physiological top-down control (inhibitory) mechanism of pain modulation according to the pain theory. Pain hypersensitivity manifestation is considered as abnormal central inhibitory control at the gate controlling mechanism. On the other hand, pain hypersensitivity is a prognostic factor in pain rehabilitation. It is clinically important to detect and manage hypersensitivity responses and their mechanisms. Conclusion: Since somatosensory perception and integration are recognized as a contributor to the pain perception under the theory, then we can use the model to direct interventions aimed at pain relief. The pain theory should be leveraged to develop and refine measurement tools with clinical utility for detecting and monitoring hypersensitivity linked to chronic pain mechanisms.

Pain ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Mohamed Gomaa Sobeeh ◽  
Sherief Ghozy ◽  
Rami Elshazli ◽  
Marc Landry

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4(42)) ◽  
pp. 60-67
N. Orlova ◽  
O. Riga

Over the past decades, more and more attention in medical science has been paid to the diagnosis and study of pain mechanisms in the pediatric population. According to experts in the field of chronic pain in children, it occurs in 12% of all pediatric patients, which negatively affects the quality of children’s life and life of their families. Today, a particularly important problem in most countries of the world is pain in children with paralytic syndromes of III - V level according to GMFCS. About 20-35% of children with paralytic syndromes suffer from chronic pain. Although there are means and knowledge on how to treat pain, children's pain is often not recognized, ignored, or even denied. More than 50% of children with paralytic syndromes suffer from moderate to severe pain daily and in several parts of the body. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as “an unpleasant, sensual, and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or perceived tissue damage. The inability to communicate verbally does not negate the possibility that the individual is in pain and needs appropriate analgesic treatment. Pain is always subjective ... ". Determining the type of pain helps to identify its cause, which can guide the choice of treatment. The main cause of pain in children includes acute nociceptive pain (ie pain caused by activation of peripheral nerve endings, including somatic and visceral pain), neuropathic pain (ie due to damage or dysfunction of the somatosensory system), psychosocial - spiritual - emotional pain. Chronic pain is a continuous or intermittent pain that lasts longer than the expected normal recovery period. Chronic pain can also occur and persist in the absence of a specific pathophysiology or medical condition. The expression of pain depends on a child's age, cognitive development and socio-cultural context.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260925
Jason Andrew Rogers ◽  
Graeme Jones ◽  
Jill Cook ◽  
Kathryn Squibb ◽  
Karen Wills ◽  

Chronic plantar heel pain (CPHP) is associated with calcaneal bone spurs, but its associations with other calcaneal bone features are unknown. This study therefore aimed to determine associations between having CPHP and bone density and microarchitecture of the calcaneus. We assessed 220 participants with CPHP and 100 age- and sex-matched population-based controls. Trabecular bone density, thickness, separation and number, BV/TV, and cortical density, thickness and area were measured using a Scanco Xtreme1 HR-pQCT scanner at a plantar and mid-calcaneal site. Clinical, physical activity and disease history data were also collected. Associations with bone outcomes were assessed using multivariable linear regression adjusting for age, sex, physical activity, BMI and ankle plantarflexor strength. We assessed for potential effect modification of CPHP on these covariates using interaction terms. There were univariable associations at the plantar calcaneus where higher trabecular bone density, BV/TV and thickness and lower trabecular separation were associated with CPHP. In multivariable models, having CPHP was not independently associated with any bone outcome, but modified associations of BMI and ankle plantarflexor strength with mid-calcaneal and plantar bone outcomes respectively. Beneficial associations of BMI with mid-calcaneal trabecular density (BMI-case interaction standardised X/unstandardised Y beta -10.8(mgHA/cm3) (se 4.6), thickness -0.002(mm) (se 0.001) and BV/TV -0.009(%) (se 0.004) were reduced in people with CPHP. Beneficial associations of ankle plantarflexor strength with plantar trabecular density (ankle plantarflexor strength -case interaction -11.9(mgHA/cm3) (se 4.4)), thickness -0.003(mm) (se 0.001), separation -0.003(mm) (se 0.001) and BV/TV -0.010(%) (se 0.004) were also reduced. CPHP may have consequences for calcaneal bone density and microarchitecture by modifying associations of BMI and ankle plantarflexor strength with calcaneal bone outcomes. The reasons for these case-control differences are uncertain but could include a bone response to entheseal stress, altered loading habits and/or pain mechanisms. Confirmation with longitudinal study is required.

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