petal identity
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Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 2011
Chunling Zhang ◽  
Yalin Sun ◽  
Xiaomin Yu ◽  
Hang Li ◽  
Manzhu Bao ◽  

Members of AP1/FUL subfamily genes play an essential role in the regulation of floral meristem transition, floral organ identity, and fruit ripping. At present, there have been insufficient studies to explain the function of the AP1/FUL-like subfamily genes in Asteraceae. Here, we cloned two euAP1 clade genes TeAP1-1 and TeAP1-2, and three euFUL clade genes TeFUL1, TeFUL2, and TeFUL3 from marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Expression profile analysis demonstrated that TeAP1-1 and TeAP1-2 were mainly expressed in receptacles, sepals, petals, and ovules. TeFUL1 and TeFUL3 were expressed in flower buds, stems, and leaves, as well as reproductive tissues, while TeFUL2 was mainly expressed in flower buds and vegetative tissues. Overexpression of TeAP1-2 or TeFUL2 in Arabidopsis resulted in early flowering, implying that these two genes might regulate the floral transition. Yeast two-hybrid analysis indicated that TeAP1/FUL proteins only interacted with TeSEP proteins to form heterodimers and that TeFUL2 could also form a homodimer. In general, TeAP1-1 and TeAP1-2 might play a conserved role in regulating sepal and petal identity, similar to the functions of MADS-box class A genes, while TeFUL genes might display divergent functions. This study provides a theoretical basis for the study of AP1/FUL-like genes in Asteraceae species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Quentin Cavallini-Speisser ◽  
Patrice Morel ◽  
Marie Monniaux

Petals are typified by their conical epidermal cells that play a predominant role for the attraction and interaction with pollinators. However, cell identities in the petal can be very diverse, with different cell types in subdomains of the petal, in different cell layers, and depending on their adaxial-abaxial or proximo-distal position in the petal. In this mini-review, we give an overview of the main cell types that can be found in the petal and describe some of their functions. We review what is known about the genetic basis for the establishment of these cellular identities and their possible relation with petal identity and polarity specifiers expressed earlier during petal development, in an attempt to bridge the gap between organ identity and cell identity in the petal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yves Deveaux ◽  
Natalia Conde e Silva ◽  
Domenica Manicacci ◽  
Martine Le Guilloux ◽  
Véronique Brunaud ◽  

Even though petals are homoplastic structures, their identity consistently involves genes of the APETALA3 (AP3) lineage. However, the extent to which the networks downstream of AP3 are conserved in species with petals of different evolutionary origins is unknown. In Ranunculaceae, the specificity of the AP3-III lineage offers a great opportunity to identify the petal gene regulatory network in a comparative framework. Using a transcriptomic approach, we investigated putative target genes of the AP3-III ortholog NdAP3-3 in Nigella damascena at early developmental stages when petal identity is determined, and we compared our data with that from selected eudicot species. We generated a de novo reference transcriptome to carry out a differential gene expression analysis between the wild-type and mutant NdAP3-3 genotypes differing by the presence vs. absence of petals at early stages of floral development. Among the 1,620 genes that were significantly differentially expressed between the two genotypes, functional annotation suggested a large involvement of nuclear activities, including regulation of transcription, and enrichment in processes linked to cell proliferation. Comparing with Arabidopsis data, we found that highly conserved genes between the two species are enriched in homologs of direct targets of the AtAP3 protein. Integrating AP3-3 binding site data from another Ranunculaceae species, Aquilegia coerulea, allowed us to identify a set of 18 putative target genes that were conserved between the three species. Our results suggest that, despite the independent evolutionary origin of petals in core eudicots and Ranunculaceae, a small conserved set of genes determines petal identity and early development in these taxa.

2020 ◽  
Chunling Zhang ◽  
Yalin Sun ◽  
Ludan Wei ◽  
Wenjing Wang ◽  
Hang Li ◽  

Abstract Background: Members of AP1/FUL subfamily genes play an essential role in the regulation of floral meristem transition, floral organ identity, and fruit ripping. At present, there have been insufficient studies to explain the function of the AP1/FUL-like subfamily genes in Asteraceae. Results: Here, we cloned two euAP1 clade genes TeAP1-1 and TeAP1-2, and three euFUL clade genes TeFUL1, TeFUL2, and TeFUL3 from marigold (Tagetes erecta). Expression profile analysis demonstrated that TeAP1-1 and TeAP1-2 were mainly expressed in receptacles, sepals, petals, and ovules. TeFUL1 and TeFUL3 were expressed in floral buds, stems and leaves as well as in productive tissues, while TeFUL2 was mainly expressed in floral buds and vegetative tissues. Transgenic Arabidopsis lines showed that overexpression TeAP1-2 or TeFUL2 resulted in early flowering, implying that these two genes might regulate the floral transition. Yeast two-hybrid analysis indicated that TeAP1/FUL proteins only interacted with TeSEP proteins to form heterodimers, and that TeFUL2 could also form a homodimer.Conclusion: In general, TeAP1-1 and TeAP1-2 might play a conserved role in regulating sepal and petal identity, just like the role of MADS-box class A genes, while TeFUL genes might display divergent functions. This study provides an insight into molecular mechanism of AP1/FUL-like genes in Asteraceae species.

Fernando Pérez-Sanz ◽  
Victoria Ruiz-Hernández ◽  
Marta Isabel Terry ◽  
Sara Arce-Gallego ◽  
Julia Weiss ◽  

AbstractData analysis in non-targeted metabolomics is extremely time consuming. Genetic factors and environmental cues affect the composition and quantity of present metabolites i.e. the constitutive and non-constitutive metabolites. We developed gcProfileMakeR, an R package that uses standard output files from GC-MS for automatic data analysis using CAS numbers. gcProfileMakeR produces three outputs: a core or constitutive metabolome, a second list of compounds with high quality matches that is non-constitutive and a third set of compounds with low quality matching to MS libraries. As a proof of concept, we defined the floral scent emission of Antirrhinum majus using wild type plants, the floral identity mutants deficiens and compacta as well as RNAi lines of AmLHY. Loss of petal identity was accompanied by appearance of aldehydes typical of green leaf volatile profiles. Decreased levels of AmLHY caused a major increase in volatile complexity, and activated the synthesis of benzyl acetate, absent in WT. Furthermore, some volatiles emitted in a gated fashion in WT such as methyl 3,5-dimethoxybezoate or linalool became constitutive. Using sixteen volatiles of the constitutive profile, all genotypes were classified by Machine Learning with 0% error. gcProfileMakeR may thus help define core and pan-metabolomes. It enhances the quality of data reported in metabolomic profiles as text outputs rely on CAS numbers. This is especially important for FAIR data implementation.One sentence summarygcProfileMakeR allows the automatic annotation of the core metabolome and non-constitutive metabolites, increasing speed and accuracy of non-targeted metabolomics.

2019 ◽  
Dario I. Ojeda ◽  
Erik Koenen ◽  
Sandra Cervantes ◽  
Manuel de la Estrella ◽  
Eulalia Banguera-Hinestroza ◽  

AbstractDetarioideae is well known for its high diversity of floral traits, including flower symmetry, number of organs, and petal size and morphology. This diversity has been characterized and studied at higher taxonomic levels, but limited analyses have been performed among closely related genera with contrasting floral traits due to the lack of fully resolved phylogenetic relationships. Here, we used four representative transcriptomes to develop an exome capture bait for the entire subfamily and applied it to the Anthonotha clade using a complete data set (61 specimens) representing all extant floral diversity. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered congruent topologies using ML and Bayesian methods. The genus Anthonotha was recovered as monophyletic contrary to the remaining three genera (Englerodendron, Isomacrolobium and Pseudomacrolobium), which form a monophyletic group sister to Anthonotha. We inferred a total of 35 transitions for the seven floral traits (pertaining to flower symmetry, petals, stamens and staminodes) that we analyzed, suggesting that at least 30% of the species in this group display transitions from the ancestral condition reconstructed for the Anthonotha clade. The main transitions were towards a reduction in the number of organs (petals, stamens and staminodes). Despite the high number of transitions, our analyses indicate that the seven characters are evolving independently in these lineages. Petal morphology is the most labile floral trait with a total of seven independent transitions in number and seven independent transitions to modification in petal types. The diverse petal morphology along the dorsoventral axis of symmetry within the flower is not associated with differences at the micromorphology of petal surface, suggesting that in this group all petals within the flower might possess the same petal identity at the molecular level. Our results provide a solid evolutionary framework for further detailed analyses of the molecular basis of petal identity.

Botany ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 96 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-55 ◽  
Christine Woollacott ◽  
Quentin C.B. Cronk

The hooded (hdd) floral mutant of Lathyrus odoratus L. (sweet pea) has a concave standard petal compared with the flat standard petal of the wild type. This trait was used by Bateson, Punnett, and Saunders in early studies of Mendelian inheritance (c.1905). Here we provide four lines of evidence that this phenotype results from a mutation in the CYCLOIDEA2 (CYC2) gene. (i) CYC2 is expressed in the standard petals of wild-type L. odoratus, whereas the same methods fail to detect expression in hdd plants. (ii) Genomic sequencing reveals that the CYC2 gene sequence of hdd plants is truncated at the TCP box and likely nonfunctional. (iii) In a population of 118 plants, the hdd phenotype cosegregated with the mutant allele of CYC2 without exception. (iv) CYC2 is known to act as a dorsal petal identity gene. Consistent with this, the standard petal in hdd flowers has the epidermal and pigment characteristics of wing petals, indicating that the hdd mutation results in a shift in dorsiventral petal-type identity. We conclude that the mutation in CYC2 is responsible for the hdd phenotype, and is therefore the L. odoratus equivalent of the lobed standard (lst1) mutant in Pisum.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 89 ◽  
Fang Huang ◽  
Guangli Xu ◽  
Yingjun Chi ◽  
Haicui Liu ◽  
Qian Xue ◽  
Mads Box ◽  

2013 ◽  
pp. n/a-n/a ◽  
Beatriz Gonçalves ◽  
Odrade Nougué ◽  
Florian Jabbour ◽  
Céline Ridel ◽  
Halima Morin ◽  

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