radiative fluxes
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2022 ◽  
Carola Barrientos-Velasco ◽  
Hartwig Deneke ◽  
Anja Hünerbein ◽  
Hannes J. Griesche ◽  
Patric Seifert ◽  

Abstract. For understanding Arctic climate change, it is critical to quantify and address uncertainties in climate data records on clouds and radiative fluxes derived from long-term passive satellite observations. A unique set of observations collected during the research vessel Polarstern PS106 expedition (28 May to 16 July 2017) by the OCEANET facility is exploited here for this purpose and compared with the CERES SYN1deg Ed. 4.1 satellite remote sensing products. Mean cloud fraction (CF) of 86.7 % for CERES and 76.1 % for OCEANET were found for the entire cruise. The difference of CF between both data sets is due to different spatial resolution and momentary data gaps due to technical limitations of the set of ship-borne instruments. A comparison of radiative fluxes during clear-sky conditions enables radiative closure for CERES products by means of independent radiative transfer simulations. Several challenges were encountered to accurately represent clouds in radiative transfer under cloudy conditions, especially for ice-containing clouds and low-level stratus (LLS) clouds. During LLS conditions, the OCEANET retrievals were in particular compromised by the altitude detection limit of 155 m of the cloud radar. Radiative fluxes from CERES show a good agreement with ship observations, having a bias (standard deviation) of −6.0 (14.6) W m−2 and 23.1 (59.3) W m−2 for the downward longwave (LW) and shortwave (SW) fluxes, respectively. Based on CERES products, mean values of the radiation budget and the cloud radiative effect (CRE) were determined for the PS106 cruise track and the central Arctic region (70°–90° N). For the period of study, the results indicate a strong influence of the SW flux in the radiation budget, which is reduced by clouds leading to a net surface CRE of −8.8 W m−2 and −9.3 W m−2 along the PS106 cruise and for the entire Arctic, respectively. The similarity of local and regional CRE supports that the PS106 cloud observations can be considered to be representative of Arctic cloudiness during early summer.

2021 ◽  
Martin Wild

<p>The quantification of Earth’s solar radiation budget and its temporal changes is essential for the understanding of the genesis and evolution of climate on our planet. While the solar radiative fluxes in and out of the climate system can be accurately tracked and quantified from space by satellite programs such as CERES or SORCE, the disposition of solar energy within in the climate system is afflicted with larger uncertainties. A better quantification of the solar radiative fluxes not only under cloudy, but also under cloud-free conditions can help to reduce these uncertainties and is essential for example for the determination of cloud radiative effects or for the understanding of  temporal changes in the solar radiative components of the climate system.</p> <p>We combined satellite observations of Top of Atmosphere fluxes with the information contained in surface flux observations and climate models to infer the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere, which we estimated at 73 Wm<sup>-2</sup> globally under cloud-free conditions (Wild et al. 2019 Clim Dyn). The latest generation of climate models participating in CMIP6 is now able to reproduce this magnitude surprisingly well, whereas in previous climate model  generations the cloud-free atmosphere was typically too transparent for solar radiation, which stated a long-standing modelling issue (Wild 2020 Clim Dyn, Wild et al. 1995 JClim).</p> <p>With respect to changes in solar fluxes, there is increasing evidence that the substantial long-term decadal variations in surface solar radiation known as dimming and brightening occur not only under all-sky, but similarly also under clear-sky conditions (Manara et al. 2016 ACP, Yang et al. 2019 JClim; Wild et al. 2021 GRL). This points to aerosol radiative effects as major factor for the explanation of this phenomenon.</p>

2021 ◽  
S. M. Turbeville ◽  
J. M. Nugent ◽  
T. P. Ackerman ◽  
C. S. Bretherton ◽  
P. N. Blossey

2021 ◽  
Thomas Lafargue-Tallet ◽  
Romain VAUCELLE ◽  
Cyril CALIOT ◽  
Abderezak AOUALI ◽  

Abstract Knowledge of material emissivity maps and their true temperatures is of great interest for contactless process monitoring and control with infrared cameras when strong heat transfer and temperature change are involved.In this work, we describe the development of a contactless infrared and multispectral imaging technique based on the pyro-reflectometry approach and a specular model of the material reflection.This approach enables in situ and real-time identification of emissivity fields and autocalibration of the radiative intensity leaving the sample by using a black body equivalent ratio.This is done to obtain the absolute temperature field of any specular material using the infrared wavelength.The proposed method is evaluated at room temperature with several heterogeneous samples covering a large range of emissivity values. From these emissivity fields, raw and heterogeneous measured radiative fluxes are transformed into complete absolute temperature fields.

Foundations ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-199
Boris Michailovich Smirnov ◽  
Dmitri Alexandrovich Zhilyaev

The “line-by-line” method is used for the evaluation of thermal emission of the standard atmosphere toward the Earth. Accounting for thermodynamic equilibrium of the radiation field with air molecules and considering the atmosphere as a weakly nonuniform layer, we reduce the emission at a given frequency for this layer containing molecules of various types to that of a uniform layer, which is characterized by a certain radiative temperature Tω, an optical thickness uω and an opaque factor g(uω). Radiative parameters of molecules are taken from the HITRAN database, and an altitude of cloud location is taken from the energetic balance of the Earth. Within the framework of this model, we calculate the parameters of the greenhouse effect, including the partial radiative fluxes due to different greenhouse components in the frequency range up to 2600 cm−1. In addition, the derivations are determined from the radiative flux from the atmosphere to the Earth over the concentration logarithm of greenhouse components. From this, it follows that the observed rate of growth of the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide accounts for a contribution of approximately 30% to the observed increase in the global atmosphere during recent decades. If we assume that the basic part of the greenhouse effect is determined by an increase in the concentration c(H2O) of water atmospheric molecules, it is approximately dlnc(H2O/dt)=0.003 yr−1. This corresponds to an increase in the average moisture of the atmosphere of 0.2%/yr.

2021 ◽  
Rachel T. Pinker ◽  
Yingtao Ma ◽  
Wen Chen ◽  
Istvan Laszlo ◽  
Hongqing Liu ◽  

Abstract. Under the GOES-R activity, new algorithms are being developed at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) to derive surface and Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) shortwave (SW) radiative fluxes from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), the primary instrument on GOES-R. This paper describes a support effort in the development and evaluation of the ABI instrument capabilities to derive such fluxes. Specifically, scene dependent narrow-to-broadband (NTB) transformations are developed to facilitate the use of observations from ABI at the TOA. Simulations of NTB transformations have been performed with MODTRAN4.3 using an updated selection of atmospheric profiles as implemented with the final ABI specifications. These are combined with Angular Distribution Models (ADMs), which are a synergy of ADMs from the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) and from simulations. Surface condition at the scale of the ABI products as needed to compute the TOA radiative fluxes come from the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). Land classification at 1/6° resolution for 18 surface types are converted to the ABI 2-km grid over the (CONtiguous States of the United States) (CONUS) and subsequently re-grouped to 12 IGBP types to match the classification of the CERES ADMs. In the simulations, default information on aerosols and clouds is based on the ones used in MODTRAN. Comparison of derived fluxes at the TOA is made with those from the CERES and/or the Fast Longwave and Shortwave Radiative Flux (FLASHFlux) data. A satisfactory agreement between the fluxes was observed and possible reasons for differences have been identified; the agreement of the fluxes at the TOA for predominantly clear sky conditions was found to be better than for cloudy sky due to possible time shift in observation times between the two observing systems that might have affected the position of the clouds during such periods.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-62
Aiden Jönsson ◽  
Frida A.-M. Bender

AbstractDespite the unequal partitioning of land and aerosol sources between the hemispheres, Earth’s albedo is observed to be persistently symmetric about the equator. This symmetry is determined by the compensation of clouds to the clear-sky albedo. Here, the variability of this inter-hemispheric albedo symmetry is explored by decomposing observed radiative fluxes in the CERES EBAF satellite data record into components reflected by the atmosphere, clouds, and the surface. We find that the degree of inter-hemispheric albedo symmetry has not changed significantly throughout the observational record. The variability of the inter-hemispheric difference in reflected solar radiation (asymmetry) is strongly determined by tropical and subtropical cloud cover, particularly those related to non-neutral phases of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). As the ENSO is the most significant source of interannual variability in reflected radiation on a global scale, this underscores the inter-hemispheric albedo symmetry as a robust feature of Earth’s current annual mean climate. Comparing this feature in observations with simulations from coupled models reveals that the degree of modeled albedo symmetry is mostly dependent on biases in reflected radiation in the midlatitudes, and that models that overestimate its variability the most have larger biases in reflected radiation in the tropics. The degree of model albedo symmetry is improved when driven with historical sea surface temperatures, indicating that the degree of symmetry in Earth’s albedo is dependent on the representation of cloud responses to coupled ocean-atmosphere processes.

2021 ◽  
Samantha M Turbeville ◽  
Jacqueline M Nugent ◽  
Thomas P Ackerman ◽  
Christopher S. Bretherton ◽  
Peter N. Blossey

2021 ◽  
Samantha M Turbeville ◽  
Jacqueline M Nugent ◽  
Thomas P Ackerman ◽  
Christopher S. Bretherton ◽  
Peter N. Blossey

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