arctic climate change
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2022 ◽  
Carola Barrientos-Velasco ◽  
Hartwig Deneke ◽  
Anja Hünerbein ◽  
Hannes J. Griesche ◽  
Patric Seifert ◽  

Abstract. For understanding Arctic climate change, it is critical to quantify and address uncertainties in climate data records on clouds and radiative fluxes derived from long-term passive satellite observations. A unique set of observations collected during the research vessel Polarstern PS106 expedition (28 May to 16 July 2017) by the OCEANET facility is exploited here for this purpose and compared with the CERES SYN1deg Ed. 4.1 satellite remote sensing products. Mean cloud fraction (CF) of 86.7 % for CERES and 76.1 % for OCEANET were found for the entire cruise. The difference of CF between both data sets is due to different spatial resolution and momentary data gaps due to technical limitations of the set of ship-borne instruments. A comparison of radiative fluxes during clear-sky conditions enables radiative closure for CERES products by means of independent radiative transfer simulations. Several challenges were encountered to accurately represent clouds in radiative transfer under cloudy conditions, especially for ice-containing clouds and low-level stratus (LLS) clouds. During LLS conditions, the OCEANET retrievals were in particular compromised by the altitude detection limit of 155 m of the cloud radar. Radiative fluxes from CERES show a good agreement with ship observations, having a bias (standard deviation) of −6.0 (14.6) W m−2 and 23.1 (59.3) W m−2 for the downward longwave (LW) and shortwave (SW) fluxes, respectively. Based on CERES products, mean values of the radiation budget and the cloud radiative effect (CRE) were determined for the PS106 cruise track and the central Arctic region (70°–90° N). For the period of study, the results indicate a strong influence of the SW flux in the radiation budget, which is reduced by clouds leading to a net surface CRE of −8.8 W m−2 and −9.3 W m−2 along the PS106 cruise and for the entire Arctic, respectively. The similarity of local and regional CRE supports that the PS106 cloud observations can be considered to be representative of Arctic cloudiness during early summer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. 095003 ◽  
Donna D W Hauser ◽  
Alex V Whiting ◽  
Andrew R Mahoney ◽  
John Goodwin ◽  
Cyrus Harris ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Yi Huang ◽  
Han Huang ◽  
Aliia Shakirova

The analysis of radiative feedbacks requires the separation and quantification of the radiative contributions of different feedback variables, such as atmospheric temperature, water vapor, surface albedo, cloud, etc. It has been a challenge to include the nonlinear radiative effects of these variables in the feedback analysis. For instance, the kernel method that is widely used in the literature assumes linearity and completely neglects the nonlinear effects. Nonlinear effects may arise from the nonlinear dependency of radiation on each of the feedback variables, especially when the change in them is of large magnitude such as in the case of the Arctic climate change. Nonlinear effects may also arise from the coupling between different feedback variables, which often occurs as feedback variables including temperature, humidity and cloud tend to vary in a coherent manner. In this paper, we use brute-force radiation model calculations to quantify both univariate and multivariate nonlinear feedback effects and provide a qualitative explanation of their causes based on simple analytical models. We identify these prominent nonlinear effects in the CO2-driven Arctic climate change: 1) the univariate nonlinear effect in the surface albedo feedback, which results from a nonlinear dependency of planetary albedo on the surface albedo, which causes the linear kernel method to overestimate the univariate surface albedo feedback; 2) the coupling effect between surface albedo and cloud, which offsets the univariate surface albedo feedback; 3) the coupling effect between atmospheric temperature and cloud, which offsets the very strong univariate temperature feedback. These results illustrate the hidden biases in the linear feedback analysis methods and highlight the need for nonlinear methods in feedback quantification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 2429-2450
Robbie D. C. Mallett ◽  
Julienne C. Stroeve ◽  
Michel Tsamados ◽  
Jack C. Landy ◽  
Rosemary Willatt ◽  

Abstract. Mean sea ice thickness is a sensitive indicator of Arctic climate change and is in long-term decline despite significant interannual variability. Current thickness estimations from satellite radar altimeters employ a snow climatology for converting range measurements to sea ice thickness, but this introduces unrealistically low interannual variability and trends. When the sea ice thickness in the period 2002–2018 is calculated using new snow data with more realistic variability and trends, we find mean sea ice thickness in four of the seven marginal seas to be declining between 60 %–100 % faster than when calculated with the conventional climatology. When analysed as an aggregate area, the mean sea ice thickness in the marginal seas is in statistically significant decline for 6 of 7 winter months. This is observed despite a 76 % increase in interannual variability between the methods in the same time period. On a seasonal timescale we find that snow data exert an increasingly strong control on thickness variability over the growth season, contributing 46 % in October but 70 % by April. Higher variability and faster decline in the sea ice thickness of the marginal seas has wide implications for our understanding of the polar climate system and our predictions for its change.

2021 ◽  
Ansley S. Petherick ◽  
Joshua D. Reuther ◽  
Scott J. Shirar ◽  
Shelby L. Anderson ◽  
Larisa R. G. DeSantis

2021 ◽  
Andy Richling ◽  
Uwe Ulbrich ◽  
Henning Rust ◽  
Johannes Riebold ◽  
Dörthe Handorf

<p>Over the last decades the Arctic climate change has been observed with a much faster warming of the Arctic compared to the global average (Arctic amplification) and related sea-ice retreat. These changes in sea ice can affect the large-scale atmospheric circulation over the mid-latitudes, in particular atmospheric blocking, and thus the frequency and severity of extreme events. As a step towards a better understanding of changes in weather and climate extremes over Central Europe associated with Arctic climate change, we first analyze the linkage between recent Arctic sea ice loss and blocking variability using logistic regression models. ERA5 reanalysis data are used on a monthly and seasonal time scale, and specific regional sea ice variabilities are explored. First results indicate an increased occurrence-probability in terms of blocking frequency over Greenland in summer as well as over Scandinavia/Ural in winter during low sea ice conditions. </p>

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