resonance field
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Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Anton S. Tarasov ◽  
Ivan A. Tarasov ◽  
Ivan A. Yakovlev ◽  
Mikhail V. Rautskii ◽  
Ilya A. Bondarev ◽  

Three-layer iron-rich Fe3+xSi1−x/Ge/Fe3+xSi1−x (0.2 < x < 0.64) heterostructures on a Si(111) surface with Ge thicknesses of 4 nm and 7 nm were grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Systematic studies of the structural and morphological properties of the synthesized samples have shown that an increase in the Ge thickness causes a prolonged atomic diffusion through the interfaces, which significantly increases the lattice misfits in the Ge/Fe3+xSi1−x heterosystem due to the incorporation of Ge atoms into the Fe3+xSi1−x bottom layer. The resultant lowering of the total free energy caused by the development of the surface roughness results in a transition from an epitaxial to a polycrystalline growth of the upper Fe3+xSi1−x. The average lattice distortion and residual stress of the upper Fe3+xSi1−x were determined by electron diffraction and theoretical calculations to be equivalent to 0.2 GPa for the upper epitaxial layer with a volume misfit of −0.63% compared with a undistorted counterpart. The volume misfit follows the resultant interatomic misfit of |0.42|% with the bottom Ge layer, independently determined by atomic force microscopy. The variation in structural order and morphology significantly changes the magnetic properties of the upper Fe3+xSi1−x layer and leads to a subtle effect on the transport properties of the Ge layer. Both hysteresis loops and FMR spectra differ for the structures with 4 nm and 7 nm Ge layers. The FMR spectra exhibit two distinct absorption lines corresponding to two layers of ferromagnetic Fe3+xSi1−x films. At the same time, a third FMR line appears in the sample with the thicker Ge. The angular dependences of the resonance field of the FMR spectra measured in the plane of the film have a pronounced easy-axis type anisotropy, as well as an anisotropy corresponding to the cubic crystal symmetry of Fe3+xSi1−x, which implies the epitaxial orientation relationship of Fe3+xSi1−x (111)[0−11] || Ge(111)[1−10] || Fe3+xSi1−x (111)[0−11] || Si(111)[1−10]. Calculated from ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) data saturation magnetization exceeds 1000 kA/m. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of a Ge layer with thicknesses of 4 nm and 7 nm is of semiconducting type, which is, however, determined by different transport mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Jun Ren ◽  
Junming Li ◽  
Sheng Zhang ◽  
Jun Li ◽  
Wenxia Su ◽  

Abstract Voltage control magnetism have been widely studied due to their potential applications in the next generation of information technology. PMN-PT, as a single crystal ferroelectric substrate, has been widely used in the study of voltage control magnetism because of its excellent piezoelectric properties. However, most of the research based on PMN-PT only studies the influence of a single tensile (or compressive) stress on the magnetic properties due to the asymmetry of strain. In this work, we show the effect of different strains on the magnetic anisotropy of Fe19Ni81/(011) PMN-PT heterojunction. More importantly, the (011) cut PMN-PT has the characteristics of generating non-volatile strain, which provides the advantage for investigating the voltage manipulation of RF/microwave magnetic devices. As a result, a ferromagnetic resonance field tunability of 70 Oe is induced in our sample by the non-volatile strain. Our results provide new possibilities for novel voltage adjustable RF/microwave magnetic devices and spintronic devices.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 3009
Saurabh Pathak ◽  
Rajni Verma ◽  
Prashant Kumar ◽  
Arjun Singh ◽  
Sakshi Singhal ◽  

The present work reports the synthesis of a stable aqueous magnetic fluid (AMF) by dispersing double-surfactant-coated Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in water using a facile ambient scalable wet chemical route. MNPs do not disperse well in water, resulting in low stability. This was improved by dispersing double-surfactant (oleic acid and sodium oleate)-coated MNPs in water, where cross-linking between the surfactants improves the stability of the AMFs. The stability was probed by rheological measurements and all the AMF samples showed a good long-term stability and stability against a gradient magnetic field. Further, the microwave spin resonance behavior of AMFs was studied in detail by corroborating the experimental results obtained from the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique to theoretical predictions by appropriate fittings. A broad spectrum was perceived for AMFs which indicates strong ferromagnetic characteristics. The resonance field shifted to higher magnetic field values with the decrease in particle size as larger-size MNPs magnetize and demagnetize more easily since their magnetic spins can align in the field direction more definitely. The FMR spectra was fitted to obtain various spin resonance parameters. The asymmetric shapes of the FMR spectra were observed with a decrease in particle sizes, which indicates an increase in relaxation time. The relaxation time increased with a decrease in particle sizes (sample A to D) from 37.2779 ps to 42.8301 ps. Further, a detailed investigation of the structural, morphological, and dc magnetic properties of the AMF samples was performed. Room temperature dc magnetic measurements confirmed the superparamagnetic (SPM) characteristics of the AMF and the M-H plot for each sample was fitted with a Langevin function to obtain the domain magnetization, permeability, and hydrodynamic diameter of the MNPs. The saturation magnetization and coercivity of the AMF samples increased with the increase in dispersed MNPs’ size of the samples. The improvement in the stability and magnetic characteristics makes AMFs suitable candidates for various biomedical applications such as drug delivery, magnetic fluid hyperthermia, and biomedicines.

Prabesh Bajracharya ◽  
Vinay Sharma ◽  
Anthony Johnson ◽  
Ramesh C Budhani

Abstract Measurements of frequency dependent ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and spin pumping driven dc voltage (Vdc) are reported for amorphous films of Fe78Ga13B9 (FeGaB) alloy to address the phenomenon of self-induced inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) in plain films of metallic ferromagnets. The Vdc signal, which is antisymmetric on field reversal, comprises of symmetric and asymmetric Lorentzians centered around the resonance field. Dominant role of thin film size effects is seen in setting the magnitude of static magnetization, Vdc and dynamics of magnetization precession in thinner films (≤ 8 nm). The film thickness dependence of magnetization parameters indicates the presence of a magnetically disordered region at the film – substrate interface, which may promote preferential flow of spins generated by the precessing magnetization towards the substrate. However, the Vdc signal also draws contributions from rectification effects of a ≈ 0.4 % anisotropic magnetoresistance and a large (≈ 54 nΩ.m) anomalous Hall resistivity (AHR) of these films which ride over the effect of spin – orbit coupling driven spin-to-charge conversion near the film – substrate interface. We have addressed these data in the framework of the existing theories of electrodynamics of a ferromagnetic film subjected to radio-frequency field in a coplanar waveguide geometry. Our estimation of the self-induced ISHE for the sample with 54 nΩ.m AHR shows that it may contribute significantly (≈ 90%) to the measured symmetric voltage. This study is expected to be very useful for fully understanding the spin pumping induced dc voltages in metallic ferromagnets with disordered interfaces and large anomalous Hall effect.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 3449
Ireneusz Stefaniuk ◽  
Werner Obermayr ◽  
Volodymyr D. Popovych ◽  
Bogumił Cieniek ◽  
Iwona Rogalska

In this paper, we show a simple method of producing ferromagnetic materials with a Curie temperature above room temperature. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of Cd1−xCrxTe (0.002 < x < 0.08) were measured with a dependence on temperature (82 K < T < 381 K). Obtained EPR lines were fitted to a Lorentz-shaped curve. The temperature dependencies of the parameters of the EPR lines, such as the peak-to-peak linewidth (Hpp), the intensity (A), as well as the resonance field (Hr), were studied. Ferromagnetism was noticed in samples at high temperatures (near room temperature). For a sample with a nominal concentration of chrome of x = 0.05, a very strong intrinsic magnetic field is observed. The value of the effective gyromagnetic factor for this sample is ge = 30 at T = 240 K. An increase of chrome concentration above x = 0.05 reduces the ferromagnetic properties considerably. Analysis of the temperature dependencies of the integral intensity of EPR spectra was carried out using the Curie–Weiss law and the paramagnetic Curie temperature was obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (5) ◽  
J. B. Habashi ◽  
S. Fleming ◽  
U. van Kolck

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 390
Maryia Drobysh ◽  
Almira Ramanaviciene ◽  
Roman Viter ◽  
Arunas Ramanavicius

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was proclaimed a global pandemic in March 2020. Reducing the dissemination rate, in particular by tracking the infected people and their contacts, is the main instrument against infection spreading. Therefore, the creation and implementation of fast, reliable and responsive methods suitable for the diagnosis of COVID-19 are required. These needs can be fulfilled using affinity sensors, which differ in applied detection methods and markers that are generating analytical signals. Recently, nucleic acid hybridization, antigen-antibody interaction, and change of reactive oxygen species (ROS) level are mostly used for the generation of analytical signals, which can be accurately measured by electrochemical, optical, surface plasmon resonance, field-effect transistors, and some other methods and transducers. Electrochemical biosensors are the most consistent with the general trend towards, acceleration, and simplification of the bioanalytical process. These biosensors mostly are based on the determination of antigen-antibody interaction and are robust, sensitive, accurate, and sometimes enable label-free detection of an analyte. Along with the specification of biosensors, we also provide a brief overview of generally used testing techniques, and the description of the structure, life cycle and immune host response to SARS-CoV-2, and some deeper details of analytical signal detection principles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Charles-Emmanuel Dutoit ◽  
Mingxue Tang ◽  
Didier Gourier ◽  
Jean-Marie Tarascon ◽  
Hervé Vezin ◽  

AbstractMonitoring the formation of dendrites or filaments of lithium is of paramount importance for Li-based battery technologies, hence the intense activities in designing in situ techniques to visualize their growth. Herein we report the benefit of correlating in situ electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and EPR imaging to analyze the morphology and location of metallic lithium in a symmetric Li/LiPF6/Li electrochemical cell during polarization. We exploit the variations in shape, resonance field and amplitude of the EPR spectra to follow, operando, the nucleation of sub-micrometric Li particles (narrow and symmetrical signal) that conjointly occurs with the fragmentation of bulk Li on the opposite electrode (asymmetrical signal). Moreover, in situ EPR correlated spectroscopy and imaging (spectral-spatial EPR imaging) allows the identification (spectral) and localization (spatial) of the sub-micrometric Li particles created by plating (deposition) or stripping (altered bulk Li surface). We finally demonstrate the possibility to visualize, via in situ EPR imaging, dendrites formed through the separator in the whole cell. Such a technique could be of great help in mastering the Li-electrolyte interface issues that plague the development of solid-state batteries.

2021 ◽  
Tamas Bozoki ◽  
Erno Pracser ◽  
Gabriella Satori ◽  
Andrzej Kulak ◽  
Janusz Mlynarczyk ◽  

&lt;p&gt;Below 100 Hz, in the lowest part of the extremely low frequency (ELF, 3 Hz - 3 kHz) band lightning-radiated electromagnetic waves propagate with extremely low attenuation (roughly below 1 dB/Mm) within the Earth-ionosphere waveguide which makes possible the formation of global electromagnetic resonances, known as Schumann resonances (SRs). The most commonly used description of this resonance field assumes a uniform Earth-ionosphere cavity, i.e. that the propagation conditions for ELF waves are practically the same on the dayside and nightside hemispheres, which is the most vulnerable simplification of these models.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In this work we present two different forward models for SRs that take into consideration the day-night asymmetry of the Earth-ionosphere cavity and are based on the analytical and numerical solutions of the two-dimensional telegraph equation (TDTE). We present numerical tests showing that the two models produce practically the same output, i.e. the relative difference between them is less than 0.4%. The conspicuous conformity between the outputs establishes not only the correctness of the formalisms but the correctness of the implementations (the coding) as well. To the best of the authors&amp;#8217; knowledge this is the first work that verifies this conformity between the two independent solutions.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;We also compare our stationary models with time-dependent solutions of the TDTE as the stationarity of the resonance field may represent the next most vulnerable simplification that needs to be dismissed to approach a more realistic theoretical description of SRs. All these steps in model development serve our aim to infer global lightning activity based on multi-station ELF measurements by applying a sophisticated inversion algorithm.&lt;/p&gt;

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