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2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (06) ◽  
pp. 8-8

Sieben Fraunhofer-Institute präsentierten im Rahmen des Leitprojekts Med²icin den ersten Prototyp eines digitalen Patientenmodells.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Thomas Seidl ◽  
Tiago Guedes Russomanno ◽  
Michael Stöckl ◽  
Martin Lames

Improving performances in sprinting requires feedback on sprint parameters such as step length and step time. However, these parameters from the top speed interval (TSI) are difficult to collect in a competition setting. Recent advances in tracking technology allows to provide positional data with high spatio-temporal resolution. This pilot study, therefore, aims to automatically obtain general sprint parameters, parameters characterizing, and derived from TSI from raw speed. In addition, we propose a method for obtaining the intra-cyclic speed amplitude in TSI. We analyzed 32 100 m-sprints of 7 male and 9 female athletes (18.9 ± 2.8 years; 100 m PB 10.55–12.41 s, respectively, 12.18–13.31 s). Spatio-temporal data was collected with a radio-based position detection system (RedFIR, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany). A general velocity curve was fitted to the overall speed curve (vbase), TSI (upper quintile of vbase values) was determined and a cosine term was added to vbase within TSI (vcycle) to capture the cyclic nature of speed. This allowed to derive TSI parameters including TSI amplitude from the fitted parameters of the cosine term. Results showed good approximation for vbase (error: 5.0 ± 1.0%) and for vcycle (2.0 ± 1.0%). For validation we compared spatio-temporal TSI parameters to criterion values from laser measurement (speed) and optoelectric systems (step time and step length) showing acceptable RMSEs for mean speed (0.08 m/s), for step time (0.004 s), and for step length (0.03 m). Top speed interval amplitude showed a significant difference between males (mean: 1.41 m/s) and females (mean: 0.71 m/s) and correlations showed its independence from other sprint parameters. Gender comparisons for validation revealed the expected differences. This pilot study investigated the feasibility of estimating sprint parameters from high-quality tracking data. The proposed method is independent of the data source and allows to automatically obtain general sprint parameters and TSI parameters, including TSI amplitude assessed here for the first time in a competition-like setting.

2021 ◽  
Nikolay Belov ◽  
Carlos Eduardo Viol Barbosa ◽  
Felix Keppler ◽  
Julius Kolb ◽  
Gunter Nitzsche ◽  

In this paper we briefly introduce the helyOS operating system for remote operation of autonomous mobile machines and more precisely the TruckTrix-Path Service, which is used for path planning for yard automation solutions, introduced by Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems. TruckTrix-Path provides the path planning for complex vehicle structures through critical narrows. Its extensions, developed specially for yard automation problems, adopt calculated trajectories for to be driven by a real automated truck. Alongside with other products of the TruckTrix-Family: TruckTrix-Coop, TruckTrix-Control and TruckTrix-Field it provides a fast and simple solution to control several automated vehicles on closed yards or fields.<br><br>

2021 ◽  
Nikolay Belov ◽  
Carlos Eduardo Viol Barbosa ◽  
Felix Keppler ◽  
Julius Kolb ◽  
Gunter Nitzsche ◽  

In this paper we briefly introduce the helyOS operating system for remote operation of autonomous mobile machines and more precisely the TruckTrix-Path Service, which is used for path planning for yard automation solutions, introduced by Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems. TruckTrix-Path provides the path planning for complex vehicle structures through critical narrows. Its extensions, developed specially for yard automation problems, adopt calculated trajectories for to be driven by a real automated truck. Alongside with other products of the TruckTrix-Family: TruckTrix-Coop, TruckTrix-Control and TruckTrix-Field it provides a fast and simple solution to control several automated vehicles on closed yards or fields.<br><br>

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 483
Ulrike Dauderstädt ◽  
Peter Dürr ◽  
Andreas Gehner ◽  
Michael Wagner ◽  
Harald Schenk

The Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) has been developing and manufacturing micromirror arrays for more than 20 years. While originally focusing on applications related to microlithography and therefore mainly for light in the deep ultraviolet range, the range of applications has been expanded since, including applications in the visible and near-infrared range. This paper gives an overview of the devices and their designs, fabrication, and characterization.

VDI-Z ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (06) ◽  
pp. 6-6

Die 5G-Anwendungszentren mehrerer Fraunhofer-Institute überführen den neuen Mobilfunkstandard nun standortübergreifend in die industrielle Praxis. Dabei bringt jedes Institut seine spezielle Expertise ein. Betriebe können ihre Szenarien in Laboren testen.

Konstruktion ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (03) ◽  
pp. IW2-IW4

In einem gemeinsamen Projekt arbeiten 19 Fraunhofer-Institute an Konzepten, Lösungen und Prozessen für eine wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit. Im Fokus steht die Frage, wie wir wirtschaften und produzieren wollen, ohne damit der Umwelt, dem Klima, wertvollen Ökosystemen und letztlich dem Menschen zu schaden.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 215-224
Elke Glistau ◽  
Sebastian Trojahn ◽  
Ágota Bányainé Tóth

The theoretical foundations of Logistics 4.0 are being researched at the OVG University of Magdeburg and the University of Miskolc. The model of the Smart Logistics Zone, which was jointly developed in Magdeburg by the Fraunhofer Institute IFF and Otto von Guericke University at ILM, can be used to describe logistics solutions. At its core, it differentiates between logistical objects, logistical processes, logistical systems and logistical infrastructure. The logistical infrastructure is currently gaining great importance. In the article, some important basics of infrastructure planning and current trends and developments are considered. The objectives are to characterise infrastructure holistically, to define new developments and to pose current research questions related to infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-75
Thomas Hahn ◽  
Achim Weber

Textiles can be coated with the biopolymer chitosan and thus made water-repellent by binding hydrophobic molecules. The good thing is that this can also replace toxic and petroleum-based substances that are currently used for textile finishing. In the last few years the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB and partners in the HydroFichi project have researched how this can be done: A technology has been developed to provide fibers with the desired properties using biotechnological processes and chitosan.

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