verifiable computation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Andreas Zeiselmair ◽  
Bernd Steinkopf ◽  
Ulrich Gallersdörfer ◽  
Alexander Bogensperger ◽  
Florian Matthes

The energy system is becoming increasingly decentralized. This development requires integrating and coordinating a rising number of actors and small units in a complex system. Blockchain could provide a base infrastructure for new tools and platforms that address these tasks in various aspects—ranging from dispatch optimization or dynamic load adaption to (local) market mechanisms. Many of these applications are currently in development and subject to research projects. In decentralized energy markets especially, the optimized allocation of energy products demands complex computation. Combining these with distributed ledger technologies leads to bottlenecks and challenges regarding privacy requirements and performance due to limited storage and computational resources. Verifiable computation techniques promise a solution to these issues. This paper presents an overview of verifiable computation technologies, including trusted oracles, zkSNARKs, and multi-party computation. We further analyze their application in blockchain environments with a focus on energy-related applications. Applied to a distinct optimization problem of renewable energy certificates, we have evaluated these solution approaches and finally demonstrate an implementation of a Simplex-Optimization using zkSNARKs as a case study. We conclude with an assessment of the applicability of the described verifiable computation techniques and address limitations for large-scale deployment, followed by an outlook on current development trends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (13&14) ◽  
pp. 1111-1134
Tomoyuki Morimae

Randomized encoding is a powerful cryptographic primitive with various applications such as secure multiparty computation, verifiable computation, parallel cryptography, and complexity lower bounds. Intuitively, randomized encoding $\hat{f}$ of a function $f$ is another function such that $f(x)$ can be recovered from $\hat{f}(x)$, and nothing except for $f(x)$ is leaked from $\hat{f}(x)$. Its quantum version, quantum randomized encoding, has been introduced recently [Brakerski and Yuen, arXiv:2006.01085]. Intuitively, quantum randomized encoding $\hat{F}$ of a quantum operation $F$ is another quantum operation such that, for any quantum state $\rho$, $F(\rho)$ can be recovered from $\hat{F}(\rho)$, and nothing except for $F(\rho)$ is leaked from $\hat{F}(\rho)$. In this paper, we show three results. First, we show that if quantum randomized encoding of BB84 state generations is possible with an encoding operation $E$, then a two-round verification of quantum computing is possible with a classical verifier who can additionally do the operation $E$. One of the most important goals in the field of the verification of quantum computing is to construct a verification protocol with a verifier as classical as possible. This result therefore demonstrates a potential application of quantum randomized encoding to the verification of quantum computing: if we can find a good quantum randomized encoding (in terms of the encoding complexity), then we can construct a good verification protocol of quantum computing. Our second result is, however, to show that too good quantum randomized encoding is impossible: if quantum randomized encoding for the generation of even simple states (such as BB84 states) is possible with a classical encoding operation, then the no-cloning is violated. Finally, we consider a natural modification of blind quantum computing protocols in such a way that the server gets the output like quantum randomized encoding. We show that the modified protocol is not secure.

2021 ◽  
Rouhollah Mahfouzi ◽  
Amir Aminifar ◽  
Soheil Samii ◽  
Petru Eles ◽  
Zebo Peng

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Shuaijianni Xu

Choi, Katz, Kumaresan, and Cid put forward the conception of multiclient noninteractive verifiable computation (MVC), enabling a group of clients to outsource computation of a function of f . CKKC’s MVC is impractical due to their dependence on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and garbled circuits (GCs). In this paper, with the goal of satisfying practical requirements, a general transform is presented from the homomorphic proxy re-authenticator (HPRA) of Deler, Ramacher, and Slamanig to MVC schemes. MVC constructions in this particular study tend to be more efficient once the underlying HPRA avoids introducing FHE and GCs. By deploying the transform to DRS’s HPRA scheme, a specific MVC scheme for calculating the linear combinations of vectors has been proposed. It can be understood that it is the first feasible and implementable MVC scheme so far, and the instantiation solution has a great advantage in efficiency compared with related works.

Alexandre Bois ◽  
Ignacio Cascudo ◽  
Dario Fiore ◽  
Dongwoo Kim

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-171
Liang Feng Zhang ◽  
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini

AbstractOutsourcing computation has gained significant popularity in recent years due to the development of cloud computing and mobile services. In a basic outsourcing model, a client delegates computation of a function f on an input x to a server. There are two main security requirements in this setting: guaranteeing the server performs the computation correctly, and protecting the client’s input (and hence the function value) from the server. The verifiable computation model of Gennaro, Gentry and Parno achieves the above requirements, but the resulting schemes lack efficiency. This is due to the use of computationally expensive primitives such as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and garbled circuits, and the need to represent f as a Boolean circuit. Also, the security model does not allow verification queries, which implies the server cannot learn if the client accepts the computation result. This is a weak security model that does not match many real life scenarios. In this paper, we construct efficient (i.e., without using FHE, garbled circuits and Boolean circuit representations) verifiable computation schemes that provide privacy for the client’s input, and prove their security in a strong model that allows verification queries. We first propose a transformation that provides input privacy for a number of existing schemes for verifiable delegation of multivariate polynomial f over a finite field. Our transformation is based on noisy encoding of x and keeps x semantically secure under the noisy curve reconstruction (CR) assumption. We then propose a construction for verifiable delegation of matrix-vector multiplication, where the delegated function f is a matrix and the input to the function is a vector. The scheme uses PRFs with amortized closed-form efficiency and achieves high efficiency. We outline applications of our results to outsourced two-party protocols.

2020 ◽  
Yan He ◽  
Liang Feng Zhang

IEEE Access ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 216689-216706
Junghee Lee ◽  
Chrysostomos Nicopoulos ◽  
Gweonho Jeong ◽  
Jihye Kim ◽  
Hyunok Oh

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 1586-1588 ◽  
Xu An Wang ◽  
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo ◽  
Jian Weng ◽  
Jianfeng Ma

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