special adaptation
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2021 ◽  
pp. geochem2021-059
Philippe Négrel ◽  
Anna Ladenberger ◽  
Clemens Reimann ◽  
Alecos Demetriades ◽  
Manfred Birke ◽  

Carbonate rocks are very soluble and export elements in dissolved form, and precipitation of secondary phases can occur at a large scale. They leave a strong chemical signature in soil that can be quantified and classified by geochemical indices, which are useful for evaluating chemical weathering trends (e.g., the Chemical Index of Alteration CIA or the Mafic Index of Alteration MIA). Due to contrasting chemical compositions and high Ca content, a special adaptation of classical weathering indices is necessary to interpret weathering trends in carbonate-derived soil. In fact, this adaptation seems to be a good tool for distinguishing weathering grades of source rock types at the continental-scale, and allows a more robust interpretation of soil parent material weathering grade and its impact on the current chemical composition of soil. Increasing degree of weathering results in Al enrichment and Mg loss in addition to Fe loss and Si enrichment, leaching of mobile cations such as Ca and Na and precipitation of Fe-oxides and hydroxides. Relation between soil weathering status and its spatial distribution in Europe provides important information on the role played by climate and terrain. Geographical distribution of soil chemistry contributes to a better understanding of soil nutritional status, element enrichment, degradation mechanisms, desertification, soil erosion and contamination.

2021 ◽  
Hangjun Zhang ◽  
Jianhua Wei ◽  
Jinhui Fang ◽  
Yuzhu Yang

Abstract To replace cutterhead worn tools conveniently or get rid of shield’s jamming effectively in complicated stratum, a new nonlinear cutterhead pose control system of large-diameter slurry shields is especially designed. High precision cutterhead pose control of large-diameter slurry shields is hardly achieved due to the uncertain load force and mass. A nonlinear controller constructed by adaptive robust control based on sliding mode is designed for this parallel mechanism, which includes a special adaptation law to compensate for the uncertainties. The stability of the whole closed loop system is verified based on Lyapunov theory. And the validity of the proposed strategy is proved by Simulink and AMESim co-simulation. The simulation results show that not only in control accuracy but also in parameter uncertainty, the designed nonlinear cutterhead pose control is effective.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. e0248163
Pavel P. Skutschas ◽  
Vera A. Gvozdkova ◽  
Alexander O. Averianov ◽  
Alexey V. Lopatin ◽  
Thomas Martin ◽  

Isolated stegosaurian teeth from the Early Cretaceous high-latitude (palaeolatitude estimate of N 62°- 66.5°) Teete locality in Yakutia (Eastern Siberia, Russia) are characterized by a labiolingually compressed, slightly asymmetrical and mesiodistally denticulated (9–14 denticles) crown, a pronounced ring-like cingulum, as well as a “complex network of secondary ridges”. The 63 teeth (found during on-site excavation in 2012, 2017–2019 and screen-washing in 2017–2019) most likely belong to one species of a derived (stegosaurine) stegosaur. Most of the teeth exhibit a high degree of wear and up to three wear facets has been observed on a single tooth. The prevalence of worn teeth with up to three wear facets and the presence of different types of facets (including steeply inclined and groove-like) indicate the tooth-tooth contact and precise dental occlusion in the Teete stegosaur. The microwear pattern (mesiodistally or slightly obliquely oriented scratches; differently oriented straight and curved scratches on some wear facets) suggest a complex jaw mechanism with palinal jaw motion. Histological analysis revealed that the Teete stegosaur is characterized by relatively short tooth formation time (95 days) and the presence of a “wavy enamel pattern”. Discoveries of a “wavy enamel pattern” in the Teete stegosaur, in a Middle Jurassic stegosaur from Western Siberia, and in the basal ceratopsian Psittacosaurus, suggest that this histological feature is common for different ornithischian clades, including ornithopods, marginocephalians, and thyreophorans. A juvenile tooth in the Teete sample indicates that stegosaurs were year-round residents and reproduced in high latitudes. The combination of high degree of tooth wear with formation of multiple wear facets, complex jaw motions, relatively short tooth formation time and possibly high tooth replacement rates is interpreted as a special adaptation for a life in high-latitude conditions or, alternatively, as a common stegosaurian adaptation making stegosaurs a successful group of herbivorous dinosaurs in the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous and enabeling them to live in both low- and high-latitude ecosystems.

Agung Wahyu Susilo ◽  
Bayu Setyawan ◽  
Indah Anita Sari

El Nino effect as impact from global climate change needed anticipation effectively to keep cocoa production still give farmer benefit because effect of long dry season make some trouble in cocoa production. Cocoa production technology package that suitable in dry land needed for sustainable and empowerment cocoa production in marginal dry land. Principal component of this technology package is superior planting material because success of cocoa production depend on accuracy of selecting planting material. Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute consistently carries out cocoa breeding programs aimed at overcoming problems in the field, specifically to obtain superior planting material that is tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress. This research method was carried out by observing 22 promising clones of cocoa that were planted in the Kaliwining experimental station in the 2013-2017 observation period, each clone planted in three blocks. The observed variables included estimation of production, resistance to VSD, helopeltis, and pod rot. Based on multivariate analysis, it was found that ICCRI 09 had a stable production performance from 2013 - 2017 while the promising clone of KW 641 had a special adaptation to dry conditions. Both of these clones have the potential to be developed as drought tolerant planting material to overcome the impact of climate change on cocoa production. The observation results of pest and disease attacks obtained a pattern that the clones that have tolerance to drought have good resistance to VSD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-248
Jaroslav Janacek ◽  
Marek Kvet

Mathematical modelling, and integer programming generally, has many practical applications in different areas of human life. Effective and fast solving approaches for various optimization problems play an important role in the decision-making process and therefore, big attention is paid to the development of many exact and approximate algorithms. This paper deals only with a special class of location problems in which given number of facilities are to be chosen to minimize the objective function value. Since the exact methods are not suitable for their unpredictable computational time or memory demands, we focus here on possible usage of a special type of a particle swarm optimization algorithm transformed by discretization and meme usage into so-called discrete self-organizing migrating algorithm. In the paper, there is confirmed that it is possible to suggest a sophisticated heuristic for zero-one programming problem, which can produce near-to-optimal solution in much smaller time than the time demanded by exact methods. We introduce a special adaptation of the discrete self-organizing migration algorithm to the $p$-location problem making use of the path-relinking method. In the theoretical part of this paper, we introduce several strategies of the migration process. To verify their features and effectiveness, a computational study with real-sized benchmarks was performed. The main goal of the experiments was to find the most efficient version of the suggested solving tool.

Joxerramon Bengoetxea

Abstract This article develops a user perspective, applied both to law as discourse and normative practical reason - law, religion - and to linguistic communication. In multilingual contexts, this perspective requires special adaptation, because the communities of users may use different languages for the creation of new norms, and for their judicial interpretation and application. The possibilities for contesting meaning are enhanced where multilingual normative communication is involved. Important consequences then follow as regards legislative drafting, statutory interpretation and multilingual contexts of conflict-resolution. The EU is the classical multilingual institutional setting where these ideas are tested. Although in the EU only those languages that are official or co-official at the level of the Member State are immediately recognised as official languages, the EU operates as a genuine multilingual system of law, the most impressive official multilingualism in the world. Discourses exploring the EU’s political identity tend to see this multilingualism as an obstacle to the development of a demos rather than a salient feature of its multicultural and federal-like Constitution. This paradox is compared to the linguistic identity of the Basque Country, which is analysed in its different territories from the legal and sociolinguistic perspectives, where the legal status of Basque is subordinated to the official language regime of France and Spain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 577 ◽  
Jojy John ◽  
Vinu Siva ◽  
Kumari Richa ◽  
Aditya Arya ◽  
Amit Kumar

Life in salt pans with varying chemical compositions require special adaptation strategies at both the physiological and molecular level. The Marakkanam salt pan in South India is characterized with a high fluctuation in salinity (19–490 ppt), Ultravioletradiation, and heavy metal concentrations. Several bacterial species have been isolated and identified in the view of phylogenetic analysis and for the subsequent production of industrially important enzymes. However, limited information exists on the genomic basis of their survival under variable environmental conditions. To this extent, we sequenced the whole genome of the Salinivibrio sp. HTSP, a moderately halophilic bacterium. We analysed the physiological and genomic attributes of Salinivibrio sp. HTSP to elucidate the strategies of adaptation under various abiotic stresses. The genome size is estimated to be 3.39 Mbp with a mean G + C content of 50.6%, including 3150 coding sequences. The genome possessed osmotic stress-related coding sequences, and genes involved in different pathways of DNA repair mechanisms and genes related to the resistance to toxic metals were identified. The periplasmic stress response genes and genes of different oxidative stress mechanisms were also identified. The tolerance capacity of the bacterial isolates to heavy metals, UV-radiation, and salinity was also confirmed through appropriate laboratory experiments under controlled conditions.

L. Sofian ◽  
I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana ◽  
Kisman Kisman

The purpose of this study was to determine the appearance of black rice rice genotypes and their adaptation to two types of agroecosystems on dry land. The experiment used a randomized block design at each location with 3 replications and at each test 14 experimental plots were arranged. The treatment used 14 genotypes of black rice, namely: 2 elders (Situ Patenggang superior varieties and Baas Selem cultivars), and 12 lines of hope. Parameters observed were flowering age, plant height, number of productive and unproductive tillers per clump, leaf area, panicle length, number of filled grains and empty grains per panicle, weight of 100 grains, grain weight of each clump and grain yield. The results showed that there was no interaction between location and genotype on flowering age, plant height, number of productive tillers and unproductive tillers, panicle length, leaf area, number of filled grains per panicle, weight of 100 grains, grain weight per clump and grain yield , but interacts with the number of empty grains per panicle. The adaptation and stabilization test results showed that genotype G1 which was classified as stable which had general adaptation, and genotype classified as special adapted and very sensitive to environmental changes was G2; G3; G5; G6; G7; G8; G9; G10; G11; G13; and G14, whereas genotypes G4 and G12 are classified as special adaptation in marginal environments. Keywords: Location and genotype of black rice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 316-320
L. E. Sergeeva ◽  
L. I. Bronnikova

Aim. Drastic climate changes lead to decrease of the appropriate agricultural plants and stimulate the elaboration of new biotechnologies. The preferences of in vitro system are used for providing the acceleration of the plant selection. The cultivating in vitro is a procedure combined common approaches and special adaptation to plant species. This ideology is essential for all cereals and for wheat in particular. There are several aspects of this ideology: the optimization of cultural conditions; the obtaining wheat cultures and studying distinctive features of their proliferation; the detection parameters of viability, realized on the entire plant level; the comparison of those reactions with cells characteristics. Methods. The standard manipulations of primary explants dissection and several protocols of callus induction and raise are used. Results. Cell cultures of new wheat genotypes were obtained. Those forms were selected in the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine. The peculiar features of wheat cell cultures were revealed and investigated. Conclusions. Cell cultures obtained from new genotypes of winter wheat demonstrated common reactions with young plants. Parallel investigations of some biochemical parameters realized on cellular level in cell cultures and plant cells is a possible way to acceleration the genotypes with better characteristics selection. Keywords: winter wheat, in vitro system, cell culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Roksolana Nesterak

Psychological adaptation is a necessary component of rehabilitation of patients with ischemic heart disease. Post-infarction period is a special adaptation period for the patient, which requires a holistic approach taking into account both medical, physical and psychological components. High levels of anxiety in patients, both before surgical interventions, and in the postoperative period, worsen the prognosis that requires to improve the methods of rehabilitation.          The objective of the research was to study the peculiarities of psychological adaptation in patients with ischemic heart disease, depending on reperfusion approaches and applied methods of rehabilitation.          Materials and methods. There were examined 450 patients with ischemic heart disease using different methods of reperfusion interventions. Depending on the methods of rehabilitation, the patients were divided into three subgroups. The determination of levels of reactive and personal anxiety was performed at the beginning of treatment, 1 week, 1 month and 6 months after treatment.          Results. There were revealed high levels of reactive and personal anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease, which differed depending on the applied reperfusion interventions. The use of psychological methods at the stage of rehabilitation contributed to a decrease in anxiety levels a week after using suggestive therapy methods, and the effect of learning was noted a month and 6 months after the observation.          Conclusions. One of the constituents of a cardiologic patient is his psychological status, namely the level of anxiety. For the effective adaptation, it is important to use the suggestive methods of therapy and training of patients. In patients, who are scheduled for surgical operation due to ischemic heart disease, a pre-rehabilitation with an individual approach is necessary.

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