huainan coalfield
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Jie Ma ◽  
Jianghong Wang ◽  
Song Chen ◽  
Hongbao Dai ◽  
Jingyu Zhao ◽  

Coal-bearing fractured aquifer is regarded as one of the most dynamic mine water inrush sources, and after pumping and treating, it can be used as a water supply for coal mine production, coal preparation plant, rural irrigation, and even reserved drinking water source. Hence, this study focuses on the hydrochemical characteristics, ion source, and water quality evaluation with respect to drinking and irrigation of the coal-bearing fractured aquifer in Dingji coal mine, Huainan coalfield, China. Descriptive statistics and hydrochemical classification diagrams including the Piper diagram and Chadha rectangular diagram were carried out to depict the hydrochemical characteristics and facies. The water quality of the aquifer was assessed for irrigation and drinking purposes using the WHO threshold value, water quality index (WQI), SAR, % Na and RSC. Hydrochemical formation mechanism and solute origin of major ions were explained by Gibbs diagram, bivariate diagrams, and multivariate statistical analysis. The results show that the dominant hydrochemical facies are the Cl-Na type and the HCO3-Na type. The sequence of ions is Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ for cations, and HCO3? > Cl- > SO42- > CO32- for anions. The main solute sources are controlled by various factors including the dissolution of halite, sulfate, and carbonate rocks, the weathering of silicate, and cation exchange. Water quality assessment based on WQI suggests that none of the samples fall under the excellent category, even 32.5% is not suitable for direct drinking. Meanwhile, the samples of the aquifer are generally unsuitable for irrigation. Before utilization for irrigation and even drinking, appropriate water treatment should be applied to guarantee its security during usage.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014459872110343
Yuan Yuan ◽  
Feng Cai ◽  
Lingling Yang

The presence of gas content in medium- and high-rank coal poses a threat to safety production. Safe gas extraction is based on a correct understanding of the pore structure of coal. This work investigates the pore structure characteristics of medium- and high-rank coal and evaluates their fractal structure. The coal samples were collected from Huainan Coalfield and Qinshui Coalfield, and divided into four types, according to the difference in surface bright characteristics. Through adopting low-temperature liquid nitrogen adsorption and desorption, and applying Kelvin equation, we obtain the main pore structure types and main pore size distribution characteristics of various coal briquettes. Electron microscope scanning structure and scientific analysis were used for special adsorption and desorption curves and hysteresis to find the dynamic reason. According to the different adsorption mechanism and Frenkel–Halsey–Hill-based model, with P/ P0 = 0.4 as the dividing point of fractal dimension analysis, the pore structure of coal samples is classified into five grades. The fractal evaluation results are consistent with the results of curve analysis and pore size analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 4775-4790
Qiang Wei ◽  
Kaige Zheng ◽  
Baolin Hu ◽  
Xianqing Li ◽  
Songbao Feng ◽  

Guangqing Hu ◽  
Guijian Liu ◽  
Dun Wu ◽  
Wenyong Zhang ◽  
Biao Fu

AbstractBased on analysis of a large data set and supplementary sampling and analysis for hazardous trace elements in coal samples from the Huainan Coalfield, a generalized contrast-weighted scale index method was used to establish a model to evaluate the grade of coal cleanliness and its regional distribution in the main coal seam (No. 13-1) The results showed that: (1) The contents of Cr, Mn and Ni in the coal seam are relatively high and the average values are greater than 20 μg/g. The contents of Se and Hg are at a high level while most other trace elements are at normal levels. (2) The cleanliness grade of the coal seam is mainly grade III–IV, which corresponds to a relatively good-medium coal cleanliness grade. However, some parts of the seam are at grade V (relatively poor coal cleanliness). (3) Coal of relatively good cleanliness grade (grade III) is distributed mainly in the regions corresponding to the Zhuji-Dingji-Gubei coal mines and in the eastern periphery of the Panji coal mine. Coal of medium cleanliness (grade IV) is distributed mainly in the regions of the Panji-Xiejiaji and Kouzidong coalmines. Relatively poor grade coal (grade V) is distributed in the southwest regions of the coalfield and the contents of Cr, As and Hg in coal collected from the relatively poor coal cleanliness regions often exceed the regulatory standards for the maximum concentration limits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 662-675
Dun Wu ◽  
Wenyong Zhang ◽  
Guijian Liu ◽  
Run Zhan ◽  
Guangqing Hu

AbstractHN-1# is the first fully working coring well of the Taiyuan Formation (Ty) in the Huinan Coalfield and exploration studies are currently underway on the associated resources of the coal-bearing strata. The HN-1# well is located in the Fufeng thrust nappe structural belt in the south of the Huainan Coalfield. Three coal samples from the Ty were collected from HN-1# and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry and inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry were used to determine the Ge content of each sample. Based on proximate and ultimate analyses, microscopy data, and analyses of the ash products, some important findings were made. The Ty coal samples had a relatively high total sulfur (St,d) content (4.24%), thus the coal was considered to be a lower ranked coal (high volatility bituminous coal), which also had a low coal ash composition index (k, 1.87). Collodetrinite was the main submaceral of the Ty coal. Small amounts of pyrite particles were found in the coal seams of the Ty, while the contents of pyrite and algae in the top and bottom sections of the coal seam were relatively high, which meant that the swampy peat conditions which existed during the formation of the coal seams were affected by seawater; also the degree of mineralization of the coal seam was relatively high, which is consistent with reducing conditions in a coastal environment setting. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments showed that the modes of occurrence of Ge in the Ty coal were mainly those for organic-bound and adsorbed Ge species. The organic carbon isotope values for the Ty coal ranged from − 24.1‰ to − 23.8‰, with an average value of − 24.0‰, which is equivalent to the value for terrestrial plants (average value − 24.0‰). The Ge content of the Ty coal was 13.57 mg/kg. The Ge content was negatively correlated with volatile matter and the ash yield.

Molecules ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (11) ◽  
pp. 2661
Dun Wu ◽  
Hui Zhang ◽  
Guangqing Hu ◽  
Wenyong Zhang

Research on the composition and structure of coal is the most important and complex basic research in the coal chemistry field. Various methods have been used to study the structure of coal from different perspectives. However, due to the complexity of coal and the limitations of research methods, research on the macromolecular structure of coal still lacks systematicness. Huainan coalfield is located in eastern China and is the largest coal production and processing base in the region. In this study, conventional proximate analysis and ultimate analysis, as well as advanced instrumental analysis methods, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FITR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), 13C-CP/MAS NMR, and other methods (SEM and AFM), were used to analyze the molecular structure of Huainan coal (HNC) and the distribution characteristics of oxygen in different oxygen-containing functional groups (OCFGs) in an in-depth manner. On the basis of SEM observation, it could be concluded that the high-resolution morphology of HNC’s surface contains pores and fractures of different sizes. The loose arrangement pattern of HNC’s molecular structure could be seen from 3D AFM images. The XRD patterns show that the condensation degree of HNC’s aromatic ring is low, and the orientation degree of carbon network lamellae is poor. The calculated ratio of the diameter of aromatic ring lamellae to their stacking height (La/Lc = 1.05) and the effective stacking number of aromatic nuclei (Nave = 7.3) show that the molecular space structure of HNC is a cube formed of seven stacked aromatic lamellae. The FTIR spectra fitting results reveal that the aliphatic chains in HNC’s molecular structure are mainly methyne and methylene. Oxygen is mainly –O–, followed by –C=O, and contains a small amount of –OH, the ratio of which is about 8:1:2. The molar fraction of binding elements has the approximate molecular structure C100H76O9N of organic matter in HNC. The results of the 13C NMR experiments show that the form of aromatic carbon atoms in HNC’s structure (the average structural size Xb of aromatic nucleus = 0.16) is mainly naphthalene with a condensation degree of 2, and the rest are aromatic rings composed of benzene rings and heteroatoms. In addition, HNC is relatively rich in ≡CH and –CH2– structures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 213 ◽  
pp. 106532
Bofei Zhang ◽  
Jian Chen ◽  
Jidun Sha ◽  
Suan Zhang ◽  
Jian Zeng ◽  

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 399
Yuan Li ◽  
Wenhui Huang ◽  
Bo Jiu ◽  
Qilong Sun ◽  
Qingsong Che

Minerals in coal provide useful information for not only paleo-environments of peat accumulation, but also for geological evolution during later diagenesis and/or epigenesis. This paper reports new data on coal quality and the mineralogical and geochemical compositions of 17 unaltered (by intrusion) coal samples collected from the Huainan coalfield, providing new insight into the origins and modes of occurrence of the minerals in coal and their geological evolution. The results showed that the studied coal samples were low rank bituminous coal, with low ash yield (11.92–38.31%, average 24.80%) and high volatile content (25.13–43.43%, average 37.29%). Minerals in the coal mainly included kaolinite and quartz; varying proportions of calcite, siderite, ankerite, and pyrite; and traces of chlorite, zircon, strontianite, apatite, and gorceixite. Typical modes of mineral occurrence could be used to determine the formation stage of minerals. The detrital mineral, occurring as sub-angular to rounded discrete fragments or thin layers intimately admixed with organic matter at particular horizons, was of terrigenous origin, deposited during peat accumulation. Cell infillings, as well as nodule siderites and polycrystalline aggregates of pyrite, precipitated during the syngenetic to early diagenetic stages. Cleat infillings, compressed cell infillings, and fracture infillings precipitated in the epigenetic stage. However, the stage of mineral formation of the pore infilling was difficult to determine. Combined with coal quality, mineralogy, and geochemical analysis, the sedimentary environment of Shanxi Formation was affected by seawater, and Fe-rich hydrothermal fluids filled into the No. 3 coal seam in the epigenetic stage. The sedimentary environment of the No. 8 coal seam had widespread reduction and acid conditions due to basin subsidence, and sulfate-rich hydrothermal fluids may have been formed during the peat deposition stage. In contrast, the peat accumulation environment of the Upper Shihezi Formation was oxidized with a low pH condition. Alkaline fluid then flowed into the No. 13-1 coal seam in the epigenetic stage.

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