palm kernel
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 275-280
Jean-Bernard Asse ◽  
G. Mengata Mengounou ◽  
Adolphe Moukengue Imano

2022 ◽  
Vol 176 ◽  
pp. 114379
Sasikarn Nuchdang ◽  
Nathan Phruetthinan ◽  
Papichaya Paleeleam ◽  
Vichai Domrongpokkaphan ◽  
Santi Chuetor ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Aiman Yahaya ◽  
Syahrullail Samion

Purpose Cold forging operation is one of the widely used techniques in industry production. This paper aims to present a case study in highlighting and modelling the use of different type of palm oil-based [palm stearin (PS), palm kernel oil (PKO) and palm mid olein (PMO)] as a bio-lubricant in cold forging process using experimental and finite element method. Design/methodology/approach Ring compression test plays a fundamental role in the understanding of materials science and engineering because of the deformation, friction and wear behaviour. Aluminium (A6061) was used in this test to observe the deformation of the ring with different palm oil and its derivatives by comparing with commercial metal forming oil. Findings The presence of certain type of palm oil-based lubricant has a good performance compared to mineral-based oil in terms of surface roughness but when observed in terms of friction the result shows that palm oil-based lubricant has poor friction performance compared to mineral oil-based lubricant (m = 0.25), where PS has the lowest friction at m = 0.3 compared to PKO (m = 0.35) and PMO (m = 0.38). Research limitations/implications This research is using palm oil in cold forging test to study the friction, formation and stress at certain levels of stroke. The detail of the test is explained in the manuscript as attached. Social implications This research is trying to promote the use of biodegradable material to reduce pollution to the surrounding. Originality/value The originality of this paper has been checked using Turnitin and the result is 13%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Syahrizal Syahrizal ◽  
Ediwarman ◽  
Safratilofa ◽  
Muhamat Ridwan

Maggots is an organism derived from the eggs of the black fly, Hermentia illucens (black soldier fly, BSF), which undergoes metamorphosis in the second phase after the egg phase and before the pupa phase which then turns into an adult fly. The purpose of this study was to analyze the utilization of organic waste substrate on the production of BSF maggots cultivation. This research was conducted outdoor at the Freshwater Aquaculture Fisheries Center (BPBAT) Sungai Gelam Jambi with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications; Treatment A: PKM (palm kernel meal) 100%, B (PKM 50% + cabbage vegetable waste 50%), C (PKM 50% + coconut pulp 50%) and D (PKM 50% + coconut pulp 25% + vegetable waste cabbage 25%). The average yield parameter of high maggots biomass in treatment A was 673.67 g/4 kg substrate and the lowest biomass in treatment D was 239.67 g/4 kg substrate. For the average weight and length of the best maggots in treatment A (0.20 g/individual) and (1.83 cm), the lowest was in B (0.12 g/Ind. and 1.58 cm). The highest was in treatment B (5,182.31 individual/4 kg substrate) and the lowest was in D (1,479.44 ind./4 kg substrate. The highest bioconversion value of maggots to organic matter OSE (organic substrate efficiency) was highest in treatment A (16, 84%) and the lowest was in D (5.99%). Technically, treatment A was slightly better than B, while economically the best organic substrate medium for maggots cultivation was in treatment B with a production cost of Rp. 7.257 and the ECR (economic conversion ratio) value of 5.81 was lower than the other 3 treatments.   Keywords: Maggots, black soldier fly, Hermentia illucens, organic waste.   ABSTRAK   Maggots merupakan organisme yang berasal dari telur seranga lalat hitam, Hermentia illucens (black soldier fly, BSF). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis pemanfaatan subtrat limbah organik terhadap produksi budidaya maggots BSF. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar (BPBAT) Sungai Gelam, Jambi dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan 3 ulangan yaitu perlakuan A : PKM (palm kernel meal) 100%, B (PKM 50% + limbah sayur kol 50%), C (PKM 50% + ampas kelapa 50%), dan D (PKM 50% + ampas kelapa 25%+ limbah sayur kol 25%).Rata-rata biomassa tertinggi didapatkan pada perlakuanA (673,67g/4 kg subtrat) dan biomassa terendah dihasilkan pada perlakuan D (239.67g/4 kg subtrat). Untuk bobot rata-rata dan panjang maggots terbaik dihasilkan pada perlakuan A (0,20 g/individu dan 1,83 cm/individu), terendah pada B (0,12 g/individu dan (1,58 cm). Jumlah populasi maggots yang terbanyak dihasilkan pada perlakuan B (5.182,31 ind./4 kg subtrat) dan terendah pada D (1.479,44 individu/4 kg subtrat). Nilai biokonversi maggots terhadap bahan organik OSEterbaik (organic substrate efficiency) tertinggi pada perlakuan A (16,84%) dan terendah pada D (5,99%). Secara teknis perlakuan A sedikit lebih baik dari B sedangkan secara ekonomi media subtrat organik terbaik untuk budidaya maggots terdapat pada perlakuan B dengan biaya produksi sebesar Rp. 7.257 dan nilai ECR (economic convertion ratio) sebesar 5.81 lebih rendah dari ke 3 perlakuan lainnya.   Kata kunci: Maggots, black soldier fly, Hermentia illucens, limbah organik.

Mina Habibiasr ◽  
Mohd Noriznan Mokhtar ◽  
Mohd Nordin Ibrahim ◽  
Khairul Faezah Md Yunos ◽  
Nuzul Amri Ibrahim

Plants ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Lili Syahani Rusli ◽  
Rosazlin Abdullah ◽  
Jamilah Syafawati Yaacob ◽  
Normaniza Osman

Amelioration of soil acidity can boost soil fertility, hence increasing nutrient uptake, secondary metabolite, and its antioxidant potential. In the present study, the effectiveness of food waste compost and palm kernel biochar was assessed as soil amendments for Melastoma malabathricum L. grown in acidic soil conditions. A six-month greenhouse study was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatment groups, including control plants (T1), plants amended with palm kernel biochar (T2), and plants amended with food waste compost (T3). Data analysis revealed that Melastoma malabathricum L. amended with T3 recorded the highest total chlorophyll content (433.678 ± 13.224 µg g−1 DW), followed by T2 and T1. The increase in chlorophyll content was contributed by the increase in soil pH. This was shown by the positive significant correlations between soil pH and chlorophyll a (r2 = 0.96; p ≤ 0.01) and chlorophyll b (r2 = 0.778; p ≤ 0.01). In addition, the same treatment exhibited the highest total anthocyanin content (leaves; 36.1 × 10−2 ± 0.034 mg/g DW and root extract; 8.9 × 10−2 ± 0.020 mg/g DW), total phenolic content (stem extract; 4930.956 ± 16.025 mg GAE/g DE), and total flavonoid content (stem extract; 209.984 ± 0.572 mg QE/g DE). Moreover, this study also found that the highest antioxidant potential against 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2-Azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) radicals was exhibited by samples supplemented with food waste compost (T3), followed by palm kernel biochar (T2). This indicates that the soil amendments have the capacity to enhance the secondary metabolites that protect plants, therefore ameliorating Melastoma malabathricum L.’s response towards acidic stress, and resulting in better antioxidant properties. Furthermore, this study also recorded better nutrient uptake in T3. With the significantly higher levels of macronutrient in the soil, the food waste compost could enhance the nutrient properties, secondary metabolites, and antioxidant capacity of Melastoma malabathricum L. grown in acidic soil conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Cui Wen Thio ◽  
Wen Huei Lim ◽  
Umi Kalsom Md. Shah ◽  
Lai-Yee Phang

LWT ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 112612
Victor H.M. Cruz ◽  
Jessica S. Pizzo ◽  
Luciana P. Manin ◽  
Patrícia D.S. Santos ◽  
Geovane A.R. Silva ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00028
Siti Chuzaemi ◽  
Iftitah Nuzulia Qur’any

The study aimed to determine the effect of adding tannin and myristic acid in complete feed on nutrient content and the Profile of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in vitro. The materials used for this research were corn straw, condensed tannins, myristic acid, coffee waste, rice bran, tapioca byproduct, soybean meal, copra meal, and palm kernel meal. The method was used in this experiment was laboratory experiment with four treatments and three replications. The treatment consisted of T1 complete feed (40% corn straw + 60% concentrate (be based DM)), T2 (complete feed + condensed tannins 3%/kg DM and myristic acid 2%/kg DM), T3 (complete feed + condensed tannins 3%/kg DM and myristic acid 3%/kg DM), and T4 (complete feed + condensed tannins 3%/kg DM and myristic acid 4%/kg DM). Every treatment was repeated three times and analysed statistically using Randomized Block Design (RBD). The adding of 4% myristic acid to the complete feed (T4) gives the best results, it increased nutrition and propionic acid, but decreased acetic acid, butyric acid, total VFA and C2/C3 ratio.

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