application procedure
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Abdurrahman Yilmaz ◽  
Hakan Temeltas

AbstractThe problem of matching point clouds is an efficient way of registration, which is significant for many research fields including computer vision, machine learning, and robotics. There may be linear or non-linear transformation between point clouds, but determining the affine relation is more challenging among linear cases. Various methods have been presented to overcome this problem in the literature and one of them is the affine variant of the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm. However, traditional affine ICP variants are highly sensitive to effects such as noises, deformations, and outliers; the least-square metric is substituted with the correntropy criterion to increase the robustness of ICPs to such effects. Correntropy-based robust affine ICPs available in the literature use point-to-point metric to estimate transformation between point clouds. Conversely, in this study, a line/surface normal that examines point-to-curve or point-to-plane distances is employed together with the correntropy criterion for affine point cloud registration problems. First, the maximum correntropy criterion measure is built for line/surface normal conditions. Then, the closed-form solution that maximizes the similarity between point sets is achieved for 2D registration and extended for 3D registration. Finally, the application procedure of the developed robust affine ICP method is given and its registration performance is examined through extensive experiments on 2D and 3D point sets. The results achieved highlight that our method can align point clouds more robustly and precisely than the state-of-the-art methods in the literature, while the registration time of the process remains at reasonable levels.

Chirurgia ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
Murat CAKIR ◽  
Mehmet BIÇER

2021 ◽  
pp. 0958305X2110654
Yanqiu Wang ◽  
Lixia Yao ◽  
Shengnan Cui ◽  
Zhiwei Zhu

This study uses the Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR) and Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BBC) models of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the relative eco-efficiency and operating efficiency of the ten petrochemical enterprises. A random sample of ten petrochemical enterprises were selected from the Northeastern area of China. The data collected from the ten petrochemical enterprises were run on the DEA models and the evaluated results were input for the difference analysis for the scale efficiency and technical efficiency. Then the estimates the petrochemical enterprise's operating efficiency and ecological efficiency along with the influencing factors were run by regression analysis in order to verify the evaluation model and the rationality of influencing factors. After the projection analysis of the DEA, the firms that did not reach the values of effectiveness were identified and provided the suggestions for the targeted improvement values of eco-efficiency. Thus, this application procedure can be viewed as an example of the application development of the new DEA model and provides the reference for related industry making sustainable development strategy.

Евгений Александрович Хрыкин ◽  
Ирина Федоровна Зенкова ◽  
Ирина Олеговна Виноградова ◽  
Максим Александрович Шарапов

В статье рассмотрены требования к разработке и содержанию проектов форм проверочных листов, их утверждению, применению, в том числе обязательному, а также основания для актуализации проверочных листов. Проведен анализ соответствия указанных требований принятой концепции проведения государственного контроля (надзора) и муниципального контроля в Российской Федерации. Подготовлен вывод о возможности актуализации форм проверочных листов для применения при осуществлении плановых контрольных (надзорных) мероприятий должностными лицами органов государственного пожарного надзора. The article discusses the requirements for elaboration and content of draft forms of checklists, as well as for their approval, application, including mandatory application, and also the justification for checklists updating. There is carried out the analysis of compliance of requirements with the accepted concept of state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation. There is drawn the conclusion on the possibility of updating the forms of checklists for use during implementation of planned control (supervisory) measures by officials of the state fire supervision.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-85
Pudovochkin Yu. E. ◽  

Problem Statement. Improvement of juvenile justice presupposes active and priority application of alternative measures to criminal punishment. Such, according to the Criminal Code of Russia, are compulsory educational measures, which are imposed in the order of exemption from criminal liability or from criminal punishment. Their proper application implies a clear definition of the content of educational measures, clarification of the order of their appointment and execution. Nevertheless, these matters are not fully regulated in the law, which poses a inconsistent practice of their application and ultimately reduces the effectiveness of juvenile justice. In this regard, the task of concretizing the content of compulsory educational measures is seen as urgent. Goals and Objectives of the Study. Specification of the normative prescriptions that define the content of compulsory educational measures and the determination on this basis of the main directions for improving the application practice of the provisions of Art. 90 and Art. 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Methods. Formal-logical analysis of the legal acts that determine the content, application procedure and execution of educational measures; study and critical assessment of literature on the research topic; statistical analysis of judicial practice; documentary analysis of court files in criminal cases. Results, Summary Conclusions. The list of compulsory educational measures established by the law is adequate to the tasks of correcting juvenile offenders and preventing crimes on their part. However, improving the quality of justice in criminal cases involves: disclosure of the content of such a measure of influence as a warning in the text of a judicial act; unification of ideas about the state body, under the supervision of which minors can be transferred and the recognition as such of the territorial commission on minors; the definition of such a measure as the imposition of the obligation to make amends for the harm caused analogously to other situations of exemption from liability and the use of this measure as a backup; normative establishment of the terms for the application of such measures of influence as warning and imposition of the obligation to make amends for the harm caused; further study of regional differences in the enforcement of compulsory educational measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (5) ◽  
Jens Frohnmüller ◽  
Jens Fischer ◽  
Werner Seim

AbstractThis paper presents new findings on adhesively bonded timber-concrete composites with prefabricated concrete parts. Hereby, timber and concrete are bonded solely with adhesive and no metallic connectors have been used. Because the achievement of a continuous bond proved to be a critical point in past studies, special attention is given to that issue. The application procedure of the adhesives is investigated in small-scale bond samples and the manufacturing process in full-scale composite beams with a span of 8 m and a comparatively new polymer mortar is used as adhesive as well as a common epoxy resin. Both adhesives proved to be suitable, although polymer mortars showed strong advantages in terms of applicability and bridging of gaps in comparison to the less viscous epoxy adhesive. The full-scale beams are tested under quasi-static and cyclic loading. The failure occurred more as a bending failure of the timber or compression failure of the concrete. A full bond could be achieved at all full-scale beams. Moreover, an analytical and a finite element model for the calculation of composite beams are presented and validated. It could be seen, that both deformation behavior and failure load are in good accordance with the test results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 371-376
Efrizal Siregar ◽  
Nurianti Sitorus ◽  
Juwariah Juwariah

The development of science and technology in the digital era of Four Point Zero has a great impact on the world of education. One of them is by utilizing e-learning applications in the learning process. However, the technology used in this learning is too dependent on the internet network. Therefore, the research aims to develop a media in the form of an Android-based e-learning application that can be used online and offline. This study uses a research and development design using the ADDIE model. To create and test these products, in this case an Android-based e-learning application. Procedure This research was carried out through 6 stages, namely needs analysis, application design stage, development, data analysis, evaluation, and development of a final product that is ready to be used. From the results of the material validation test and the feasibility of the developed application media, it is very feasible to use.

2021 ◽  
Firnando ◽  
Romi Susanto

This study to aims to determine what procedures must be fulfilled by prospective borrowers in applying for KPR credit at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Lubuk Buaya Branch, Padang. This study uses a qualitative method which explains in description the procedures for proiding the procedures for providing KPR credit carried out by PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Lubuk Buaya Branch, Padang. Starting from the credit application procedure to the KPR credit monotoring process, is a stage of activity that involves several people in one or more departments to ensure harmony in the handling of a company’s transactions.

Reto Wernli ◽  
Andreas Dietrich

AbstractWe conduct a survey among 1922 Swiss SMEs to analyze their access to bank loans. Credit-constrained SMEs are six times more likely to be discouraged than rejected. The most dominant reasons for being discouraged are too high collateral requirements, cumbersome application procedure, and the expectation of being turned down. Through a unique feature in the Swiss banking market, we also find new evidence for the importance of a strong firm–bank relationship. We challenge the assumption that discouraged borrowers are very similar to rejected borrowers. Our results indicate that the group of discouraged borrowers is more similar to the denied borrowers than to the group of approved borrowers, but only with respect to firm characteristics. For variables describing business development and firm–bank relationship, discouraged SMEs have less in common with credit-constrained firms than with their unconstrained counterparts. Even with a conservative prediction, about 60% of the discouraged firms would have obtained a bank loan if they had applied for one. The self-rationing mechanism observed is thus rather inefficient, and banks and policy makers should think about how to foster SMEs’ courage to apply for the bank loans they need.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (16) ◽  
pp. 7349
Seungsik Min ◽  
Hyeonae Jang

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is one of the most widely employed pre-evaluation techniques to avoid risks during the product design and manufacturing phases. Risk priority number (RPN), a risk assessment indicator used in FMEA, is widely used in the field due to its simple calculation process, but its limitations as an absolute risk assessment indicator have been pointed out. There has also been criticism of the unstructured nature and lack of systematicity in the FMEA procedures. This work proposes an expected loss-FMEA (EL-FMEA) model that organizes FMEA procedures and structures quantitative risk assessment metrics. In the EL-FMEA model, collectible maintenance record data is defined and based on this, the failure rate of components and systems and downtime and uptime of the system are calculated. Moreover, based on these calculated values, the expected economic loss is computed considering the failure detection time. It also provides an alternative coefficient to evaluate whether or not a detection system is installed to improve the expected loss of failure. Finally, a case study was conducted based on the maintenance record data, and the application procedure of the EL-FMEA model was presented in detail, and the practicality of this model was verified through the results.

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