removable dental prostheses
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Anne Schmutzler ◽  
Angelika Rauch ◽  
Ina Nitschke ◽  
Bernd Lethaus ◽  
Sebastian Hahnel

2021 ◽  
pp. 103842
Murali Srinivasan ◽  
Nicole Kalberer ◽  
Nicolas Fankhauser ◽  
Manuel Naharro ◽  
Sabrina Maniewicz ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (Suppl. 1) ◽  
pp. 206-209
Sinan Ateş ◽  
Belgin Gülsün

Aim: To investigate the effects of removable dental prostheses on mandibular bone density in postmenopausal osteoporotic patients. Methodology: The prospective study included 30 female patients aged 45–70 years who had been previously diagnosed with postmenopausal osteoporosis. The patients had no diseases affecting bone metabolism. The patients were divided into two groups: (i) patients who were using removable dental prostheses (n=15) and (ii) patients who were not using removable dental prostheses (n=15) (the control group). A whole-body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan was performed to calculate the mandibular bone densities of the patients. Results: The use of removable mandibular prostheses did not cause a significant change in mandibular bone density. Conclusion: The fact that removable mandibular prostheses did not cause a significant change in mandibular bone density could be because the patients started using the removable prostheses long after they lost their teeth.   How to cite this article: Akın Tartuk G, Kaya S. The effect of different final irrigation solutions on apical impermeability. Int Dent Res 2021;11(Suppl.1):201-5.   Linguistic Revision: The English in this manuscript has been checked by at least two professional editors, both native speakers of English.

А.К. Иорданишвили ◽  
Л.Н. Солдатова ◽  
П.А. Мушегян

Травматические повреждения слизистой оболочки полости рта (СОПР) являются главным предрасполагающим фактором развития онкостоматологической патологии у пожилых и старых людей. Целью исследования явилось изучение встречаемости травматических поражений СОПР у людей старших возрастных групп и оценка эффективности их лечения с использованием современных отечественных средств. Были обследованы 967 человек 19-82 лет (569 мужчин и 398 женщин). При лечении 83 пациентов пожилого и старческого возраста проведена оценка эффективности использования современных отечественных средств «АСЕПТАадгезивный бальзам для дёсен» и «АСЕПТАгель для десен с прополисом» в сравнении c винилином для внутреннего применения. Установлено, что люди пожилого и старческого возраста в 9,41 и 9,52% случаев соответственно страдают травматическими поражениями СОПР, причиной которых в 96,7-97,1% являются травмирующие факторы от пользования съемными зубными протезами. Несвоевременное лечение травм в 7,9% приводит к образованию протезных фибром. Сравнительная оценка эффективности лечения травматических поражений СОПР протезной этиологии показала целесообразность применения современных отечественных средств «АСЕПТАадгезивный бальзам для дёсен» в течение первых 2 дней от начала терапии, а затем «АСЕПТАгель для десен с прополисом» до полного заживления травматических повреждений в сравнении с использованием для этих же целей винилина для внутреннего применения, эффективность которого остается высокой. Своевременное выявление и лечение травматических повреждений СОПР являются важными факторами профилактики онкостоматологической патологии у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста. Traumatic damages to the oral mucosa are the main predisposing factor for the development of the oncostomatological pathology among the old people. The aim of the investigation was to study the occurrence of traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa among people of old age groups and estimate the effectiveness of their treatment using modern domestic remedies. 967 people (569 males and 398 females) from 19 to 82 years old were examined to determine the occurrence of traumatic oral mucosal pathology. Value of effectiveness while treatment of 83 elderly patients using modern domestic agents «ASEPTA adhesive balm for gums» and «ASEPTA gel for gums with propolis» was assessed in comparison with vinylin for internal use. It is found that 9,41 and 9,52% of cases are traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa respectively among elderly and senile people respectively. The cause of them in 96,7-97,1% cases are traumatic factors while using removable dental prostheses; the untimely treatment of these factors in 7,9% leads to the formation of prosthetic fibroms. A comparative evaluation of the treatment effectiveness of prosthetic-etiology-traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa showed the advisability of using modern domestic agents like «ASEPTA adhesive balm for gums» during the first 2 days from the start of therapy and then «ASEPTA gel for gums with propolis» until complete healing of traumatic injuries, compared to the using of vinylin for internal use for the same purposes, which efficiency remains high. Timely detection and treatment of the traumatic defeats of oral mucosa are an important factors of prevention of oncostomatological pathologies among elderly and senile persons.

Fazel Karimzadeh ◽  
Seyed Masoud Sajedi ◽  
Saman Taram ◽  
Fathemeh Karimzadeh

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1458
Oliver Schierz ◽  
Leonie Schmohl ◽  
Sebastian Hahnel ◽  
Angelika Rauch

Compared to thermoplastic manufacturing techniques, computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies made it easier to process modern restorative and prosthetic materials with improved material properties. In dentistry, tooth-colored alternatives to metal-based frameworks for application in removable dental prostheses (RDP) emerged. With regard to this aspect, the current article provides an overview of the specific material properties of polyoxymethylene (POM). Furthermore, it reviews scientific literature indexed in PubMed and Web of Science that focuses on RDPs fabricated from POM within the last 10 years. Finally, a prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a RDP fabricated from POM is illustrated and observation during a follow-up over 10 months are described. Scientific data and clinical observations indicate that polyoxymethylene is a promising material that bridges gaps in dental therapeutic options. While survival time may be limited due to wear, POM might be a favorable option for application in semi-permanent restorations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-65
Wael Abdul Alrazzaq Alwaeli ◽  
Mohammed Abdul Sattar Alsegar

Heat-polymerized resins are common substances utilized for construction of removable dental prostheses (i.e. Orthodontic appliances). Such materials should have appropriate physical properties. The use of disinfectant solutions might influence the physical characteristics of the acrylic materials.  This study was conducted to assess the influence of different disinfectants on heat polymerized resins in terms of surface hardness. Forty specimens were made from heat-polymerized acrylic resins in total. The investigation comprised 4 groups according to the disinfectants utilized and each group had ten specimens. The 1st group was immersed in distilled water (control); the 2nd group was disinfected in Efferdent; the 3rd group was disinfected in 4 % Chlorhexidine; and the 4th group was disinfected in 1% hypochlorite. All specimens were tested via a hardness tester three times and the average reading was measured for all specimens. The statistical results indicated a slight decline in the mean values of surface hardness of acrylic specimens following immersion in disinfectants. The greatest value of mean was for distilled water specimens whereas the lowest value of mean was for 4% Chlorhexidine specimens. Furthermore, no significant differences were found among all groups (P>0.05). The study concluded that the use of disinfectants solutions slightly decreases the hardness of heat polymerized resins. It is recommended to evaluate the chemical interaction between the acrylic resins and disinfectants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Ina Nitschke ◽  
Anja Wendland ◽  
Sophia Weber ◽  
Julia Jockusch ◽  
Bernd Lethaus ◽  

Demographic changes in the industrialized countries require that dentists adapt to the growing and heterogeneous group of elderly patients and develop concepts for the dental care of fit, frail, and dependent old and very old people. In general, dental care for old and very old people should be based on their individual everyday life. As a result of demographic changes, improved oral hygiene at home, and the establishment of professional teeth and denture cleaning, tooth loss occurs increasingly in higher ages, which implies that first extensive prosthetic rehabilitation with fixed or/and removable dental prostheses is shifting to a higher average age than ever before. This phenomenon requires that the individual diseases, potential multimorbidity and polypharmacy, and associated limitations are taken into consideration. Against this background, the current survey aims to summarize epidemiological trends associated with tooth loss, using Germany as a highly representative country for demographic changes as an example. Furthermore, the current narrative summary outlines general principles that should be followed in dental care, treatment of geriatric patients, and outlines current therapeutic options in prosthetic dentistry.

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