assembly language
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Ghaidaa Mohammad Esber, Mothanna Alkubeily, Samer Sulaiman Ghaidaa Mohammad Esber, Mothanna Alkubeily, Samer Sulaiman

Wireless sensor network simulation programs provide representation for an actual system, without needing to deploy real testbed which is highly constrained by the available budget, and the direct operations inside physical layer in most of these programs are hidden and work implicitly. This is what motivated us to build a kernel for a virtual simulation platform to be able to simulate protocol operations and algorithms at the node processing unit level, The proposed system aims to observe the execution of operations at the low level of the wireless sensor physical infrastructure with the ability to modify at this level. That give the improvers of wireless sensor nodes the ability to test their ideas without needing to use physical environment. We have built the functionality operations which are related to the platform kernel at several stages. We defined (as a first step) the essential operations inside a virtual microprocessor that uses a partial set pf MIPS instructions, and built the kernel of minimized virtual WSN simulator depending on the proposed microprocessor, that means we can add any number of nodes inside the GUI of the WSN simulator kernel, and these nodes use the proposed virtual microprocessor . Then we improved this platform by adding the instruction set of a real microprocessor that is used in wireless sensor network nodes. Finally, (and to ease and simplify the interaction operation between program GUI of the platform kernel and the user), we have built simplified compiler that allows user to deal with microprocessor GUI inside each node, and to clarify protocol and algorithm operations by a set of orders and functions without needing to deal with low level language (Assembly language) in a direct way. The simulation results have presented high flexibility and performance to this platform in observing the operation sequence inside wireless sensor nodes at assembly level, in addition to focus on some parameters that are related to microprocessor inside each node.

2021 ◽  
Xuezixiang Li ◽  
Yu Qu ◽  
Heng Yin

Mike Rainey ◽  
Ryan R. Newton ◽  
Kyle Hale ◽  
Nikos Hardavellas ◽  
Simone Campanoni ◽  

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 657
Oliver G. Maupin ◽  
Andrew D. Baczewski ◽  
Peter J. Love ◽  
Andrew J. Landahl

We present example quantum chemistry programs written with JaqalPaq, a python meta-programming language used to code in Jaqal (Just Another Quantum Assembly Language). These JaqalPaq algorithms are intended to be run on the Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) platform at Sandia National Laboratories. Our exemplars use the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) quantum algorithm to compute the ground state energies of the H2, HeH+, and LiH molecules. Since the exemplars focus on how to program in JaqalPaq, the calculations of the second-quantized Hamiltonians are performed with the PySCF python package, and the mappings of the fermions to qubits are obtained from the OpenFermion python package. Using the emulator functionality of JaqalPaq, we emulate how these exemplars would be executed on an error-free QSCOUT platform and compare the emulated computation of the bond-dissociation curves for these molecules with their exact forms within the relevant basis.

А.Б. Буслаев ◽  
Н.Н. Кошелева ◽  
С.С. Белокопытов

Рассматривается модуль GY-521, на котором установлена микросхема MPU6050, объединяющая в одном корпусе акселерометр, гироскоп и температурный датчик. Такие датчики изготовлены на основе микромеханических систем (МЭМС), основным преимуществом которых является малый размер, низкое энергопотребление и небольшая стоимость. Одновременное использование акселерометра и гироскопа позволяет определить изменение движения тела в трехмерном пространстве. Рассмотрены основные характеристики используемого модуля. Управление микросхемы осуществляется с помощью архитектуры интерфейса IC «ведущий-ведомый». В работе ведомым является MPU6050, а ведущим (производит запрос на чтение или запись данных) является микроконтроллер, имеющий в своем составе аппаратную шину передачи данных IC. Показана возможная программная реализация алгоритма подключения нескольких ведомых устройств (шести микросхем MPU6050). Представлена принципиальная схема подключения к одному порту ввода-вывода микроконтроллера. Рассмотрен алгоритм работы микроконтроллера с подключенными микросхемами (шестью) MPU6050. Приведены пример программы (с использованием языка ассемблер) инициализации связи с MPU6050, а также программа считывания данных для снятия последних измерений акселерометра, гироскопа, температурного датчика. Применение нескольких модулей с одновременным считыванием с них информации позволяет осуществлять контроль систем управления полетом, имеющих совокупность нескольких управляющих поверхностей и устройств The paper considers the GY-521 module, which is equipped with the MPU6050 chip, which combines an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a temperature sensor in one housing. Such sensors are made on the basis of micromechanical systems (MEMS), the main advantages of which are small size, low power consumption and low cost. The simultaneous use of an accelerometer and a gyroscope allows you to determine the change in the movement of a body in three-dimensional space. We considered the main characteristics of the module used. The control of the chip is carried out using the architecture of the IC interface "master-slave". In operation, the MPU6050 is the host, and the master (makes a request to read or write data) is a microcontroller that has an IC hardware data bus. We show a possible software implementation of the algorithm for connecting multiple slave devices (six MPU6050 chips). We present a schematic diagram of the connection to a single I/O port of the microcontroller. We consider the algorithm of operation of the microcontroller with connected chips (six) MPU6050. We give an example of a program (using the assembly language) for initializing communication with the MPU6050, as well as a program for reading data for taking the latest measurements of the accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature sensor. The use of several modules with simultaneous reading of information from them allows you to control flight control systems that have a set of several control surfaces and devices

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-88
Berto Nadeak ◽  
Sony Bahagia Sinaga

The microprocessor that became the machine for the IBM PC / XT microcomputers and their compatible. This processor is often referred to as simply "8088" or "8086". Although the hardware of the 8088 is slightly different from the 8086, they can be viewed as the same from a programming perspective. The Intel 8088/8086 is a 16 bit processor, meaning that the data path and registers are 16 bits in size. The addressing mode is divided into several types, among others, register addressing, immediate addressing, direct addressing and indirect addressing. In addition, in learning Assembly language, we must memorize all registers and understand their use. Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) is a variety of information in the way of learning. Computers as a medium will help students find new things that are more interesting than conventional teacher-centered ways. Although it is known that the ways of learning and teaching, as well as the acquisition of learning information for each individual are different.

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